Ivar Bleiklie


Emeriti, Professor



Public Policy

Public Administration

Comparative Politics

Higher Education Policy and Organization

Research Policy

Health Care Policy

Biomedical Policy

Academic article
Academic lecture
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Feature article
Popular scientific lecture
Doctoral dissertation
Encyclopedia article
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Popular scientific article
Programme participation
Masters thesis
Letter to the editor
Thesis at a second degree level
Academic monograph
Non-fiction book

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


2017 Managing Universities: Policy and Organizational Change from a Western European Comparative Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (ed. with J. Enders and B. Lepori). 

2009 University Governance: Western European Comparative Perspectives, Dordrecht: Springer (ed. With C. Paradeise, E. Reale & E. Ferlie).

2008 From Governance to Identity. Dordrecht: Springer (ed. with Alberto Amaral and Christine Musselin).

2006 Transforming Higher Education. A Comparative Study (2nd edition). Dordrecht: Springer. (ed. with M. Kogan, M. Bauer, & M. Henkel).

2005 Governing Knowledge: a study of continuity and change in higher education. Dordrecht: Springer (ed. with Mary Henkel).

2004 Comparative Biomedical Policy: Governing Assisted Reproductive Technologies. London: Routledge. (ed. with Malcolm Goggin & Christine Rothmayr).

2000 Transforming Higher Education. A Comparative Study.  London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley. (ed. with M. Kogan, M. Bauer, & M. Henkel).

2000 Policy and Practice in Higher Education: Reforming Norwegian Universities. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley (with R. Høstaker & A. Vabø).

1997 Service Regimes in Public Welfare Administration. Case Studies of Street-level Bureau­crats and Professionals as Decision Makers. Oslo: Tano - Aschehoug.

1996 Kunnskap ­og makt. Norsk høyere utdanning i endring. (Ed.) Oslo: Tano - Aschehoug.

1985 Poli­tikkens forvalt­n­ing, (Ed. with P. Bomann-Larsen, E. Falkum, T. Gran & T.Ø. Jensen). Bergen: Univer­sitetsfor­laget.

Edited Journal Issue

2013 “Transforming Universities in Europe”, Higher Education, (2013) 65 (1) (Special issue edited with J. Enders and B. Lepori). 

2007 “Sustaining Diversity: Differentiating Higher Education Systems in a Knowledge Society”, Higher Education Policy, 2007, 20. (Special issue edited with Philippe Laredo and Sverker Sörlin)

2005 “Universities and the Production of Knowledge,” Higher Education, (49) 1-2. (Special issue edited with Walter W. Powell).

Articles and Book Chapters

2022 "Universitetsdemokratiet"(with S. Michelsen), chap. 2, vol. I , in A. Andresen and K.T. Elvbakken. Vitenskap og vitenskapshistorier - Universitetet i Bergen 75 år. Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen.

2022 “Political science and the Norwegian policy advisory system”, Chapter 11 (with S. Michelsen) in Brans, M and Timmermans, A. (eds.) The Advisory Role of Political Scientists in Europe, Chams: Palgrave Macmillan.

2020 “Making policies for better performance – Explaining higher education reform policies in Europe”, Chapter 13 (with S. Michelsen) in Welpe, I.M, Stumpf-Wollersheim, J., Ritzenhöfer, L., Prenzel, M. (eds.) Leistungsbewertung in wissenschaftlichen Institutionen und Universitäten. Eine mehrdimensionale Perspektive, Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-068977-8

2020 “Making European Political Science Matter: Policy Advice by European Political Scientists”, Chapter 11 (with M. Brans and S. Michelsen) in T. Boncourt, I. Engeli and D. Garzia (eds.) Political Science in Europe: Achievements, Challenges, Prospects. London, New York: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN: 978-1-78552-311-3 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-78552-312-0 (ebook)

2019 "Regionale universiteter og utdanningspolitiske paradokser", i J. P. Knudsen & T. Lauvdal (Red.), Geografi, kunnskap og vitenskap. Den regionale UH-sektorens framvekst og betydning (s. 53–74). (Regional universities and paradoxes in educational policy) Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. https://doi.org/10.23865/noasp.73.ch2. Lisens: CC BY 4.

2019 “Scandinavian Higher Education Governance – Pursuing Similar Goals through Different Organizational Arrangements”, (with S. Michelsen) in European Policy Analysis, 5 (2): 190-209, DOI: 10.1002/epa2.1056

2018 “New Public Management or Neo-liberalism”, in J. C. Shin and P. Teixeira (eds.) Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Dordrecht: Springer 

2018 “Changing Notions of the Governance – Creativity Nexus”, European Review 26 (1)., 1–14 © 2017 Academia Europæa doi:10.1017/S1062798717000503

2017 “Higher Education Research in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden”, in J. C. Shin and P. Teixeira (eds.) Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Dordrecht: Springer 

2017 Setting the Stage – Theory and Research Questions (with J. Enders and B. Lepori) in I. Bleiklie, J. Enders and B. Lepori (eds.) Managing Universities: Policy and Organizational Change in a Western European Comparative Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave. eBook ISBN 978-3-319-53865-5, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53865-5, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-53864-8

2017 University Governance – Organizational Centralization and Engagement in European Universities (with S. Michelsen, G. Krücken and N. Frølich) in I. Bleiklie, J. Enders and B. Lepori (eds.) Managing Universities: Policy and Organizational Change in a Western European Comparative Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave. eBook ISBN 978-3-319-53865-5, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53865-5, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-53864-8

2017 Political-Administrative Structures and University Policies (with S. Michelsen) in I. Bleiklie, J. Enders and B. Lepori (eds.) Managing Universities: Policy and Organizational Change in a Western European Comparative Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave. eBook ISBN 978-3-319-53865-5, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53865-5, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-53864-8

2017 Actor Constellations and Policy Making (with S. Michelsen, M. Henkel and E. Reale) in I. Bleiklie, J. Enders and B. Lepori (eds.) Managing Universities: Policy and Organizational Change in a Western European Comparative Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave. eBook ISBN 978-3-319-53865-5, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53865-5, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-53864-8

2017 Policy Instruments in European Universities: Implementation of Higher Education Policies (with G. M. Nyhagen and K. Hope) in I. Bleiklie, J. Enders and B. Lepori (eds.) Managing Universities: Policy and Organizational Change in a Western European Comparative Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave. eBook ISBN 978-3-319-53865-5, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53865-5, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-53864-8

2017 Organizational Configurations of Modern Universities, Institutional Logics and Public Policies. Towards an Integrative Framework (with J. Enders and B. Lepori) in I. Bleiklie, J. Enders and B. Lepori (eds.) Managing Universities: Policy and Organizational Change in a Western European Comparative Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave. eBook ISBN 978-3-319-53865-5, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53865-5, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-53864-8

2017 “Academic institutions, ambiguity and learning outcomes as management tools” (with Nicoline Frølich, Mary Henkel & Rachel Sweetman), European Journal of Education, 2017 52: 68–79.

2016 “The shaping of a policy instrument: The political-administrative formation of learning outcomes in higher education in Norway and England”, (with Svein Michelsen, Rachel Sweetman, Bjørn Stensaker), Higher Education Policy 29 (3), pp.  399–417, doi:10.1057/s41307-016-0009-5

2015 “Organizing knowledge institutions – standardizing diversity” (with Gigliola Mathisen Nyhagen, Jürgen Enders and Benedetto Lepori), in L Wedlin & M Nedeva (eds.) Towards European Science: dynamics and change in science policy and organization. London: Edward Elgar.

2015 Organizations as penetrated hierarchies. Institutional pressures and variations in patterns of control in European universities. (with Jürgen Enders and Benedetto Lepori), Organization Studies. DOI: 10.1177/0170840615571960.

2014 «Styring og ledelse i høyere utdanningspolitikk” (with Nicoline Frølich) in N. Frølich, E. Hovdhaugen and L.I. Terum (eds.) Utdanning: kapasitet, kvalitet og relevans - Utviklingstrekk i norsk høyre utdanning. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk.


2014 «European Universities as Complete Organizations? Understanding Identity, Hierarchy and Rationality in Public Organizations» (with Marco Seeber, Benedetto Lepori, Martina Montauti, Jürgen Enders, et al) Public Management Review, DOI 10.1080/14719037.2014.943268.


2014 “Comparing University Organizations across Boundaries”, Higher Education, (2014) 67 (4):381-391, DOI 10.1007/s10734-013-9683-z, (special issue edited by T. Nokkala and A. Kozmützky).


2013 “Comparing Higher Education Policies in Europe - Structures and Reform Outputs in Eight countries” Higher Education. 65 (1): 113–133 (2013), DOI 10.1007/s10734-012-9584-5 (co-authored with Michelsen, S.), Volume 65 Number 1, High Educ (2013) 65:113-133, DOI 10.1007/s10734-012-9584-6


2013 “Introduction” (with J.Enders and B. Lepori) Higher Education, Special Issue: Transforming Higher Education in Europe High Educ DOI 10.1007/s10734-012-9577-5 High Educ (2013) 65 (1):1-4 DOI 10.1007/s10734-012-9577-5


2012 “La nueva gestión publica, la gobernanza en red y la universidad como una organización profesional cambiante.” (con Jürgen Enders, Benedetto Lepori and Christine Musselin) en Kehm, B.M. (Com.). La nueva gobernanza de los sistemas universitarios. Barcelona: Octaedro - ICE. (ISBN 978-84-9921-172-5)


2012 “Collegiality and hierarchy – Coordinating principles in higher education”. In A. Nelson & I. Wei (eds.) The Global University: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives. New York: Palgrave MacMillan


2011 “Excellence, Quality and the Diversity of Higher Education Systems” in M. Rostan and M. Vaira (eds.) Questioning Excellence in Higher Education. Policies, Experiences and Challenges in National and Comparative Perspective. Rotterdam: Sense.


2011 “New Public Management, Network Governance and the university as a changing professional organization”(with Jürgen Enders, Benedetto Lepori and Christine Musselin) Chapter 11 in T. Christensen & P. Lægreid (eds.) Ashgate Research Companion to New Public Management, Aldershot: Ashgate: pp 161-176.


2010 “Competition and Leadership as Drivers in German and Norwegian University Reforms” (with Stefan Lange) Higher Education Policy, 23 (2): 173 – 193.


2009 “Norway as Higher Education Policy Maker – from Tortoise to Eager Beaver?” in University Governance: Western European comparative perspectives, (ed. with C. Paradeise, E. Ferlie & E. Reale). Dordrecht: Springer.


2009 “University Steering Between Stories and History” with C. Paradeise, E. Reale, G. Goastellec in University Governance: Western European comparative perspectives, (ed. with C. Paradeise, E. Ferlie & E. Reale). Dordrecht: Springer.


2008 ”Reform policies and change processes in Europe” J. Huisman (ed.) International Perspectives on the Governance of Higher Education: Alternative Frameworks for Coordination, London: Routledge. (with C. Paradeise, J. Enders, G. Goastellec, S. Michelsen, E. Reale & D. Westerheiden).


2008 “The university as enterprise and academic co-determination”, (Co-authored with S. Michelsen), in A.Amaral, I. Bleiklie and C. Musselin (eds.) From Governance to Indentity. Dordrecht: Springer


2007 “Introduction” (with Philippe Laredo and Sverker Sörlin), Higher Education Policy, 20: 365-372, (Special issue edited with Philippe Laredo and Sverker Sörlin).


2007 “Systemic Integration and Macro Steering”, Higher Education Policy, 20: 391-412, (Special issue edited with Philippe Laredo and Sverker Sörlin).


2007 “Organisation and Governance of Universities”, (with Maurice Kogan), Higher Education Policy, 20: 477-493, (Special issue edited with Philippe Laredo and Sverker Sörlin).


2007 “Conclusion” (with Philippe Laredo and Sverker Sörlin), Higher Education Policy, 20: 495-500, (Special issue edited with Philippe Laredo and Sverker Sörlin).


2007 “The Social Foundations of the Evaluative State and the Universities as Stakeholder Organisations”, in Enders, J. & F. van Vught (eds.), Towards a cartography of higher education policy change; A Festschrift in Honour of Guy Neave. University of Twente: CHEPS.


2007 “Knut Dahl Jacobsen”, Norsk statsvitenskapelig leksikon, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.


2006 “Comparison and Theories” (Co-authored with M. Kogan), in M. Kogan, M. Bauer, I. Bleiklie & M. Henkel (eds). Transforming Higher Education. A Comparative Study (2nd edition). Dordrecht: Springer (ed. with M. Kogan, M. Bauer, & M. Henkel).


2006 “Policy Regimes and Policy Making”, in M. Kogan, M. Bauer, I. Bleiklie & M. Henkel (eds). Transforming Higher Education. A Comparative Study (2nd edition). Dordrecht: Springer. (ed. with M. Kogan, M. Bauer, & M. Henkel).


2006 “Change and Continuity: Some Conclusions” (Co-authored with M. Kogan, M. Bauer, & M. Henkel), in M. Kogan, M. Bauer, I. Bleiklie & M. Henkel (eds). Transforming Higher Education. A Comparative Study (2nd edition). Dordrecht: Springer. (ed. with M. Kogan, M. Bauer, & M. Henkel).


2005 “Politics, Markets, Networks and European Higher Education”, in Enders, J., J. File, J. Huisman and D. Westerheijden (eds.) The European Higher Education and Research Landscape 2020. Scenarios and Strategic Debates. Dordrecht: Springer.


2005 "Introduction" in I. Bleiklie and M. Henkel (eds.) Governing Knowledge: a study of continuity and change in higher education. Dordrecht: Springer.


2005 "Academic Leadership and Emerging Knowledge Regimes" in I. Bleiklie and M. Henkel (eds.) Governing Knowledge: a study of continuity and change in higher education. Dordrecht: Springer.


2005 “Universities and the Production of Knowledge.” (Co-authored with Walter W. Powell), in I. Bleiklie and W.W. Powell (eds.) “Universities and the Production of Knowledge.” Special issue Higher Education, 49 (1-2): 1-8.


2005 “Organizing Higher Education in Knowledge Society”, in I. Bleiklie and W.W. Powell (eds.) “Universities and the Production of Knowledge.” Special issue Higher Education, 49 (1-2): 31-59.


2004 “Norway: holding back competition?” in Hood, C., O. James, B. G, Peters & C. Scott (eds) Controlling Modern Government, London: Edward Elgar.


2004 “Modernizing Research Training - Education and science policy between profession, discipline and academic institution” (Co-authored with R. Høstaker), Higher Education Policy. 17 (2): 221-236.


2004 “The Comparative Policy Design Perspective.” (Co-authored with M. Goggin, D. Orth & C. Rothmayr) in I. Bleiklie, M. Goggin & C. Rothmayr Comparative Biomedical Policy: How European and North American Countries Govern Assisted Reproductive Technologies. London: Routledge.


2004 “Legislation for Protection. Why Norway designed restrictive policies in the field of ARTs.” in I. Bleiklie, M. Goggin & C. Rothmayr Comparative Biomedical Policy: How European and North American Countries Govern Assisted Reproductive Technologies. London: Routledge.


2004 “Comparing Policy Design across Countries: What Accounts For Variation in Art Policy?” (Co-authored with C. Rothmayr, F. Varone, U. Serdült & A. Timmermans) in I. Bleiklie, M. Goggin & C. Rothmayr Comparative Biomedical Policy: How European and North American Countries Govern Assisted Reproductive Technologies. London: Routledge.


2004 “Interest Groups” in M. Hawkesworth & M. Kogan (eds.) Encyclopedia of Government and Politics. London: Routledge.


2003 “Hierarchy and Specialization. On institutional integration of higher education systems”. European Journal of Education. 38 (4): 341-355.


2003 “In Defense of Eclecticism”, Swiss Political Science Review, 9 (2): 142-148.


2002 “Hierarki og spesialisering i bevegelse”, in T. Halvorsen & S. Michelsen (eds.) Faglige forbindelser, Oslo: Fagbokforlaget.


2002 “Changing Knowledge Regimes – Universities in a New Research Environment.” (Co-authored with Haldor Byrkjeflot.), Higher Education 44 (2-3): 519-532.


2002 “Explaining Change in Higher Education Policy” in P.Trowler (ed.) Higher Education Policy and Institutional Change: London: SRHE and Open University Press.


2001 “Towards European Convergence of Higher Education Policy?” Higher Education Management 13 (3): 9-29.


2000 “Comparison and Theories” (Co-authored with M. Kogan), in M. Kogan, M. Bauer, I. Bleiklie & M. Henkel (eds). Transforming Higher Education. A Comparative Study.  London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley.


2000 “Policy Regimes and Policy Making”, in M. Kogan, M. Bauer, I. Bleiklie & M. Henkel (eds). Transforming Higher Education. A Comparative Study.  London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley.


2000 “Change and Continuity: Some Conclusions” (Co-authored with M. Kogan, M. Bauer, & M. Henkel), in M. Kogan, M. Bauer, I. Bleiklie & M. Henkel (eds). Transforming Higher Education. A Comparative Study.  London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley.


2000 “Policy Regimes and Policy Change: Comparing Higher Education Reform Policy in Three European Countries.” in R. Kalleberg et al. (eds). Comparative Perspectives on Universities. Comparative Social Research, vol. 19: 101-138. Greenwich, Conn: JAI Press.


1999 “The University, the State and Civil Society”, Higher Education in Europe. 4/99.


1999 “Knut Dahl Jacobsen in memoriam” Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, 15 (1): 100-109.


1998 “Justifying the Evaluative State. New Public Management Ideals in Higher Edu­cation.” European Journal of Education, 33 (3): 299-316.


1997 “Fra ­­­­­­­­­­­­kultur­­­institusjon til ­­­­kunnskaps­­bedrift - om ledelse ved universitetene”, in H. Byrkje­flot (ed.) Fra styring til ledelse. Oslo: Fagbok­forlaget.


1997, 1994, 1992 “For­valt­nin­gen og den en­kelte” (2d revised edition, co-authored with K.D. Jacobsen & J. Thors­vik)., in T. Christensen & M. Egeberg (eds.) Forvaltnings­kunnskap, Oslo: Tano - Aschehoug.


1996 “Organizing Innovation. An Evaluation Report on the Work of the Swedish Case Method Centre”, Stockholm: National Agency for Higher education (Högskoleverket) Högskoleverkets skriftserie 1996:4S.


1996 “Den psykiatriske klinikken som service­regime” in V. Erichsen (ed.) Profesjons­makt. Oslo: Tano - Aschehoug.


1996 “Introduksjon” in Kunnskap­ og makt. Norsk høyere utdanning i endring (Knowledge and Power­. Norwegian ­Higher Edu­cation under Change). Oslo: Tano - Aschehoug.


1996 “Universitetet - fra kulturinstitusjon til kunnskapsbedrift?” Chapter 1 in  Kunnskap­ og makt. Norsk høyere utdanning i endring. Oslo: Tano - Aschehoug.


1996 “Politiske nettverk og den universitets­politiske arena”. Chapter 2 in Kunnskap­ og makt. Norsk høyere utdanning i endring. Oslo: Tano - Aschehoug.


1996 “Lokale reformstrategier - rituali­sering, tilpas­sning og utnytting” (Co-authored with N. Frølich, G. Reppen & M. Aarre). Chapter 3 in Kunnskap­ og makt. Norsk høyere utdanning i endring Oslo: Tano - Aschehoug.


1996 “Reformpolitikk og endring” (“Reform Policy and Change”), Chapter 8 in Kunnskap­ og makt. Norsk høyere utdanning i endring Oslo: Tano - Aschehoug.


1994 “From Individual Pursuit to Organized Enterprise. Norwegian higher education policy and the graduate curriculum.” (Co-authored with R. Høstaker). European Journal of Education, 29 (3): 305-322.


1994 “Norwegian and Swedish Graduate Reform Policies”. Higher Education Policy. 7 (1): 18-24.


1993 “Norsk og svensk universitets­­­­­politikk”. Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift.  9 (4): 271-292


1992 “Kjønnsfor­skjeller og serviceregimer i velferds­sta­ten”, Kjønn og kunnskap, Senter for humanistisk kvinneforskning, Universitetet i Bergen, Skriftserien nr. 3.


1989, 1984, 1987, 1979 “For­valt­nin­gen og den en­kelte” (Co-authored with K.D. Jacobsen & J. Thors­vik). in L. Skare (ed.) (For­valtni­ngen i samfun­net) Public Administration in Soci­ety. Oslo: Tanum.


1989 “Det nye univer­sitetet i den nye staten”, Samtiden, 98 (4): 40-46.


1985 “Fordelingsvirkninger av tjenestemanns­atferd”, in I.Bleiklie et al. (eds.) Poli­tikkens forvalt­n­ing (The Administra­tion of Policy), Bergen: Univer­sitetsfor­laget.


1985 “Knut Dahl Jacobsen 60 år”, Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift, 1 (1): 69-76.


1983 “The Selective Providers. Organization and Distribution Effects of Public Service Provi­sion”, Tidsskrift för rätt­ssociologi, vol.1, 1983/84: 55-80.


1982 “Brukernes erfaringer fra kontakt med med offentlig virksomhet” (“User's Experi­ences with the Bureaucratic Encounter”), in Publikum - erfaringskilde for forvaltningen Oslo: Mini­stry of Cons­umer Affairs and Government Admini­stration - Universi­tetsforlaget.


1981 “For­valtningsfors­kning, samfunnsplan­legging og sosial­politikk. Forsknings­str­ategi og problemstillinger” Statsviteren, No. 3/1981: 27-38.


1978 “Et teoretisk bidrag til studiet av samhand­lingen mellom forvaltning og brukerne av offentlige til­tak” Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskn­ing, 19 (4):



Higher Education Learning Ourcomes. Member of the research team. Collaboration with NIFU: Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education. Funding: The Research Council of Norway (2012-2015).

Kvalitet og samspill: UH-sektoren og samfunnet. Member of the research team. Collaboration with NIFU: Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education. Funding: The Ministry of Education and Research (2012-2015).

Transforming Universities in Europe (TRUE). Project Director. Funding: The European Science Foundation (ESF) Collaborative Research Project (2009 – 2013). Participant national projects from France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland and the UK.

Steering of Universities (SUN). Project Director for the Norwegian Research Team. Funding: European Union PRIME Program of Excellence (2006-2007). Participant National Research Teams from France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland and the UK.

Kvalitetsreformen – et nytt kunnskapsregime i norsk høyere utdanning? (The Quality Reform – A New Knowledge Regime on Norwegian Higher Education?).  Member of the research group. Funding: The Research Council of Norwa (2002-2007).

Autonomy, Transparency, Management – the Norwegian Hospital Reform. Member of the research group. Funding: The Research Council of Norway (2002-2006).

The South African Norwegian Tertiary Education Development Project. Advisor and member of the research group.Funding: NORAD-The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (2002-2005).

Comparative Policy Design Project. Co-Director. Funding: Norwegian Research Center in Organization and Management (LOS-Senteret:1998-2003). Participant researchers from Canada, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and the USA .

Universities as Sites of Citizenship Project. Member of the Contact Group representing the University of Bergen. The Project was a Collaborative University Project of The Higher Education and Research Committee (CC-HER) of the Council of Europe (2000). Participant universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and USA.

Utdanningspolitikk og utdanningsorganisering i kunnskapssamfunnet (Educational Policy and  Educational Organization in the Knowledge Society). Director. Funding: The Meltzer Fund, University of Bergen 1997-2000.

Evalueringen av SV-fakultetet (The Evaluation of the Faculty of Social Science). Project Director. Funding: University of Bergen 1997-1999. Kjønn og universitet i Norden (Gender and University in the Nordic Countries). Director. Nordic Research Project. Funding: Nordisk Ministeråd (1997).

International Research Project on Higher Education Reform. Co-Director. Funding: The Research Council of Norway, The Swedish Council on Research on Higher Education, and The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (1995-2000). Participant Universities: University of Bergen, Brunel University and Göteborgs Universitet.

Evaluering av Høyskolereformen (Evaluation of the State College Reform). Member of the research group comissioned by The Research Council of Norway for this research project. Funded by the Research Council of Norway (1996-1998).

Utdanningssystemet som styringsarena (The Educational System as a Policy Arena). Director.  Funding: The LOS-Program of The Research Council of Norway (1992-1996).

Forvaltningen og svaktstilte brukere (Public Administration and Poor Social Groups).  Member of the planning and research group for the Program. Funding: Research Council of Norway for Research on Social Planning (RFSP: 1981-83).