Malterud, Kirsti; Elvbakken, Kari Tove
(2021). Idealer og realiteter i brukermedvirkning i helseforskning: Medforskere på lik linje med forskere med akademisk bakgrunn?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Siersma, Volkert Dirk; Guassora, Ann Dorrit
(2021). Information power - Sample content and size in qualitative studies. (external link)
Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Malterud, Kirsti
(2021). Brukermedvirkning i helsetjeneste og helseforskning – historie og politikk. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Kamps, Harald
(2021). General practice–a fertile lagoon in the ocean of medical knowledge. (external link)
Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Malterud, Kirsti
(2021). The History and Policy of User Participation in Health services in Norway. (external link)
Guassora, Ann Dorrit; Johansen, May-Lill; Malterud, Kirsti
(2021). Agenda navigation in consultations covering multiple topics. A qualitative case study from general practice. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2021). Evidens og kunnskapsbasert praksis. (external link)
Anderssen, Norman; Sivertsen, Børge; Lønning, Kari Jussi
et al. (2020). Life satisfaction and mental health among transgender students in Norway. (external link)
Grønseth, Inga Marthe; Malterud, Kirsti; Nilsen, Stein
(2020). Why do doctors in Norway choose general practice and remain there? A qualitative study about motivational experiences. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Aamland, Aase; Fosse, Anette
(2020). How can task shifting put patient safety at risk? A qualitative study of experiences among general practitioners in Norway. (external link)
Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum; Malterud, Kirsti
(2020). Kunnskapssynet til Stoltenbergutvalget. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Reventlow, Susanne; Guassora, Ann Dorrit
(2019). Diagnostic knowing in general practice: interpretative action and reflexivity. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Aamland, Aase
(2019). Medically unexplained symptoms: Are we making progress?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2019). Qualitative Metasynthesis: A Research Method for Medicine and Health Sciences. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Elvbakken, Kari Tove
(2019). Patients participating as co-researchers in health research: A systematic review of outcomes and experiences . (external link)
Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum; Malterud, Kirsti
(2019). Knowledge for policy and practice? An analysis of the concept of knowledge of the Stoltenberg public committee. (external link)
Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum; Malterud, Kirsti
(2019). Et snevert kunnskapssyn. (external link)
Hafting, Marit; Gullbrå, Frøydis; Anderssen, Norman
et al. (2019). Burdened parents sharing their concerns for their children with the doctor. The impact of trust in general practice: a qualitative study. (external link)
Nilsen, Stein; Malterud, Kirsti
(2018). Allmennlegers erfaringer som portvakt. Utfordringer, håndtering og konsekvenser. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Aamland, Aase; Iden, Kristina Riis
(2018). Small-scale implementation with pragmatic process evaluation: A model developed in primary health care. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2018). Systematisk tekstkondensering - En pragmatisk metode for tverrgående tematisk analyse av kvalitative data. (external link)
Ree, Eline; Johnsen, Tone Langjordet; Harris, Anette
et al. (2018). Workplace inclusion of employees with back pain and mental health problems: A focus group study about employees' experiences
. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2018). Kvinnehelse, kjønn og trange livsrom. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2018). The impact of evidence-based medicine on qualitative metasynthesis: Benefits to be harvested and warnings to be given. (external link)
Greenhalgh, Trisha; Thorne, Sally; Malterud, Kirsti
(2018). Response to Faggion. (external link)
Greenhalgh, Trisha; Thorne, Sally; Malterud, Kirsti
(2018). Time to challenge the spurious hierarchy of systematic over narrative reviews?. (external link)
Iden, Kristina Riis; Malterud, Kirsti
(2018). Implementering av faste rutiner for vurdering av depresjon hos sykehjemspasienter. Sluttrapport – prosjekt 16/2077. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Bjelland, Anne Karen; Elvbakken, Kari Tove
(2018). Systematic reviews for policy-making – critical reflections are needed. (external link)
Fosse, Anette; Schaufel, Margrethe Aase; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2018). Livets slutt i sykehjem. Pasientens ønsker og legens rolle. (external link)
Willadsen, Tora Grauers; Siersma, Volkert Dirk; Nielsen, Anni Brit Sternhagen
et al. (2018). The effect of structured personal care on diabetes symptoms and self-rated health over 14 years after diabetes diagnosis. (external link)
Synnes, Oddgeir; Malterud, Kirsti
(2018). Queer narratives and minority stress: Stories from lesbian, gay and
bisexual individuals in Norway. (external link)
Prydz, Peter; Malterud, Kirsti
(2018). Allmennlegens verktøykasse. (external link)
Fosse, Anette; Zuidema, Sytse; Boersma, Froukje
et al. (2017). Nursing home physicians’ assessments of barriers and strategies for end-of-life care in Norway and the Netherlands. (external link)
Aamland, Aase; Fosse, Anette; Ree, Eline
et al. (2017). Helpful strategies for GPs seeing patients with medically unexplained physical symptoms: a focus group study. (external link)
Bjørndal, Arild; Borchgrevink, Christian Fredrik; Frich, Jan C
et al. (2017). Per Fugelli. (external link)
Greenhalgh, Trisha; Malterud, Kirsti
(2017). Systematic Reviews for Policymaking:
Muddling Through. (external link)
Bjelland, Anne Karen; Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Malterud, Kirsti
(2017). Kunnskapsoppsummeringer – ideologi
og rutinisert praksis. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Guassora, Ann Dorrit; Reventlow, Susanne
et al. (2017). Embracing uncertainty to advance diagnosis in general practice. (external link)
Nilsen, Stein; Malterud, Kirsti
(2017). What happens when the doctor denies a patient’s request? A qualitative
interview study among general practitioners in Norway. (external link)
Anderssen, Norman; Malterud, Kirsti
(2017). Oversampling as a methodological strategy for the study of self-reported health among lesbian, gay and bisexual populations. (external link)
Fosse, Anette; Ruths, Sabine; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2017). Doctors’ learning experiences in end-of-life
care – a focus group study from nursing
homes. (external link)
Buer, Liliana; Anderssen, Norman; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2017). Self-esteem Among Young Bisexual Women in Norway:
A 13-year Longitudinal Study. (external link)
Aamland, Aase; Malterud, Kirsti
(2017). Management of medically unexplained symptoms in general practice. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2017). Mener forskning som kan løse Alzheimergåten, ikke er helseforskning.. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2017). Kvalitative forskningsmetoder for medisin og helsefag. 4. utgave. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2017). Kvalitativ metasyntese som forskningsmetode i medisin og helsefag. (external link)
Iden, Kristina Riis; Aamland, Aase; Malterud, Kirsti
(2017). Promoting awareness of depression diagnosis in nursing homes; implementation research in the real world. (external link)
Nilsen, Stein; Malterud, Kirsti
(2017). What happens when the doctor denies a patient´s request? A qualitative interview study among general practitioners in Norway. (external link)
Fosse, Anette; Malterud, Kirsti; Schaufel, Margrethe Aase
et al. (2017). Barriers and strategies for end-of-life care in nursing homes in Norway and the Netherlands. (external link)
Anderssen, Norman; Slåtten, Hilde; Malterud, Kirsti
(2017). Norwegian attitudes towards LGBT-persons 2008-2013. (external link)
Aamland, Aase; Fosse, Anette; Ree, Eline
et al. (2017). Allmennlegers beste strategier i møte med pasienter med medisinsk uforklarte plager og symptomer - En kvalitativ studie om norske allmennlegers erfaringer. (external link)
Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Bjelland, Anne Karen; Malterud, Kirsti
(2017). Evidensbevegelse og helseforvaltning under samme tak. Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten 2004-2016. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hamberg, Katarina; Reventlow, Susanne
(2017). Qualitative methods in PhD theses from general practice in Scandinavia. (external link)
Werner, Anne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). How can professionals carry out recognition towards children of parents with alcohol problems? A qualitative interview study. (external link)
Ree, Eline; Harris, Anette; Eriksen, Hege Randi
et al. (2016). Staying at Work. The role of expectancies and beliefs in health and workplace interventions. (external link)
Lid, Torgeir Gilje; Meland, Eivind; Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Addressing alcohol in general practice. (external link)
Røthing, Merete; Frich, Jan C; Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Towards improved partnerships between health professionals and family caregivers in Huntington's disease: a qualitative study. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Bjelland, Anne Karen; Elvbakken, Kari Tove
(2016). Evidence-based medicine - an appropriate tool for evidence-based health policy? A case study from Norway. (external link)
Fosse, Anette; Zuidema, Sytse; Boersma, KF
et al. (2016). Nursing home doctors’ assessments of barriers and strategies for end-of-life care in Norway and the Netherlands.. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Ulike utvalgsprinsipper – konsekvenser av disse.. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Kriterier for utvalgsstørrelse – informasjonsstyrke.. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Multimorbiditet.. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Evidence-based medicine – an appropriate tool for evidence-based health policy? A case study from Norway.. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Systematisk tekstkondensering – en metode for tematisk tverrgående analyse av kvalitative data.. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Helse blant lesbiske, homofile og bifile.. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Overførbarhet – ekstern validitet.. (external link)
Anderssen, Norman; Olaniyan, Oyeniyi Samuel; Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Kartlegging av levekår blant lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner. Et indikatorsett for ti års oppfølging.. (external link)
Guassora, Ann Dorrit; Rewentlow, Susanne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Shame, honor and responsibility in clinical dialogue about lifestyle issues. A qualitative study about patients’ presentations of self.. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Re: Qualitative research and The BMJ. Rapid Responses.. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Siersma, Volkert Dirk; Guassora, Ann Dorrit
(2016). Informasjonsstyrke og utvalgsstørrelse i kvalitative studier.. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Systematisk tekstkondensering.. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Veivalg og utfordringer i analysearbeidet.. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Analyse av kvalitative data – noen grunnprinsipper.. (external link)
Iden, Kristina Riis; Aamland, Aase; Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Implementation research in GP - an example. Introducing a tool for systematic assessment of depression in nursing home patients. (external link)
Jansen, Kristian; Ruths, Sabine; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2016). Doctors working with dying nursing home patients meet their own existential vulnerability.. (external link)
Guassora, Ann Dorrit; Dahlager, Lisa; Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Skam og lægepatient-forhold i almen praksis. (external link)
Jansen, Kristian; Ruths, Sabine; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2016). The impact of existential vulnerability for nursing home doctors in end-of-life care: A focus group study. (external link)
Werner, Anne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Frames of recognition: Lessons to be learnt for professionals from informal adult support experienced by children of parents with alcohol problems? . (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Siersma, Volkert Dirk; Guassora, Ann Dorrit
(2016). Sample size in qualitative interview studies: guided by information power. (external link)
Krag, Marlene Ø.; Hasselbalch, Lotte; Siersma, Volkert Dirk
et al. (2016). The impact of gender on the long-term morbidity and mortality of patients with type 2 diabetes receiving structured personal care: a 13 year follow-up study. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Theory and interpretation in qualitative studies from general practice: Why and how?. (external link)
Aamland, Aase; Fosse, Anette; Ree, Eline
et al. (2016). Strategies experienced as valuable by GPs when seeing patients with MUS. (external link)
Ree, Eline; Lie, Stein Atle; Eriksen, Hege Randi
et al. (2016). Reduction in sick leave by a workplace educational low back pain intervention: A cluster randomized controlled trial. (external link)
Werner, Anne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Children of parents with alcohol problems performing normality: A qualitative interview study about unmet needs for professional support. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Bjørkman, Mari
(2016). The invisible work of closeting: a qualitative study about strategies used by lesbian and gay persons to conceal their sexual orientation. (external link)
Werner, Anne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2016). Encounters with service professionals experienced by children from families with alcohol problems: A qualitative interview study. (external link)
Fosse, Anette; Ruths, Sabine; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2016). How do young doctors' clinical experiences from nursing homes provide access to situated learning about dying? A focus group study. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Anderssen, Norman; Brurberg, Kjetil Gundro
et al. (2015). Mortality rates for same-sex married individuals compared with opposite-sex married individuals: Potential analytical problems. (external link)
Røthing, Merete; Malterud, Kirsti; Frich, Jan C
(2015). Balancing needs as a family caregiver in Huntington’s disease: a qualitative interview study. (external link)
Nilsen, Stein; Malterud, Kirsti; Werner, Erik L
et al. (2015). GPs' negotiation strategies regarding sick leave for subjective health complaints. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Guassora, Ann Dorrit; Graungaard, Anette Hauskov
et al. (2015). Understanding medical symptoms: a conceptual review and analysis. (external link)
Brurberg, Kjetil Gundro; Fønhus, Marita Sporstøl; Larun, Lillebeth
et al. (2015). Re: Hva er egentlig myalgisk encefalopati?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2015). Helse blant lesbiske og bifile kvinner - Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok. (external link)
Dahl, Bente; Malterud, Kirsti
(2015). Neither father nor biological mother. A qualitative study about lesbian co-mothers' maternity care experiences. (external link)
Dahl, Bente; Malterud, Kirsti
(2015). Neither father nor biological mother. Lesbian co-mothers' maternity care experiences.. (external link)
Røthing, Merete; Malterud, Kirsti; Frich, Jan C
(2015). Family caregivers’ views on coordination of care in Huntington’s disease: a qualitative study. (external link)
Fosse, Anette; Ruths, Sabine; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2015). It wasn’t as hard as I thought –a focus group study about newly qualified doctors’ learning experiences with end-of-life care. (external link)
Fosse, Anette; Ruths, Sabine; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2015). How do young doctors' clinical experiences from nursing homes provide access to situated learning about death and dying? A focus group study. (external link)
Werner, Anne; Kristvik, Ellen Elisabeth; Malterud, Kirsti
(2014). Futile calls for attention.... (external link)
Fosse, Anette; Schaufel, Margrethe Aase; Ruths, Sabine
et al. (2014). End-of-life expectations and experiences among nursing home patients and their relatives — a synthesis of qualitative studies. (external link)
Guassora, Ann Dorrit; Reventlow, Susanne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2014). Shame, honor and responsibility in clinical dialog about lifestyle issues: A qualitative study about patients' presentations of self. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Anderssen, Norman
(2014). Helse blant lesbiske og bifile kvinner i Norge. (external link)
Ree, Eline; Harris, Anette; Indahl, Aage
et al. (2014). How can a brief intervention contribute to coping with back pain? A focus group study about participants' experiences. (external link)
Brurberg, Kjetil Gundro; Fønhus, Marita Sporstøl; Larun, Lillebeth
et al. (2014). Case definitions for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) - A systematic review. (external link)
Aamland, Aase; Malterud, Kirsti; Werner, Erik L
(2014). Patients with persistent medically unexplained physical symptoms: A descriptive study from Norwegian general practice. (external link)
Fosse, Anette; Schaufel, Margrethe Aase; Ruths, Sabine
et al. (2014). Patients’ and relatives’ expectations and experiences regarding end-of-life in nursing homes – A meta-ethnography. (external link)
Fosse, Anette; Schaufel, Margrethe Aase; Ruths, Sabine
et al. (2014). . End-of-life expectations and experiences among patients in long-term care institutions and their relatives. A synthesis of qualitative studies. (external link)
Dahl, Bente; Fylkesnes, Anne Margrethe; Sørlie, Venke
et al. (2013). Lesbian women's experiences with healthcare providers in the birthing context: a meta-ethnography. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2013). Diagnosis – A tool for rational action? A critical view from family medicine. (external link)
Anderssen, Norman; Malterud, Kirsti; Slåtten, Hilde
(2013). Levekår for lesbiske, homofile og bifile i Norge. (external link)
Anderssen, Norman; Malterud, Kirsti; Bjørkman, Mari
et al. (2013). Seksuell orientering og levekår. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Anderssen, Norman
(2013). Seksuell orientering og levekår. (external link)
Røthing, Merete; Malterud, Kirsti; Frich, Jan C
(2013). Caregiver roles in families affected by Huntington’s disease: a qualitative interview study. (external link)
Røthing, Merete; Malterud, Kirsti; Frich, Jan C
(2013). Care pathway of Huntington's disease in a family perspective. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Bjørkman, Mari
(2013). I skapet anno 2012. En kvalitativ studie om situasjoner der lesbiske, homofile og bifile i Norge skjuler sin seksuelle orientering. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Lyngstad, Inger
(2013). MiniPEP - brukerundersøkelse som metode for praktisk kvalitetsforbedring på allmennlegekontoret. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2013). Uten kunnskap, ingen praksis - uten praksis, ingen kunnskap. Allmennmedisin - et fag med høy og særegen kunnskapsvaluta. (external link)
Anderssen, Norman; Malterud, Kirsti
(2013). Levekår blant lhb-personer. Litteraturgjennomgang. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Bjørkman, Mari
(2013). Lesbisk selvtillit i møte med legen. (external link)
Nielsen, Karen-Dorthe Bach; Malterud, Kirsti
(2013). Helbredsscreening i almen praksis. Et kvalitativt studie om menneskers tanker og erfaringer. (external link)
Mæland, Silje; Malterud, Kirsti
(2013). En følelse av utmattelse. (external link)
Aamland, Aase; Werner, Erik L; Malterud, Kirsti
(2013). Sickness absence, marginality, and medically unexplained physical symptoms: A focus-group study of patients' experiences. (external link)
Fosse, Anette; Schaufel, Margrethe Aase; Ruths, Sabine
et al. (2013). Patients' and relatives' thoughts about death. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne
(2012). Sygdomsmekanismer og mestring - Kronisk udmattelsessyndrom i almen praksis. (external link)
Spilde, Ingrid; Valeur, Jørgen; Berstad, Arnold
et al. (2012). Matintoleranse knyttes til mange plager. (external link)
Aamland, Aase; Malterud, Kirsti; Werner, Erik L
(2012). Phenomena associated with sick leave among primary care patients with Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms: A systematic review. (external link)
Lid, Torgeir Gilje; Oppedal, Kristian; Pedersen, Bolette
et al. (2012). Alcohol-related hospital admissions – missed opportunities for follow-up? A focus group study about general practitioners’ experiences. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2012). Fokusgrupper som forskningsmetode for medisin og helsefag. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2012). Brukerundersøkelser i allmennpraksis - Erfaringer med ulike metoder. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2012). Systematic text condensation: A strategy for qualitative analysis. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2012). Hva forteller medisinsk uforklarte helseplager om eksemplarisk sykdom og kjønn?. (external link)
Bjørkman, Mari; Malterud, Kirsti
(2012). Lesbian women coping with challenges of minority stress: A qualitative study. (external link)
Lid, Torgeir Gilje; Malterud, Kirsti
(2012). General practitioners' strategies to identify alcohol problems: A focus group study. (external link)
Larun, Lillebeth; Malterud, Kirsti
(2011). Exercise therapy for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2011). Kronisk utmattelsessyndrom. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2011). Kvalitative metoder i medisinsk forskning (3. utgave). (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Ulriksen, Kjersti
(2011). Obesity, stigma, and responsibility in health care: A synthesis of qualitative studies. (external link)
Mæland, Silje; Magnussen, Liv Heide; Eriksen, Hege Randi
et al. (2011). Why are general practitioners reluctant to enrol patients into a randomized controlled trial on sick leave?. (external link)
Mæland, Silje; Magnussen, Liv Heide; Eriksen, Hege Randi
et al. (2011). Why are general practitioners reluctant to enrol patients into a RCT on sick leave? A qualitative study. (external link)
Schaufel, Margrethe Aase; Nordrehaug, Jan Erik; Malterud, Kirsti
(2011). Hope in action - facing cardiac death: A qualitative study of patients with life-threatening disease. (external link)
Stige, Brynjulf; Malterud, Kirsti; Midtgarden, Torjus
(2011). EPICURE : et dialogisk redskab til evaluering af kvalitativ forskning. (external link)
Bjertnæs, Øyvind Andresen; Lyngstad, Inger-Lise; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2011). The Norwegian EUROPEP questionnaire for patient evaluation of general practice: data quality, reliability and construct validity. (external link)
Larun, Lillebeth; Malterud, Kirsti
(2011). Finding the right balance of physical activity: A focus group study about experiences among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Ulriksen, Kjersti
(2010). "Norwegians fear fatness more than anything else"-A qualitative study of normative newspaper messages on obesity and health. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2010). Power inequalities in health care - empowerment revisited. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Ulriksen, Kjersti
(2010). Obesity in general practice A focus group study on patient experiences. (external link)
Larun, Lillebeth; Malterud, Kirsti
(2010). Fysioterapi til pasienter med kronisk utmattelsessyndrom (CFS/ME) - veileder og lysbildeserie. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2010). Levende kunnskap - mellom fakta og fantasi. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Ursin, Holger; Mæland, Silje
(2010). Hvor trykker skoen? Sykefraværsoppfølging i Norge 2009 - Raskere tilbake. (external link)
Bjertnæs, Øyvind Andresen; Lyngstad, Inger; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2010). The Norwegian EUROPEP questionnaire for patient evaluation of general practice: data quality, reliability and construct validity. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Larun, Lillebeth
(2010). Finding the right balance of physical activity. A focus group study about experiences among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Prestegaard, Kristin; Løchen, Edvard
(2010). Ventetid på venterommet - Audit for kvalitetsforbedring på allmennlegekontoret. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2010). Kroniske muskelsmerter kan forklares på mange måter :. (external link)
Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha; Malterud, Kirsti; Petrie, Keith James
Malterud, Kirsti; Larun, Lillebeth
Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha; Malterud, Kirsti; Petrie, Keith
Wyller, Vegard B.; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Malterud, Kirsti
(2009). Can sustained arousal explain the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Tonstad, Serena
(2009). Preventing obesity: Challenges and pitfalls for health promotion. (external link)
Schaufel, Margrethe Aase; Nordrehaug, Jan Erik; Malterud, Kirsti
(2009). "So you think I'll survive?": a qualitative study about doctor-patient dialogues preceding high-risk cardiac surgery or intervention. (external link)
Frich, Jan C; Malterud, Kirsti
(2009). Betraktninger fra frontlinjen. (external link)
Ohnstad, Anbjørg; Bjørkman, Mari; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2009). Epidemiological research on marginalized groups implies major validity challenges;lesbian health as an example. (external link)
Flatval, Mona; Malterud, Kirsti
(2009). Helsefremmende erfaringer hos lesbiske. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Fredriksen, Lise Christine; Gjerde, Mette Haukaas
(2009). When doctors experience their vulnerability as beneficial for the patients. (external link)
Stige, Brynjulf; Malterud, Kirsti; Midtgarden, Torjus
(2009). Toward an agenda for evaluation of qualitative research. (external link)
Bjørkman, Mari; Malterud, Kirsti
(2009). Lesbian women's experiences with health care: A qualitative study. (external link)
Nielsen, Karen-Dorthe Bach; Dyhr, Lise; Lauritzen, Torsten
et al. (2009). Couldn't you have done just as well without the screening? A qualitative study of benefits from screening as perceived by people without a high cardiovascular risk score. (external link)
Hølge-Hazelton, B; Malterud, Kirsti
(2009). Gender in medicine - does it matter?. (external link)
Aase, Margrethe; Nordrehaug, Jan Erik; Malterud, Kirsti
(2008). "If you cannot tolerate that risk, you should never become a physician": a qualitative study about existential experiences among physicians. (external link)
Gilje, Ann Marit; Søderlund, Atle; Malterud, Kirsti
(2008). Obstructions for quality care experienced by patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)- A case study. (external link)
Undeland, Merete; Malterud, Kirsti
(2008). Diagnostic interaction – the patient as a source of knowledge? A qualitative case study from general practice. (external link)
Steihaug, Sissel; Malterud, Kirsti
(2008). Stories about bodies: A narrative study on self-understanding and chronic pain. (external link)
Arianson, Helga; Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Malterud, Kirsti
(2008). Hvordan opplevde helsepersonell tilsynet med fødeinstitusjoner?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Thesen, Janecke
(2008). When the helper humiliates the patient: A qualitative study about unintended intimidations. (external link)
Reventlow, Susanne Dalsgaard; Overgaard, Iben S.; Hvas, Lotte
et al. (2008). Metaphorical mediation in women's perceptions of risk related to osteoporosis: A qualitative interview study. (external link)
Larun, Lillebeth; Malterud, K
(2007). Identity and coping experiences in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A synthesis of qualitative studies. (external link)
Undeland, Merete; Malterud, Kirsti
(2007). The fibromyalgia diagnosis - hardly helpful for the patients? A qualitative focus group study. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2007). Internkontroll på et allmennlegekontor. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Taksdal, Arnhild
(2007). Shared Spaces for Reflection: Approaching Medically Unexplained Disorders. (external link)
Wyller, Vegard B.; Bjørneklett, Arvid; Brubakk, A.
et al. (2007). Kronisk utmattelsessyndrom – en gjennomgang av det vitenskapelige grunnlaget for behandling. (external link)
Frich, Jan C; Malterud, Kirsti; Fugelli, Per
(2007). Experiences of guilt and shame in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia: a qualitative interview study. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2007). Forebygging av faglige feil på allmennlegekontoret. (external link)
Bjørkman, Mari; Malterud, Kirsti
(2007). Being lesbian - does the doctor need to know? A qualitative study about the significance of disclosure in general practice. (external link)
Ulset, Elisabeth Vågen; Undheim, Rut; Malterud, Kirsti
(2007). Er fedmeepidemien kommet til Norge?. (external link)
Ehrenreich, Benny; Hilden, Jens; Malterud, Kirsti
(2007). Patients' written life stories: A gateway for understanding - A qualitative study from general practice. (external link)
Frich, Jan C; Malterud, Kirsti; Fugelli, Per
(2007). How do patients at risk portray candidates for coronary heart disease? A qualitative interview study. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Thesen, Janecke
(2007). Boblebad og pseudomonas-infeksjon – et lokalt utbrudd. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne
(2007). Avoiding humiliations in the clinical encounter. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2006). Women's wisdom - a source of knowledge for medicine. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2006). The social construction of clinical knowledge - the context of culture and discourse. Commentary on Tonelli (2006), Integrating evidence into clinical practice: an alternative to evidence-based approaches. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12, 248-256. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2006). ”Mener han at somatisering er noe jeg gjør?” En pragmatisk begrepsanalyse. (external link)
Slettbakk, Rune; Nilsen, Christine Vaksdal ; Malterud, Kirsti
(2006). Coping with headache - A focus group study about womens self-initiated actions and cognitive strategies. (external link)
Frich, Jan C; Malterud, Kirsti; Fugelli, Per
(2006). Women at risk of coronary heart disease experience barriers to diagnosis and treatment: A qualitative interview study. (external link)
Frich, Jan C; Ose, Leiv; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2006). Perceived vulnerability to heart disease in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia: A qualitative interview study. (external link)
Reventlow, Susanne Dalsgaard; Hvas, Lotte; Malterud, Kirsti
(2006). Making the invisible body visible. Bone scans, osteoporosis and women's bodily experiences. (external link)
Ohnstad, Anbjørg; Malterud, Kirsti
(2006). Lesbiske og homofile i møte med helse- og sosialtenesta. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Ohnstad, Anbjørg
(2006). Lesbiske og homofile i møte med helse og sosialtenesta. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Nessa, John; Stensland, Per
et al. (2006). Legekunst i praksis. Kommunikasjon lege-pasient. (external link)
Wyller, Vegard Bruun Bratholm; Bjørneklett, Arvid; Brubakk, Oddbjørn
et al. (2006). Diagnostisering og behandling av kronisk utmattelsessyndrom/myalgisk encefalopati (CFS/ME).. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2006). Lesbisk hos legen. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Nessa, John
(2006). Enkle småting eller livshistorisk drama?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2006). Nøkkelspørsmål - et språklig verktøy der hvert ord betyr noe spesielt. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2006). Må legen alltid ha det så travelt?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2006). Fra risikojakt til ressursmobilisering. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2006). Subjektive symptomer uten objektive funn. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Stensland, Per
(2006). Konsultasjonsmodeller. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2006). Legens egne følelser. (external link)
Ohnstad, Anbjørg; Malterud, Kirsti
(2006). Lesbiske og homofile i møte med helse- og sosialtenesta. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2005). Kvalitative metoder i medisinsk forskning - forudsetninger, muligheter og utfordringer. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2005). Humiliation instead of care?. (external link)
Soderlund, Atle; Malterud, Kirsti
(2005). Why did I get chronic fatigue syndrome? A qualitative interview study of causal attributions in women patients. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Solvang, Per
(2005). Helsekameratene. Gruppe for flerfaglig forskning om helse og sykdom i kulturelt perspektiv. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Elvbakken, Kari Tove
(2005). Sunnhet og sykdom i kulturelt perspektiv. Helsekameratenes avslutningsseminar. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2005). Sårbarhet som styrke – når kan avvik være helsefremmende?. (external link)
Werner, Anne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2005). “The pain isn’t as disabling as it used to be.” How can the patient experience empowerment instead of vulnerability in the consultation. (external link)
Stenvoll, Dag; Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Malterud, Kirsti
(2005). Blir norsk forebyggingspolitikk mer individorientert?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Solvang, Per
(2005). Vulnerability as a strength: Why, when, and how?. (external link)
Werner, Anne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2005). "The pain isn't as disabling as it used to be": How can the patient experience empowerment instead of vulnerability in the consulation?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Solvang, Per
(2005). Vulnerability as a strength: Why, when, and how?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, H
(2005). The doctor who cried: A qualitative study about the doctor's vulnerability. (external link)
Hvas, L; Reventlow, S; Jensen, HL
et al. (2005). Awareness of risk of osteoporosis may cause uncertainty and worry in menopausal women. (external link)
Søderlund, Atle; Malterud, Kirsti
(2005). Why did I get chronic fatigue syndrome?. (external link)
Nielsen, Karen-Dorthe Bach; Dyhr, Lise; Lauritzen, Torsten
et al. (2005). Long-term impact of elevated cardiovascular risk detected by screening. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2004). Health needs of women who have sex with women - Methodological assumptions underlying conclusions should have been questioned. (external link)
Jørgensen, M; Malterud, Kirsti
(2004). Lægen Merete taler med patienten Anne. (external link)
Nielsen, KDB; Dyhr, L; Lauritzen, T
et al. (2004). "You can't prevent everything anyway" A qualitative study about beliefs and attitudes refusing health screening in general practice. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagen, H
(2004). Positive self-assessed health in patients with medical problems. A qualitative study from general practice. (external link)
Werner, A; Isaksen, Lise Widding; Isaksen, Lise widding
et al. (2004). "I am not the kind of woman who complains of everything" - Illness stories on self and shame in women with chronic pain. (external link)
Hvas, L; Reventlow, S; Malterud, Kirsti
(2004). Women's needs and wants when seeing the GP in relation to menopausal issues. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Candib, L; Code, L
et al. (2004). Responsible and responsive knowing in medical diagnosis - The medical gaze revisited. (external link)
Lid, T; Malterud, Kirsti
(2004). "I recognize myself in that situation..." Using photographs to encourage reflection in general practitioners. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, H
(2004). Positive self-assessed general health in patients with medical problems - A qualitative study from general practice. (external link)
Thesen, Janecke; Mosevoll, Tone D.; Malterud, Kirsti
(2004). Hjerte-lunge-redning i kommunehelsetjenesten - enkelt program for pplæring og vedlikehold. (external link)
Walseth, Liv Tveit; Malterud, Kirsti
(2004). Salutogenese og empowerment i allmennmedisinsk perspektiv. (external link)
Lid, Torgeir Gilje; Eraker, Rune; Malterud, Kirsti
(2004). I recognise myself in that situation. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Elvbakken, Kari Tove
(2003). Normalvekt eller moralvekt. (external link)
Beich, Anders; Gannik, Dorte; Malterud, Kirsti
(2003). Screening og kort intervention for excessivt alkoholforbrug en kvalitativ beskrivelse af praktiserende lægers erfaringer. (external link)
Werner, Anne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2003). It is hard work behaving as a credible patient: Encounters between women with chronic pain and their doctors. (external link)
Werner, Anne; Steihaug, Sissel; Malterud, Kirsti
(2003). Encountering the continuing challenges for women with chronic pain: Recovery through recognition. (external link)
Werner, Anne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2003). It is hard work behaving as a credible patient: encounters between women with chronic pain and their doctors. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2003). Kvalitative metoder i medisinsk forskning. (external link)
Stenvoll, Dag; Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Malterud, Kirsti
(2003). Er norsk forebyggingspolitikk ny og endret?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hunskår, Steinar
(2003). Første linje. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Elvbakken, Kari Tove
(2003). Overvekt og slanking - normer, strategier og kjønn. (external link)
Steihaug, Sissel; Malterud, Kirsti
(2003). Part process analysis A qualitative method for studying provider-patient interaction. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Digranes, Øystein; Jureen, R
et al. (2003). Generalised symptoms in adult women with acute uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection: An observational study. (external link)
Werner, Anne; Steihaug, Sissel; Malterud, Kirsti
(2003). Encountering the continuing challenges for women with chronic pain -Recovery through recognition. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hunskaar, Steinar
(2003). Første linje. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Prydz, Peter
(2003). Medisinsk uforklarte helseplager. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Somatisering en uhensiktsmessig diagnose?. (external link)
Hantho, A; Jensen, L; Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Mutual understanding a communication model for general practice. (external link)
Undeland, Merete; Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Diagnostic work in general practice more than naming a disease. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Understanding the patient with medically unexplained disorders - a patient-centred approach. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Feministisk teori kan utmana medicinsk kunskap. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Kvalitative metoder i medisinsk forskning - forutsetninger, muligheter og begrensninger. (external link)
Steihaug, S; Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Recognition and reciprocity in encounters with women with chronic muscular pain. (external link)
Waldorff, FB; Bülow, LB; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2002). Strategier for demensdiagnostik. Erfaringer fra samarbejdet mellem praktiserende læger og hjemmesygeplejersker. (external link)
Steihaug, S; Ahlsen, B; Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). I am allowed to be myself": women with chronic muscular pain being recognized. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Almenmedisin - et klinisk kunnskapsfelt mellom teori og praksis. (external link)
Hollnagel, Hanne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Samtaler om risiko og helbredsressourcer i almen praksis. (external link)
Beich, A; Gannik, D; Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Screening and brief intervention for excessive alkohol use - A qualitative study on experiences of general practitioners. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Reflexivity and metapositions strategies for appraisal of clinical evidence. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hunskaar, Steinar
(2002). Chronic myofascial pain. A patient-centered approach. (external link)
Hunskår, Steinar; Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Chronic Myofascial Pain - a patient-centered approach. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Når livsstil ikke nytter - medikamentell risikointervensjon for dårlige mennesker. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). The art of living with pain recovery through acknowledgement. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2002). Empowering the patient by reframing the discourse. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hunskår, Steinar
(2002). The challenges of chronic myofascial pain:committment to patient perspectives. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Ohnstad, Anbjørg; Thesen, Janecke
(2001). Brev fra Boston. Bedre helse for lesbiske. (external link)
Hollnagel, Hanne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2001). Patientens egen vurdering af sit generelle helbred og sine stærke sider. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2001). Subjektive symptomer uden objektive fund en udfordring for almen medicinsk teori og praksis. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Taksdal, Arnhild
(2001). Et felles refleksjonsrom med pasientens symptomer som gyldige kunnskapskilder. (external link)
Thorsen, H; Witt, K; Hollnagel, Hanne
et al. (2001). The purpose of the general practice consultation from the patient's perspective-theoretical aspects. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2001). Qualitative research: standards, challenges and guidelines. (external link)
Stensland, Per; Malterud, Kirsti
(2001). Unravelling empowering internal voices a case study on the interactive use of illness diaries. (external link)
Steihaug, S; Ahlsen, B; Malterud, Kirsti
(2001). From exercise and education to movement and interaction. Treatment groups in primary care for women with chronic muscilar pain. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2001). Kan allmennlegen være healer? Om medisinske tradisjoner, lege-pasient-forholdet, salutogenese og empowerment. (external link)
Waldorff, FB.; Bülow, LB.; Malterud, Kirsti
et al. (2001). Management of dementia in primary health care: The experiences of collaboration between the general practitioner and the district nurse. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne; Witt, K.
(2001). Gendered health resources and coping. A study from general practice. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2001). The art and science of clinical knowledge: evidence beyond measures and numbers. (external link)
Steihaug, Sissel; Ahlsen, Birgitte; Malterud, Kirsti
(2001). From exercise and education to movement and interaction. Treatment groups in primary care for women with chronic muscular pain. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2001). Kvinners ubestemte helseplager. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2001). Lesbiske i medisinsk teori og praksis - Et kritisk perspektiv på kunnskap og helsetjenester. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2000). Medisinsk teknologi ¿ venn eller fiende?. (external link)
Taksdal, Arnhild; Malterud, Kirsti
(2000). Et felles refleksjonsrom. Hypoteser om betingelser, begrensninger og utfordringer for gyldiggjøring av kvinners symptomer som medisinsk kunnskapskilde. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2000). Symptoms as a source of medical knowledge ¿ Understanding medically unexplained disorders in women. (external link)
Söderlund, A.; Skoge, A.M .; Malterud, Kirsti
(2000). "I could not lift my arm holding the fork..." Living with chronic fatigue syndrome. (external link)
Hollnagel, Hanne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2000). From risk factors to health resources in medical practice. (external link)
Sørensen, I.M.; Söderlund, A.; Haga, Hans-Jacob
et al. (2000). Symptomopplevelser hos kvinner med Primært Sjögrens syndrom. (external link)
Hollnagel, Hanne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2000). Men¿s self-assessed personal health resources. Approaching patients' strong points in general practice. (external link)
Taksdal, Arnhild; Malterud, Kirsti
(2000). Et felles refleksjonsrom. Hypoteser om betingelser, begrensninger og utfordringer for gyldiggjøring av kvinners symptomer som medisinsk kunnskapskilde. (external link)
Sørensen, IM; Söderlund, A; Haga, Hans-Jacob
et al. (2000). Symptomopplevelser hos kvinner med Sjögren's syndrom. (external link)
Søderlund, Atle; Skoge, Ann Marit; Malterud, Kirsti
(2000). "I could not lift my arm holding the fork..." Living with chronic fatigue syndrome. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2000). Symptoms as a source of medical knowledge Understanding medically unexplained disorders in women. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne; Witt, Klaus
(2000). Men�s self-assessed personal health resources. Approaching patients' strong points in general practice. (external link)
Hollnagel, Hanne; Malterud, Kirsti
(2000). From risk factors to health resources in medical practice. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne
(2000). Snakk om ressurser ¿ noe annet enn risiko. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne
(2000). Snakk om ressurser � noe annet enn risiko. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(2000). Medisinsk teknologi - venn eller fiende?. (external link)
Stensland, Per; Malterud, Kirsti
(1999). Fastlåste kroppslige plager - Hjemmenotater gir nye samtaler om kroppen. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1999). Kvinners "ubestemte" helseplager - medisinske og velferdspolitiske utfordringer. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1999). The (gendered) construction of medical diagnosis. Interpretation of symptoms and signs in women patients. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Bærheim, Anders
(1999). "Peeing barbed wire...". Symptom experiences in women with lower urinary tract infection. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1999). Kvinners "ubestemte" helseplager - medisinske og velferdspolitiske utfordringer. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Bærheim, Anders
(1999). Peeing barbed wire. Symptom experiences in women with lower urinary tract infection. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne
(1999). Encouraging the strengths of women patients - A case study from general practice on empowering dialogues. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1999). The (gendered) construction of medical diagnosis. Interpretation of symptoms and signs in female patients. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne
(1999). Encouraging the strenghts of women patients - A case study from general practice on empowering dialogues. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1999). Making Changes With Key Questions in Medical Practices: Studying What Makes a Difference. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1999). Making changes with key questions in medical practices: Studying what makes a difference. (external link)
Stensland, Per; Malterud, Kirsti
(1999). Approaching the locked dialogues of the body. Communicating symptoms through illness diaries. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1998). Klinisk kunnskap - legen som deltaker og fortolker. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1998). Understanding women in pain. New pathways suggested by Umeå researchers from qualitative research and feminist perspectives. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1998). Understanding women in pain. New pathways suggested by Umea researchers: qualitative research and feminist perspectives. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Okkes, Inge
(1998). Gender differences in general practice consultations. Methodological and interpretative intricacies. (external link)
Nilsen, Christine V; Lande, Siri A; Malterud, Kirsti
(1998). Er hodepine en kvinnesykdom? En litteraturgjennomgang. (external link)
Rosendahl, Karen; Aslaksen, Aslak; Malterud, Kirsti
(1998). Radiologi - spennende fagområde, men utilfredsstillende utdanningssituasjon? Gruppeintervju med kommende radiologer. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne
(1998). Talking with women about personal health resources in general practice Key questions about salutogenesis. (external link)
Thesen, Janecke; Malterud, Kirsti
(1998). Psykiatrisk rehabilitering og kvinners helse. Brev fra Massachusetts. (external link)
Nessa, John; Malterud, Kirsti
(1998). "Feeling your large intestines a bit tied up": Clinical interaction: talk and gaze. (external link)
Nessa, John; Malterud, Kirsti
(1998). Tell me what's wrong with me. Tensions between patient autonomy and doctors' professional authority. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne
(1998). Talking with women about personal health resources in general practice Key questions about salutogenesis. (external link)
Nilsen, Christine V.; Lande, Siri A.; Malterud, Kirsti
(1998). Er hodepine en kvinnesykdom? En litteraturgjennomgang. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Okkes, Inge
(1998). Gender differences in general practice consultations. Methodological and interpretative intricacies. (external link)
Hollnagel, Hanne; Malterud, Kirsti
(1998). Patientens stærke sider. (external link)
Hollnagel, Hanne; Malterud, Kirsti
(1998). Patientens stærke sider. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1997). Levende kunnskap kommer fra praksis. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne
(1997). The magic influence of classification systems. (external link)
Stensland, Per; Malterud, Kirsti
(1997). New gateways to dialogue in general practice. Development of an illness diary to expand communication. (external link)
Eskeland, Benedicte; Malterud, Kirsti; Ulvik, Rune Johan
et al. (1997). Iron supplementation in pregnancy: is less enough? A randomized, placebo controlled trial of low dose iron supplementation with and without heme iron. (external link)
Skorpen, Jenny Beate Johnsen; Malterud, Kirsti
(1997). What did the doctor say - what did the patient hear? Operational knowledge in clinical communication. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne
(1997). Fra risikojakt til ressursmobilisering - fra teori til allmennpraksis. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Bærheim, Anders; Hunskaar, Steinar
et al. (1997). Focus groups as a path to clinical knowledge about the acutely ill child. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1997). Medisinsk kvinneforskning - pragmatisk endringsarbeid, nyskapende kunnskapsutvikling - eller begge deler?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1997). Women's self-assessed personal health resources. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne
(1997). Fra risikojakt til ressursmobilisering - fra teori til allmennpraksis. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne
(1997). The magic influence of classification systems. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1997). Medisinsk kvinneforskning - pragmatisk endringsarbeid, nyskapende kunnskapsutvikling - eller begge deler?. (external link)
Larsen, Merete; Oldeide, Cahtrine C; Malterud, Kirsti
(1997). Not so bad after all... Women's experiences of pelvic examinations. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Hollnagel, Hanne
(1997). Women's self-assessed personal health resources. (external link)
Eskeland, Benedicte; Malterud, Kirsti; Ulvik, Rune J
et al. (1997). Iron supplementation in pregnancy: is less enough? A randomized, placebo controlled trial of low dose iron supplementation with and without heme iron. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1997). Den norske velferdsstaten - på menns premisser? Om kjønnsdelte konsekvenser av vanlige helseplager. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1997). Den norske velferdsstaten - på menns premisser? Om kjønnsdelte konsekvenser av vanlige helseplager. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1997). Helseproblemer hos lesbiske og homofile. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1997). Helseproblemer hos lesbiske og homofile. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1997). Ressurser versus risiko. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Malterud, Kirsti
(1995). Klinisk eksamen i allmennmedisin - en konsultasjon. Erfaringer etter førstegangseksamen i Bergen. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Kristiansen, U
(1995). The reflective metapositions of evaluation. A strategy for development of collaborative competence and clinical knowledge. (external link)
Hegde Naess, M; Malterud, Kirsti
(1995). Patients' stories: Science, clinical facts or fairy tales?. (external link)
Jøssang, O; Malterud, Kirsti; Lundetræ, N
(1995). Bedre konsultasjoner - med pasientents hjelp. En metode for kvalitetssikring i allmennpraksis. (external link)
Nygård, M; Malterud, Kirsti
(1995). Enkel kartlegging av posttraumatisk stressforstyrrelse hos bosniske krigsflyktninger i Norge. (external link)
Hollnagel, H; Malterud, Kirsti
(1995). Shifting attention from objective risk factors to patients' selfassessed health resources. A clinical model for general practice. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1995). Action research - a strategy for evaluation of medical interventions. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1995). The legitimacy of clinical knowledge. Towards a medical epistemology embracing the art of medicine. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Steinert, S.; Mo, T.O.
(1995). Kjønn, arbeidsbelastning og listeprofil i allmennpraksis. Erfaringer fra fastlegeforsøket. (external link)
Krohg, M.; Malterud, Kirsti
(1995). Masseundersøkelse mot livmorhalskreft - hva sier kvinnelige primærleger?. (external link)
Hollnagel, H; Malterud, Kirsti
(1995). Sundhedsbrøken der blev væk. Vejen fra ide til prosjekt om selvvurderende helbredsressourcer. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1995). Veier til vitenskapelig innsikt i legekunsten. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1993). Medical theories derived from clinical practice. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1993). Klinisk kunnskap - fakta eller noe mer? Noen kunnskapsteoritiske synspunkter. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1993). Strategies for empowering women's voices in the medical culture. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1993). Shared understanding of the qualitative research process - Guidelines for the medical researcher. (external link)
Eskeland, B.; Malterud, Kirsti
(1993). Iron supplementation in pregnancy - General practitioners' compliance with official recommendations. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1993). The issue of validity regarding the contents of consultations. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1993). Legeutdanningen år 2000 - Pasientene og forventningene. Prisoppgave. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1993). Medisinsk filosofi i utdanning og forskning. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1993). Vanlige helseplager hos kvinner - ubestemte og diffuse?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1992). Allmennmedisinens mandat og kompetanse. Faglig selverkjennelse respekt for egne og andres grenser. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1992). Helt alminnelig - og ganske spesielt. Om å leve som lesbisk. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1992). Klassifiseringssystemer i teori og praksis. Rikstrygdeverket krever ICPC-koder fra 1.10.1992. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Dahl, Solveig
(1992). Kvinners helseplager - "utglidning" og "utvanning". (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Westin, Steinar; Lærum, E.
(1992). Hva er en vitenskapelig publikasjon? Om vitenskapelighet og kulturelle hierarkier i medisinsk forskning. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1992). Jeg lurer på.... (external link)
Førde, Reidun; Malterud, Kirsti; Bruunsgaard, D.
(1992). Antenatal care in general practice 1: A questionnaire as a clinical tool for collection of information on psychosocial conditions. (external link)
Bråtveit, A.; Malterud, Kirsti
(1992). Nedre luftvegsinfeksjonar hjå eldre over 70 år i Finnøy kommune. Ei retrospektiv undersøking av insidens, handsaming og utkome. (external link)
Førde, Reidun; Malterud, Kirsti
(1992). Antenatal care in general practice 2: Components of clinical knowledge which indicate need for intervention in pregnancy. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1992). Women's "undefined" disorders - a challenge for clinical communication. (external link)
Olsen, K.; Kjellsen, L. G.; Ohnstad, P. M.
et al. (1992). Rehabiliteringsprosjektet 1990-91.Sentrum bydel/Bergen kommune. (external link)
Kristiansen, U.; Brustad, E.; Weinmann, K.
et al. (1992). Fosen-teamet. Rapport fra prøveprosj. "Psykiatrien ut til brukerne" 1989-91. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Nessa, John; Vestbø, E.
et al. (1992). Allmennmedisinsk Forskning Ryfylke Rapport fra prøveperioden 1990-92. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1992). Kan legevitenskapen vitenskapeliggjøres?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1992). Den kliniske samtale - virkelighet eller vitenskap. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1992). Samtalen som medisinsk redskap i møter med mishandlede kvinner. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1991). I begynnelsen var Ordet-?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Høyersten, J. G.
(1991). Samtale og samvær: Forsømte elementer i legeutdanningen. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1991). Kvinnemedisinske synspunkter på østrogenbruk. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1991). Hvordan gjøre ordene til bedre medisinske verktøy?. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti
(1991). Kan legekunsten vitenskapeliggjøres?. (external link)
Fugelli, P.; Malterud, Kirsti
(1991). Allmennpraktikeren og pasienten. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Aaraas, I.
(1991). Behandling. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.