Kurt Hanevik





Medical doctor and specialist in infectious diseases. Interest and experience in international humanitarian aid and global health. PhD research into long term sequels after Giardia infection. Main research interest is into diarrheal diseases. Work on Giardia and Cryptosporidium diagnostics, epidemiology and immunology, as well as a human ETEC challenge model and characterization of human immune responses against ETEC. Take part in projects on C. difficile treatment and fecal microbiota transplant in irritable bowel syndrome.


TPBAMIKR - Microbiology/Immunology for dental assistants - course responsible

OD2MIKR - Microbiology for dentist students - course responsible

VAC901 - Vaccinology - course responsible IBA-link

FARM270 - Infections & tropical diseases

5234 Doctoral course Karolinska - Giardia & Cryptosporidium overview

SDG303 - Malaria, Neglected diseases

SYK250 - Malaria & travel medicine for nursing students

Dnlf-courses in tropical medicine, parasitlogy and infectious diseases

MED11 - Gastroenteritis

GCP901 - Good Clinical Practice

INT304 - War and health

MED4 - Microbiology for medical students


Main publications

Tesfaw G, Siraj DS, Abdissa A, Jakobsen RR, Johansen ØH, Zangenberg M, Hanevik K, Mekonnen Z, Langeland N, Bjørang O, Safdar N, Mapes AC, Kates A, Krych L, Castro-Mejía JL, Nielsen DS. Gut microbiota patterns associated with duration of diarrhea in children under five years of age in Ethiopia. Nat Commun. 2024 Sep 2;15(1):7532.

Rim S, Sakkestad ST, Zhou F, Gullaksen SE, Skavland J, Chauhan SK, Steinsland H, Hanevik K. Dynamics of circulating lymphocytes responding to human experimental enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection. Eur J Immunol. 2023 Apr 27:e2250254

Saghaug CS, Gamlem AL, Hauge KB, Vahokoski J, Klotz C, Aebischer T, Langeland N, Hanevik K. Genetic diversity in the metronidazole metabolism genes nitroreductases and pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductases in susceptible and refractory clinical samples of Giardia lamblia. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist. 2023 Apr;21:51-60.

Johansen ØH, Abdissa A, Bjørang O, Zangenberg M, Sharew B, Alemu Y, Moyo S, Mekonnen Z, Langeland N, Robertson LJ, Hanevik K. Oocyst Shedding Dynamics in Children with Cryptosporidiosis: a Prospective Clinical Case Series in Ethiopia. Microbiol Spectr. 2022 Aug 31;10(4):e0274121

Johansen ØH, Abdissa A, Zangenberg M, Mekonnen Z, Eshetu B, Bjørang O, Alemu Y, Sharew B, Langeland N, Robertson LJ, Hanevik K. Performance and operational feasibility of two diagnostic tests for cryptosporidiosis in children (CRYPTO-POC): a clinical, prospective, diagnostic accuracy study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2020 Dec 3:S1473-3099(20)30556-9.

Sakkestad ST, Steinsland H, Skrede S, Lillebø K, Skutlaberg DH, Guttormsen AB, Zavialov A, Paavilainen S, Søyland H, Sævik M, Heien AR, Tellevik MG, Barry E, Langeland N, Sommerfelt H, Hanevik K. A new human challenge model for testing heat-stable toxin-based vaccine candidates for enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli diarrhea - dose optimization, clinical outcomes, and CD4+ T cell responses. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2019 Oct 30;13(10):e0007823.

Sakkestad ST, Skavland J, Hanevik K. Whole blood preservation methods alter chemokine receptor detection in mass cytometry experiments. J Immunol Methods. 2019 Oct 17:112673

Dizdar V, Hausken T, Larum OD, Gilja OH, Langeland N, Hanevik K. Prolonged duodenal mucosal lymphocyte alterations in patients with and without post infectious functional gastrointestinal disorders after Giardia infection. J Infect Dis. 2018 Nov 30

Hanevik K, Kristoffersen E, Mørch K, Rye KP, Sørnes S, Svärd S, Bruserud Ø, Langeland N. Giardia-specific cellular immune responses in post-giardiasis chronic fatigue  syndrome. BMC Immunol. 2017 Jan 28;18(1):5.

Tellevik MG, Moyo SJ, Blomberg B, Hjøllo T, Maselle SY, Langeland N, Hanevik K. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium parvum/hominis, Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia among Young Children with and without Diarrhea in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Oct 9;9(10):e0004125.

Hanevik K, Bakken R, Brattbakk HR, Saghaug CS, Langeland N. Whole genome sequencing of clinical isolates of Giardia lamblia. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2015 Feb;21(2):192.e1-3.

Hanevik K, Wensaas KA, Rortveit G, Eide GE, Mørch K, Langeland N. Irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue six years after Giardia infection: a controlled prospective cohort study. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Nov 15;59(10):1394-400.

Haanshuus CG, Mohn SC, Mørch K, Langeland N, Blomberg B, Hanevik K. A novel, single-amplification PCR targeting mitochondrial genome highly sensitive and specific in diagnosing malaria among returned travellers in Bergen, Norway. Malar J. 2013 Jan 22;12:26.


PhD-thesis: Post-giardiasis functional gastrointestinal disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome – clinical symptoms, inflammation and immune responses

Websites: Bergen Giardia Research GroupNational center for Tropical Infectious Diseases

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


CryptoT&T - Impact of a cryptosporidiosis point-of-care test-and-treat strategy in children with diarrhoea (2024 ->), EDTCP3

STRACOL - Bacterial strain colonization in fecal microbiota transfer therapy in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (2023 -> ), Helse-Vest

COLONIZE - Transplantation of intestinal microbiota in primary Clostridoides difficile infections (2022 ->), NRC

TaDiGe - Detection and prevalence of intestinal parasites in Norway, including genotyping of circulating Giardia and Cryptosporidium variants (2022 -> ), Tropesenteret / Helse-Førde

ETECvac - Experimental infection of volunteers with heat-stable toxin (ST)-only producing enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) (2014 ->), NRC

Combined Shigella-ETEC vaccine - in collaboration with prof Eileen Barry at Center for Vaccine development, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA (2015), UiB/HelseVest

BCGI - An immuological substudy of innate and adaptive immunity within the Early versus late BCG vaccination in HIV-1 exposed infants study - a randomized controlled trial of the effect of deferring BCG vaccination to 14 weeks of age in HIV-1 exposed infants in Uganda - (2017 ->), CISMAC/NRC

Crypto-POC - LED microscopy for Cryptosporidium testing in children in low-income countries (2016 ->), NRC, BMGF

GSI - Metronidazole resistent Giardia infeksjon og immun responser mot Giardia (2010 -> ), UiB, Tropesenteret


Previous projects

GIFF - Giardia lamblia indusert kronisk fatigue syndrom og funksjonelle mageplager – biomarkører, risikofaktorer og effekt av intervensjon (2008 - 2019)

GENIEUR- pan-Europeisk interdisiplinært nettverk for å identifiserte genetiske faktorer som bidrar til utvikling av irritabel tarm syndrom

Euro-FBP - European Network for Foodborne Parasites