Donkor, Hilde Mjell; Toxe, Helene; Hurum, Jørgen
et al. (2021). Psychological health in preschool children with underweight, overweight or obesity: A regional cohort study. (external link)
Bruserud, Ingvild Særvold; Oehme, Ninnie Helén Bakken; Madsen, André
et al. (2021). Puberteten starter tidligere. (external link)
Oehme, Ninnie Helen Bakken; Roelants, Mathieu; Bruserud, Ingvild Særvold
et al. (2021). Low BMI, but not high BMI, influences the timing of puberty in boys. (external link)
Bruserud, Ingvild Særvold; Roelants, Mathieu; Oehme, Ninnie
et al. (2020). References for ultrasound staging of breast maturation, tanner breast staging, pubic hair, and menarche in Norwegian girls. (external link)
Oehme, Ninnie; Roelants, Mathieu; Bruserud, Ingvild Særvold
et al. (2020). Reference data for testicular volume measured with ultrasound and pubic hair in Norwegian boys are comparable with Northern European populations. (external link)
Madsen, Andre; Bruserud, Ingvild Særvold; Bertelsen, Bjørn-Erik
et al. (2020). Hormone references for ultrasound breast staging and endocrine profiling to detect female onset of puberty. (external link)
Madsen, Andre; Oehme, Ninnie; Roelants, Mathieu
et al. (2020). Testicular Ultrasound to Stratify Hormone References in a Cross-Sectional Norwegian Study of Male Puberty . (external link)
Juliusson, Petur Benedikt; Hjelmesæth, Jøran; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (2017). Nye kurver for kroppsmasseindeks blant barn og unge. (external link)
Bratke, Heiko; Bruserud, Ingvild Særvold; Brannsether-Ellingsen, Bente
et al. (2017). Timing of menarche in Norwegian girls: Associations with body mass index, waist circumference and skinfold thickness. (external link)
Donkor, Hilde Mjell; Grundt, Jacob Holter; Juliusson, Petur Benedikt
et al. (2017). Social and somatic determinants of underweight, overweight and obesity at five years of age: A Norwegian regional cohort study. (external link)
Rafaelsen, Silje Hjorth; Johansson, Stefan; Ræder, Helge
et al. (2016). Hereditary hypophosphatemia in Norway: A retrospective population-based study of genotypes, phenotypes, and treatment complications. (external link)
Brannsether-Ellingsen, Bente; Eide, Geir Egil; Roelants, Mathieu
et al. (2016). BMI and BMI SDS in childhood: annual increments and conditional change. (external link)
Brannsether, Bente; Roelants, Mathieu; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (2016). Nye referansekurver for vektrelaterte kroppsmål hos barn. (external link)
Rafaelsen, Silje Hjorth; Bjerknes, Robert
(2016). Hereditary phosphate balance disorders in Norwegian children. (external link)
Kristiansen, Hege; Juliusson, Petur Benedikt; Eide, Geir Egil
et al. (2013). TV viewing and obesity among Norwegian children: the importance of parental education. (external link)
Rafaelsen, Silje Hjorth; Ræder, Helge; Fagerheim, Anne Kristine
et al. (2013). Exome sequencing reveals FAM20c mutations associated with fibroblast growth factor 23-related hypophosphatemia, dental anomalies, and ectopic calcification. (external link)
Ellingsen, Bente Brannsether; Roelants, Mathieu; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (2013). References and cutoffs for triceps and subscapular skinfolds in Norwegian children 4-16 years of age. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur Benedikt; Roelants, Mathieu; Nordal, Eirin Beate
et al. (2013). Growth references for 0-19 year-old Norwegian children for length/height, weight, body mass index and head circumference. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur; Roelants, Mathieu; Hoppenbrouwers, Karel
et al. (2011). Growth of Belgian and Norwegian children compared to the WHO growth standards: Prevalence below -2 and above +2 standard deviations and the effect of breastfeeding. (external link)
Júlíusson, Pétur; Roelants, Mathieu; Markestad, Trond
et al. (2011). Parental perception of overweight and underweight in children and adolescents. (external link)
Bang, Peter; Bjerknes, Robert; Dahlgren, Jovanna
et al. (2011). A comparison of different definitions of growth response in short prepubertal children treated with growth hormone. (external link)
Brodwall, Kristoffer Myrstad; Juliusson, Petur Benedikt; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (2011). Trikorhinofalangealt syndrom - klinisk presentasjon og genetikk. (external link)
Ellingsen, Bente B; Roelants, Mathieu; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (2011). Waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio in Norwegian children 4-18 years of age: Reference values and cut-off levels. (external link)
Bang, Peter F.; Bjerknes, Robert; Dahlgren, J
et al. (2009). What is a poor growth response to rhGH therapy? A comparison of different definitions of growth response in 456 Nordic short statured children treated with rhGH. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur; Roelants, M; Hoppenbrouwers, K
et al. (2009). Growth of Belgian and Norwegian children compared to the WHO growth standards: prevalence outside normal limits and the effect of breast-feeding. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur; Roelants, Mathieu; Eide, Geir Egil
et al. (2009). Vekstkurver for norske barn. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur; Roelants, M; Bjerknes, Robert
(2009). Vekstkurver: Hva er forskjellene mellom en referanse og en standard?. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur; Bjerknes, Robert
(2008). Sekulær økning i vekt hos barn og unge. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Juliusson, Petur; Hagenaes, Lars
(2008). Pubertetsinduksjon med transdermalt østrogen hos jenter med Turner syndrom. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(2008). Forstyrrelser i den somatiske kjønnsutviklingen (4): Utredning av nyfødte med uklare kjønnskarakteristika. (external link)
Ræder, Helge; Bjerknes, Robert
(2008). X-bundet hypofosfatemisk rakitt: Ny kunnskap om patofysiologi, behandling og oppfølging. (external link)
Ræder, Helge; Shaw, Nick; Netelenbos, C.
et al. (2008). A case of X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets: complications and the therapeutic use of cinacalcet. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur; Roelants, Mathieu; Eide, Geir Egil
et al. (2008). Comparison of new growth curves for Norwegian children with the existing national charts and the WHO growth standards. (external link)
Virtanen, Helena; Bjerknes, Robert; Cortes, Dina
et al. (2007). Cryptorchidism: classification, prevalence and long-term consequences. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(2007). Forstyrrelser i den somatiske kjønnsdifferensieringen (2): Normal fysiologi. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(2007). Forstyrrelser i den somatiske kjønnsutviklingen (3): Patofysiologi og kliniske bilder. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Haugen, Stein Erik; Ritzén, E. Martin
(2007). Nordisk konsensus for behandling av testisretensjon. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur; Roelants, Mathieu; Eide, Geir Egil
et al. (2007). Overweight and obesity in Norwegian children: Secular trends and current prevalence. (external link)
Júlíusson, Pétur B.; Roelants, Mathieu; Eide, Geir Egil
et al. (2007). Overweight and obesity in Norwegian children: Secular trends in weight-for-height and skinfolds. (external link)
Berg, Jens Petter; Bjerknes, Robert
(2005). Molekylærdiagnostikk av endokrine sykdommer. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Bjerknes, Robert
(2005). Den neuro-hypofysære-gonadale akse og hypogonadotrop hypogonadisme. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(2005). Hvordan identifisere binyrebarksuppresjon hos barn som behandles med inhalasjonsstereoider?. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Bjerknes, Robert
(2005). Monogenetiske adipositassyndromer. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur; Vinsjansen, S.; Nilsen, B.
et al. (2005). Måling av vekst og vekt: En oversikt over anbefalte teknikker. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Bjerknes, Robert
(2004). Overvekt og fedme hos barn og unge. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur; Bjerknes, Robert
(2004). Hvordan skal vi måle og definere overvekt og fedme hos barn og unge?. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur; Veimo, Dag; Dahl-Jørgensen, Knut
et al. (2004). Veksthormonbehandling av barn født SGA uten innhentingsvekst. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Juliusson, Petur
(2004). Medisinsk utredning av overvekt og fedme hos barn og unge. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Bjerknes, Robert
(2004). Effekt av Atkinsdietten og andre lavkarbohydratdietter på vekttap, lipid- og glukosemetabolismen. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(2003). Bokanmeldelse: "Pediatric Endocrinology": MA Sperling (red). (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(2003). Bokanmeldelse: "Diagnostics of Endocrine Function in Children and Adolescents": MB Ranke (red). (external link)
Aarskog, D; Juliusson, Petur; Bjerknes, Robert
(2003). Pubertas recox hos jenter - en oppdatering. (external link)
Vangsøy-Hansen, E; Fredriksen, M; Juliusson, Petur
et al. (2003). Konsekvenser for den nyfødte av endokrin sykdom hos mor. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur; Aarskog, D; Bjerknes, Robert
(2003). Sentral pubertas precox hos jenter: Utredning og behandling. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Køpp, Unni Mette; Lien, Ernst
et al. (2003). Måling av binyrebarksteroider hos premature barn: Noen praktiske poenger. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Bjerknes, Robert
(2003). Mutasjoner i gener for G-proteinkoblede reseptorer og G-proteiner som årsak til endokrine sykdommer. (external link)
Júlíusson, Pétur B.; Tøndel, Camilla; Aanderud, Sylvi J
et al. (2002). Behandling av Graves sykdom hos barn og unge. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Hagenaes, Lars; Aarskog, Dagfinn
(2002). Short stature homeobox containing gene (SHOX) og kliniske syndromer assosiert med kortvoksthet. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Aarskog, Dagfinn
(2002). Ghrelin: Et nytt peptidhormon som regulerer veksthormonutskillelse og energimetabolisme. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Bjerknes, Robert
(2002). Risiko for kreft etter veksthormonbehandling. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur; Bjerknes, Robert
(2002). Prolactin and estradiol, but not testosterone, inhibit tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interferon (INF) induced apoptosis in the human thyroid carcinoma cell line FTC 133. (external link)
Juliusson, Petur Benedikt; Tøndel, Camilla; Aanderud, Sylvi
et al. (2002). Behandling av Graves sykdom hos barn og unge. (external link)
Øymar, Knut; Havnen, Jakob; Halvorsen, Thomas
et al. (2001). Eosinophil counts and urinary eosinophil protein X in children hospitalized for wheezing during the first year of life: prediction of recurrent wheezing. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(2001). Children are not small adults. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Skadberg, Brit; Njølstad, Pål Rasmus
(2001). Inhalasjonssteroider og vekst. (external link)
Øymar, Knut; Havnen, Jakob; Halvorsen, Thomas
et al. (2001). Eosinophil counts and urinary eosinophil protein X in children hospitalize for wheezing during the first year of life: prediction of recurrent wheezing. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Juliusson, P B; Aarskog, Dagfinn
(2001). Kombinasjonsbehandling med veksthormon og GnRH-analog: Hva vet vi om effekt på sluttlengde?. (external link)
Juliusson, P B; Bjerknes, Robert; Søvik, Oddmund
et al. (2001). Generaliserte ødemer ved insulinbehandling av nyoppdaget diabetes mellitus. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Bjerknes, Robert
(2001). Veksthormonbehandling av kortvokste barn født små for gestasjonsalder. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Aarskog, Dagfinn
(2001). MR-undersøkelse av hypofysen ved mistanke om veksthormonmangel hos barn. (external link)
Aase, Christer Reigstad; Børresen, Per; Roness, Dag
et al. (2001). Hyperfosfatasemi hos barn. (external link)
Øymar, Knut; Bjerknes, Robert
(2001). Urinary eosinophil protein X in children with asthma: influence of atopy and airway infections. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Bjerknes, Robert
(2001). Veksthormonbehandling ved dysmorfe syndromer. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Juliusson, P B
(2001). "Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology": CGD Brook & PC Hindmarsh (red). (external link)
Juliusson, P B; Houge, G; Bjerknes, Robert
(2001). An Apparently Non-Mosaic 45,X Turner Syndrome Patient Having Three Children, One with Turner Syndrome Due to a 46,X,del(X)(p21) karotype. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Aanderud, Sylvi J; Aarskog, Dagfinn
(2000). Veksthormonmangel: Utredning og oppfølging ved overgangen fra barn til voksen. (external link)
Øymar, Knut; Bjerknes, Robert
(2000). Urinary eosinophil protein X in children with atopic dermatitis: relation to atopy and disease activity. (external link)
Pettersen, Eirin Fausa; Bjerknes, Robert; Wergeland, H.I.
(2000). Studies of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) blood, spleen and head kidney leucocytes using specific monoclonal antibodies, immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. (external link)
Jørgensen, Jens Veilmand; Dahl-Jørgensen, Knut; Bjerknes, Robert
(2000). Reviderte europeiske retningslinjer for neonatal screening for kongenitt primær hypothyreose. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Fuglevik, I J; Vinorum, O.G.
et al. (2000). Insulinbehandling av barn med diabetes mellitus ved faste, narkose, undersøkelsesprosedyrer og operative inngrep. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Dahl-Jørgensen, Knut; Gudmundsson, Kolbeinn
et al. (2000). Prenatal behandling av 21-hydroksylasesvikt (adrenogenitalt syndrom) med dexamethason. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Njølstad, Pål Rasmus; Bjerknes, Robert
(2000). Klinisk dysmorfologi: En oversikt. (external link)
Øymar, Knut; Lærdal, Åge; Bjerknes, Robert
(2000). Soluble CD30 and CD23 in cord blood are not related to atopy in early childhood. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Aarskog, Dagfinn
(2000). Veksthormonbehandling ved idiopatisk kortvoksthet. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Aanderud, Sylvi; Aarskog, D
(2000). Veksthormonmangel: Utredning og oppfølging ved overgang fra barn til voksen. (external link)
Frostad, Stein; Bjerknes, Robert; Hervig, T
et al. (1999). Insulin-like growth factor -1 (IGF-1) is a costimulator of the expansion of lineage committed cells derived from peripheral blood mobilized CD34+ cells in multiple myeloma patients. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Júlíusson, PB; Ernø, A
et al. (1999). Utredning av hyperandrogenisme hos jenter etter nyfødtperioden. (external link)
Júlíusson, PB; Bjerknes, Robert; Aarskog, Dagfinn
(1999). Pubertetsinduksjon hos gutter. (external link)
Júlíusson, PB; Kvistad, PH; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (1999). Insulin edema in children. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Bruserud, Øystein; Solberg, Claus Ola
(1999). Oropharyngeal infections in patients with hematologic malignancy. (external link)
Bruserud, Øystein; Bjerknes, Robert; Solberg, Claus Ola
(1999). Infections in patients who have chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Bruserud, Øystein; Solberg, Claus Ola
(1999). Oral infections in patients who have hematologic malignancy. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Bruserud, Øystein; Solberg, Claus Ola
(1999). Infections in hematologic malignancy. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Bruserud, Øystein; Solberg, Claus Ola
(1999). Hematologic malignancy. (external link)
Bruserud, Øystein; Bjerknes, Robert; Solberg, Claus Ola
(1999). Infections in patients with chronic myelocytic leukemia. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Bjerknes, Robert
(1999). Lipodystrofi. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Bjerknes, Robert
(1999). Turner syndrom 1999: Molekylær genetikk og biologi. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Aslaksen, Aslak; Rosendahl, Karen
et al. (1999). Behandling og kontroll av X-bundet hypofosfatemisk rakitt hos barn. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Bjerknes, Robert
(1999). Bardet-Biedl syndrom. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Bjerknes, Robert
(1999). Turner syndrom 1999. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(1998). Oversiktlig om barns helsetilstand i Danmark (Bokanmeldelse). (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Waaler, Per-Erik; Markestad, Trond
(1998). Professor dr.med. Dagfinn Aarskog 70 år. (external link)
Vindenes, HA; Ulvestad, E; Bjerknes, Robert
(1998). Concentrations of cytokines in plasma of patients with large burns: Their relation to time after injury, burn size, inflammatory variables, infection, and outcome. (external link)
Frostad, Stein; Bjerknes, Robert; Abrahamsen, Jenny Foss
et al. (1998). Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) has a costimulatory effect on proliferation of committed progenitors derived from human umbilical cord CD34+ cells. (external link)
Vesterhus, P.; Holland, S. M.; Abrahamsen, T.
et al. (1998). Familial disseminated infection due to atypical mycobacterial with childhood onset. (external link)
Øymar, Knut; Bjerknes, Robert
(1998). Differential patterns of circulating adhesion molecules in children with bronchial asthma, and acute bronchiolitis. (external link)
Røsok, B.; Brinchmann, J. E.; Stent, G.
et al. (1998). Correlates of apoptosis of CD4 and CD8 T cells in tonsillar tissue in HIV-1 infection. (external link)
Júlíusson, PB; Bjerknes, Robert
(1998). Hyperprolaktinemi hos barn. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Rosendahl, Karen; Gjelland, K.
et al. (1998). Ultralydsundersøkele av genitalia interna hos jenter med pubertas precox. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Bjerknes, Robert
(1998). Leptin: Fettvevets hormon. (external link)
Øymar, Knut; Bjerknes, Robert
(1998). Is serum eosinophil cationic protein in bronchiolitis a predictor of asthma?. (external link)
Njølstad, Pål Rasmus; Bjerknes, Robert; Aarskog, Dagfinn
(1998). Apert syndrom. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Kittang, O. B.; Njølstad, Pål Rasmus
et al. (1998). Utredning ved mistanke om Cushing syndrom. (external link)
Riise, Anne Ma Dyrhol; Voltersvik, Pål; Røsok, B. I.
et al. (1998). Potent antretroviral therapy increases the fraction of "truly naive" T-cells and reduces HIV-1 viral load in tonsillar tissue. Abstract nr. 2011 ti "Keystone Symposia" HIV-pathogenesis and treatment. (external link)
Voltersvik, Pål; Riise, Anne Ma Dyrhol; Røsok, B. I.
et al. (1998). T cell subsets and HIV viral load in lymphoid tissue after two years with or without antiretroviral treatment. Abstract nr. 2043. (external link)
Knudtzon, J.; Bjerknes, Robert; Dahl-Jørgensen, K.
(1998). Binyrebarksvikt. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Knudtzon, J.; Markestad, Trond
(1998). Hyperkalsemi. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Knudtzon, J.; Markestad, Trond
(1998). Hypokalsemi. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(1998). Neutrophil phagocytosis - influence of opsonins, neutrophil activation and microbial characteristics. In: Phagocyte function: A guide for research clinical evaluation. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Vesterhus, P.; Aarskog, Dagfinn
(1997). Increased neutriphil insulin-like growth factor-I(IGF-I) receptor expr ession and IGF-I induced functional capacity in patients with untreated Laron syndrome. (external link)
Aarskog, Dagfinn; Eiken, Hans Geir; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (1997). Pituitary dwarfism in the R271W Pit-1 gene mutation. (external link)
Vindenes, Halvard; Bjerknes, Robert
(1997). Impaired actin polymerization and depolymerization in neutrophils from patients with thermal injury. (external link)
Vik, T.; Markestad, Trond; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (1997). Body proportions and early neonatal morbidity in small for gestational age infants of successive births. (external link)
Søvik, Oddmund; Knudtzon, J.; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (1997). Nyoppdaget diabetes mellitus hos barn. (external link)
Øymar, Knut; Elsayed, Said; Bjerknes, Robert
(1997). Serum eosinophil cationic protein and interleukin-5 in childeren with bronchial asthma and acute bronchiolitis. (external link)
Vik, T.; Vatten, L.; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (1997). Dubowitz assessment of gestational age and agreement with prenatal methods. (external link)
Vesterhus, P.; Abrahamsen, T.; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (1997). Defective production of interferon gamma and interleukin in a boy with disseminated Myobacterium avium infection. (external link)
Røsok, Bård; Voltersvik, Pål; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (1996). Dynamics of HIV-1 replication following influenza vaccination of HIV positive individuals. (external link)
Vindenes, Halvard; Bjerknes, Robert
(1996). Impaired action polymerization abd depolymerization in neurophils from patients with thermal injury. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Vesterhus, P.; Aarskog, D.
(1996). Increased neurophil insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptor expression and IGF-I induced functional capacity in patients with untreated Laron syndrome. (external link)
Røsok, B.; Voltersvik, Pål; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (1996). Dynamics of HIV-1 replication following influenza vaccintaion of HIV positive individuals. (external link)
Røsok, B.; Bolstad, L.; Voltersvik, Pål
et al. (1996). Reduced CD4 cell counts in blood do not reflect CD4 cell depletion in tonsillar tissue in asymptomatic HIV-1 infection. (external link)
Neslein, I.L.; Myhre, K.; Bjerknes, Robert
(1996). Hypoxia induced impairment of granulocyte function. (external link)
Vindenes, Halvard; Bjerknes, Robert
(1996). Impaired actin polymerization and depolymerization in PMNLs from patients with thermal injury. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Aarskog, D.
(1996). Growth hormone and insuline like growth fator I enhance the tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-8 induced priming of human neuro phils in vitro. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Aarskog, D.
(1996). Priming of neutrophils by insulin-like growth factor I. (external link)
Røsok, B.; Brinchmann, J.E.; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (1996). T-cell subsets in pharyngeal tonsils in HIV positive and negative individuals. (external link)
Vindenes, Halvard; Ulvestad, E; Bjerknes, Robert
(1995). Increased levels of circulating interleukin-8 in patients with large burns: Relation to burn size and sepsis. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Aarskog, Dagfinn
(1995). Priming of human polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocytes by insulin-like growth factor I: increased phagocytic capacity, complement receptor expression, degranulation, and oxidative burst. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Guttormsen, Hilde-Kari; Solberg, Claus Ola
et al. (1995). Neisserial porins inhibit human neutrophil actin polymerization, degranulation, opsonin receptor expression, and phagocytosis, but prime the neutrophils to increase their oxidative burst. (external link)
Vindenes, Halvard; Bjerknes, Robert
(1995). Microbial colonization of large wounds. (external link)
Vindenes, Halvard; Ulvestad, E; Bjerknes, Robert
(1995). Increased levels of circulating interleukin-8 in patients with large burns: Relation to burn size and sepsis. (external link)
Vindenes, Halvard; Bjerknes, Robert
(1995). The microbial colonization of large burn wounds. (external link)
Røsok, B; Voltersvik, Pål; Bjerknes, Robert
et al. (1995). Viral and immunological responses after parenteral influenza vaccination of HIV positive individuals. (external link)
Vindenes, Halvard; Ulvestad, E; Bjerknes, Robert
(1995). Increased levels of circulating IL-8 in patients with large burns: Relation to burn size and sepsis. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Aarskog, Dagfinn
(1995). Priming of human neutrophils by insulin-like growth factor-I. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Aarskog, Dagfinn
(1995). Characterization of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D%c induced human monocyte to macrophage differentiation in vitro. (external link)
Vindenes, Halvard; Ulvestad, E; Bjerknes, Robert
(1995). Plasma cytokines in patients with large burns. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(1995). Hypo- og hyperthyreose. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(1995). Glandula thyreoidea stoffskiftet. (external link)
Guttormsen, Hilde-Kari; Bjerknes, Robert; Halstensen, Alfred
et al. (1993). Cross-reacting serum opsonins to meningococci after vaccination. (external link)
Vindenes, Halvard; Bjerknes, Robert
(1993). The frequency of bacteremia and fungemia following wound cleaning and excision in patients with large burns. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Steinsvåg, Sverre
(1993). Inhibition of human neutrophil actin polymerization, phagocytosis and oxidative burst by components of decongestive nosedrops. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert; Steinsvåg, Sverre
(1993). Inhibition of human neutrophilactin polymerization, phagocytosis and oxidative burst by components of decongestive nosedrops. (external link)
Guttormsen, K. H.; Bjerknes, Robert; Halstensen, Alfred
et al. (1993). Crossreacting serum opsonins to meningococci after vaccination. (external link)
Steinsvåg, Sverre; Bjerknes, Robert; Berg, Øyvind H
(1993). Effects on human respiratory mucosa and human granulocytes of decongestive nosedrops and topical nasal steroids in vitro. (external link)
Reigstad, H.; Bjerknes, Robert; Markestad, Trond
et al. (1992). Ganciclovir therapy of congenital cytomegalovirus disease. (external link)
Småland, Rune; Lærum, Ole Didrik; Sothern, R. B.
et al. (1992). Colony-Forming Units - Granulocyte/Macrophage and DNA synthesis of human bone marrow are circadian stage-dependent and show covariation. (external link)
Guttormsen, Hilde-Kari; Bjerknes, Robert; Næss, A.
et al. (1992). Crossreacting serum opsonins in patients with meningococcal disease. (external link)
Lærum, Ole Didrik; Bjerknes, Robert
(1992). Flow cytometry in hematology. (external link)
Lærum, Ole Didrik; Bjerknes, Robert
(1992). Flow Cytometry in Hematology. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(1992). Pathological conditions. (external link)
Lærum, Ole Didrik; Bjerknes, Robert
(1992). Anal Cytology Series. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(1992). Analysis of phagocyte-microorganism interactions. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(1992). Bacterial and viral infections. (external link)
Bjerknes, Robert
(1991). Vekst ved astma bronkiale. (external link)
Lund-Johansen, Morten; Olweus, Johanna; Aarli, Å.
et al. (1991). The IgG FcRII and the PI-linked IgG Fc3 trigger cytoplasmic calcium fluxes independently in human granulocytes. (external link)
Småland, Rune; Lote, K.; Sletvold, O.
et al. (1991). Circadian stage dependent variation of cortisol related to DNA synthesis in human bone marrow. (external link)
Småland, Rune; Lærum, Ole Didrik; Lote, K.
et al. (1991). DNA synthesis in human bone marrow is circadian stage dependent. (external link)
Lærum, Ole Didrik; Bjerknes, Robert
(1991). Flow cytometry in hematology: Analytical Cytology Series. (external link)
Småland, Rune; Lote, K.; Sletvold, O.
et al. (1991). Circadian stage dependent variation of cortisol related to DNA synthesis in human bone marrow. (external link)
Steinsvåg, Sverre; Bjerknes, Robert
(1991). Speroid of normal tissue in culture. (external link)
Steinsvåg, Sverre; Bjerknes, Robert
(1991). Spheroids of normal tissue in culture. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.