Terje Lislevand


Associate Professor



Competence: Ornithology with focus on species knowledge, ecology, evolution and behaviour.

I have a broad interest in ornithology and experience from projects in evolutionary biology, ecology, conservation and behaviour.

My research is focused on the evolution of life history strategies (primarily the evolution of egg size and clutch size), mating systems, body size, parental care and mating behaviour. I study these issues in the field or by using phylogenetic comparative methods.

Assistant Editor in the journal Ornis Norvegica: https://boap.uib.no/index.php/ornis


I am heavily engaged in science communication work, primarily by acting as scientific leader of The Exhibition Project (2011-2019) where we create new science exhibitions in the old museum building at Muséplass 3. Part of the Museum Project 2014.

I also write popular science articles, communicate science and knowledge about nature in the media, give talks and answer nature-related questions from media and the general public.

For a list of contributions, please see the Cristin data base (under Publications).


See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Lislevand, T. & Hahn, S. 2015. Skipping-type migration in a small Arctic wader, the Temminck’s stint Calidris temminckii. J. Avian Biol. 46: 001-006. doi: 10.1111/jav.00653

Byrkjedal, I., Lislevand, T. & Grønstøl, G. 2013. Rapid sampling of males and territories by female Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125: 809–811.

Lislevand, T. & Hahn, S. 2013. Effects of geolocator deployment by using flexible leg-loop harnesses in a small wader. Wader Study Group Bulletin 120: 108–113.

Grønstøl, G., Hafsmo, J. E., Byrkjedal, I. & Lislevand, T. 2013. Chick growth and survival in northern lapwings (Vanellus vanellus) indicate that secondary females do the best of a bad job. Journal of Avian Biology 44: 376–382.

Byrkjedal, I., Lislevand, T. & Vogler, S. 2012. Do passerine birds utilise artificial light to prolong their diurnal activity during winter at northern latitudes?. Ornis Norvegica 35: 37–42.

Ramírez-Morales, R., Lislevand, T., Retana-Salazar, A., Solhøy, T. & Roth, S. 2012. Ectoparasite loads of the Central American Whiptail Lizard Ameiva festiva (Squamata: Teiidae). Herpetological Journal 22: 151–155.

Lislevand, T. 2012. Habitat and nest placement of Red-backed Shrikes Lanius collurio breeding in clear-cuts in southern Norway. Ornis Norvegica 35: 28–36.

Byrkjedal, I. & Lislevand, T. 2011. “Cat-beside-mousehole–technique” employed by Nordmann’s Greenshank hunting for crabs. Wader Study Group Bulletin 118: 190–191.

Gohli, J., Røer, J. E., Selås, V., Stenberg, I. & Lislevand, T. 2011. Migrating Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers Dendrocopos minor along the coast of southern Norway: where do they come from? Ornis Fennica 88: 121–128. 

Lislevand, T. Figuerola, J. & Székely, T. 2009. Evolution of sexual size dimorphism in grouse and allies (Aves: Phasianidae) in relation to mating competition, fecundity demands and resource division. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 1895–1905.

Lislevand, T., Grønstøl, G. B. & Byrkjedal, I 2009. Dispersal and age at first breeding in Norwegian Northern Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus). Ornis Fennica 86: 11-17

Lislevand, T., Marthinsen, G. & Lifjeld, J. 2009. Sex differences in body size and body condition in breeding Temminck’s Stints Calidris temminckii. Journal of Ornithology 150: 299-302.

Selås, V., Steen, R., Kobro, S., Lislevand, T. & Stenberg, I. 2008. Direct and indirect weather impacts on spring populations of lesser spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos minor in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 23: 148-153.

Dale, J., Dunn, P. O., Figuerola, J., Lislevand, T., Székely, T. & Whittingham, L. A. 2007. Sexual selection explains Rensch’s rule in birds. Proc. R. Soc. B. 274: 2971-2979.

Székely, T., Lislevand, T. & Figuerola, J. 2007. Sexual size dimorphism in birds. Pp. 27-37 in W. Blanckenhorn, D. Fairbairn & T. Székely (eds.): Sex, Size and Gender Roles. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Lislevand, T., Figuerola, J. & Székely, T. 2007. Avian body sizes in relation to fecundity, mating system, display behaviour and resource sharing. Ecology 88: 1605.

Grønstøl, G., Langeland Myking, O., Lislevand, T. & Byrkjedal, I. 2007. Plasmatestosterone levels of incubating female Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus. Ornis Norvegica 30: 124-126.

Lislevand, T. & Thomas, G. H. 2006. Limited male incubation ability and the evolution of egg size in shorebirds. Biology Letters 2: 166-168.

Lislevand, T. & Kjøstvedt, J. H. 2005. Wintering Water Rails Rallus aqaticus in Aust-Agder county, south Norway. Ornis Norvegica 28: 118-125.

Lislevand, T., Byrkjedal, I., Borge, T. & Sætre, G.-P.2005. Egg size in relation to sex of embryo, brood sex ratios and laying sequence in Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus. Journal of Zoology 267: 81-87.

Lislevand, T. & Byrkjedal, I. 2004. Incubation behaviour in male Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus in relation to mating opportunities and female body condition. Ardea 92: 19-30.

Falkenberg, F.,Lislevand, T.& Solheim, K. E.2004.Occurrence of Long-tailed Skuas Stercorarius longicaudus at Hardangervidda. Ornis Norvegica 27: 86-93.

Lislevand, T., Byrkjedal, I., Grønstøl, G. B., Hafsmo, J. E., Kallestad, G. R. & Larsen, V. A.2004.Incubation behaviour in Northern Lapwings:nocturnal incubation and possible importance of breeding quality. Ethology 110: 177-192.

Larsen, V. A., Lislevand, T.& Byrkjedal, I. 2003. Is clutch size limited by incubation ability in Northern Lapwings? Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 784-792.

Hafsmo, J. E., Byrkjedal, I., Grønstøl, G. B. &Lislevand, T.2001. Simultaneous tetragyny in Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus. Bird Study 48: 124-125.

Lislevand, T., Byrkjedal, I., Grønstøl, G. B. & Hafsmo, J. E. 2001. Mate replacement and male brood adoption in Lapwings Vanellus vanellus. Wader Study Group Bull. 95: 55-58.

Lislevand, T. 2001. Male incubation in Northern Lapwings: effects on egg temperatures and possible benefits to females. Ornis Fennica 78: 23-29.

Byrkjedal, I., Grønstøl, G. B., Hafsmo, J. E. &Lislevand, T.2000. Chick punishment and chick adoption in Northern Lapwings. Ornis Fennica 77: 89-92.

Grønstøl, G. B., Byrkjedal, I., Hafsmo, J. E. & Lislevand, T.1999. Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus copulating with a grass turf. Ornis Norvegica 22: 60-62.

Byrkjedal, I., Grønstøl, G.,Lislevand, T., Pedersen, K. M., Sandvik, H. & Stalheim, S.1997.Mating systems and territory in Lapwings Vanellus vanellus. Ibis 139: 129-137.


Current projects:

At the moment my research is largely focusing on avian migration biology where I'm using geolocator technology to track the annual schedules of birds. I'm also particularly interested in shorebird (wader) ecology and evolution.

Other research interests:

1) clutch size limitation in birds

2) nocturnal activities in passerine birds during winter

3) Variation in avian breeding behaviour


Previous projects:

Nesting ecology in a Himalayan gallinaceous bird, the Tibetan Partridge (Perdix hodgsoniae) (supervisor for Dr. Tsering Dorge 2009-2014).

Costs of variable incubation conditions in a passerine bird. Marie Curie EIF grant from The European Commission. University of Glasgow, UK 2007-2009.

Parental care during the incubation period in Northern Lapwings. PhD grant from The Research Council of Norway. University of Bergen 2000-2003.

For studenter

Mine prosjekter fokuserer hovedsakelig på fuglebiologi, enten ved studier i felt eller ved komparative studier. Noen mulige MSc-prosjekter beskrives nedenfor, men studenter som er interesserte i fugler oppfordres til å ta kontakt med meg for å diskutere evt. andre prosjekter også.

Tilgjengelige MSc-prosjekter:

The importance of predation risk on the evolution of clutch size in shorebirds

Most shorebirds (Charadriiformes) lay four pear-shaped eggs and reasons for this upper clutch size limit are debated. One of the hypotheses predicts that larger shorebird clutches would be more attractive and/or more easily detected by predators, and thus be selected against. This idea has rarely been tested, though. Here I suggest comparing predation rates in artificial nests with four and five eggs in order to test if clutches of five eggs are lost at a higher rate – regardless of parental care. The study could be carried out at Hardangervidda where several shorebird species are breeding. Students interested in this project should be prepared for field work in alpine environments.


Arnold TW. 1999. What limits clutch size in waders? J  Avian Biol 30: 216–220.

Larsen V, Lislevand T, Byrkjedal I. 2003. Is clutch size limited by incubation ability in northern lapwings? J Anim Ecol 72: 784-792.

Monaghan P. & Nager RG. 1997. Why don’t birds lay more eggs? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 12: 270–274.


Incubation behaviour in the Temminck’s stint Calidris teminckii

The Temminck’s stint is one of the smallest shorebirds and has a peculiar breeding system called sequential polyandry. Females may lay two clutches for different males where the first male takes care of the first clutch and brood and the female cares for the second one. The incubation behaviour in this species has never been studied in detail, and this is the goal of the current study. By using temperature loggers and/or small cameras the incubation behaviour will be monitored in nests incubated by both males and females. Research questions to address would be if the two sexes differ in incubation rhythms (frequency of periods off the nest, duration of incubation bouts or periods off the nest, seasonal variation in incubation behaviour etc.). It would also be interesting to measure if incubation efficiency of males differs from that of females and see if incubation behaviour varies with body condition and weather. This project demands a dedicated student prepared for field work in alpine environments.


Lislevand, T. & Byrkjedal, I. 2004. Incubation behaviour in male Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus in relation to mating opportunities and female body condition. Ardea 92: 19–30.

Lislevand, T., Byrkjedal, I., Grønstøl, G. B., Hafsmo, J. E., Kallestad, G. R. & Larsen, V. A. 2004. Incubation behaviour in Northern Lapwings: nocturnal incubation and possible importance of breeding quality. Ethology 110: 177–192.