Thor Olav Iversen


Guest Researcher



Thor Olav Iversen successfully defended his PhD thesis at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT) in June 2023 and is currently a guest reseacher here. He assists in the teaching in the interfacultary Master's in Sustainability and in the Theory of Science and Ethics course at the Faculty of Psychology.

His doctoral project sought to develop a critical framework for assessing food security quantification. Food insecurity and hunger is still endemic in developing countries. According to the most used food security indicator, 768 million people remain undernourished globally, up 135 million from two decades ago. Such estimates however depend on the methodology used to quantify food security. Measurement methods also impact the form, targeting, scale and timing of an aid response.

You can read more about the project here.



As one of three researchers, Thor Olav was mentioned by the Dean, Camilla Brautaset, in her presentation of the Faculty of Humanities at the university board meeting 2 February 2022. She highlighted his research as an example of the insights that can be found in humanities-based projects. Thor Olav's research on the methods used in food security quantification is important, since it can impact policies for reducing hunger.



Forsket på hvordan verden måler sult (interview about PhD project)

UiB articles

Ethics of Quantification - podcast with Professor Ted Porter

With a critical eye on food security quantification

Rethinking Economics Norway (articles in Norwegian)

Den samfunnsøkonomiske inkvisjonen

Klassekampen (articles in Norwegian)

Svoltkatastrofa i Jemen (behind paywall)

Morgenbladet (articles in Norwegian)

Kritiske fag er demokratiets kanarifuglar (behind paywall)

På marknadsplassen døyr vitskapen

Vil vitskapen redde oss?

Bergens Tidende (articles in Norwegian)

Norsk våpeneksportkontroll held verken vatn eller kuler

Kvifor gjev UiB sin mest kjente talarstol til ein blodtørst krigshauk? (behind paywall)

Røyst (article in Norwegian)

Låge krav til krigshauk

Samviten (student magazine for the Faculty of Social Science at UiB)

Interviewed in the article Fra "søppel" til kunst (From "garbage" to art)


Mentioned as one of the founders of the new (2023) association for early-career researchers Organisasjonen Ferske Forskere: Vil hindre at norsk akademia forbeholdes friske, hvite menn. 25.05.23


Bergen Global (CMI/UiB)


Panelist at SAIH Bergen event Decolonization of academia: What, why, how? (October 2022)

Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Norway

Event: Bærekraftskonferansen 2021 (Sustainability Conference 2021) - 23.-24.10.2021. Presentation: Food security and indicators for the sustainability goals. Thor Olav speaks about his doctoral project about quantification of food security.

Centre on Law & Social Transformation

Event: The Quality of Life Agenda in Norway - Master's week 2020 - 10.02.2020
