William H. Hubbard
Book review
- Hubbard, William H. (2010). Infection, language and culture: tuberculosis work in Finland. (external link)
- Hubbard, William H. (2010). Bokanmeldelse av May-Brith Nielsen: "Mennesker, makt og mikrober. Epidemibekjempelse og hygiene på Sørlandet 1830-1880". (external link)
- Hubbard, William H. (2010). Bokanmeldelse av Teemu Sakari Ryymin: "Smitte, språk og kultur: tuberkulosearbeidet i Finnmark". (external link)
- Hubbard, William H. (2009). The "Viennese disease". A social history of tuberculosis in Austria. (external link)
- Hubbard, William H. (2006). Public Health in Norway 1603-2003. Essay review of "Det offentlige helsevesen i Norge 1603-2003" by Ole Georg Moseng and Aina Schiøtz. (external link)
- Hubbard, William H. (2005). Sweden and visions of Norway: Politics and culture, 1814-1905. (external link)
- Hubbard, William H. (2001). Anmeldelse av: Hochstadt, Steve: Mobility and Modernity: Migration in Germany 1820-1989. (external link)
- Hubbard, William H. (2000). Anmeldelse av: James H. Jackson: Migration and Urbanization in the Ruhr Valley 1821-1914. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hubbard, William H.; Andresen, Astri; Ryymin, Teemu (2010). International and local approaches to health and health care. (external link)
- Andresen, Astri; Grønlie, Tore; Hubbard, William H. et al. (2009). Histories of medical institutions. (external link)
- Andresen, Astri; Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Hubbard, William H. (2004). Introduction - Public health and Preventive medicine 1800-2000. (external link)
- Hubbard, William H. (2002). Folkevekst og flytting: Demographic Processes in a Western Norwegian Port TownHaugesund, 1865-1920. (external link)
- Hubbard, William H. (2002). Death and Disease in Urban Norway: The Mortality Transition in Kristiania, Bergen, and Trondheim in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Andresen, Astri; Grønlie, Tore; Hubbard, William H. et al. (2008). Citizens, Courtrooms, Crossings. Conference Proceedings. (external link)
- Andresen, Astri; Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Hubbard, William H. (2004). Public Health and Preventive Medicine 1800-2000 Knowledge, Co-operation and Conflict. Conference Proceedings. (external link)
Thesis at a second degree level
- Andersen, Kjetil; Hubbard, William (2003). Challenging the Union. The Scottish National Party and Devolution 1960-1979. (external link)
- Zahl, Mari Janne Solbø; Hubbard, William (2002). The Lion of St. Jarlath. John MacHale - Catholic prelate and Irish nationalist. (external link)
- Falk, Birte Kristin; Hubbard, William (2002). "Lest We Forget". Myter som argument i debatten kring Sunningdale-avtalen 1973 og Langfredagsavtalen 1998. Ei analyse av endringsperspektivet i den unionistiske rørsla i Nord-Irland. (external link)