Rajah, Jefferson K.; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2024). Co-producing Models of (Pro-)Environmental Human Behaviour with Citizens: Feedback Stories Surrounding Meat Consumption. (ekstern lenke)
Kordts, Robert; Kopainsky, Birgit; Stefan T., Siegel
(2024). Systemtenkning blant studenter på bærekraftsutdanninger: En pilotstudie [Systems thinking among students in sustainability programs: A pilot study]. (ekstern lenke)
Rajah, Jefferson K.; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2024). Human behavioural drivers of meat consumption: Using group model building to capture lived realities.. (ekstern lenke)
Rajah, Jefferson K.; Tusch, Benedikt; Hammerseng, Gard
et al. (2024). Towards Modelling (Pro-)Environmental Human Behaviour in Integrated Assessment Models from a Systems Approach. (ekstern lenke)
Rajah, Jefferson K.; Tusch, Benedikt; Hammerseng, Gard
et al. (2024). Conceptualising an endogenous representation of human behaviour change in a feedback-based, global-scale integrated assessment model. (ekstern lenke)
Schoenberg, William Alexander; Rajah, Jefferson K.; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2024). Teaching Loop Dominance Analysis and Leverage Point Identification in the Classroom Using Loops That Matter [Workshop]. (ekstern lenke)
Schoenberg, William Alexander; Rajah, Jefferson K.; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2024). Teaching with Loops That Matter in the classroom. (ekstern lenke)
Thompson, William J.; Varma, Varun; Joerin, Jonas
et al. (2024). Correction to: Smallholder farmer resilience to extreme weather events in a global food value chain (Climatic Change, (2023), 176, 11, (152), 10.1007/s10584-023-03586-1). (ekstern lenke)
Buzogany, Raquel Froese; Kopainsky, Birgit; Gonçalves, Paulo
(2024). Developing theoretically grounded causal maps to examine and improve policy narratives about global challenges. (ekstern lenke)
Soriano, Bárbara; Paas, Wim; Reidsma, Pytrik
et al. (2024). Overcoming collapse of farming systems: shifting from vicious to virtuous circles in the extensive sheep farming system in Huesca (Spain). (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Dula, Ivan; Gkini, Christina
(2024). Integrating distributive justice in system dynamics models of sustainability transitions. (ekstern lenke)
Metic, Julija; Guzzo, Daniel; Kopainsky, Birgit
et al. (2024). A simulation-based approach for investigating the dynamics of rebound effects in the circular economy: A case of use-oriented product/service system. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2023). 12 questions to Birgit Kopainsky. (ekstern lenke)
Aguiar, Anaely ; Romanenko, Eduard; Hendricks, Gaironeesa
et al. (2023). Mental health matters in obesity prevention: exploring the dynamic relationships between mental well-being and obesity-related behaviours in adolescents. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit Ursula; Kapmeier, Florian
(2023). Dynamic implications of the biological link between bovine milk and meat production for operationalizing the planetary health diet. (ekstern lenke)
Thompson, William J.; Varma, Varun; Jörin, Jonas
et al. (2023). Smallholder farmer resilience to extreme weather events in a global food value chain. (ekstern lenke)
Rajah, Jefferson K.; Chernicoff, William; Hutchison, Christopher J.
et al. (2023). Enabling Mobility: A Simulation Model of the Health Care System for Major Lower-Limb Amputees to Assess the Impact of Digital Prosthetics Services. (ekstern lenke)
Aguiar Rodriguez, Anaely ; Onal, Furkan; Hendricks, Gaironeesa
et al. (2023). Understanding the dynamics emerging from the interplay among poor mental wellbeing, energy balance-related behaviors, and obesity prevalence in adolescents: A simulation-based study. (ekstern lenke)
Loo, Pei Shan; Aguiar Rodriguez, Anaely ; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2023). Simulation-Based Assessment of Cholera Epidemic Response: A Case Study of Al-Hudaydah, Yemen. (ekstern lenke)
Aguiar Rodriguez, Anaely ; Gebremariam, Mekdes; Romanenko, Eduard
et al. (2023). System dynamics simulation models on overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: A systematic review. (ekstern lenke)
Conway-Moore, Kaitlin; Cecile, Knai; Finegood, Diane
et al. (2023). Co-creating obesity prevention policies with youth: Policy ideas generated through the CO-CREATE project. (ekstern lenke)
Wisiecka, Katarzyna; Konishi, Yuumi; Krejtz, Krzysztof
et al. (2023). Supporting Complex Decision-Making: Evidence from an Eye Tracking Study on In-Person and Remote Collaboration. (ekstern lenke)
Potthoff, Kerstin; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2023). Norwegian low-intensity ovine and bovine farming systems—a resilience perspective. (ekstern lenke)
Herrera de Leon, Hugo Jose; Schütz, Lilli; Paas, Wim
et al. (2022). Understanding resilience of farming systems: Insights from system dynamics modelling for an arable farming system in the Netherlands. (ekstern lenke)
Beitnes, Synnøve S.; Kopainsky, Birgit; Potthoff, Kerstin
(2022). Climate change adaptation processes seen through a resilience lens: Norwegian farmers’ handling of the dry summer of 2018. (ekstern lenke)
Lindqvist, Andreas; Fornell, Rickard; Prade, Thomas
et al. (2022). Impacts of future climate on local water supply and demand – A socio-hydrological case study in the Nordic region. (ekstern lenke)
Leon, Hugo Jose Herrera de; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2022). Using microworlds for policymaking in the context of resilient farming systems. (ekstern lenke)
Nicholson, Charles; McRoberts, Keenan; Öz, Besir Suleyman
et al. (2022). A dynamic systems analysis of factors affecting success of identitypreserved products: the case of high-oleic soybeans. (ekstern lenke)
Hempel, Manuel; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2022). An outlook on the Future of Agricultural Policy: Experiences from Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Benabderrazik, Kenza; Jeangros, Laurence; Kopainsky, Birgit
et al. (2022). Addressing the resilience of tomato farmers in Ghana facing a double exposure from climate and market. (ekstern lenke)
Gkini, Christina; Rajah, Jefferson K.; Aguiar Rodriguez, Anaely
et al. (2022). Integrating diverse perspectives: meaning-making process in participatory system dynamics. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2022). Discussant; Second Open Plenary Discussion. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Herrera de Leon, Hugo Jose
(2022). workshop i SYNAGRI. (ekstern lenke)
Zolfaghari, Mahshid; Meshkovska, Biljana; Banik, Anna
et al. (2022). Applying a systems perspective to understand the mechanisms of the European School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. (ekstern lenke)
Benabderrazik, Kenza; Kopainsky, Birgit; Monastyrnaya, Elena
et al. (2022). Climate resilience and the human-water dynamics. The case of tomato production in Morocco. (ekstern lenke)
Thompson, William D.; Blaser-Hart, Wilma; Jörin, Jonas
et al. (2022). Can sustainability certification enhance the climate resilience of smallholder farmers? The case of Ghanaian cocoa. (ekstern lenke)
Kliem, Daniel; Scheidegger, Alexander; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2021). Closing the mineral construction material cycle – An endogenous perspective on barriers in transition. (ekstern lenke)
Nicholson, Charles F.; Stephens, Emma C.; Kopainsky, Birgit
et al. (2021). Food security outcomes in agricultural systems models: Case examples and priority information needs. (ekstern lenke)
Nicholson, Charles F.; Stephens, Emma C.; Kopainsky, Birgit
et al. (2021). Food security outcomes in agricultural systems models: Current status and recommended improvements. (ekstern lenke)
Enberg, Katja; Harlap, Yael; Kopainsky, Birgit
et al. (2021). Institutional synergies for sustainability learning - the university as ecosystem and social actor. (ekstern lenke)
Rieder, Erica; Larson, Lincoln; 't Sas-Rolfes, Michael
et al. (2021). Using participatory system dynamics modeling to address complex conservation prob-lems: Tiger farming as a case study. (ekstern lenke)
Benabderrazik, Kenza; Kopainsky, Birgit; Tazi, L.
et al. (2021). Agricultural intensification can no longer ignore water conservation – A systemic modelling approach to the case of tomato producers in Morocco. (ekstern lenke)
Lindqvist, Andreas; Fornell, Rickard; Prade, Thomas
et al. (2021). Human-water dynamics and their role for seasonal water scarcity – a case study. (ekstern lenke)
Wilkerson, Brooke; Aguiar Rodriguez, Anaely; Gkini, Christina
et al. (2020). Reflections on adapting group model building scripts into online workshops. (ekstern lenke)
Barton, Michael C.; Alberti, Marina; Burke, Edmund
et al. (2020). Call for transparency of COVID-19 models. (ekstern lenke)
Reidsma, Pytrik; Paas, Wim; Accatino, Francesco
et al. (2020). Impacts of improved strategies and policy options on the resilience of farming systems across the EU. D5.6 . (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2020). Crises as opportunities. Presidential address. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2020). Working towards system dynamics modeling and simulation of policies in Co-Create. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2020). Connecting the dots. Systems thinking as a unifying language in interdisciplinary work. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Kliem, Daniel
(2020). How can System Dynamics contribute to transformation in social-ecological systems?. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Målen, Hiwa
(2020). PhD for innovation. Experiences with the pilot version of a PhD course on interdisciplinary problem solving and creativity. (ekstern lenke)
Herrera de Leon, Hugo Jose; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2020). Using system dynamics to support a participatory assessment of resilience. (ekstern lenke)
Gallagher, Louise; Kopainsky, Birgit; Bassi, Andrea Marcello
et al. (2020). Supporting stakeholders to anticipate and respond to risks in a Mekong River water-energy-food nexus. (ekstern lenke)
Wilkerson, Brooke; Aguiar Rodriguez, Anaely; Gkini, Christina
et al. (2020). Reflections on adapting group model building scripts into online workshops. (ekstern lenke)
Nicholson, Charles F.; Kopainsky, Birgit; Stephens, Emma
et al. (2020). Conceptual frameworks linking agriculture and food security. (ekstern lenke)
Accatino, Francesco; Paas, Wim; Herrera, Hugo
et al. (2020). Impacts of Future Scenarios on the Resilience of Farming Systems across the EU As-sessed with Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. D5.5 . (ekstern lenke)
Herrera de Leon, Hugo Jose; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2020). Do you bend or break? System Dynamics in resilience planning for food security. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Frehner, Anita; Müller, Adrian
(2020). Sustainable and healthy diets: Synergies and trade‐offs in Switzerland.. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2020). Afterword. (ekstern lenke)
Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Kopainsky, Birgit; Målen, Hiwa
et al. (2020). OPPkvikker - faglig frokostmøte med Universitetet i Bergen. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2019). Navigating between analytical rigor and inclusiveness in participatory systems modeling. (ekstern lenke)
Kimmich, Christian; Gallagher, Louise; Kopainsky, Birgit
et al. (2019). Participatory modelling updates expectations for individuals and groups, catalyzing behavior change and collective action in water‐energy‐food nexus governance. (ekstern lenke)
Thompson, William; Aguiar Rodriguez, Anaely; Bonhilla-Duarte, S.
et al. (2019). DR-UK Banana Value Chain Climate Resilience Workshop. Forming a transdisciplinary platform to generate stakeholder designed strategies to enhance climate resilience. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Gerber, Andreas; Lara Arango, David
et al. (2019). Short-term versus long-term decision trade-offs: Evidence from a model-based observational experiment with African small-scale farmers. (ekstern lenke)
Meuwissen, Miranda; Feindt, Peter; Spiegel, Alisa
et al. (2019). A framework to assess the resilience of farming systems. (ekstern lenke)
Pedercini, Matteo; Kleemann, Holger Maxmilian; Dlamini, Nombuso
et al. (2019). Integrated simulation for national development planning. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2019). #foodcanfixit. How food and system dynamics have given me a career. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2019). On using system dynamics to build adaptive capacity with small-scale farmers in developing countries. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2019). System Dynamics at Sixty: The Path Forward. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2019). Sustainable and healthy diets. Synergies and trade-offs in Switzerland. (ekstern lenke)
Thompson, William; Curcio, B.; Aguiar Rodriguez, Anaely
et al. (2019). DR-UK Banana Producer Resilience Assessment. Understanding preparation, impacts and recovery responses to hurricane-induced flooding for smallholder banana producers. (ekstern lenke)
Nicholson, Charles F.; Stephens, Emma; Jones, A.D.
et al. (2019). Setting Priorities to Address the Research Gaps Between Agricultural Systems Analysis and Food Security Outcomes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. (ekstern lenke)
Aguiar Rodriguez, Anaely; Gebremariam, Mekdes Kebede; Kopainsky, Birgit
et al. (2019). Review of existing system dynamics models on overweight/obesity in children and ado-lescents. D7.1 H2020 project CoCREATE. (ekstern lenke)
Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Kopainsky, Birgit; Målen, Hiwa
(2019). PhD for Innovation: Interdisciplinary problem solving and creativity. (ekstern lenke)
Herrera de Leon, Hugo Jose; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2018). Public Policy Planning to Enhance the
Resilience of Socio-Ecological Systems to
Climate Change. Operationalising Resilience Concepts from a Dynamic Perspective. (ekstern lenke)
Bennich, Therese; Belyazid, Salim; Kopainsky, Birgit
et al. (2018). The bio-based economy: Dynamics governing transition pathways in the Swedish forestry sector. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2018). Simulation-based field experiments to study dynamic decision making. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2018). On using system dynamics to build adaptive capacity with small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. (ekstern lenke)
Herrera, Hugo; Kopainsky, Birgit; Appel, Franziska
et al. (2018). Impact Assessment Tool to Assess the Resilience of Farming Systems and their Delivery of Private and Public Goods. Deliverable 5.1. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2018). Synergies and trade-offs between healthy consumption and sustainable production. (ekstern lenke)
Davidsen, Pål; Kopainsky, Birgit; Moxnes, Erling
et al. (2018). A systems education at Bergen. (ekstern lenke)
Mathijs, Erik; Deckers, Jo; Kopainsky, Birgit
et al. (2018). Scenarios for EU Farming. Deliverable 1.2. (ekstern lenke)
Meuwissen, Miranda; Paas, Wim; Coopmans, Isabeau
et al. (2018). Report on Resilience Framework for EU Agriculture. Deliverable 1.1. (ekstern lenke)
Bennich, Therese; Belyazid, Salim; Kopainsky, Birgit
et al. (2018). Understanding the transition to a bio-based economy: Exploring dynamics linked to the agricultural sector in Sweden. (ekstern lenke)
Stave, Krystyna; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2017). System dynamics as a framework for understanding human-environment dynamics. (ekstern lenke)
Gerber, Andreas; Lara Arango, David; Nyanga, Progress
et al. (2017). Evidence about dynamic decision-making based on a field experiment with African farmers. (ekstern lenke)
Lane, David C.; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2017). Natural resource management: Contributions of system dynamics to research, policy and implementation. Selected papers from the Seventh European System Dynamics Workshop, at University of Bergen, Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Brzezina, Natalia; Kopainsky, Birgit; Mathijs, Erik
(2017). Designing robust policy for sustainable development of organic farming in Switzerland: A simulation-based approach. (ekstern lenke)
Brzezina, Natalia; Biely, Katharina; Helfgott, Ariella
et al. (2017). Development of organic farming in Europe at the crossroads: Looking for the way forward through system archetypes lenses. (ekstern lenke)
Brombach, Christine; Flückiger, Stefan; Rohrmann, Sabine
et al. (2017). Experts’ opinion about the interaction of sustainable nutrition, health and future of agricultural systems in Switzerland. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Ledermann, Samuel T.; Tribaldos, Theresa
(2017). A Food Systems Perspective for Food and Nutrition Security beyond the Post-2015 Development Agenda. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2017). Ökonomische und ökologische Wirkungen der Schweizer Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft: Bestandsaufnahme und mögliche kritische Faktoren in der Zukunft. (ekstern lenke)
Lara Arango, David; Gerber, Andreas; Nyanga, Progress
et al. (2017). Cournot markets in the field: The case of Zambian farmers. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Gerber, Andreas; Lara Arango, David
et al. (2017). Evidence about dynamic decision-making based on a field experiment with African farmers. (ekstern lenke)
Brzezina, Natalia; Biely, Katharina; Helfgott, Ariella
et al. (2017). Development of organic farming in Europe at the crossroads: Looking for the way forward through system archetype lenses. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Hager, Gerid ; Herrera , Hugo
et al. (2017). Transforming food systems at local levels: using participatory system dynamics in an interactive manner to refine small-scale farmers’ mental models. (ekstern lenke)
Gerber, Andreas; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2017). The Dynamics of Food Availability in sub-Saharan Africa. An Endogenous Perspective on Food Production Systems. (ekstern lenke)
Stave, Krystyna; Kopainsky, Birgit; Tadesse, Aklilu Tilahun
et al. (2017). Participatory system dynamics mapping for collaboration and socioecological integration in the Lake Tana region. (ekstern lenke)
de Mey, Yann; Meuwissen, Miranda; Mathijs, Erik
et al. (2017). SURE-Farm: Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems. (ekstern lenke)
Brzezina, Natalia; Kopainsky, Birgit; Mathijs, Erik
(2016). Can organic farming reduce vulnerabilities and enhance the resilience of the European food system? A critical assessment using system dynamics structural thinking tools. (ekstern lenke)
Tadesse, Biruktavit; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2016). Farmers' Decision Making and Food Insecurity: The Case of Ethiopian Households A System Dynamics Approach. (ekstern lenke)
Alarcon, Ana Lucia Avila; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2016). Subsistence Farming Household. Dynamic Profile.. (ekstern lenke)
Jörin, Jonas; Hauenstein, Samuel; Tendall, Danielle
et al. (2016). Resilience in food systems: The case of tef in Ethiopia. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Größler, Andreas
(2016). 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Derwish, Sebastian; Morone, Piergiuseppe; Tröger, Katharine
et al. (2016). Investigating the drivers of innovation diffusion in a low income country context. The case of adoption of improved maize seed in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Spicer, Jacynta
(2015). Representation and Dynamic
Implications of Mental Models of
Food Systems:
A case study of dynamic decision making of smallscale
farmers in Zambia
. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Huber, Robert; Pedercini, Matteo
(2015). Food provision and environmental goals in the Swiss agri-food system: System dynamics and the social-ecological systems framework. (ekstern lenke)
Tendall, Danielle; Jörin, Jonas; Kopainsky, Birgit
et al. (2015). Food system resilience: Defining the concept. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Alessi, Stephen M.
(2015). Effects of structural transparency in system dynamics simulators on performance and understanding. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Alessi, Stephen M.; Pedercini, Matteo
et al. (2015). The effect of prior exploration as an instructional strategy in system dynamics learning environments. (ekstern lenke)
Stave, Krystyna; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2015). Dynamic decision making in coupled social ecological systems. Integration of small-scale farmers’ goals, resources and strategies for natural resource manage-ment in Amhara region, Ethiopia. (ekstern lenke)
Hager, Gerid; Nyanga, Progress H.; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2015). Learning as conceptual change during community based group interventions. A case study with smallholder farmers in Zambia. (ekstern lenke)
Stave, Krystyna; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2015). A system dynamics framework to promote sustainability in the Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia social-ecological system. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2015). Was heisst nachhaltige Intensivierung für die europäische Landwirtschaft?. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2015). System Dynamics zur Verbesserung der Nahrungsmittel-Versorgungssicherheit in Afrika. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Steinhilber, Conrad
(2015). The
Shocks. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Hager, Gerid
Kopainsky, Birgit; Schreiber, Eduardo E. Bou
(2015). Maize Losses During Storage: A System Dynamics approach to the Food Reserve Agency Case in Zambia. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Birbilaj, Aurora
(2015). Dynamic Decision-Making About
Natural Resource Use In Ethiopia. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Nicholson, Charles F.
(2015). System dynamics and sustainable intensification of food systems: Complementarities and challenges. (ekstern lenke)
Hager, Gerid; Kopainsky, Birgit; Nyanga, Progress H.
(2015). Filling the cups: Learning about systems through community-based processes. (ekstern lenke)
Herrera, Hugo; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2015). Rethinking agriculture in a shrinking world: Operationalization of resilience with a System Dynamics perspective. (ekstern lenke)
Fischer, Helen; Kapmeier, Florian; Tabacaru, Mihaela
et al. (2015). The more you see the less you “get”: On the importance of a higher-level perspective for understanding dynamic systems. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2015). Dynamic simulation modeling in social-ecological systems. (ekstern lenke)
Alessi, Stephen M.; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2015). System dynamics and simulation-gaming: Overview. (ekstern lenke)
Stave, Krystyna; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2015). A system dynamics approach for examining mechanisms and pathways of food supply vulnerability. (ekstern lenke)
Wheat, David; Kopainsky, Birgit; Davidsen, Pål
et al. (2014). Systems Education at Bergen. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Amelia, Dea Fitri
(2014). Exploring Policies to Enhance the Difffusion of Conservation Agriculture in Zambia through Understanding Dynamic Behavior. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2014). On the verge of a food crisis. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2014). På randen av en matkrise. (ekstern lenke)
Stave, Krystyna; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2014). Dynamic thinking about food system vulnerabilities in highly developed countries: Issues and initial analytic structure. (ekstern lenke)
Stave, Krystyna; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2014). Strengthening Links between Policy and Research for Sustainable Development in the Lake Tana Basin. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2014). Good governance in a complex world. System dynamics for agriculture and food security. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2014). Ernährungssicherheit und Ressourceneffizienz in der Schweiz – Ein Widerspruch?. (ekstern lenke)
Saldarriaga, Maria; Nyanga, Progress H.; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2014). Dynamic decision making in coupled social-ecological systems. Smallholder farmers’ goals, resources and constraints in improving food security and adapting to climate change in Zambia. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2014). Sustainable Development Goals and Targets on Food and Nutrition Security through Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems in the Post-2015 Agenda. Background Paper.. (ekstern lenke)
AYENEW, MELAK MESFIN; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2014). Food insecurity in Ethiopia: Population, food production and market. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2014). Using system dynamics in food security projects. (ekstern lenke)
Amelia, Dea Fitri; Kopainsky, Birgit; Nyanga, Progress H.
(2014). Exploratory model of conservation agriculture adoption and diffusion in Zambia: A dynamic perspective. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2014). A conceptual framework for the discussion of targets and indicators for a post-2015 goal on food and nutrition security through sustainable agriculture and food systems. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Tröger, Katharine; Derwisch, Sebastian
et al. (2013). Social Dynamics Overriding Utility Evaluations for Good and Bad: Implications for the Design of Sustainable Food Security Policies in Sub-Saharan African Countries. (ekstern lenke)
Saldarriaga, Maria; Kopainsky, Birgit; Alessi, Stephen
(2013). Knowledge analysis in coupled social-ecological systems. What do stakeholders in sub Saharan Africa know about the dynamic complexity of climate change, agriculture and food security?. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2013). Synergies and trade-offs between environmental and economic outcomes in agri-food systems. A system dynamics approach to scenario and policy analysis. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Huber, Robert; Pedercini, Matteo
(2013). Exploring synergies between system dynamics and a social-ecological systems framework. The case of the Swiss agri-food system between production, environmental and public health goals. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2013). The challenges of modeling agriculture. Experiences from a system-dynamics based application in Switzerland. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Züllich, Gunda; Movilla, Santiago
(2013). Adaptation to climate change in sub Saharan Africa. A multi-sector impact analysis for Burkina Faso. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2013). Panelist comments to “A practitioner’s guide to green economy modeling tools.”. (ekstern lenke)
Zoss, Marc; Kopainsky, Birgit; Becker, Barbara
(2013). Implications of trends in global food and nutrition security at national level – The example of Switzerland. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2013). Using system dynamics in food security projects. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2013). Planificación para la adaptación al cambio climático con la ayuda de modelos de simulación. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2013). The complexity of the world food system. Integrated analyses of food system outcomes. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2013). Planificación para la adaptación al cambio climático con la ayuda de modelos de simulación. Experiencias y lecciones de Burkina Faso en África. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Tröger, Katharine; Derwisch, Sebastian
et al. (2012). Designing sustainable food security policies in sub-Saharan African countries: how social dynamics over-ride utility evaluations for good and bad. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Pirnay-Dummerb, Pablo; Alessic, Stephen M.
(2012). Automated assessment of learners' understanding in complex dynamic systems. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit; Saldarriaga, Maria
(2012). Assessing understanding and learning about dynamic systems. (ekstern lenke)
Momanyi, Eric; Penderis, Sharon; Kopainsky, Birgit
(2012). Dynamics of Poverty Traps in Kenya. Modelling Food Security, Population Growth and the Poverty Trap. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2012). Food for all. Recommendations for enhancing the implementation of food security and sustainable agriculture and food systems. (ekstern lenke)
Alessi, Stephen M.; Kopainsky, Birgit; Moxnes, Erling
(2012). Teaching resource management with web-based models and multi-player games. (ekstern lenke)
Kopainsky, Birgit
(2012). Sustainable agriculture and climate change. Policy analysis and design using system dynamics. (ekstern lenke)
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