M. Khomich. 2022. Tannpuss er viktigere for helsen din enn du tror. Bergens Tidende (debatt).
S. Gupta og M. Khomich. 2021. Norsk oppdrettsnæring er truet av marine bakterier.
M. Khomich og E. Grov Statle. 2020. Genredigering med CRISPR er et nytt våpen i kampen mot plantesykdommer.
M. Khomich. 2018. Sopp i ferskvann: utforskning av det ukjente. Naturen 5: 212-216. DOI:
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Nilsson, R. Henrik; Jansson, Arnold Tobias; Wurzbacher, Christian et al. (2024). 20 years of bibliometric data illustrates a lack of concordance between journal impact factor and fungal species discovery in systematic mycology. (ekstern lenke)
- Nilsson, R. Henrik; Ryberg, Martin; Wurzbacher, Christian et al. (2023). How, not if, is the question mycologists should be asking about DNA-based typification. (ekstern lenke)
- Khomich, Maryia; Lin, Huang; Malinovschi, Andrei et al. (2023). Association between lipid-A-producing oral bacteria of different potency and fractional exhaled nitric oxide in a Norwegian population-based adult cohort. (ekstern lenke)
- Abarenkov, Kessy; Kristiansson, Erik; Ryberg, Martin et al. (2022). The curse of the uncultured fungus. (ekstern lenke)
- Fontaine, Laurent; Khomich, Maryia; Andersen, Tom et al. (2021). Multiple thresholds and trajectories of microbial biodiversity predicted across browning gradients by neural networks and decision tree learning. (ekstern lenke)
- Khomich, Maryia; Måge, Ingrid; Rud, Ida et al. (2021). Analysing microbiome intervention design studies: Comparison of alternative multivariate statistical methods. (ekstern lenke)
- Andersen, Tom; Hessen, Dag Olav; Håll, Johnny Peter et al. (2020). Congruence, but no cascade—Pelagic biodiversity across three trophic levels in Nordic lakes. (ekstern lenke)
- Durkin, Louisa; Jansson, Tobias; Sanchez, Marisol et al. (2020). When mycologists describe new species, not all relevant information is provided (clearly enough). (ekstern lenke)
- Khomich, Maryia; Cox, Filipa; Andrew, Carrie Joy et al. (2018). Coming up short: Identifying substrate and geographic biases in fungal sequence databases. (ekstern lenke)
- Khomich, Maryia; Davey, Marie Louise; Kauserud, Håvard et al. (2017). Fungal communities in Scandinavian lakes along a longitudinal gradient. (ekstern lenke)
- Khomich, Maryia; Kauserud, Håvard; Logares, Ramiro et al. (2017). Planktonic protistan communities in lakes along a large-scale environmental gradient. (ekstern lenke)
- Khomich, Maryia; Måge, Ingrid; Berget, Ingunn et al. (2020). Analysing microbiome intervention trials: Does choice of a statistical method affect biological interpretation?. (ekstern lenke)
- Khomich, Maryia (2017). Aquatic biodiversity gradients in Scandinavia - a molecular approach. (ekstern lenke)
- Khomich, Maryia (2017). Patterns of pelagic bacterioplankton diversity and composition in Scandinavian lakes. (ekstern lenke)
- Khomich, Maryia (2015). Aquatic fungi - a widespread but neglected component in lake ecosystems. (ekstern lenke)
- Khomich, Maryia (2014). Molecular insights into the diversity of aquatic protists in Scandinavian lakes. (ekstern lenke)
Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin
M. Khomich, H. Lin, A. Malinovschi, S. Brix, L. Cestelli, S. Peddada, A. Johannessen, C. Eriksen, F. G. Real, C. Svanes, R. J. Bertelsen. 2023. Association between lipid-A-producing oral bacteria of different potency and fractional exhaled nitric oxide in a Norwegian population-based adult cohort. J Transl Med 21: 354. DOI:
R.H. Nilsson, M. Ryberg, C. Wurzbacher, L. Tedersoo, S. Anslan, S. Põlme, V. Spirin, V. Mikryukov, S. Svantesson, M. Hartmann, C. Lennartsdotter, P. Belford, M. Khomich, A. Retter, N. Corcoll, D. Gómez Martinez, T. Jansson, M. Ghobad-Nejhad, D. Vu, M. Sanchez-Garcia, E. Kristiansson, K. Abarenkov. 2023. How, not if, is the question mycologists should be asking about DNA-based typification. MycoKeys 96: 143-157. DOI:
K. Abarenkov, E. Kristiansson, M. Ryberg, S. Nogal-Prata, D. Gómez-Martínez, K. Stüer-Patowsky, T. Jansson, S. Pōlme, M. Ghobad-Nejhad, N. Corcoll, R. Scharn, M. Sánchez-García, M. Khomich, C. Wurzbacher, R.H. Nilsson. 2022. The curse of the uncultured fungus. MycoKeys 86: 177-194. DOI:
M. Khomich, I. Måge, I. Rud, I. Berget. 2021. Analysing microbiome intervention design studies: Comparison of alternative multivariate statistical methods. PLoS ONE 16: e0259973. DOI:
L. Fontaine*, M. Khomich*, T. Andersen, D.O. Hessen, S. Rasconi, M.L. Davey, A. Eiler. 2021. Multiple thresholds and trajectories of microbial biodiversity predicted across browning gradients by neural networks and decision tree learning. ISME Communications 1: 37. DOI:; *contributed equally
R. Blaalid and M. Khomich. 2021. Current knowledge of Chytridiomycota diversity in Northern Europe and future research needs. Fungal Biology Reviews 36: 42-51. DOI:
T. Andersen, D.O. Hessen, J.P. Håll, M. Khomich, M. Kyle, M. Lindholm, S. Rasconi, B. Skjelbred, J-E. Thrane, B. Walseng. 2020. Congruence, but no cascade – Pelagic biodiversity across three trophic levels in Nordic lakes. Ecology and Evolution 10: 8153-8165. DOI:
L. Durkin, T. Jansson, M. Sanchez, M. Khomich, M. Ryberg, E. Kristiansson, R.H. Nilsson. 2020. When mycologists describe new species, not all relevant information is provided (clearly enough). MycoKeys 72: 109-128. DOI:
D. Foster, G. Lentendu, M. Wilson, F. Mahé, F. Leese, T. Andersen, M. Khomich, M. Dunthorn. 2020. Evaluating geographic variation within molecular operational taxonomic units (OTUs) using network analyses in Scandinavian lakes. bioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2020.08.06.240267
M. Khomich, F. Cox, C.J. Andrew, T. Andersen, H. Kauserud, M.L. Davey. 2018. Coming up short: Identifying substrate and geographic biases in fungal sequence databases. Fungal Ecology 36: 75-80. DOI:
M. Khomich, H. Kauserud, R. Logares, S. Rasconi, T. Andersen. 2017. Planktonic protistan communities in lakes along a large-scale environmental gradient. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93(4): 1-13. DOI:
M. Khomich, M.L. Davey, H. Kauserud, S. Rasconi, T. Andersen. 2017. Fungal communities in Scandinavian lakes along a large-scale environmental gradient. Fungal Ecology 27: 36-46. DOI:
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