Sidsel Christensen
Kort info
PhD research project:
"INTERDIMENSIONAL ARTISTIC REFLECTION: Speculative movements through Spatial, Digital and Narrative Media"
Research project:
INTERDIMENSIONAL ARTISTIC REFLECTION: Speculative movements through Spatial, Digital and Narrative Media.
This project investigates how a speculative approach to scientific/mathematical models of physical dimensions and their interrelationships, can be used as a generative tool in artistic practise-led research, to invite more embodied and entangled ways of experiencing, reflecting, and relating.
The exploration is situated within an interdisciplinary arena that incorporates artistic strategies from New Media Art, Interactive Installation and Performance, all merged into a site dubbed a “performative installation”. Throughout, the project engages in formal, digital, narrative, and interactive practises, to investigate how speculative fabulation and interdimensional movement can work as reflective tool within these performative installations, making them into the locus of the research as well as the research methodology in itself.
The narrative and installation-based structures in the performative installations constitute the framework, from which participants are invited to interact, and so explore movement between various dimensional perspectives: This can be the one-dimensional line of a stretched-out rope to the two-dimensional plane of a projection screen, or the spatial/temporal experience of physically moving through the gallery. Additionally, the project explores how digital interactive technology and speculative narrative fabulations might enable a folding into nearly impossible/imperceivable higher dimensional entanglements. Thus, inviting various approaches to being in an active, interconnected relation to that which seems beyond our reach.
These formal, geometrical modulations in experiencing and sensing, points towards possibilities for physical embodiment and movement in the space of the artwork, that is entangled with movements in thinking and imagination. As such, there is a mind / body correlation through the experience of shifting perspectives, that stands as a prerequisite for the methodological workings of the project, through which the intermedial and interdimensional movements occur.
Concurrently, the project has been occupied with a new-materialist notion of how to give voice to interdimensional / intermedial performative installations, speculatively turning them into more-than-human beings, that talk and express themselves through the media-modalities of the work. The artistic results have therefore taken the form of actual speculative fabulations; a series of larger more-than-human beings that the audience can become part of and listen to, from within. That of “Marie Sikveland as a Room”, “Store Lungegårdsvannet”, “The Art Academy” and the “Earth Being of Nordnes” in Bergen.