Basic Immunology

Postgraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

The main objective of the course is to provide the students with a sound introduction to modern, basic human immunology.

  • The field of immunology will be scrutinized by addressing both the normal functionality of the immune system, and immuno-related diseases.
  • The students will learn about methodology and techniques utilized in immunologic research
  • The course will form a platform for further study and research in immunology and related subjects
  • In addition, the course will serve as an introduction to the immunologic academic environments and projects at the University of Bergen.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course

the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:

* Knowledge

After completing the course the student should be able to:

- Recognize the main types of cells, tissues, signal molecules and bioactive factors (components), which the immune system is comprised of.

- Outline the development and maturation process of immune competent cells.

- Understand the basic mechanisms for how the immune system becomes activated and responds to stimuli e.g. infections or tissue damage.

- Have knowledge about the basic principles for defence and fight against infections. Present methods/treatment that can strengthen the immunity against infectious agents (e.g. vaccination).

- Account for main groups of diseases related to a failing immune system (auto immunity, allergy and immune deficiency) and describe in general the disease processes.

- Outline methods for treatment of immune related diseases and symptoms.

* Skills

- Describe how immunological methods can be used in biological and medical research.

- Apply the immunological knowledge to own research project.

* General Competence

- Obtain a general knowledge of how the immune system work in health and disease.

- To be able to distinguish the immunological component in a variety of complex health issues.

- Understand the importance of using immunological knowledge in both prevention and combating diseases.

ECTS Credits

5 ECTS Credits

Level of Study


Semester of Instruction

Spring: January - June

Autumn: September - December.

Note: Course will only be arranged for min. 4 students.

Place of Instruction

Lab-building at Haukeland University Hospital
Recommended Previous Knowledge

The students' academic level should be at master level, i.e the students should possess a bachelor's degree

or equivalent. No previous knowledge in immunology is required, but will serve as an advantage

Basic knowledge of human biology

Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
Complete credit reduction towards HUIMM303 and HUIMM903 (5ects)
Teaching and learning methods

- Lectures, 20 teaching hours (45 min)

- Colloquiums (plenary discussion)

- Interactive assignments, online

- Group-based work

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Students are expected to actively participate in course activities.

Students will conduct at least one presentation and have at least 80% attendance at lectures and group sessions.

Forms of Assessment
Oral examination
Grading Scale
Assessment Semester
Reading List

Teaching will be based on the following book:

Abbas, Lichtman and Pillai. Basic Immunology. 6th Edition, 2020, 320 pages, Elsevier

ISBN 978-0-323-54943-1.

Department of Clinical Science / Faculty of Medicine