Agnete S. T. Engelsen





Immunforsvarets frontliner

A field report from Engelsen's research stay at the French Research Institute Gustave Roussy (Paris, France) in the norwegian journal Forskerforum explains how we aim to engage the immune system in the eradication of cancers. (Article by Kjerstin Gjengedal). 

On a quest to cure cancer

'The premature death from cancer of a close friend and colleague, made Agnete Engelsen even more determined to find a way to cure this devastating disease.'

The PhD interview/ cancer research. Article in the UiB Magazine by Jens Helleland Ådnanes. 

Read more about my opportunity to participate in the High-Impact Cancer Research (HICR): Cancer, Biology and Therapeutics Program at Harvard Medical School -a truly inspirational postgraduate medical education program!  

Translational Cancer Research requires a wide range of standaard and advanced methodologies. Read more about the excitement and international participation at the first fully web-based version of CCBIO 905 Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research. This course is part of The CCBIO Research School for Cancer Studies.



Great excitement at the Research fair in Bergen

Excited children and adults crowded the Research Fair when researchers at the Center for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO) displayed living cancer cells in the microscope and performed a play about the cancer cell Greedy Frieda.

Read more about the research communication in the newspaper Studvest



Online teaching/ courses: Read more about the first fully web-based version of CCBIO905: Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research


Academic responsibility: 

CCBIO901 Junior Scientist Symposium, PhD course, The CCBIO Research School for Cancer Studies, UiB (RSCS)

MED1BIOMED Biomedisinske Tema, Mandatory MD course, Department of Biomedicine, UiB 

CCBIO905 Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research, PhD course, The CCBIO Research School for Cancer Studies, UiB (RSCS)

HUCEL 320 Cell culture and cellular techniques: Flow Cytometry, Master course, Department of Biomedicine, UiB


Individual lectures: 

BMED331 Tumor biology,  Master course, Department of Biomedicine, UiB 

MED1BIOMED Biomedisinske Tema, Mandatory MD course, Department of Biomedicine, UiB 

CCBIO905 Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research, PhD course, The CCBIO Research School for Cancer Studies, UiB (RSCS)

BZL 256 Embryology, Department of Zoology, UiB

MED1BAS, FARM 260/NUTR, ODONT, Histology Mandatory preclinical MD lab courses, Department of Biomedicine, UiB



Academic article
Masters thesis
Academic literature review
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Doctoral dissertation
Reader opinion piece

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.