Aina-Cathrine Øvergård
Associate Professor
I work at the Sea Lice Research centre with a focus on the host-parasite interaction of salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) and Atlantic salmon as a host. We identify secretory proteins that are deposited from the lice onto the salmon to dampen immune responses.
Techniques that we use includes: transcriptomics, in situ bybridization, histology, SEM, functional studies with primary leucocytes and gene knock down (RNAi) etc
I teach in the aqua medicine program: Vertebrate zoology in BIO101 and histopathology (BIO275)
Academic lecture
- Robinson, Nicholas Andrew; Østbye, Tone-Kari K; Salisbury, Sarah et al. (2024). Use of transcriptomics and gene editing to explore genetic mechanisms giving species-specific host-resistance to sea lice. (external link)
- Breiland, Mette Serine Wesmajervi; Robinson, Nicholas Andrew; Østbye, Tone-Kari K et al. (2024). Transkriptomikk og genredigering som verktøy for å utforske genetiske mekanismer som kan gi artsspesifkk resistens mot lakselus. (external link)
- Bjune, Anne Elisabeth; Bratbak, Gunnar; Eliassen, Sigrunn et al. (2023). Omlegging fra tradisjonelle forelesninger til studentaktiv læring – eksempel fra et grunnemne i biolog. (external link)
- Midtbø, Helena Marie Doherty; Haugland, Gyri Teien; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine (2022). Does Salmon louse Have an Immune Dampening Effect on Atlantic Salmon? . (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine (2020). Grunnleggende lusebiologi – hva vet vi, og hva skal studeres. . (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Hamre, Lars Are; Grotmol, Sindre et al. (2019). Lusespytt modulerer laksens immunrespons. (external link)
- Våge, Selina; Eilertsen, Mariann; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine et al. (2019). Learning outcomes at master level in biology. Current expectations and guidelines for the future. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Nilsen, Frank; Nuñez-Ortiz, Noelia et al. (2019). THE SALMON LOUSE (LEPEOPHTHEIRUS SALMONIS) SALIVARY GLAND SECRETES IMMUNE REGULATORY PROTEINS. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Hamre, Lars Are; Grotmol, Sindre et al. (2018). DO Lepeophtheirus salmonis RHABDOVIRUSES (LsRVs) DAMPEN THE LOCAL SKIN INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE IN ATLANTIC SALMON Salmo salar?. (external link)
- Poley, Jordan; Braden, Laura; Michaud, Dylan et al. (2018). Excretory and Secretory Factors of the Salmon Louse: Genomic Characterization, Effects on Feeding, and Impacts on Host Immunity. (external link)
- Dalvin, Sussie; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Eichner, Christiane et al. (2017). Do prostaglandins produced by lepeophtheirus salmonis affect the interaction between the parasite and the fish?. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Hamre, Lars Are; Harasimczuk, Ewa et al. (2017). Exocrine glands of Lepeophtheirus salmonis and secretion of possible immune regulatory proteins.. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Hamre, Lars Are; Harasimczuk, Ewa et al. (2016). Distribution and Development of salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis exocrine glands. (external link)
- Eichner, Christiane; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Nilsen, Frank et al. (2014). Characterization and knock-down of a putative prostaglandin e synthase found in Lepeophtheirus salmonis. (external link)
- Nerland, Audun H.; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Patel, Sonal (2010). Molecular approaches for development of vaccines against intracellular fish pathogens. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Nerland, Audun H.; Patel, Sonal (2009). Relativ uttrykning av T-celle markører i tidlige livsstadier hos Atlantisk kveite (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). (external link)
- Patel, Sonal; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Sørhus, Elin et al. (2009). B and T cell markers during Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) ontogenesis. (external link)
Academic article
- Etayo, Angela; Bjørgen, Håvard; Koppang, Erling Olaf et al. (2024). The ontogeny of lymphoid organs and IgM<sup>+</sup> B-cells in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) reveals a potential site for extrarenal B-cell lymphopoiesis: The pancreas. (external link)
- Etayo, Angela; Bjørgen, Håvard; Hordvik, Ivar et al. (2024). Possible transport routes of IgM to the gut of teleost fish. (external link)
- Midtbø, Helena Marie Doherty; Eichner, Christiane; Hamre, Lars Are et al. (2024). Salmon louse labial gland enzymes: implications for host settlement and immune modulation. (external link)
- Midtbø, Helena Marie Doherty; Borchel, Andreas; Morton, Hugh Craig et al. (2024). Cell death induced by Lepeophtheirus salmonis labial gland protein 3 in salmonid fish leukocytes: A mechanism for disabling host immune responses. (external link)
- Gislefoss, Elisabeth; Gamil, Amr Ahmed Abdelrahim; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine et al. (2023). Identification and characterization of two salmon louse heme peroxidases and their potential as vaccine antigens. (external link)
- Borchel, Andreas; Eichner, Christiane; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine (2023). Mining Lepeophtheirus salmonis RNA-Seq data for qPCR reference genes and their application in Caligus elongatus. (external link)
- Etayo, Angela; Lie, Kai Kristoffer; Bjelland, Reidun Marie et al. (2023). The thymus and T-cell ontogeny in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) is nutritionally modelled. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Eichner, Christiane; Nuñez-Ortiz, Noelia et al. (2023). Transcriptomic and targeted immune transcript analyses confirm localized skin immune responses in Atlantic salmon towards the salmon louse. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Midtbø, Helena Marie Doherty; Hamre, Lars Are et al. (2022). Small, charged proteins in salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) secretions modulate Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) immune responses and coagulation. (external link)
- Dalvin, Sussie; Eichner, Christiane; Dondrup, Michael et al. (2021). Roles of three putative salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) prostaglandin E2synthases in physiology and host–parasite interactions. (external link)
- Dalvin, Sussie; VG Jørgensen, Louise; Kania, Per W. et al. (2020). Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss skin responses to salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis: From copepodid to adult stage. (external link)
- Økland, Arnfinn Lodden; Nylund, Are; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine et al. (2018). Genomic characterization, phylogenetic position and in situ localization of a novel putative mononegavirus in Lepeophtheirus salmonis. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Hamre, Lars Are; Grotmol, Sindre et al. (2018). Salmon louse rhabdoviruses: Impact on louse development and transcription of selected Atlantic salmon immune genes.. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Eichner, Christiane; Nilsen, Frank et al. (2017). Molecular characterization and functional analysis of a salmon louse (Lepeoptheirus salmonis, Krøyer 1838) heme peroxidase with a potential role in extracellular matrixes. (external link)
- Harasimczuk, Ewa; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Grotmol, Sindre et al. (2017). Characterization of three salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) genes with fibronectin II domains expressed by tegumental type 1 glands. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Hamre, Lars Are; Kongshaug, Heidi et al. (2017). RNAi-mediated treatment of two vertically transmitted rhabdovirus infecting the salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis).. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Hamre, Lars Are; Harasimczuk, Ewa et al. (2016). Exocrine glands of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda: Caligidae): Distribution, developmental appearance, and site of secretion. (external link)
- Eichner, Christiane; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Nilsen, Frank et al. (2015). Molecular characterization and knock-down of salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) prostaglandin E synthase. (external link)
- Økland, Arnfinn Lodden; Nylund, Are; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine et al. (2014). Genomic characterization and phylogenetic position of two new species in Rhabdoviridae infecting the parasitic copepod, salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). (external link)
- Steigen, Andreas L; Karlsbakk, Egil; Plarre, Heidrun et al. (2014). A new intracellular bacterium, Candidatus Similichlamydia labri sp. nov. (Chlamydiaceae) producing epitheliocysts in ballan wrasse, Labrus bergylta (Pisces, Labridae). (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Patel, Sonal; Nøstbakken, Ole Jakob et al. (2013). Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) T-cell and cytokine response after vaccination and challenge with nodavirus. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Nerland, Audun Helge; Fiksdal, Ingrid Uglenes et al. (2012). Atlantic halibut experimentally infected with nodavirus shows increased levels of T-cell marker and IFN gamma transcripts. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Nepstad, Ina; Nerland, Audun H. et al. (2012). Characterisation and expression analysis of the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglosssus L.) cytokines: IL-1β, IL-6, IL-11, IL-12β and IFNγ. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Fiksdal, Ingrid Uglenes; Nerland, Audun H. et al. (2011). Expression of T-cell markers during Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) ontogenesis. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Nerland, Audun H.; Patel, Sonal (2010). Cloning, characterization, and expression pattern of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) CD4-2, Lck, and ZAP-70. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Nerland, Audun H.; Patel, Sonal (2010). Evaluation of potential reference genes for real time RT-PCR studies in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus Hippoglossus L.); during development, in tissues of healthy and NNV-injected fish, and in anterior kidney leucocytes. (external link)
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Hordvik, Ivar; Nerland, Audun H. et al. (2009). Cloning and expression analysis of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) CD3 genes. (external link)
- Patel, Sonal; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Nerland, Audun H. (2009). A CD4 homologue in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus): Molecular cloning and characterisation. (external link)
- Patel, Sonal; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Nerland, Audun H. (2008). CD8 alpha and CD8 beta in Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus: Cloning, characterization and gene expression during viral and bacterial infection. (external link)
Popular scientific article
- Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine; Hamre, Lars Are; Harasimczuk, Ewa et al. (2017). Eksokrine kjertler i lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). (external link)
- Dondrup, Michael; Zhang, Wei; Zhou, Zhaoran et al. (2016). Licebase-a species focused resource for sea lice including an RNAi LIMS andtools for data analysis and genome annotation. (external link)
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