Anne-Kristine Nordrehaug Åstrøm





Professor at the Department of Clinical dentistry (IKO) (2006-) and part time employment as researcher /research coordinator at the Oral health Center of Expertice in vestlan since 2012. Works with  publich health research problems focused on social inequalities in oral health and use of oral health care services and disease prevention/oral health promotion.Was employed at the Center for International Health during the period 1997-2008 worjkong with interbnatio bal research projects and supervision of master and PhD students financed through the Quota program. Current Pi for an international research and education collaborative program with east Africa, fundedby NORPART for the period 2018-2024. research collaborator in three NRC financed projectsincluding severeaø PH D and postdoctor stipends . Was previously leader of the research commitee and research group at IKO and during the period 2012-2020 emplyed as head of the department of Clinical dentistry. Has worked as a dentist in Norway and Sweden.   


Community dentistry for students at the Integrated master in odontology - grade 4-5 

Community dentistry for students at the Bachelor program for dental therapists.

International digital course (GOH301) in global oral health for master and PhD students 

Academic article
Academic lecture
Academic literature review
Doctoral dissertation
Popular scientific article
Masters thesis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Non-fiction book

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


I.65 years old and dental health - cohort studies in Norway and Sweden (2007-)

II.Dental health care workers and children at risk (NRC dunded): (2022-2026)

III.Dental health for immigrant children (NRC funded): (2022-2026)

IV.Dental health of adults in Western Norway  (The HUSK cohort study): (NRC funded)  (2022-2029)

V.Safety of Nanomaterials in dental health care services: (2017-)

VI.Risk factor profile and quality of life among clinically suspected squamos cell  carcinoma patients attending Muhimbili University Hospital , Tanzania : 2020-

VII. Establishment of joint research based education in dentistry in Norway and East Africa: 2018-2024