Annelin Eriksen
Annelin Eriksen has worked ethnographically in Vanuatu, in the South West Pacific, since 1995. More recently, she has also gained interest in, and published extensively on, global religious movements. Her main research interests are gender, social and cultural change, future, cosmology and Christianity. Her new research focuses on the anthropology of the future, and since 2019 she has worked ethnographically on transhumanism and technoscientific immortality movements in the US. She is particularly interested in changing cultural perceptions of what a human being is in contexts of A.I. and robotics. Her overall interest is in understanding how ideas, imaginations and visions of the future have concrete effects on contemporary social practices, from policy-making to formations of religious and ideological movements.
Eriksen has led a project funded by Research Council of Norway on Gender and Pentecostalism with a regional focus on Melanesia (Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea) and Africa (2013-2017) and is currently the PI on a Research Council of Norway project called Technoscientific Immortality: A study of Human Futures. Eriksen has published a monograph from Vanuatu Gender, Christianity and Change (Routledge, 2008) and a co-authored monograph on Pentecostalism, called Going to Pentecost (Berghahn Books, 2019), with Ruy Llera Blanes and Michelle MacCarthy. Eriksen received, with her husband Knut M. Rio, The HumSam prize for outstanding research in the humanities and social sciences (Fylkesakerprisen) from the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in 2017.
Sant 102: Social life in a global perspective
sant 285: New Technologies and the Future of the Human
SANT 250 / Bachelor Essay
SANT 601 / Distant learning course
SANT 100 / Invitasjon til Sosialantropologi
SANT 114 / Regional Etnografi Oceania
Masters thesis
- Opsahl-Engen, Mathias; Eriksen, Annelin (2024). Occupy Till He Comes – A Patriot Spirit An Ethnographic Study of Christian Nationalism, Culture War and the End Time Church. (external link)
- Obrestad, Rebekka; Eriksen, Annelin (2024). When Aging Becomes Optional: An Ethnographic Study of Anti-Aging Practices in London. (external link)
- Sigrid, Torsnes; Eriksen, Annelin (2023). Managing chosen life(spans) - Cryopreservation in Europe. (external link)
- Skuggen, Linda Helen; Eriksen, Annelin (2019). Sexuality Among Youth on Maracuyá Island: Navigating the Complex Crossroad of Latin American and Caribbean Social Life. (external link)
- Penner, Angelina; Eriksen, Annelin (2016). Wanem ia jenda? (What is gender?) Translations and (Mis)Understandings between Development Discourse & Everyday Life Experiences in Port Vila, Vanuatu . (external link)
- Fure, Annika; Eriksen, Annelin (2015). "Uttrykket endrer seg, men budskapet er det samme". En studie av en generasjonsmenighet i endring. (external link)
- Kiwanuka, Unni Espenes; Eriksen, Annelin (2014). "Everything is double-double". A study of charismatic faith practice in Kampala, Uganda. (external link)
- Noss, Kristen; Eriksen, Annelin (2013). The Perfect Christian. An Analysis of Paradoxical Aspects of Charismatic Christianity In the U.S. (external link)
- Mørch, Marie; Eriksen, Annelin (2011). "For meg er polyamori å elske mer enn én person, evnen til å elske flere" - En antropologisk studie av polyamorøse i Norge. (external link)
- Thorarensen, Hildur; Eriksen, Annelin (2011). Heal, Pray, Prosper: Practice and Discourse within a Local Pentecostal Church in Vanuatu. (external link)
- Lie, Knut Sommerseth; Eriksen, Annelin (2010). Rituelle og ikke-rituelle praksiser i Céu do Patriarca Sâo José. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Eriksen, Annelin; Engen, Caroline Benedicte Nitter; Van Wijchen, Joost (2023). "Evighetsmennesket" – hvilke etiske utfordringer må vi forberede oss på?. (external link)
- Rio, Knut ; Eriksen, Annelin (2012). Extension of scale or shift of scale ? Migrations between the so-called urban and rural in Melanesia. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2010). A cursed past and a prosperous future:A comparison of different conceptions of self and healing. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2001). CONSTRUCTIVE AND DE-CONSTRUCTIVE APPROACHES TO CULTURE: A discussion of Sahlins concept of structures of conjuncture. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2000). Framvekst av medgift i Vanuatu. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2000). Ambrym women on the move; effekts of female migration and wagelabour. (external link)
Programme management
Academic article
- Eriksen, Annelin (2021). The Human Version 2.0: AI, Humanoids, and Immortality. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2017). Going to ‘Pentecost’: how to study Pentecostalism – in Melanesia, for example. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2016). Pentecostalism and egalitarianism in Melanesia: A reconsideration of the pentecostal gender paradox. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin; MacCarthy, Michelle (2016). Introduction. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2016). The virtuous woman and the holy nation: Femininity in the context of Pentecostal Christianity in Vanuatu. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2014). Sarah’s sinfulness: Egalitarianism, denied difference, and gender in pentecostal Christianity. (external link)
- Rio, Knut ; Eriksen, Annelin (2013). Missionaries, healing and sorcery in Melanesia: A Scottish evangelist in Ambrym Island, Vanuatu. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2012). The pastor and the prophetess: an analysis of gender and Christianity in Vanuatu. (external link)
- Kapferer, Bruce; Eriksen, Annelin; Telle, Kari G (2009). Religiosities toward a Future-in Pursuit of the New Millennium. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2009). 'New Life': Pentecostalism as social critique in Vanuatu. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2007). Understanding cultural change: The return of core anthropological concepts. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2007). Kjønn som differensieringslogikk. En inntak til å forstå endrng på Ambrym, Vanuatu. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin; Fagertun, Anette; Ødegaard, Cecilie (2007). Introduksjon. Om kjønn og antropologi. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2006). Expected and unexpected cultural heroes: Reflections on gender and agency of conjuncture on Ambrym, Vanuatu. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2006). On the value of the church: the gendered dynamics of an inverted hierarchy on North Ambrym, Vanuatu. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2005). The gender of the church: Conflicts and social wholes on Ambrym. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (1999). Kirke og kastom, kvinner og menn: om transformasjoner i kjønnsrelasjoner på Ambrym, Vanuatu. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (1999). Kirke og kastom,kvinner og menn: om transformasjoner i kjønnsrelasjoner på Ambrym, Vanuatu. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
- Korsbrekke, Mari Hanssen; Eriksen, Annelin; Rio, Knut (2021). “Different Strokes for Different Folks” in Egalitarian Intentional Communities. Searching for the Good Life in Practical Utopias. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin; Hviding, Edvard (2005). Silent movement. Transformations of gendered social structures in North Ambrym, Vanuatu. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Jacobsen, Christine M.; Eriksen, Annelin (2019). On feminist critique and how the ontological turn is queering anthropology. (external link)
- Rio, Knut; Eriksen, Annelin (2017). Demons, Devils, and Witches in Pentecostal Port Vila: On Changing Cosmologies of Evil in Melanesia. (external link)
- Rio, Knut ; Eriksen, Annelin (2014). A New Man: The Cosmological Horizons of Development, Curses and Personhood in Vanuatu. (external link)
- Rio, Knut ; Eriksen, Annelin (2014). Rivers and the study of kinship on Ambrym, Vanuatu: Mother right and father right revisited. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2013). Christian Politics in Vanuatu: Lay Priests and New State Forms. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2010). De la valeur de l'Eglise: dynamique sexuée d'une hiérarchie inversée au Nord-Ambrym, Vanuatu. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2010). Healing the Nation: In search of Unity through the Holy Spirit in Vanuatu. (external link)
- Kapferer, Bruce; Telle, Kari G; Eriksen, Annelin (2010). Introduction. Religiosities toward a future. In pursuit of the new millennium. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin (2009). Gender and value: Conceptualizing social forms on Ambrym, Vanatu. (external link)
Academic monograph
Reader opinion piece
Book review
Popular scientific lecture
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Popular scientific book
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Monographs, Books and Special Issues:
• 2023 Evighetsmennesket-Om vitenskap, teknologi og udødelighet Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
• 2019 Going to Pentecost: An Experimental Approach to Studies in Pentacostalism. New York and
London: Berghahn Books. Co-authored monograph with Ruy Blanes and Michelle MacCarthy, part of the Berghahn series ‘Experiments in Ethnography’
• 2016 ‘Towards a Unified Analysis of Christianity and Gender.’ The Australian Journal of
Anthropology 27 (2). Special Issue co-edited with Michelle MacCarthy
• 2009 Contemporary Religiosities: Emergent Socialites and the Post-Nation State. New York &London: Berghahn Books. Co-edited with Bruce Kapferer and Kari Telle.
• 2008 Gender, Christianity and Change in Vanuatu: An Analysis of Social Movements in North Ambrym. Routledge
Articles in high level journals (selection)
• 2024 “The more Love I get, the more Human I become”, manuscript for edited volume, submitted to Social Analysis
• 2024 “Making Bina48 Family”, revised and resubmitted to Ethnos, feb 2024
• 2024 “The After-the -human-future: on transhuman and posthuman politics of the sacred”, forthcoming in “Limits of Life: Reflections on Life, Death, and the Body in the Age of Technoscience”. Eds. Martin E. Mogseth & Fartein H. Nilsen, London: Berghan books
• 2023 «Familien, kjærligheten og døden i Amerika–Et post-script til Schneiders American Kinship, anno 2023». Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 34(2), 95-112.
• 2021. “The Human Version 2.0: AI, Humanoids, and Immortality”. Social Analysis, 65(1), 70-88.
• 2018 “Going to Pentecost: How to Study Pentecostalism, in Melanesia for Example”. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 24(1): 164-180.
• 2017 “Demons, Devils, and Witches in Pentecostal Port Vila: On Changing Cosmologies of Evil in Melanesia”, In Pentecostalism and Witchcraft, edited by Knut Rio, Michelle MacCarthy and Ruy Blanes, 189-210. New York: Springer.
• 2016 “Pentecostalism and Egalitarianism, The Gender Paradox Revisited”. Religion and Society 7(1):37-50. * Invited paper.
• 2016 (with Knut M. Rio). “A New Man: The Cosmological Horizons of Development, Curses and Personhood in Vanuatu” In Framing Cosmologies: The Anthropology of Worlds. eds. A. Abramson & M. Holbraad, 55-76. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
• 2016 The virtuous woman and the holy nation: Femininity in the context of Pentecostal Christianity in Vanuatu. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 27(2), 260-275.
• 2016 Pentecostalism and egalitarianism in Melanesia: A reconsideration of the Pentecostal Gender Paradox. Religion and Society, 7(1), 37-50.
• 2014 Sarah’s Sinfulness: Egalitarianism, Denied Difference, and Gender in Pentecostal
Christianity. Current Anthropology 55(S10): 262-270.
• 2013, with Rio, Knut Missionaries, healing and sorcery in Melanesia: a Scottish evangelist in Ambrym Island, Vanuatu. History and Anthropology, 24(3), 398-418.
• 2012 The Pastor and the Prophetess: An Analysis of Gender and Christianity in Vanuatu. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 18 (1): 103-122.
• 2012 Christian Politics in Vanuatu. Christian politics in Oceania, 2, 103.
• 2009 ‘New life’: Pentecostalism as social critique in Vanuatu. Ethnos, 74(2), 175-198.
• 2009 Healing the nation: In search of unity through the Holy Spirit in Vanuatu. Social Analysis, 53(1), 67-81.
• 2009 , with Kapferer, B.& Telle, K. Religiosities toward a future: in pursuit of the new millennium. Social Analysis, 53(1), 1-16.
• 2006 Expected and unexpected cultural heroes: Reflections on gender and agency of conjuncture on Ambrym, Vanuatu. Anthropological Theory, 6(2), 227-247.
• 2006 On the value of the church: the gendered dynamics of an inverted hierarchy on North Ambrym, Vanuatu. Paideuma, 91-106.
Ongoing projects
2006-2010: Christianity, Gender and the dynamics of Community beyond the State. A study of urban Christian movements in Vanuatu, Norwegian Research Council
2008-2012: Pacific Alternatives: Cultural Heritage and Political Innovation in Oceania
Regional: USA, Oseania
Tematisk: religion, vitenskap og teknologi, bioteknologi, AI, kulturelle endringsprosesser,