- Contemporary archaeology
- Regoinality in prehistory
- Iron Age
- Chronology and typology
Internet exhibition
Popular scientific article
Academic lecture
- Engevik, Asbjørn (2022). Exploiting the Generous Wild. The use of high mountain areas in Norway in the Early Medieval period. (external link)
- Barndon, Randi; Engevik, Asbjørn (2014). From Industrial Ruins to Cultural Heritage - Hardanger and Heritagization. (external link)
- Barndon, Randi; Engevik, Asbjørn (2014). Samtidsarkeologi i Odda og Tyssedal, Hardanger. (external link)
Popular scientific book
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Genes, sex and identity - biological and social relations in the Iron Age
- The Fenno-Scandinavian bird-headed bronze pins from Migration Period