Asia Victoria Alsgaard
Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoctoral Fellow, SEAS Programme, SapienCE, AHKR
I am a SEAS Programme post-doctoral fellow at the University of Bergen SFF Centre for Early Sapiens (SapienCE) and Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies, and Religion in Bergen, Norway.
I am an anthropological archaeologist who specializes in zooarchaeology, or the study of animal remains. My research focuses on why and how people decide to include or remove wild animals in their diet and the relationship of these decisions to climatic change and habitat availability. Regionally, I have worked in the U.S. southwest and Mesoamerica spanning the Paleoindian to Colonial periods.
For my postdoctoral research, I am identifying changes in the coastal environment and human harvesting practices of fish and seals during the Middle Stone Age and Late Stone Age along the southern Cape of South Africa using stable isotope analyses. I will also use these data to address present day issues in marine sustainability along the southern Cape.
Academic lecture
- Alsgaard, Asia Victoria; Niekerk, Karen Loise van; Andersson, Carin et al. (2024). Exploring characteristics of sustainable coastal exploitation during the Middle and Later Stone Ages in South Africa through fish bones and seal teeth. (external link)
- Alsgaard, Asia Victoria; Niekerk, Karen Loise van; Sealy, Judy et al. (2024). Archaeological insights into past and present harvesting pressures of the cape yellowtail (Seriola lalandi). (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Jones, Emily Lena; Kirk, Scott; Ainsworth, Caitlin S. et al. (2024). The Community at the Crossroads: Artiodactyl Exploitation and Socio-Environmental Connectivity at Tijeras Pueblo (LA 581). (external link)
- Alsgaard, Asia; Jones, Emily Lena (2023). Animales Salvaje y Domésticos: The Environmental Consequences of Spanish Colonization in the Maya Region. (external link)
Academic article
- Alsgaard, Asia Victoria; Thakar, Heather B. (2024). Fishing further inland? The role of the transition to agriculture on fishing practices in the Soconusco region, Mexico. (external link)
- Boone, James; Alsgaard, Asia (2024). Surf & Turf: The role of intensification and surplus production in the development of social complexity in coastal vs terrestrial habitats. (external link)
- Moyes, Holley; Alsgaard, Asia; Ray, Erin E. et al. (2023). Caves, Wind Jewels, and Ancestors: What’s a Nice Wind Jewel Like you Doing in a Place Like This? . (external link)
- Jones, Emily Lena; Kirk, Scott; Ainsworth, Caitlin S. et al. (2021). The Community at the Crossroads: Mammalian Exploitation and Connectivity at Tijeras Pueblo (LA 581). (external link)
- Kennett, Douglas J.; Prufer, Keith M.; Culleton, Brendan J. et al. (2020). Early Isotopic Evidence for Maize as a Stable Grain in the Americas. (external link)
- Alsgaard, Asia (2020). A Meta-analysis Approach to Understanding Maya Fish Use on the Yucatán Peninsula. (external link)
- Prufer, Keith M.; Meredith, Clayton R.; Alsgaard, Asia et al. (2017). The Paleoindian Chronology of Tzib Te Yux Rockshelter in the Rio Blanco Valley of Southern Belize. (external link)