Astrid Gynnild


Professor, PhD


Research groups


Astrid Gynnild is a Professor of Media Studies at the University of Bergen, Norway. Her current research fields are journalism innovation, new technologies and human interaction. From 2016-2021 she was the Principal Investigator of ViSmedia – the Adoption of Visual Surveillance Technologies in the News Media, funded by the Norwegian Research Council.  In this transdisciplinary, international RRI project the researchers investigated the journalistic and social implications of new technologies with a potential for surveillance, such as camera drones, mobile phones, 360 cameras, and satellite videos. 

From 2014-2019 she was also Head of the Journalism Education at the University of Bergen. She led the development of the University´s new master program in Investigative Journalism when the journalism studies moved to Media City Bergen in 2017. She implemented the workshop model to support student active learning on BA and MA levels. In 2019 she was awarded the title Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP) as one of the first professors at the University of Bergen. 

Gynnild got her PhD in 2006, having developed a grounded theory on creativity in journalism work processes, Creative Cycling of News Professionals. Her opponent was the co-founder of the method, dr. Barney G. Glaser. She later specialized as a GT method supervisor through the active participation in Grounded Theory Troubleshooting Seminars with dr. Glaser in the USA and in Europa. She is a Fellow of the Grounded Theory Institute and was the editor of the Grounded Theory Review 2012-2018. 

In 2011-2012 Gynnild was a Visiting Research Scholar at the Department of Sociology, University of California in Berkeley, USA. She previously permanent positions at several institutions of higher education as well as at the Media House Adresseavisen in Trondheim, Norway, in which she gained a broad experience with news work as a journalist, a photo/graphics editor, and a newsroom developer. 

Last publications:

Immersive Journalism as Storytelling – Ethics, Production, and Design 

We in the Mojo Community – Exploring a Global Network of Mobile Journalists 

Responsible Drone Journalism 


In the ViSmedia project (2015-2021) we have experimented with increasingly visual dissemination of research on our website On this web page you will find a number of news stories on the many activities throughout the project. Here you will find videos from our conferences on Drones, Mobile Spotting, Watching, and Visual Transparency as well as the Snap Society conference. You will also find an overview of the publications in the project, and the results from numerous student experiments with new technologies that have been carried out in the projcet.  In sum, the database provides a broad glimpse into the evolving adoption and adaption of visual surveillance technologies in the news media. 

The overall aim is to communicate research in exciting and relevant ways, and to publish most of my works open access. 

In the last ten years I have been an invited speaker at conferences and events in Finland, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, Ireland, and in the United States.


Teaching means to facilitate for learning. My approach to teaching and learning thus include a range of activities, such as developing a new course design, explore digital learning resources, and create active student learning challenges. And not the least: I spend much time on supervision, in all its forms; supervision is an extra exciting aspect of teaching and learning in our new remote surroundings.

I teach courses at bachelor´, master´, and PhD levels, and supervise students at all three levels as well.

Here are some courses designed and taught by me in 2020 and 2021:

Spring 2021: Project Design 30 stp. Master Program in Investigative Journalism

Fall 2020: Bachelor thesis. 30 stp. Bachelor Program in Journalism

Spring 2020: Research Experience and Method: Surveillance Technologies in the News Media. 10 stp. Master Program in Media and Communication

I 2019 I was awarded  status as  merittert underviser, Excellent Teaching Practitioner,  by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Bergen.

In addition to comprehensive teaching experience from the University of Bergen, I have taught at Oslo Metropolitan University, Volda University College and the University of Stavanger. In the time period 2014-2017 I was in charge of developing new curricula in the Bachelor Program in Journalism and in the Master Program in Investigative Journalism at the University of Bergen.


Selected books and articles: 


For more publications and presentations, see


Academic article
Academic lecture
Short communication
Doctoral dissertation
Feature article
Popular scientific lecture
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Website (informational material)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Encyclopedia article
Popular scientific article
Digital learning tools
Academic literature review
Book review
Academic monograph
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Letter to the editor

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


Fra 2015-2021 leder jeg det NFR-finanisierte forskningsprosjektet ViSmedia – the adoption and adaption of visual surveillance technologies in the news media (  Prosjektet (24 mill.) er del av SAMANSVAR-programmet under Norges Forskningsråd, og har hatt 16 medlemmer inklusive 1 PhD-stipendiat, 1 postdoktor og fire professor II fra henholdsvis Finland og USA.

Fra 2019 er jeg leder av gruppen for journalistikkforskning ved Institutt for informasjons- og medievitenskap ved UiB.

Fra 2014-2019 var jeg leder for undervisningsprogrammene i journalistikk ved UiB. I denne perioden utviklet vi nye studieplaner både for bachelorstudiet og det nye masterprogrammet i undersøkende journalistikk i samarbeid med programmene i TV-produksjon og Medie- og interaksjonsdesign. Vi flyttet også over i nye lokaler i Media City Bergen.

Fra 2013-2017 var jeg leder for Rådet for anvendt medieforskning, RAM, og nestleder samme sted 2009-2013.

Fra 2011 til 2019 var jeg redaktør for Grounded Theory Review.

Jeg var leder for masterprogrammet i dokumentar-produksjon ved Universitetet i Stavanger (2011-2013) og avdelingsleder og leder for Veiledningsprogrammet ved Senter for relasjonsutvikling, nåværende ViD (2007-2009).

Jeg har også vært redaksjonssjef for foto- og grafikk i Adresseavisen (1996-1999) og leder for redesignprosjektet Visuell avis samme sted (1999).