Astrid Gynnild
Professor, PhD
Research groups
Astrid Gynnild is a Professor of Media Studies at the University of Bergen, Norway. Her current research fields are journalism innovation, new technologies and human interaction. From 2016-2021 she was the Principal Investigator of ViSmedia – the Adoption of Visual Surveillance Technologies in the News Media, funded by the Norwegian Research Council. In this transdisciplinary, international RRI project the researchers investigated the journalistic and social implications of new technologies with a potential for surveillance, such as camera drones, mobile phones, 360 cameras, and satellite videos.
From 2014-2019 she was also Head of the Journalism Education at the University of Bergen. She led the development of the University´s new master program in Investigative Journalism when the journalism studies moved to Media City Bergen in 2017. She implemented the workshop model to support student active learning on BA and MA levels. In 2019 she was awarded the title Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP) as one of the first professors at the University of Bergen.
Gynnild got her PhD in 2006, having developed a grounded theory on creativity in journalism work processes, Creative Cycling of News Professionals. Her opponent was the co-founder of the method, dr. Barney G. Glaser. She later specialized as a GT method supervisor through the active participation in Grounded Theory Troubleshooting Seminars with dr. Glaser in the USA and in Europa. She is a Fellow of the Grounded Theory Institute and was the editor of the Grounded Theory Review 2012-2018.
In 2011-2012 Gynnild was a Visiting Research Scholar at the Department of Sociology, University of California in Berkeley, USA. She previously permanent positions at several institutions of higher education as well as at the Media House Adresseavisen in Trondheim, Norway, in which she gained a broad experience with news work as a journalist, a photo/graphics editor, and a newsroom developer.
Last publications:
Immersive Journalism as Storytelling – Ethics, Production, and Design
We in the Mojo Community – Exploring a Global Network of Mobile Journalists
In the ViSmedia project (2015-2021) we have experimented with increasingly visual dissemination of research on our website On this web page you will find a number of news stories on the many activities throughout the project. Here you will find videos from our conferences on Drones, Mobile Spotting, Watching, and Visual Transparency as well as the Snap Society conference. You will also find an overview of the publications in the project, and the results from numerous student experiments with new technologies that have been carried out in the projcet. In sum, the database provides a broad glimpse into the evolving adoption and adaption of visual surveillance technologies in the news media.
The overall aim is to communicate research in exciting and relevant ways, and to publish most of my works open access.
In the last ten years I have been an invited speaker at conferences and events in Finland, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, Ireland, and in the United States.
Teaching means to facilitate for learning. My approach to teaching and learning thus include a range of activities, such as developing a new course design, explore digital learning resources, and create active student learning challenges. And not the least: I spend much time on supervision, in all its forms; supervision is an extra exciting aspect of teaching and learning in our new remote surroundings.
I teach courses at bachelor´, master´, and PhD levels, and supervise students at all three levels as well.
Here are some courses designed and taught by me in 2020 and 2021:
Spring 2021: Project Design 30 stp. Master Program in Investigative Journalism
Fall 2020: Bachelor thesis. 30 stp. Bachelor Program in Journalism
Spring 2020: Research Experience and Method: Surveillance Technologies in the News Media. 10 stp. Master Program in Media and Communication
I 2019 I was awarded status as merittert underviser, Excellent Teaching Practitioner, by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Bergen.
In addition to comprehensive teaching experience from the University of Bergen, I have taught at Oslo Metropolitan University, Volda University College and the University of Stavanger. In the time period 2014-2017 I was in charge of developing new curricula in the Bachelor Program in Journalism and in the Master Program in Investigative Journalism at the University of Bergen.
Selected books and articles:
- Uskali, Turo, Gynnild, Astrid, Jones, Sarah, and Sirkkunen, Esa 2020. Immersive Journalism as Storytelling – Ethics, Production, and Design, Routledge
- Salzmann, Anja, Guribye, Frode and Gynnild, Astrid. 2020. «We in the Mojo Community” – Exploring a Global Network of Mobile Journalists. Journalism Practice Published online April 03
- Gynnild, Astrid. 2019. Visual Journalism, in Vos, Tim P. and Hanusch, Folker: The International Encyclopedia of Journalism. Wiley Blackwell
- Gynnild, Astrid. 2018 (red.). Droner i sivilsamfunnet- Cappelen Damm Akademisk
- Gynnild, Astrid and Uskali, Turo. 2018. Responsible Drone Journalism. Routledge.
- Gynnild, Astrid. 2017. The Visual Power of News Agencies. Nordicom Review (Special Issue 2)38 pp 25-39
- Gynnild, Astrid. 2016. Applying Grounded Theory in Media Production Studies. In Advancing Media production research. Shifting Sites, Methods, and Politics. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Gynnild, Astrid. 2016. Developing Journalism Skills through Informal Feedback Training. In Becoming a journalist: Journalism Education in the Nordic Countries. Nordicom
- Gynnild, Astrid. 2014. The Robot Eye Witness: Extending visual journalism through drone surveillance. Digital Journalism. 2: 334-343. Publisert 2014-02-20. doi: 10.1080/21670811.2014.88318
- Gynnild, Astrid. 2014. Journalism Innovation leads to Innovation Journalism. The impact of computational exploration on changing mindsets. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism. 15: 713-730. doi: 10.1177/1464884913486393
- Gynnild, Astrid. 2013. Surveillance Videos and Visual Transparency in Journalism. Journalism Studies, published online September 12, 2013. DOI:10.1080/1461670X.2013.831230,
- Gynnild, Astrid.2013. Journalism Innovation Leads to Innovation Journalism: The Impact of computational exploration on changing mindsets. Journalism, published online before print 22 May, DOI: 10.1177/1464884913486393 (19 s.)
- Gynnild, Astrid, Adams, Paul C. 2013. Environmental Messages in Online Media: The Role of Place. Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 7(1), Special Issue: The Symbolic Transformation of Place, published online March 5, DOI: 1080/17524032.2012.754777, s. 113-130
- Gynnild, Astrid, Adams, Paul C. 2013. Animation, Video Documentary or Interactive Gaming? Investigating Effects of Environmental Messaging, #ISOJ Journal, the Official Research Journal of the International Symposium of Online Journalism, 3(1), Winther 2013, s. 39-61,
- Gynnild, Astrid and Vivian B. Martin. 2012. Grounded Theory: The Philosophy, Method and Work of Barney G. Glaser. Boca Raton, Florida:BrownWalker Press.
- Gynnild, Astrid. 2012. Visuell transparens i journalistikken, i Eide, Larsen og Sjøvaag: Nytt på nett og brett; journalistikk i forandring, s. 259-280. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
- Gynnild, Astrid. 2012. Atmosphering for Conceptual Discovery. In Grounded Theory : The Philosophy, Method and Work of Barney G. Glaser, s. 31-51. Boca Raton, Florida:BrownWalker Press.
- Gynnild, Astrid, Martin, V.B. 2012. Mentoring a Method. In Grounded Theory: The Philosophy, Method and Work of Barney G. Glaser, s. 1-13. Boca Raton, Florida: BrownWalker Press.
- Gynnild, Astrid.2012. Living the Ideas. A Biographical Interview with Barney G. Glaser. In Grounded Theory: The Philosophy, Method and Work of Barney G. Glaser, s. 237-257. Boca Raton, Florida: BrownWalker Press.
For more publications and presentations, see
Academic article
- Simmons, Odis E.; Gynnild, Astrid (2024). "Let the Fear Go and Trust the Process" —Experiencing Grounded Theory Over a Lifetime. (external link)
- Salzmann, Anja; Guribye, Frode; Gynnild, Astrid (2021). Adopting a mojo mindset: Training newspaper reporters in mobile journalism. (external link)
- Otteren, Hilde; Gynnild, Astrid (2021). Remote Female Fixation—A Grounded Theory on Semi-Illegal Sharing of Nude Imagery Online. (external link)
- Salzmann, Anja; Guribye, Frode; Gynnild, Astrid (2021). Mobile Journalists as Tracable Data Objects: Surveillance Capitalism and Responsible Innovation in Mobile Journalism. (external link)
- Salzmann, Anja; Guribye, Frode; Gynnild, Astrid (2020). “We in the Mojo Community” – Exploring a Global Network of Mobile Journalists . (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2017). The Visual Power of News Agencies. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2014). Surveillance videos and visual transparency in journalism. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2014). The Robot Eye Witness: Extending visual journalism through drone surveillance. (external link)
- Adams, Paul C.; Gynnild, Astrid (2013). Environmental Messages in Online Media: The Role of Place. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2005). Winner takes it all freelance journalism on the global communication market. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Gynnild, Astrid; Uskali, Turo Ilari (2023). Ubiquitous camera droning – from future scenario to visual realities. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2023). Reducing Challenges for Investigative Climate Journalism. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2022). Student active learning in a workshop format: Effects and impact. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2022). Keynote: Experiencing grounded theory: A conversation with Odis E Simmons (PhD). (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2021). Anticipating Visual Futures. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2019). ViSmedia The responsible adoption and adaption of visual surveillance technologies in the news media. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2019). Hva fremmer læring? Hva styrker undervisningskvalitet?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2019). Emerging journalistic storytelling formats. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2019). Workshop som læringsarena. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2019). Social implications of drone journalism as ubiquitous censoring. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Uskali, Turo Ilari (2018). Immersive Journalism as Storyliving - panel. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Surveillance Implications of Immersive Journalism. (external link)
- Simonsen, Anne Hege; Gynnild, Astrid; Nilsson, Maria (2018). Photojournalism and editorial processes: Global similarities, local differences. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2018). The Visual Power of News Agencies. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Johnson, Deborah Gale (2018). Visual surveillance implications of immersive journalism. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2017). Why do We Need Responsible Drone Journalism?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2017). Building Trust in University Classes - the Peer-to-Peer Informal Feedback Approach (PIF). (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Drone Exploration in Journalism - a Triplex Approach to Action. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Uskali, Turo; Nyre, Lars (2016). Camera Drone Education: First Nordic Experiences with Pilot Courses. (external link)
- Nyre, Lars; Guribye, Frode; Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Camera drones in education. Teaching students to make responsible journalism with new technology. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Hva bør vi vite om dronevideo og samfunnsansvar?. (external link)
- Johnson, Deborah Gale; Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Responsible Flying Camera Robots and the Media . (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2015). Grounded theory som tilnærming i forskning og praksis. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2015). Troubleshooting-seminar som arbeidsform. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2015). Are we all Charlie? The Surveillance Triangle of Journalism, Policing and Civilians. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2015). The Power of News Agencies. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2014). Drones, flying robots, and higher education. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2014). Interactive quizzing, animation or video? Issues of climate communication. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2014). Developing journalism competence through feedback training. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2013). The Robot Eyewitness. Visual conquering of unwatched realities through unmanned aerial vehicles. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2013). Writing Grounded Theory for International Journals. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2013). Applying Grounded Theory Methodology on Media Production Studies. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2012). Animation, Documentary or Interactive Gaming? Exploring Communicative Effects of Environmental Messaging Online. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2012). Visual Watching Online: Approaching News Video Selection from behind the Scenes. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2012). New Approaches in Engaging with the News. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2012). Visual Transparency and Surveillance Videos in Journalism. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2012). Introduksjon til grounded theory. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2012). Digital Dissemination, CCTV Footage, and Transparency. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2011). Datautforsking i nyhetsjournalistikken. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2011). Computational Exploration and Innovation in Journalism. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2011). Parallellspråklig ferdighetsutvikling i akademia. Innspill til noen begrepsavklaringer. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Nordfors, David; Tveiten, Oddgeir (2011). Innovation, communication and the regional entrepreneurial ecology. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Babic, Ankica (2010). Web Dynamics in Activist Journalism. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2010). Computational Research Approaches to Journalism. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2007). Journalisters behov for skapende veksling Creative Cycling of News Professionals. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2007). Kreativitet i en multimedial hverdag. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2007). Nettet som journalistisk konkurransearena. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2007). Tilbakemeldingsveksling - om å gi, ta imot og be om respons. (external link)
Short communication
Doctoral dissertation
- Gynnild, Astrid; Brun, Morten; Jørgensen, Kristine (2022). Aktivitetsbasert undervisning: Panelsamtale . (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Meland, Frode (2022). Teaching/Educational Portfolios. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Utdanne til det ukjente: Journalistikk som case. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Sabino, Daniel; Jarosz, Térence (2018). Blue Sky Thinking – What Drones Can Do for You. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Å utvikle landets beste kandidater. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Ekte praksis i praksis. (external link)
- Simonsen, Anne Hege; Gynnild, Astrid; Nilsson, Maria (2018). "Ny bildjournalistisk forskning". (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Nilsson, Maria; Simonsen, Anne Hege (2018). Photojournalistic research and its prerequisites in a changed media climate. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2017). Why Mobile Spotting in the Media?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2017). Journalistikk - viktigere enn noengang?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2017). Fagfellesamarbeid om utvikling av undervisning. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Kompetansebehov i fremtidens medielandskap. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). ViSmedia State of the Art. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2015). Fremtiden for journalistutdanningene. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2015). Pasientsikkerhet - medieperspektivet. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2014). Hvordan skrive for vitenskapelig publisering?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2013). Data Collection and Field Notes in Grounded Theory. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2013). Introduksjon til grounded theory – begrepsapparat og arbeidsprosess. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2013). Introduksjon til grounded theory - begrepsapparat og arbeidsprosess. (external link)
Feature article
- Gynnild, Astrid (2022). Hva skjer med kildevernet etter hackerangrepet mot Amedia?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2022). Kan Russland bli nedkjempet av små, fjernstyrte fartøy fra luften?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2021). Hvordan ruster mediene seg for Facebooks metaverse-invasjon i Europa?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2020). Smittesporing som digitalt eksperiment. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2020). Mobilsporing i hvem sin tjeneste?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2014). Fritt luftrom for kamera-droner?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Smith-Solbakken, Marie (2012). Sprengkraften i digitale chatterom. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Smith-Solbakken, Marie (2012). Digitale spor og troverdighet. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2010). Tidsskifte for den gravende journalistikken?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2010). Gravejournalistikk som non-profit. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Gynnild, Astrid (2022). Sivile droner - Norges nye olje? . (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2021). Droneteknologi og fremtidens Norge. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2019). Droner og dronejournalistikk: Muligheter og dilemmaer. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2019). Peer-to-peer feedback and foresight thinking of journalists. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Hvordan skal vi leve med droner?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Why Watching in the Media?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2017). Når dronene ser deg - nåtid og fremtid. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). ViSmedia - et spektakulært prosjekt. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Lokalavisa som lyttepost og læringsarena. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Når dronene ser deg - introduksjon til dilemmaer. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Hvorfor droner i mediene?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2013). Truer medieøkonomien journalistikken? Hva rammes? Hvordan skjer det? Hvorfor? Hvilken betydning får det for journalistene – og leserne?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2012). Medieøkonomi, kutt og fremtid. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2011). Medieleder - kreativ bakspiller?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2009). Har det klikket for nettjournalister? Vil antallet klikk være eneste ledestjerne for fremtidens nettjournalister?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2009). Skapende veksling - om å vare og vokse som veileder. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2008). The Write Up Stage in Grounded Theory. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2008). Multimediale arbeidsprosesser. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Breivik, Fritz Leo; Breivik, Fritz Leo (2008). Motor i magen: Særtrekk ved prisvinnere i undersøkende journalistikk. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Breivik, Fritz Leo; Breivik, Fritz Leo (2008). Motor i magen: Særtrekk ved prisvinnere i undersøkende journalistikk. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Gynnild, Astrid (2022). Droner i sivilsamfunnet. (external link)
- Uskali, Turo Ilari; Gynnild, Astrid; Jones, Sarah L. et al. (2021). Immersive Journalism as Storytelling Ethics, Production and Design, 1st Edition. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Droner i sivilsamfunnet. Aktører, teknologi og etiske utfordringer. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Uskali, Turo (2018). Responsible Drone Journalism. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Martin, Vivian B. (2012). Grounded Theory: The Philosophy, Method and Work of Barney Glaser. (external link)
Website (informational material)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2021). Dette sier medieforskerne om mulig salg av Nationen: - Risikosport. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2020). Frykter manipulerende, antiempatisk journalistikk. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2020). Videoen utløste raseri mot politiet. Nytt klipp viser hendelsen ovenfra. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2017). Skal dele triks og hemmeligheter for fortellende journalistikk. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2017). Eit halvt år etter bacheloren, arbeider kun sju av 40 studentar på fulltid i mediebransjen. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Opportunities & Challenges in Drone Journalism: 15 Experts from the Industry Share their Views. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Drones, surveillance and journalism. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Jubilerer for liv i pressemuseet. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Har funne fordomsfulle algoritmar med makt. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Nå er droner blitt et vekstfag ved norske universiteter. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Droner i medieutdanningen. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Prøvekaniner for banebrytende læringsverktøy. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Nå kommer dronene. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Droner inn på universitetene. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Norske lokalaviser skal bidra til å utvikle digital verktøykasse for journalister. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2015). Få klagerop fra studentene. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2015). Journalistikk i teori og praksis. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2015). Vi er lei av å kopiere hverandres arbeid. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2009). Journalister kan vokse på krisetidene. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2009). Vellykket redesign i Dagbladet. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2009). Kreativ under pressStorylandSigurd Evensmo. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2007). – Lokal nyhetsjournalistikk på sitt beste. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2006). Ti bud for et godt liv i journalistikken. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Uskali, Turo Ilari; Gynnild, Astrid; Sirkkunen, Esa et al. (2021). Forecasting Future Trajectories for Immersive Journalism. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Uskali, Turo Ilari; Jones, Sarah L. et al. (2021). Introduction: What is Immersive Journalism?. (external link)
- Flatlandsmo, Siri K.; Gynnild, Astrid (2021). Project Syria: Accuracy in Immersive Journalism. (external link)
- Vindenes, Joakim; Gynnild, Astrid (2021). Case Euronews: A low-cost approach to Immersive Storytelling. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Uskali, Turo Ilari (2018). The first wave of journalism: from activist tool to global game changer. (external link)
- Guribye, Frode; Nyre, Lars; Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Kameradroner som journalistisk verktøy - et designeksperiment i høyere utdanning. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Uskali, Turo Ilari (2018). What is responsible drone journalism?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Uskali, Turo Ilari (2018). Drones, teaching and the value of the explorative player-coach. (external link)
- Johnson, Deborah G.; Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Transparency or surveillance? Dilemmas of piloting autonomous agents. (external link)
- Nyre, Lars; Guribye, Frode; Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Taking risks with drones: responsible innovation pedagogy for media education. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Uskali, Turo Ilari (2018). Three scenarios of responsible drone journalism. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Hvorfor droner i sivilsamfunnet?. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Droneteknologi, RRI og læring. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Uskali, Turo Ilari (2018). The first wave of drone journalism: From activism tool to global game changer . (external link)
- Moe, Knut Torbjørn; Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Droners mørke side. (external link)
- Heggedal, Bente; Gynnild, Astrid (2018). Det norske droneeventyret . (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Developing Journalism Skills through Informal Feedback Training. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Three Dilemmas of Visual News Coverage. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Applying Grounded Theory in Media Production Studies . (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). Three dilemmas of visual news coverage. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2014). Introduksjon til grounded theory. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2012). Living the Ideas: A Biographical Interview with Barney G. Glaser. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2012). Atmosphering for Conceptual Discovery. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Martin, Vivian B. (2012). Mentoring a method. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2012). Visuell transparens i journalistikken. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2009). Audiovisuelle fortellinger erobrer nettet. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2008). Klikket som tilbakemelding. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2007). Creative Cycling of News Professionals: A Grounded Theory. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2007). Growing Open: The Transition from QDA to GT. (external link)
Encyclopedia article
Popular scientific article
- Gynnild, Astrid; Nilsson, Maria; Simonsen, Anne Hege et al. (2017). Introduction: Photojournalism and editorial processes: Global similarities, local differences. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2017). Celebrating 50 Years of Grounded Theory: Onward and Forward. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). New Perspectives on Conceptual Growth through GT. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2016). From Grounded Description to Grounded Theory. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2015). Editorial: Vibrant Awareness. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2015). Perspectives on Autonomy and Control. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2014). The Strength of a Solution Seeking Approach. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2014). The Multidimensional Usefulness of Grounded Theories. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2013). Editorial. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2013). Editorial. (external link)
Digital learning tools
Academic literature review
- Gynnild, Astrid (2014). Journalism Innovation leads to Innovation Journalism. The impact of computational exploration on changing mindsets. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid; Adams, Paul C. (2013). Animation, Video Documentary or Interactive Gaming? Investigating Effects of Environmental Messaging. (external link)
Book review
- Gynnild, Astrid (2011). Competence building in computational journalism: A model for experiental learning through acrossism. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2009). The impact of positive attention - side effects of awards in journalism. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2008). Nationens journalistiske profil Kvantitativ og kvalitativ analyse av nyhets- og reportasjestoffet. (external link)
- Breivik, Fritz Leo; Breivik, Fritz Leo; Gynnild, Astrid (2007). Indre motivasjon som premiss for undersøkende journalistikk. (external link)
- Gynnild, Astrid (2007). Skapende veksling: En teori om kreativitet. (external link)
Academic monograph
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Letter to the editor
Fra 2015-2021 leder jeg det NFR-finanisierte forskningsprosjektet ViSmedia – the adoption and adaption of visual surveillance technologies in the news media ( Prosjektet (24 mill.) er del av SAMANSVAR-programmet under Norges Forskningsråd, og har hatt 16 medlemmer inklusive 1 PhD-stipendiat, 1 postdoktor og fire professor II fra henholdsvis Finland og USA.
Fra 2019 er jeg leder av gruppen for journalistikkforskning ved Institutt for informasjons- og medievitenskap ved UiB.
Fra 2014-2019 var jeg leder for undervisningsprogrammene i journalistikk ved UiB. I denne perioden utviklet vi nye studieplaner både for bachelorstudiet og det nye masterprogrammet i undersøkende journalistikk i samarbeid med programmene i TV-produksjon og Medie- og interaksjonsdesign. Vi flyttet også over i nye lokaler i Media City Bergen.
Fra 2013-2017 var jeg leder for Rådet for anvendt medieforskning, RAM, og nestleder samme sted 2009-2013.
Fra 2011 til 2019 var jeg redaktør for Grounded Theory Review.
Jeg var leder for masterprogrammet i dokumentar-produksjon ved Universitetet i Stavanger (2011-2013) og avdelingsleder og leder for Veiledningsprogrammet ved Senter for relasjonsutvikling, nåværende ViD (2007-2009).
Jeg har også vært redaksjonssjef for foto- og grafikk i Adresseavisen (1996-1999) og leder for redesignprosjektet Visuell avis samme sted (1999).