Camilla Sætre
Associate Professor, Associate professor ocean technology/measurement technology
Short info
My work is related to measurement science and especially on the reliability and quality of measurements in ocean related areas.
- SFI Smart Ocean
- HyMe: Reliable metering for the hydrogen Supply Chain
HTEK101, HTEK301, PHYS114
Academic article
- Bergh, Øivind; Danre, Jean-Baptiste; Stensland, Kjetil et al. (2024). A Modular Smart Ocean Observatory for Development of Sensors, Underwater Communication and Surveillance of Environmental Parameters. (external link)
- Stavland, Stian Husevik; Tjugum, Stein-Arild; Hallanger, Anders et al. (2024). Characterization of multiphase flow through Venturi nozzle using gamma-ray tomography. (external link)
- Liu, Hongbo; Summers, Natalie Maria; Chen, Yi-Chun et al. (2024). Pixelwise immersion factor calibration for underwater hyperspectral imaging instruments. (external link)
- Skålvik, Astrid Marie; Bjørk, Ranveig Nygaard; Martínez, Enoc et al. (2024). Multivariate, Automatic Diagnostics Based on Insights into Sensor Technology. (external link)
- Ugulen, Håvard Stavn; Koestner, Daniel Warren; Sandven, Håkon Johan et al. (2023). Neural network approach for correction of multiple scattering errors in the LISST-VSF instrument. (external link)
- Skålvik, Astrid Marie; Sætre, Camilla; Frøysa, Kjell Eivind et al. (2023). Challenges, limitations, and measurement strategies to ensure data quality in deep-sea sensors. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Tholo, Harald; Hovdenes, Jostein et al. (2023). Directional wave measurements from navigational buoys. (external link)
- Ugulen, Håvard Stavn; Sandven, Håkon Johan; Hamre, Børge et al. (2022). Efficient Monte Carlo simulation reveals significant multiple scattering errors in underwater angular scattering measurements. (external link)
- Ugulen, Håvard Stavn; Sandven, Håkon; Hamre, Børge et al. (2021). Analysis of multiple scattering errors in LISST-VSF volume scattering function measurements using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental data. (external link)
- Stavland, Stian Husevik; Sætre, Camilla; Hjertaker, Bjørn Tore et al. (2019). Gas fraction measurements using single and dual beam gamma-densitometry for two phase gas-liquid pipe flow. (external link)
- Skålvik, Astrid Marie; Bjørk, Ranveig Nygaard; Frøysa, Kjell Eivind et al. (2018). Risk-cost-benefit analysis of custody oil metering stations. (external link)
- Hallanger, Anders; Sætre, Camilla; Frøysa, Kjell Eivind (2018). Flow profile effects due to pipe geometry in an export gas metering station – Analysis by CFD simulations. (external link)
- Kumer, Valerie-Marie; Reuder, Joachim; Svardal, Benny et al. (2015). Characterisation of single wind turbine wakes with static and scanning WINTWEX-W LiDAR data. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Tjugum, Stein-Arild; Johansen, Geir Anton (2014). Tomographic segmentation in multiphase flow measurement. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Johansen, Geir Anton; Tjugum, Stein-Arild (2012). Tomographic multiphase flow measurement. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Johansen, Geir Anton; Tjugum, Stein-Arild (2010). Salinity and flow regime independent multiphase flow measurements. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Barth, Charles A.; Stadsnes, Johan et al. (2007). Thermospheric nitric oxide at higher latitudes: Model calculations with auroral energy input. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Barth, Charles A.; Stadsnes, Johan et al. (2006). Comparisons of electron energy deposition derived from observations of lower thermospheric nitric oxide and from X-ray bremsstrahlung measurements. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Stadsnes, Johan; Nesse, H et al. (2004). Energetic electron precipitation and the NO abundance in the upper atmosphere: A direct comparison during a geomagnetic storm. (external link)
- Folgerø, Kjetil; Holstad, Marie Bueie; Kocbach, Jan Martin et al. (2023). Reliable Metering for the Hydrogen Supply Chain. (external link)
- Bergh, Øivind; Danre, Jean-Baptiste; Stensland, Kjetil et al. (2023). A modular Smart Ocean Observatory for sensor and communication development, and surveillance of environmental parameters in and around an aquaculture facility. (external link)
- Sandven, Håkon Johan; Granskog, Mats; McKee, David et al. (2023). Optical observations and parametrizations of Svalbard coastal waters and the adjacent Barents Sea. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Tholo, Harald; Hovdenes, Jostein et al. (2021). Validation of wave sensors on navigational buoys. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Stadsnes, Johan; Østgaard, Nikolai et al. (2006). Chemical effects of electron precipitation - Modeled thermospheric nitric oxide. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Stadsnes, Johan; Østgaard, Nikolai et al. (2006). Electron precipitation - Energy deposition and chemical effects in the lower thermosphere. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Barth, Charles A.; Stadsnes, Johan et al. (2005). Comparisons of electron energy flux derived from X-ray bremsstrahlung measurements and from a photochemical model for nitric oxide. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla (2004). Nordlys og klima. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Baker, Daniel N.; Barth, Charles A. et al. (2004). Direct comparisons of energetic electron precipitation and nitric oxide in the upper atmosphere during geomagnetic storms. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla (2003). Comparison of energetic electron precipitation and nitric oxide abundance in the upper atmosphere. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Stadsnes, Johan; Nesse, Hilde et al. (2003). Comparison of energetic electron precipitation and abundance of nitric oxide in the upper atmosphere during substorm conditions. (external link)
- Nesse, Hilde; Stadsnes, Johan; Aksnes, Arve et al. (2003). Atmospheric effects of energetic electron precipitation during substorms. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Bergh, Øivind; Danre, Jean-Baptiste; Stensland, Kjetil et al. (2023). A modular Smart Ocean Observatory for sensor and communication development, and surveillance of environmental parameters in and around an aquaculture research facility . (external link)
- Ugulen, Håvard Stavn; Sandven, Håkon Johan; Hamre, Børge et al. (2022). Simulating and correcting LISST-VSF measurements. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Ugulen, Håvard Stavn; Sandven, Håkon Johan et al. (2022). UNDERWATER OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTRIBUTION FROM FORWARD SCATTERED LIGHT. (external link)
- Johansen, Geir Anton; Sætre, Camilla; Tjugum, Stein-Arild et al. (2017). Tomographic methods for multiphase flow measurement. (external link)
- Johansen, Geir Anton; Meric, Ilker; Maad, Rachid et al. (2014). Non-destructive monitoring of multiphase hydrocarbon flow by high-speed gamma-ray tomography. (external link)
- Johansen, Geir Anton; Hjertaker, Bjørn Tore; Tjugum, Stein Arild et al. (2012). Industrial applications of tomographic gamma-ray methods. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Johansen, Geir Anton; Tjugum, Stein Arild (2011). Tomographic Multiphase Flow Measurement. (external link)
- Tjugum, Stein Arild; Sætre, Camilla; Johansen, Geir Anton (2011). Multibeam Gamma-ray Measurements and Electrical Tomography for Improved Multiphase Flow Metering. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Johansen, Geir Anton; Tjugum, Stein Arild (2010). Salinity and flow regime independent multiphase flow measurements. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla (2009). Flerfasemåling (olje, vann, gass) ved ulike strømningsmønstre. (external link)
- Stadsnes, Johan; Aksnes, Arve; Sætre, Camilla et al. (2008). Observations of energetic particle precipitation and effects on the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. (external link)
- Stadsnes, Johan; Østgaard, Nikolai; Sætre, Camilla et al. (2006). Global observations of the dynamics of energetic electron precipitation during substorms. (external link)
- Stadsnes, Johan; Aksnes, Arve; Sætre, Camilla et al. (2006). Satellite remote mapping of the precipitation of energetic electrons and their effects on the Earth's upper atmosphere. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Stadsnes, Johan; Østgaard, Nikolai (2005). Kjemiske effekter av elektronnedbør i den lavere termosfæren. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Stadsnes, Johan; Østgaard, Nikolai et al. (2005). Chemical effects of electron precipitation: Nitric Oxide in the lower thermosphere. (external link)
- Baker, Daniel N.; Barth, Charles A.; Kanekal, S. G. et al. (2005). Observations of solar and magnetospheric particles during large storms and assessing their effects on the Earth's upper atmosphere. (external link)
- Sætre, Camilla; Stadsnes, Johan; Aksnes, Arve et al. (2004). The impact of energetic electron precipitation on nitric oxide in the upper atmosphere - Including neutral wind effects. (external link)
- Nesse, Hilde; Stadsnes, Johan; Paxton, Larry et al. (2004). Effects on the O/N2-ratio caused by energetic electron precipitation during storms. (external link)
- Nesse, Hilde; Stadsnes, Johan; Aksnes, Arve et al. (2003). Atmosfæriske effektar av energetisk elektronnedbør under ein substorm. (external link)
- Nesse, Hilde; Stadsnes, Johan; Mertens, C.J. et al. (2003). Upper atmosphere temperature effects of energetic electron precipitation during substorms. (external link)
- Stadsnes, Johan; Aksnes, Arve; Sætre, Camilla (2003). Mapping of Energetic Electron Precipitation by Imaging of Auroral X-rays. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sætre, Camilla; Skålvik, Astrid Marie; Frøysa, Kjell Eivind et al. (2023). A smart ocean observation system for reliable real-time measurements. (external link)
- Skålvik, Astrid Marie; Tengberg, Anders; Frøysa, Kjell Eivind et al. (2023). Automatic near real-time quality control tests for biofouling effect on measurement data. (external link)
- Nguyen, Ngoc Thanh; Lima, Keila; Skålvik, Astrid Marie et al. (2023). Synthesized Data Quality Requirements and Roadmap for Improving Reusability of In-Situ Marine Data. (external link)
- Frøysa, Kjell Eivind; Mosland, Eivind Nag; Skålvik, Astrid Marie et al. (2020). Challenges in accurate CO2 emission reporting for flares. (external link)
- Bjørk, Ranveig Nygaard; Skålvik, Astrid Marie; Pobitzer, Armin et al. (2016). Analysis of Field and Ownership Allocation Uncertainty in Complex Multi-Field Configurations. (external link)
- Skålvik, Astrid Marie; Bjørk, Ranveig Nygaard; Frøysa, Kjell-Eivind et al. (2015). A new methodology for cost-benefit-risk analysis of oil metering station lay-outs. (external link)