Cecilie Vindal Ødegaard
I am a social anthropologist with a keen interest in ethnographic theory and exploration. My thematic interests are broad and center around questions of territorial politics and human ways of organizing and relating to land, landscape, and environmental surroundings. These interests have brought me to the Andes (Peru), the Arctic (Svalbard, Norway) and more recently to the head-offices and control-rooms of Norwegian maritime industries.
Over two decades (1997-2016) I conducted ethnographic fieldworks in Arequipa, Peru, where I lived and worked with Quechua- and Aymara speakers who for various reasons have left their rural communities in the Andean highlands for a life in the city. In this work, I explored how Andean migrants establish new settlements in the urban outskirts, through collective work and neighborhood efforts. By thus studying spatial mobilities and social mobilizations in migrant contexts, I examined the experiences and constructions especially of womanhood and indigeneity at the intersections between postcolonial racism, class, and gender hierarchies under Peru’s decades-long neoliberal rule. Questions of sociality and cultural continuities were also central to this research, especially as I studied non-Western nature practices and relations to the landscape – and the continuation of such nature practices from rural Andean to urban settings. This research has resulted in various publications (see publication list), including the monograph (2010) Mobility, Markets and Indigenous Socialities | Contemporary Migration (taylorfrancis.com)
I have combined my interests in contestations over land and territory with an interest in economic and political anthropology, as illustrated in my work on urban marketplaces and cross-border trade in the areas between Peru and Bolivia. In this work I have been interested in the contradictions played out at the crossroads between the border control regimes of the corporate state on the one hand, and the border contestations and improvisations among groups of Quechua- and Aymara speaking traders on the other. Against the backdrop of these research interests, we co-edited (with Juliane Muller) a special issue published in 2021 and titled “Espacios transfronterizos de los Andes: Regímenes de regulación, acumulación y distribución entre el estado y los grupos Aymara y Quechua” (Cross-border spaces of the Andes: Regimes of regulation, accumulation and distribution between state and Aymara and Quechua groups): RDA-66-20-VINDAL-MULLER.pdf (dialogoandino.cl)
My more recent research has been concerned with energy politics and environmental instabilities in the Anthropocene, or the Capitalocene. In a co-edited volume (2019, with Juan Javier Rivera Andía) we explore these issues by focusing on indigenous life projects and world-making practices in contexts of extractivist turbulences in South America: Indigenous Life Projects and Extractivism | SpringerLink. More recently, I have also conducted fieldwork in the Arctic (Svalbard, Norway), where I examine questions of sovereignty, territory, and landscape as Svalbard is (un-) made as extractivist frontier, by focusing on the dismantling and “returning to nature” of the Svea mining community. Due to my engagement with these issues, I am part of the network: Svalbard Social Science Initiative | -
Currently I am also project leader of the research project “Automation shift in the maritime sector of the oil and gas industry: Assessing risk and safety, protecting labor”, financed by the Research Council of Norway (2021-2026). In this project, we examine how the ongoing automation shift in the maritime sector takes the character of another form of ‘frontier’; a frontier of technology development and reconfigurations of risk assessment, labor, nature, and human relations with the ocean: ASMOG Collaborative Project | University of Bergen (uib.no)
Photo: Anna Rauter.
Pedagogical experiences and training
2014-current. Course leader and lecturer of BA–level course SANT103, “Materiality. Environment, Place, Economy”, Department of Social Anthropology, UiB.
2014. Course leader and lecturer of MA-level course SANT307, “Contested Resources: Ecological Anthropology in a Global Perspective”, Department of Social Anthropology, UiB.
2015. Participation in the Basismodul of UiB’s Program for University Pedagogy (essay/report for the fulfillment of this course was submitted and approved in 2017).
2013. Course leader and lecturer in of two BA-level courses in general social scientific perspectives and didactics, Section for Social Science, Bergen University College.
2011-2012. Designing and teaching MPhil course in Gender and Development, UiB, with responsibility for 18 lectures, student seminars, tasks, training in qualitative methods, exams and assessment. Main areas: theories of gender, household, kinship, globalization, intersectionality, social mobilization, critical development theory, qualitative methods.
2011. Lecturer at a PhD-course, Bergen Summer Research School, the course “Globalization and Gender”.
2009. Designing and teaching two BA-courses in social anthropology, Department of Social Anthropology, UiB. Main areas: Latin America, anthropological perspectives.
2000-2007. Teaching at the Department of Social Anthropology, UiB, with responsibility for student seminars, assessments of exams, and lectures in “Regional Ethnography, Latin America”.
Supervision (MA- and PhD-students) and examination
2017-current. Main supervisor for PhD students Roar Hansen and Nora Haukali.
2017-current. Co-supervisor for PhD student Tomas Salem.
2017-2019. Co-supervisor for PhD students Camilla Borrevik and Michael Vina.
2014-current. Mid-term assessment for PhD-students, at UiB and the University of Oslo.
2013-2018. Main supervisor for eight master students in Social Anthropology, UiB.
2007-2013. Main supervisor for eight master students in different departments; Gender and Development; Social Anthropology; and Health Promotion, UiB.
2000-current. Examination at BA- and MA-level in a range of different courses (including MA-dissertations) both in Social Anthropology and Gender and Development; at UiB and the University of Oslo.
Masters thesis
- Edvardsen, Melania Iselinn; Ødegaard, Cecilie Vindal (2024). Økolandsbyen i bærekraftsdalen: En etnografisk studie av fellesskap og sted i Hurdal økolandsby og Hurdal kommune. (external link)
- Thorén, Robin; Ødegaard, Cecilie Vindal (2022). “Problem or Resource?” - An anthropological journey through, and with, oil -. (external link)
- Sørenes, Synne; Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2020). Frivilligturisme og bullshit jobs: om arbeid, kapital og søppel. (external link)
- Vedal, Nils Haukeland; Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2019). GARDEN METAPHYSICS: Myth and Ritual among the Awajun People of the Peruvian High Jungle. (external link)
- Nymo, Karoline Holm; Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2018). La Habana - bak fasaden. (external link)
- Skoftedalen, Kaja Bergskås; Ødegaard, Cecilie (2017). Governing Rural Health. Making Manageable Citizens in Colca Valley, Peru. (external link)
- Patience, Addo; Ødegaard, Cecilie (2016). THE SEA IS NO LONGER SWEET Gender and kinship relations in Anomabu in times of dwindling fish stocks. . (external link)
- Hugøy, Isabelle; Ødegaard, Cecilie (2016). "Before there were no diseases". Perceiving the Coffee Rust Epidemic in the Intersection of Knowledge Systems. (external link)
- Eiken, Oda; Ødegaard, Cecilie (2015). Negotiating Urban Spaces. Xhosa migrants' movement in and through Cape Town's social and spatial structures, South Africa. (external link)
- Iversen, Marianne Sandstad; Ødegaard, Cecilie V. (2009). "DESARROLLO, PROGRESO Y MODERNIDAD" Sosiale drama og ønsker om sosial mobilitet blant kvinner tilknyttet et statlig utviklingsprogram i Lima, Peru. (external link)
- Sandstad Iversen, Marianne; Ødegaard, Cecilie V. (2009). "DESARROLLO, PROGRESO Y MODERNIDAD" Sosiale drama og ønsker om sosial mobilitet blant kvinner tilknyttet et statlig utviklingsprogram i Lima, Peru. (external link)
Website (informational material)
Academic article
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Vindal (2022). Returning to Nature Post-carbon Utopias in Svalbard, Norway. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Vindal; Zhang, Judan Jasmine (2021). (Un)inhabiting Svalbard: Stories of makings from a transient place in the High Arctic. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2019). Within and Beyond the Law: The Ethics of Collective Action in Urban Markets, Peru. (external link)
- Hugøy, Isabelle; Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2019). Becoming 'Wild' at the Intersection of Knowledges: Coffee Rust Crisis in Costa Rica. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2016). Border multiplicities: at the cross-roads between improvisation and regulation in the Andes. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2016). 'Made in China'. Contraband, labour and the gendered effects of 'Free-Tade', China-Peru. (external link)
- Blaisdell, Amy Lee; Ødegaard, Cecilie (2014). Losing fat, gaining treatments: The use of biomedicine as a cure for folk illnesses in the Andes. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Vindal (2011). Sources of danger and prosperity in the Peruvian Andes: mobility in a powerful landscape. (external link)
- Toje, Hege; Ødegaard, Cecilie V. (2010). Migrasjon, stat og territorialisering. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie V. (2010). Land and labour in processes of urbanisation the dialectics between popular practices and state policies in Peru. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie V. (2008). Informal trade, contrabando and prosperous socialities in Arequipa, Peru. (external link)
- Eriksen, Annelin; Fagertun, Anette; Ødegaard, Cecilie (2007). Introduksjon. Om kjønn og antropologi. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2006). Diskurser om kvinnelighet og modernitet i statlige utviklingsprosjekter i Peru. (external link)
- Ødegård, Cecilie (2000). Las mujeres tambien son machistas - practice and alternative discourses on gender among Andean migrants. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2000). Las mujeres tambien son machistas - practice and alternative discourses on gender among Andean migrants. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Vindal; Betti, Marianna (2021). Automatisering i maritime industrier: en utforskning av nye terreng. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2019). Placemaking, ownership and sovereignty in times of climate change, Svalbard. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2019). Growth, instability and rubble: Infrastructural limitations and possibilities in Longyearbyen" . (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2018). Some questions of ownership in times of environmental instabilities. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2018). Liveable ecologies and the issue of ownership: Potentialities and limitations. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2018). Leakages in the extractivist state: Smuggling, socialities and reconfigurations of fossil wealth in Peru. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2018). Social banditry in the corporate state: Informality, translations and regulation in Peru. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2017). Vital relations, land and labor in urban Peru. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2016). “Extractivist politics and notions of progress, wealth and «other»”. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2016). “The extractive state and social banditry in the Andes”. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2015). Labour, land and the precarity of (in)formalization in Peru. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2015). Zones of ambiguity: (In)formalization among vendors in Peru. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2015). Blood, fat and predation in the Andes. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2013). Regeneration and destruction in the Peruvian Andes: Creating prosperity and causing harm through exchange. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2013). Those who speak with the devil: Personhood in-between the human and the non-human. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2013). Gendered exceptions. Femininities at the crossroads between improvisation and regulation. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Vindal (2011). Ritual offerings, prosperity and the problem of the devil contracts among traders in Peru. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Vindal (2011). The contested circulation of textiles in Peru: from informal sovereignty to free-trade agreement. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Vindal (2011). En kur mot blodsugere? Ulike perspektiver på djevelkontrakter. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2007). Discourses on womanhood and modernity in development projects: a case from Peru. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2007). Markets and moralities: the precatiousness of space among petty traders in Peru. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2005). Representasjoner av kjønn og modernitet: migrasjon, kvinneorganisasjoner og statlig involvering i urbane nabolag, Peru. (external link)
- Ødegård, Cecilie (2002). The Ambiguity of Agency: Informality and Citizenship in Processes of Urbanization in the Andes. (external link)
- Ødegård, Cecilie (2000). Las mujeres tambièn son machistas - practice and alternative discourses on gender among Andean migrants. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2000). Las mujeres tambièn son machistas - practice and alternative discourses on gender among Andean migrants. (external link)
Popular scientific article
Multimedia product
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2020). Social Banditry and the Legal in the Corporate State of Peru. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal; Juan Javier, Rivera Andia (2019). Introduction: Indigenous peoples, extractivism, and turbulences in South America. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2019). Translating wealth in a globalised extractivist economy: Contrabandistas and accumulation by diversion. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2018). Market liberalization and the (un-)making of the ‘perfect neoliberal citizen’: Enactments of gendered and racialized inequalities among Peruvian vendors. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2016). Alterity, Predation, and Questions of Representation: The Problem of the Kharisiri in the Andes. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie (2015). Everything moves With fuel: Energy politics and the smuggling of energy resources. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Vindal (2012). Rituell velstand. Ofring og økonomisk liv i Andes. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie V. (2007). From stigma to celebration. The (re-)generation of dilemmas in discourses on cultural hybridity. (external link)
- Ødegård, Cecilie (2002). Peru. (external link)
Short communication
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Book review
Academic monograph
Doctoral dissertation
Thesis at a second degree level
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Books, guest-edited issues and dissertations
2021. "Cross-Border Spaces of the Andes: Regimes of Regulation, Accumulation and Distribution Between the State and Aymara and Quechua Groups" with Julianne Müller.
2019. Indigenous Life-Making Projects and Politics of Extractivism in Latin America, co-edited with Juan Javier Rivera Andia, Palgrave Macmillan.
2010. Mobility, Markets and Indigenous Socialities: Contemporary Migration in the Peruvian Andes, Ashgate, October 2010.
2007. On Gender and Anthropology, special issue of Norsk Antropologisk tidsskrift, co-edited with Annelin Eriksen and Anette Fagertun, no 2/18
2007. A quest for progress. Migration, work and gender in the Peruvian Andes. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Social Anthropology, UiB.
1999. Somos trabajadoras: En studie av kvinners rolle og etniske relasjoner ved rural-urban migrasjon i Peru (A Study of Women’s role and Ethnic Relations in Migratory Processes, Peru), published in the IMER-series (International migration and ethnic relations), UiB
1999. “Somos trabajadoras. Fra høyland til by, kvinnelige migranter i Peru” (“From Highland to city, women migrants in Peru”), dissertation for the master degree (hovedfag), Department of Social Anthropology, UiB.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals and books
In press. “Social banditry and the legal in the corporate state of Peru”, chapter in Egalitarian potentials and corporate state formations in Latin America, Marina Gold and Alessandro Zagato, Berghahn Books.
2022. "Returning to Nature", Social Analysis. Returning to Nature in: Social Analysis Volume 66 Issue 2 (2022) (berghahnjournals.com)
2019. “Within and Beyond the Law: The Ethics of Collective Action in urban markets, Peru”, Journal History and Anthropology. Full article: Within and beyond the law: The ethics of collective action in urban markets, Peru (tandfonline.com)
2019. “Becoming ‘Wild’ at the Intersection of Knowledges: The Coffee Rust Crisis in Costa Rica”, with Isabelle Hugøy, Ethnos Journal of Anthropology. Full article: Becoming ‘Wild’ at the Intersection of Knowledges: Coffee Rust Crisis in Costa Rica (tandfonline.com)
2019. “Translating Wealth in a Globalised Extractivist Economy. Contrabandistas and Accumulation by Diversion”, in Indigenous Life Projects and Extractivism. Ethnographies from South America, Ødegaard and Rivera Andia (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan.
2019. “Introduction. Indigenous Peoples, Extractivism and Turbulences in South America”, with Juan Javier Rivera Andia, in Indigenous Life projects and Extractivism. Ethnographies from South America, Ødegaard and Rivera Andia (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan.
2019. “Prosperity and the flow of vital substances. Relating to earth beings in the Southern Peruvian Andes”, in Juan Javier Rivera Andia (ed.) Non-humans in Amerindian South America. Socialities and incorporations among contemporary indigenous peoples. Berghahn Books.
2018. “Market liberalization and the (un-)making of the ‘perfect neoliberal citizen’: Enactments of gendered and racialized inequalities among Peruvian vendors”, in Margit Ystanes and Iselin Åsedotter Strønen (eds.) The social life of economic inequalities in Latin America: Decades of change, Palgrave Macmillan, pp 183-205.
2017. “Made in China. Contraband, labor, and the gendered effects of ‘free-trade’, China-Peru”, in Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp 346-360.
2016. “Alterity, predation and questions of representation. The problem of the kharisiri in the Andes”, in Bjørn Bertelsen and Synnøve Bendixen (eds.) Critical anthropological engagements in human alterity and difference, Palgrave Macmillan, pp 65-87.
2016. “Border multiplicities. At the crossroads between regulation and improvisation in the Andes”, in Journal of Borderlands Studies, Vol. 31, No.1, pp 23-38.
2015. “Everything moves with fuel. Energy politics and the smuggling of energy resources”, in John McNeish, Axel Borchrevink and Owen Logan (eds.), Contested powers: The politics of energy and development in Latin America, London: Zed books.
2014. “Losing fat, gaining treatment: A qualitative study of the use of biomedicine as a cure for traditional illnesses”, with Amy Blaisdell, in Journal of Ethnobiology and ethnomedicine. Vol. 10, No. 52, pp 1-15. Losing fat, gaining treatments: the use of biomedicine as a cure for folk illnesses in the Andes | Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)
2012. ”Rituell velstand. Ofring og økonomisk liv i Andes” (Ritual prosperity. Offerings and economic life in the Andes), in Asle F. Jøssang and Arne Olav Øyhus (eds.), Religionens rolle i bistand og utvikling, Kristiansand: Portal Forlag, pp 123-137.
2011. “Sources of Danger and Prosperity: Mobility and Powerful Surroundings in the Andes”, in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (Incorporating Man), Vol. 17, pp 339-355. Sources of danger and prosperity in the Peruvian Andes: mobility in a powerful landscape on JSTOR
2010. “Migrasjon, Stat og Territorialisering” (”Migration, State and Territorialization”), with Hege Toje, in Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp 223-238.
2010. “Land and Labour in Processes of Urbanization: The Dialectics between Popular Practices and State Policies in Peru", Forum for Development Studies (Routledge), Vol. 37, No. 1, March 2010, pp 113-136.
2008. ”Informal Trade, Contrabando and Prosperous Socialities in Arequipa, Peru”, in Ethnos Journal of Anthropology, Vol. 73, No. 2, pp 241-267.
2007. ”Introduksjon. Om kjønn og antropologi” (”Introduction: On Gender and Anthropology”), with Annelin Eriksen and Anette Fagertun in Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, nr.2/18, Universitetsforlaget, pp 75-89.
2007. ”From stigma to celebration: the (re-)generation of dilemmas in discourses on cultural hybridity”, in Asgharzadeh, Alireza, Erica Lawson, Kayleen Oka og Amar Wahab (eds.) Diasporic ruptures: globality, migrancy and expressions of identity, Rotterdam/Taipei: Sense Publishers, pp 3-20.
2006. ”Diskurser om kvinnelighet og modernitet i statlige utviklingsprosjekter i Peru” (”Discourses on Womanhood and Modernity in State Projects for Development in Peru”), in Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, special issue on anthropology and the state, Vol. 17, No. 3-4, pp 243-252.
2002. “Latin-Amerika og Karibia: kolonialismens mange ansikter” (”Colonialism in Latin America and the Caribbean”), with Marit Brendbekken in Kula Kula published by the Department of Social Anthropology, UiB.
2001. ”Las mujeres también son machistas: Alternative discourses on gender among Andean migrants”, in Maria Clara Medina (ed.) Lo público y lo privado: género en America Latina, HAINA-serien no.3, Iberoamerikansk institutt, Gøteborgs Universitet 2001.
1999. ”Symbolske substanser – om matens betydning for andinsk subjektivitet” (“Symbolic Substances – On the Significance of Food for Andean Subjectivities”), in the journal Replikk published by UiB, No.8 (5), pp 59-68.
Book reviews
In press. Women’s place in the Andes: Engaging Decolonial Feminist Anthropology (by Florence Babb), book review in Anthropos.
2019. Comment to Kristin Skrabut’s article “Residency counts and housing rights: Conflicting enactments of property in Lima’s central margins”, in Current Anthropology, the comment section.
2017. «Noen refleksjoner om student-aktiv undervisning i sosialantropologi» (“Some reflections on student-active teaching"), essay/report for compulsory course in university pedagogics, UiB.
2014. Making New York Dominican: Small Business, Politics, and Everyday Life /by Kristian Krohn-Hansen), in Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 2:25, pp 126-128.
2010. The City at its Limits. Taboo, Transgression, and Urban Renewal in Lima (by Daniella Gandolfo), in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (Incorporating Man), Vol. 16, Issues 4, pp 949-950.
2009. Guatemalans in the Aftermath of Violence. The Refugee’s Return (by Kristi Anne Stølen), in Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 20, No 4, pp 301-302.
Conference and workshop papers
2019, Nov. “Frontiers of extraction in the Arctic and the Andes: Processes of (un)commoning and commercialization”, paper for the conference “The Global Life of Mines”, University of Cagliari.
2019, Nov. “Placemaking, ownership and sovereignty in times of climate change, Svalbard”, presentation at the Svalbard Social Science Initiative’s side-event to the Svalbard Science Conference, the Norwegian Research Council, Oslo.
2019, Nov. “The making of place: Svalbard in the transition from coal mining to tourism and a changing climate”, poster at the Svalbard Science Conference, the Norwegian Research Council, Oslo.
2019, Sept. “Growth, instability and rubble: Infrastructural limitations and possibilities in Longyearbyen”, paper at the workshop “Thinking through infrastructures: Governance and the public good, University of Oslo.
2018, Oct. “Some questions of ownership in times of environmental instability”, paper at the NOLAN-conference “Epochal shifts in current Latin America?”, Oslo Metropolitan University.
2018, Aug. “Livable ecologies and the issue of ownership: Potentialities and limitations”, paper at the EASA-conference, Stockholm.
2018, May. “Leakages in the extractivist state: Smuggling, socialities and reconfigurations of fossil wealth in Peru", paper at the LASA-conference, Barcelona.
2018, May. Discussant at the panel “Andean commerce in a globalized world. Social and economic implications of regional contraband trade”, organized by Juliane Muller, LASA-conference, Barcelona.
2018, Apr. “Social banditry in the corporate state: Informality, translations and regulation in Peru”, Department seminar, University of St. Andrews.
2017, Jun. “Vital relations, land and labor in urban Peru”, paper at the Value of life-conference, University of Wageningen.
2016, Sept. “The extractive state and social banditry in the Andes”, paper at the NorLarNet-conference “Latin America Research for a Troubled World”, UiB.
2015, Jun. “Labour, land and the precarity of (in)formalization in Peru”, paper at the workshop “The reconfiguration of labour: Reflections for contemporary anthropology”, University of Oslo.
2015, Mar. “Zones of ambiguity: (In)formalization among vendors in Peru”, paper at the workshop “Rethinking Latin American inequalities”, UiB.
2015, Jan. “Blood, fat and predation in the Andes”, paper at the workshop “Ontologizing difference”, UiB.
2014, Jun. “Creating (un)certainties at the crossroads between regulation and improvisation”, paper at the ASA-conference, University of Edinburgh.
2013, Oct. “Gendered exceptions. Femininities at the crossroads between improvisation and regulation”, paper at the conference “Localizing Globalization. Gendered transformations of work in developing economies”, University of Bergen.
2013, Oct. “Mestizaje and new forms of identity politics. A re-naturalization of inequality?”, paper at the conference “Economics and governance. New global configurations”, University of Bergen.
2013, Aug. “Those who speak with the devil: Personhood in-between the human and the non-human”, paper at the conference of The International Union of anthropological and ethnological sciences (IUAES), University of Manchester.
2013, May. “Regeneration and destruction in the Peruvian Andes: Creating prosperity and causing harm through exchange”, paper at the workshop “Cosmoeconomics: Spawning wealth, vitality and prosperity in times of crisis”, University of Bergen.
2012, Dec. “The ontological multiplicities of borders”, paper given at Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change, University of Manchester.
2012, Oct. “Sovereign loss, sovereign things: The smuggling of energy resources between Bolivia and Peru”, paper at the conference “Norms of the margin, margins of the norm”, Brussels, with Michael Herzfeld as keynote speaker.
2012, May. “Competing notions of prosperity and progress? Parallel sovereignties and the smuggling of energy resources”, paper at the conference of the Latin American Studies association, San Francisco.
2012, Mar. “Made in China: the embedding and dis-embedding of commodity chains, China-Peru”, paper at the seminar “Localizing globalization: Gendered transformations of work”, University of Bergen.
2011, Oct. “The contested circulation of textiles in Peru: from informal sovereignty to free-trade agreement”, paper at the conference “Contested mobility: People, commodities and policies across Latin America and the Caribbean”, with Gustavo Lins Ribeiro as keynote speaker, University of Leiden.
2011, Sept. ”Ritual offerings, prosperity and the problem of the devil contracts among traders in Peru”, invited paper at seminar on religion and economy in Latin America, with June Nash as keynote speaker, NTNU.
2011, May. “En kur mot blodsugere? Ulike perspektiver på djevelkontrakter” (A cure against bloodsuckers? Perspectives on devil contracts), paper at the annual conference of the Norwegian Association for Social Anthropologists, UiO
2010, Sept. “Beyond Law and Borders: Peruvian Traders, Contradictory State Agendas and the Reproduction of ‘Illegibility’”, paper at the conference for the European Association for Social Anthropologists, workshop called “Frontiers of Legality”, University of Maynooth.
2010, Feb. “Ambiguous Spaces for Citizenship. Indigenous Socialities and State Policies in Peru”, invited paper for the department seminar series at Department of Social Anthropology, UiB.
2008, Sept. ”Urbanization in Peru”, paper at the international conference “Latin American Futures” at UiB/CMI.
2008, Sept. “The Gendering of Markets at the Margins of the Formal Economy in Peru”, paper at the seminar “Gendered Economies: Markets, Moralities and Informality in a globalized World”, Centre for Gender Studies and Section for Gender and development, UiB.
2008, Aug. “The Moralities of Markets”, paper at the conference for the European Anthropological Association, workshop called “Markets, Moralities, Kinship”, Ljubljana University.
2008, Jun. ”The Dialectics between Migrant Practices and State Policies in Peru”, paper at the seminar “Urban Politics”, invited paper at seminar on “Urban Politics”, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo.
2008, Feb. ”Petty Trade and Traders’ Associations in the Margins of the Formal Economy in Peru”, invited paper for the department seminar series at Department of Social Anthropology, UiB.
2007, Nov. ”Discourses on womanhood and modernity in development projects: a case from Peru”, invited paper at the seminar “The ethnography of aid”, Department of Education and Health Promotion, UiB.
2007, Nov. "Markets and moralities: the precariousness of space among petty traders in Peru", paper for the 14th Nordic IMER conference, UiB.
2007, Feb. ”Toward an Ethnography of the State: Recent Anthropological Theorizing on State-society Interaction and its implications for the study of rural-urban migrants in Peru”, obligatory lecture for the doctoral degree, UiB.
2006, Jan. ”Om kjønn i artikulasjon med andre forskjeller” (”On Gender in Articulation with Other Differences”), paper at the seminar ”Kjønn som etnografisk utfordring og analytisk kategori” (”Gender as Ethnographic Challenge and Analytical Category”), Department of Social Anthropology and Centre for Gender Studies, UiB.
2005, May. ”Diskurser om kjønn og modernitet: Statlige utviklingsprosjekter i nyetablerte urbane nabolag, Peru” (”Discourses on Gender and Modernity: State Projects of Development in Urban Migrant Neighbourhoods, Peru”), paper at the conference ”Anthropology and the state”, The Norwegian Association for social anthropologists, UiB.
2003, Oct. ”The ambiguity of agency: Informality and citizenship in processes of urbanisation in the Andes”, paper at the conference “Poverty and Politics”, NFU/NIBR, University of Oslo.
2002, Apr. ”From stigma to celebration: The (re-) generation of dilemmas in discourses on cultural hybridity”, compulsory paper for the doctoral course in Theory of science, UiB.
2001, Jul. “The negotiation of identities and ambiguities of agency: Popular organisations, the state and NGOs”, paper at the research course “Power and resistance in a globalised world” by John Gledhill, University of Oslo.
2000, May. ”Las mujeres tambien son machistas: alternative discourses on gender among Andean migrants”, paper at the conference “Public and private spheres: Constructions of gender and identity in Latin America”, University of Helsinki and Nordic network for research on gender in Latin America and the Caribbean (HAINA).
1998, Jan. ”Fra høyland til by, kvinnelige migranter i Peru” (“From Highland to City, Female Migrants in Peru”), paper at the conference ”People on the move”, The Norwegian Association for social anthropologists, Kristiansund.
Articles in popular journals
2002, Feb. ”Latin-Amerika og Karibia: kolonialismens mange ansikter” (“Colonialism in Latin America and the Caribbean”), with Marit Brendbekken, in Kula-Kula published at Institute for social anthropology.
2001, Jun. ”En valgkampsaga” (“Presidential elections in Peru 2000”), in LatinAmerika, published by the Latin-America group in Bergen.
1999, Oct. ”Selvhjelpsgrupper som statlig sovepute” (“Self-help groups as a pillow to sleep on”), in Latin Amerika, published by the Latin-America group in Bergen.
1998, Sept. ”Byer av muligheter” (“Cities of opportunities”), in Latin Amerika, published by the Latin-America group in Bergen.
1998, Mar. ”Jomfruer og machomenn” (“Virgins and machos”), in Latin Amerika, published by the Latin-America group in Bergen.
1997, Dec. ”Barna. Fattigdommens største tapere” (“The vulnerabilities of children in poverty”), with Ingebjørg Spangelo, in Latin Amerika, published by the Latin-America group in Bergen.
1996, May. ”Grasrotorganisasjonene som Perus demokratiske håp?” (“Grasroot-organizations as democratic hope for Peru?”), with Ingebjørg Spangelo, in Latin Amerika, published by the Latin-America group in Bergen.
Research projects and groups
2018. Project Establishment Support from NRC to re-apply for ERC-grant with the proposed project “Enactments of property ownership in times of climate change”, after having reached stage two with a previous application.
2017-current. Part of the research groups “Human Futures” and “Political Ecologies”, Department of Social Anthropology, UiB.
2016. Application for ERC starting grant, “Enacting property ownership in times of climate change”; forward to 2nd round and interview in Brussels.
2013-2017. Participant in a Research Institution-based Strategic Project (ISP-Antro), involving the Department of Social Anthropology in Bergen and Oslo, with the title “De-naturalizing difference. Challenging the production of global social inequality”, financed by the Norwegian Research Council.
2012-2013. Affiliated visiting research fellow at the University of Manchester, Centre for Studies of Socio-cultural Change (CRESC).
2010-2013. Researcher in the project “Contested Powers: Towards a Political Anthropology of Energy in Latin America”, Noragric, University of Ås, led by Associate Professor John McNeish, and funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
2010-2013. Researcher in the project, “Localizing Globalization: Gendered Transformations of Work in Developing Economies”, Department of Social Anthropology, UiB, led by Professor Leif Manger, funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
2007-2013. Individual post-doctoral research project at UiB, Gender and Development/HEMIL, titled “The moralization and gendering of markets: Informal trade in Peru”.
2007-2013. Part of the research group Multicultural Venues, Faculty of Psychology at UiB.
Regional focus
The Andes (Peru), Latin America, the Arctic (Svalbard).
Thematic focus
- Cultural identities, ethnicity, racism
- Gender and intersectionality
- Migration, mobility, urbanization, development policies
- Informal/illegal economies, market, state
- Animistic religion, witchcraft
- Space/place, globalization
- Energy politics, extractivism
- (Post-)carbon politics
- Landscapes
- Territorialization
- Technology
- Automation
- Ocean-terrestrial relations
- Labor
- Cosmologies
- Indigeneity
- Popular Economics
- Inequality
- Gender