Research groups
I have worked with Statoil / Equinor since 1984, and has been an adjunct professor (Professor 2) at the UiB since 2009. My main geological research interests are fluid flow in the subsurface (including sealing / leakage of oil, gas and CO2), soft sediment deformation, and determination of pore pressure and temperature from subsurface data. I have supervised some 20 students, mainly within sealing / leakage / fluid contact controls and sand injections, but also within rock physics and formation temperature determination.The ongoing energy transition towards a low emission society will require massive storage of CO2 in the subsurface. Knowledge of how such fluids move and are sealed is vital for successful CO2 storage operations, and my research aims to improve our knowledge for safe and efficient CO2 storage. I also run the courses SDG607 'The energy transition-status, challenges and opportunities' with Prof. Atle Rotevatn and SDG207 Energy Transition with Prof. William Helland-Hansen. Publications: Filer (
Academic article
- Müller, Philipp; Hermanrud, Christian; Fossen, Haakon (2023). A new approach to investigate the effect of burial depth and clay content on fault permeabilities applied at the Njord Field.. (external link)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Gasda, Sarah; Kaufmann, Roland et al. (2019). Effect of temperature and concentration of impurities in the fluid stream on CO2 migration in the Utsira formation . (external link)
- Hermanrud, Christian; Teige, G.M.G.; Lien, T. et al. (2019). Depth-dependent fault sealing in the greater Oseberg area. (external link)
- Hermanrud, Christian; Undertun, Oddgeir (2019). Resolution limits of fluid overpressures from mineralogy, porosity, and sonic velocity variations in North Sea mudrocks. (external link)
- Simmenes, Trine Helle; Hermanrud, Christian; Ersland, Remi Anthoni et al. (2017). Relationships between bright amplitudes in overburden rocks and leakage from underlying reservoirs on the norwegian continental shelf. (external link)
- Hermanrud, Christian; Halkjelsvik, Malene Eikås; Kristiansen, Kine et al. (2014). Petroleum column-height controls in the western Hammerfest Basin, Barents Sea. (external link)
- Hermanrud, Christian; Venstad, Jon Marius; Cartwright, Joe et al. (2013). Consequences of water level drops for soft sediment deformation and vertical fluid leakage. (external link)
- Bertoni, Claudia; Cartwright, Joe; Hermanrud, Christian (2013). Evidence for large scale methane venting due to rapid drawdown of sea level during the Messinian Salinity Crisis. (external link)
- Teige, Gunn Mari Grimsmo; Hermanrud, Christian; Rueslåtten, Håkon (2011). Membrane seal leakage in non-fractures caprocks by the formation of oil-wet flowpaths. (external link)
- Nilsen, Halvor Møll; Herrera, Paulo; Ashraf, Seyed Meisam et al. (2011). Field-case simulation of CO2-plume migration using vertical-equilibrium models. (external link)
- Eiken, Ola; Ringrose, Philip; Hermanrud, Christian et al. (2011). Lessons learned from 14 years of CCS operations: Sleipner, In Salah and Snøhvit. (external link)
- Ringrose, Philip; Eiken, O.; Hermanrud, Christian (2010). Injection, stockage et surveillance à Sleipner, (Norvège): une retrospective de 15 ans. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Müller, Philipp; Hermanrud, Christian (2022). A new method of characterizing fault seals from subsurface data. (external link)
- Müller, Philipp; Hermanrud, Christian (2021). Modeled fault sealing at the Njord Field: dependence on shale model, and consistency with subsurface observations. (external link)
- Müller, Philipp; Hermanrud, Christian (2021). Fault sealing of hydrocarbons and fluid pressure differences at the Njord Field. (external link)
- Elenius, Maria; Sundal, Anja; Gasda, Sarah et al. (2018). Storage Capability [FME SUCCESS Synthesis report Volume 1]. (external link)
- Yarushina, Viktoriya M.; Van Noort, Reinier; Wangen, Magnus et al. (2018). Potential leakage mechanisms and their relevance to CO2 storage site risk assessment and safe operations [FME SUCCESS Synthesis report Volume 2] . (external link)