Christine Stansberg
Senior Engineer, Product line lead Sensitive research data
Research groups
Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Stansberg, Christine; Awan, Haneef (2024). EOSC-ENTRUST D13.2 Training package for EOSC-ENTRUST Year one Blueprint & Interoperability Framework. (external link)
- Sætrom, Pål; Lehvaslaiho, Heikki; Stansberg, Christine et al. (2024). EOSC-ENTRUST D13.4 Year one version of EOSC-ENTRUST Blueprint & Interoperability Framework. (external link)
- De Ruyk, Kim; Melo, Ana M. P.; Stansberg, Christine et al. (2023). ELIXIR's Impact Toolkit. (external link)
- Martin, Corinne S.; Melo, Ana M. P.; De Ruyck, Kim et al. (2023). ELIXIR-CONVERGE D4.3 Review of effectiveness of the Node Impact Assessment Toolkit. (external link)
Academic article
- Torsvik, Anja; Brattbakk, Hans-Richard; Trentani, Andrea et al. (2023). Patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder display a similar global gene expression signature in whole blood that reflects elevated proportion of immature neutrophil cells with association to lipid changes. (external link)
- Martin, Corinne S.; Repo, Susanna; Márquez, Juan Arenas et al. (2021). Demonstrating public value to funders and other stakeholders—the journey of ELIXIR, a virtual and distributed research infrastructure for life science data. (external link)
- Tronstad, Rune Rose; Polushina, Tatiana; Brattbakk, Hans-Richard et al. (2018). Genetic and transcriptional analysis of inflammatory bowel disease-associated pathways in patients with GUCY2C-linked familial diarrhea. (external link)
- Ersland, Kari Merete; Skrede, Silje; Stansberg, Christine et al. (2017). Subchronic olanzapine exposure leads to increased expression of myelination-related genes in rat fronto-medial cortex. (external link)
- Steine, Iris Mulders; Zayats, Tetyana; Stansberg, Christine et al. (2016). Implication of NOTCH1 Gene in Susceptibility to Anxiety and Depression among Sexual Abuse Victims. (external link)
- Tønne, Elin; Holdhus, Rita; Stansberg, Christine et al. (2015). Syndromic X-linked intellectual disability segregating with a missense variant in RLIM. (external link)
- Ersland, Kari Merete; Håvik, Bjarte; Rinholm, Johanne Egge et al. (2013). LOC689986, a unique gene showing specific expression in restricted areas of the rodent neocortex. (external link)
- Xiao, Yichuan; Jin, Jin; Chang, Mikyoung et al. (2013). Peli1 promotes microglia-mediated CNS inflammation by regulating Traf3 degradation. (external link)
- Ersland, Kari Merete; Christoforou, Andrea; Stansberg, Christine et al. (2012). Gene-based analysis of regionally enriched cortical genes in GWAS data sets of cognitive traits and psychiatric disorders. (external link)
- Stansberg, Christine; Ersland, Kari Merete; van der Valk, Paul et al. (2011). Gene expression in the rat brain: High similarity but unique differences between frontomedial-, temporal- and occipital cortex. (external link)
- Dankel, Simon E Nitter; Fadnes, Dag Jone Stokke; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin et al. (2010). Switch from stress response to homeobox transcription factors in adipose tissue after profound fat loss. (external link)
- Torkildsen, Øivind Fredvik; Stansberg, Christine; Angelskår, Solveig Mjelstad et al. (2010). Upregulation of immunoglobulin-related genes in cortical sections from multiple sclerosis patients. (external link)
- Lybæk, Helle; Ørstavik, Karen Helene; Prescon, Trine et al. (2009). An 8.9 Mb 19p13 duplication associated with precocious puberty and a sporadic 3.9 Mb 2q23.3q24.1 deletion containing NR4A2 in mentally retarded members of a family with an intrachromosomal 19p-into-19q between-arm insertion. (external link)
- Raa, Anette Bjaaland; Stansberg, Christine; Steen, Vidar Martin et al. (2007). Hyperoxia retards growth and induces apoptosis and loss of glands and blood vessels in DMBA-induced rat mammary tumors. (external link)
- Stansberg, Christine; Vik-Mo, Audun Osland; Holdhus, Rita et al. (2007). Gene expression profiles in rat brain disclose CNS signature genes and regional patterns of functional specialisation. (external link)
- Ræder, Maria Therese Barøy; Fernø, Johan; Glambek, Marte et al. (2006). Antidepressant drugs activate SREBP and up-regulate cholesterol and fatty acid biosynthesis in human glial cells. (external link)
- Fernø, Johan; Ræder, Maria Therese Barøy; Vik-Mo, Audun Osland et al. (2005). Antipsychotic drugs activate SREBP-regulated expression of lipid biosynthetic genes in cultured human glioma cells: a novel mechanism of action?. (external link)
- Stansberg, Christine; Subramaniam, Sumathi; Collet, Bertrand et al. (2005). Cloning of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) IL-1 receptor associated protein. (external link)
- Stansberg, Christine; Subramaniam, Sumanthi; Olsen, Litta et al. (2003). Cloning and characterisation of a putative ST2L homologue from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). (external link)
- Subramaniam, Sumanthi; Stansberg, Christine; Olsen, Litta et al. (2002). Cloning of a Salmo salar interleukin-1 receptor-like cDNA. (external link)
Popular scientific article
- Stansberg, Christine; Hovig, Eivind; Willassen, Nils Peder et al. (2021). Det er arbeidskrevende å gjøre data delbare!. (external link)
- Stansberg, Christine; Willassen, Nils P; Thomassen, Gard O Sundby et al. (2020). How open databases turn out to be crucial in the fight against Covid-19. (external link)
- Zamanzad Ghavidel, Fatemeh; Jonassen, Inge; Kleppe, Rune et al. (2018). FAIR data management in molecular life sciences. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Steine, Iris Mulders; Zayats, Tetyana; Stansberg, Christine et al. (2016). Implication of NOTCH1 Gene in Comorbid Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in a Sample of Sexual Abuse Victims.. (external link)
- Fernø, J; Ræder, Maria Therese Barøy; Vik-mo, Audun O et al. (2004). Antipsychotic-induced changes in global gene expression: Demonstration of novel mechanisms of drug action based on clustering and verification of differential expressed genes. (external link)
- Dankel, Simon E Nitter; Fadnes, Dag Jone Stokke; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin et al. (2010). From stress response to developmental processes in abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue after bariatric surgery. (external link)
- Stansberg, Christine; Angelska, S; Kooi, Evert-Jan et al. (2009). Massive up-regulation of immunoglobulin-related genes in the meninges of multiple sclerosis patients without evidence for Epstein-Barr virus infection. (external link)