Elisabeth Schanche




Research groups


Transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders through the Unified Protocol

Mindfulness in clinical work, with a focus on preventing recurrent depression

Effective processes in psychotherapy

Training of therapeutic skills in psychology students

Self-criticism and self-compassion


Kroppsspråk (NRK, Tv series): https://tv.nrk.no/serie/kroppsspraak

Møt en forsker (Nysgjerrigper): https://nysgjerrigper.no/Artikler/2017/mai/mot_en_forsker

Møte med styggen på ryggen (BT): https://www.bt.no/btmeninger/kronikk/i/P5VQR/Mote-med-Styggen-pa-ryggen

Slik kommer du ut av depresjonen (BT): https://www.bt.no/nyheter/lokalt/i/OElrw/Slik-kommer-du-ut-av-depresjonen

Hva er egentlig mindfulness (Kartasis): http://www.katarsisuib.no/del-2-egentlig-mindfulness/

Med ett bein i forskningen og ett hos pasientene (UiB): http://www.uib.no/aktuelt/79427/med-ett-bein-i-forskning-og-ett-hos-pasienten

Intervju NRK om grunnleggende behov for sosial kontakt i forbindelse med situasjonen på sykehjem under koronapandemien: https://www.nrk.no/vestland/eldre-pa-sykehjem-har-ikke-fatt-besok-pa-seks-maneder-1.15172092

Kronikk i BT om grunnleggende menneskelige behov som belyses av Tsjekhov i teaterstykket "Onkel Vanja": https://www.bt.no/kultur/i/9OvL65/tsjekhovs-karakterer-strever-med-aa-finne-sin-plass

Lørdagskafe på DNS og samtale om teaterstykket "Onkel Vanja": https://dns.no/03-10-lordagskafe-onkel-vanja-og-var-rastlose-passivitet/


Transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders through the Unified Protocol: Mental disorders often revolve around emotions. Human reactions that are initially normal and helpful are experienced as uncontrollable and unacceptable. This leads to various forms of avoidance that hinder life and daily functioning. This course provides an introduction to the different modules of the Unified Protocol and hands-on experience in applying interventions to: Help patients relate more adaptively to their emotions, approach their own feelings with acceptance, think more flexibly, increase tolerance for bodily sensations, counteract avoidance, and plan and implement exposure exercises.

Relationship, process, and alliance in psychotherapy: The course aims to provide an introduction to the conceptual and research-based foundation for assessing relational factors that impact outcomes in psychotherapy. The topics include lectures and practical skill training on therapeutic interventions that can enhance the therapeutic alliance. Emphasis will be placed on key aspects of the therapeutic relationship, such as identifying signs of good contact and alliance between therapist and patient, empathic validation, and managing alliance ruptures.

Dynamic psychotherapy: Introduction to a psykodynamic framework and principles in psychodynamic therapy, exceplified throught the triangle of person and the triangle of conflict.

Therapy integration: The course introduces the integrative perspective within the field of psychotherapy. It will also provide practical insight into how technical and theoretical elements from multiple therapy models can be integrated in work based on a transdiagnostic clinical theme.

Additionally, I have an interest in developing assessment methods that include testing skills in addition to knowledge. The goal is to create tasks that assess students in a way that, more than current exams, allows them to demonstrate their ability to apply the knowledge.


Academic article
Feature article
Doctoral dissertation
Academic literature review
Academic lecture
Thesis at a second degree level
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Short communication

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Evanger, L. N., Flo-Groeneboom, E., Sørensen, L., & Schanche, E. (2024). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy improves insomnia symptoms in individuals with recurrent depression: secondary analyses from a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1231040. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1231040

Schaufel M. A., Schanche, E., Onarheim, K.H., et al. (2024). Stretching oneself too thin and facing ethical challenges: Healthcare professionals’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing Ethics. doi:10.1177/09697330241230683

Vøllestad, Jon., Osnes, Berge., Schanche, Elisabeth. (2023). Unified Protocol. Transdiagnostisk Behandling for emosjonelle lidelser. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. https://doi.org/10.52734/PDTF4789

Reidar Stiegler, J., Uleberg Vildalen, V., Heggem, T., Båfjord Ismaili, S., & Schanche, E. (2022). The effect of the two‐chair dialogue intervention on self‐compassion‐adding an emotional evocative component to a basic Rogerian condition. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.

Helle, J., Vøllestad, J., Schanche, E., & Hjelen Stige, S. (2022). From seeing difficult behaviour to recognizing legitimate needs–A qualitative study of mothers' experiences of participating in a Circle of Security Parenting program in a public mental health setting. Psychotherapy Research, 1-12.

Svendsen, J. L., Schanche, E., Vøllestad, J., Visted, E., Jentschke, S., Karl, A., ... & Sørensen, L. (2022). Self-Compassion and Its Association With Ruminative Tendencies and Vagally Mediated Heart Rate Variability in Recurrent Major Depression.

McLean, E., Onarheim, K. H., Schanche, E., Schaufel, M. A., & Miljeteig, I. (2022). Etiske dilemmaer for sykehjemsleger under covid-19-pandemien. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening.

Schanche, E. (2021). Den vanskelige tilgivelsen. Prismet, 72(3), 241-246.

Schanche, E., Vøllestad, J., Visted, E., Svendsen, J.S., Osnes, B., Binder, P.E., Franer, P., & Sørensen, L. (2021). Self-criticism and Self-reassurance in Individuals with Recurrent Depression: Effects of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and Relationship to Relapse. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. Doi: 10.1002/capr.12381

Stige, S. H., Binder, P. E., Stiegler, J. R., Schanche, E., Hummelslund, D. A., & Hjeltnes, A. (2021). Clients’ Perspective on Predetermined Time Limits for Therapy in the Context of the Norwegian Welfare System. SAGE Open, 11(2), 21582440211009506.

Miljeteig, I., Forthun, I., Hufthammer, K. O., Engelund, I. E., Schanche, E., Schaufel, M., & Onarheim, K. H. (2021). Priority-setting dilemmas, moral distress and support experienced by nurses and physicians in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway. Nursing Ethics, 0969733020981748.

Schanche, E., Vøllestad, J., Visted, E., Svendsen, J.S., Osnes, B., Binder, P.E., Franer, P., & Sørensen, L. (2020). The effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on risk and protective factors of depressive relapse – a randomized wait-list controlled trial. BMC Psychology. Doi:10.1186/s40359-020-00417-1

Schanche, E., Vøllestad, J., Binder, P.E., Hjeltnes, A., Dunas, I., & Nielsen, G-H. (2020). Participant experiences of change in mindfulness-based stress reduction for anxiety disorders. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/17482631.2020.1776094

Svendsen, J. L, Schanche, E., Osnes, B., Vøllestad, J., Visted, E., Dundas, I., Nordby, H., Binder, P. E., & Sørensen, L. (2020). Is dispositional self-compassion associated with psychophysiological flexibility beyond mindfulness? An exploratory pilot study. Frontiers in Psychology, section Health Psychology.https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00614

Dundas, I., Hjeltnes, A., Schanche, E., & Stige, S.H. (2020). Does it get easier over time? Psychologists’ experiences of working with suicidal patients, Death Studies, DOI: 10.1080/07481187.2020.1740831

Schanche, E., Vøllestad, J., Binder, P.E., Osnes, B., Visted, E., Svendsen, J. L., Sørensen, L. (2019). Can clinical psychology students benefit from brief and intensive mindfulness training?Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. DOI: 10.1002/capr.12273

Schanche, E., Hjeltnes, A., Nielsen, G. H., Stige, S., & Stiegler, J. R. (2019).  “Nothing is just smooth or perfect”: What can students learn from intensively reviewing psychotherapy conducted by experienced therapists whilst being focused on emotional processes? Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. doi:10.1002/capr.12211

Visted, E., Sørensen, L., Vøllestad, J., Osnes, B., Svendsen, J. L., Jentschke, S., Binder, P. E., Schanche, E. (2019). The Association between Juvenile Onset of Depression and Emotion Regulation Difficulties. Frontiers in Psychology. Doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02262

Sørensen, L., Wass, S., Osnes, B., Schanche, E., Adolfsdottir, S., Svendsen, J.L., Vised, E., Eilertsen, T., Jensen, D.A., Nordby, H., Fasmer, O.B., Binder, P.E., Koenig, J., & Sonuga-Barke, E. (2019). A psychophysiological investigation of the interplay between orienting and executive control during stimulus conflict: A heart rate variability study. Physiology & Behavior. doi.org/10.1016/j.physbeh.2019.112657

Nødtvedt, Ø. O., Binder, P. E., Stige, S. H., Schanche, E., Stiegler, E., & Hjeltnes, A. (2019). “You Feel They Have a Heart and Are Not Afraid to Show It”: Exploring How Clients Experience the Therapeutic Relationship in Emotion-Focused Therapy. Front. Psychol: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01996

Stige, S. H., Dundas, I., Schanche, E., & Hjeltnes, A. (2019).Kva typar mellommenneskelege situasjoner opplever norske psykologar oftast og som mest krevjande? Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, (8) 572-580.

Hjeltnes, A.; Moltu, C., Schanche, E., Jansen, J., Binder, P. E. (2018). Facing social fears: How do young adults experience change in mindfulness-based stress reduction for social anxiety disorder? Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 1-10. doi:10.1002/capr.12200

Sørensen, Lin, Osnes, B., Visted, E., Svendsen, J. L., Adolfsdottir, S., Binder, P. E., & Schanche, E. (2018). Dispositional Mindfulness and Attentional Control: The Specific Association between the Mindfulness Facets of Non-judgement and Describing with Flexibility of Early Operating Orienting in Conflict Detection. Frontiers in Psychology.

Visted, E., Vøllestad, J., Nielsen, M., & Schanche, E. (2018). Emotion Regulation in Current and Remitted Depression: A systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02359

Stiegler, J. R., Molde, H., & Schanche, E. (2018). Does the two-chair dialogue intervention facilitate processing of emotions more efficiently than basic Rogerian conditions? European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 20 (3), 337-355.

Stiegler, J. R., Binder, P. E., Hjeltnes, A., Stige, S. H., & Schanche, E. (2018). ‘It’s heavy, intense, horrendous and nice’: clients’ experiences in two-chair dialogues. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 1-21.

Visted, E., Sørensen, L., Osnes, B., Svendsen, J., Binder, P. E., & Schanche, E. (2017). The Association between Self-reported Difficulties in Emotion Regulation and Heart Rate Variability: The Salient Role of Not Accepting Negative Emotions. Frontiers in Psychology, 8: 328. doi:10.3389/2Ffpsyg.2017.00328

Stiegler, J.R., Molde, H., & Schanche, E. (2017). Does an emotion-focused two-chair dialogue add to the therapeutic effect of the empathic attunement to affect? Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 25 (1), 86-95. doi:10.1002/cpp.2144

Svendsen, J.L., Osnes, B., Binder, P.-E., Dundaas, I., Visted, E., Nordby, H., Schanche, E., & Sørensen, L. (2016). Trait self-compassion reflects emotional flexibility through an association with high vagally mediated heart-rate variability. Mindfulness, 7: 1103.  doi:10.1007/s12671-016-0549-1

Binder, P.E.; Schanche, E., Holgersen, H., Nielsen, G.H.; Hjeltnes, A., Stige, S. H., Veseth, M., & Moltu, C. (2016). Why do we need qualitative research on psychological treatments? Scandinavian Psychologist, 3, 8. doi:10.15714/scandpsychol.3.e8

Hjeltnes, A., Molde, H., Schanche, E., Vøllestad, J., Svendsen, J. L., Moltu, C., Binder, P. E. (2016). An open trial of mindfulness-based stress reduction for young adults with social anxiety disorder. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 58: 80-90. doi:10.1111/sjop.12342

Hjeltnes, A., Moltu, C., Schanche, E., Jansen, Y, & Binder, P.E (2016). Both Sides of the story: Exploring How Improved and Less-Improved Participants Experience Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Social Anxiety Disorder. Psychotherapy Research. 1-17. doi:10.1080/10503307.2016.1169330                                                                                   

Dundas, I., Svendsen, J. L., Wiker, A. S., Granli, K. V., & Schanche, E. (2015). Self-compassion and depressive symptoms in a Norwegian student sample. Nordic Psychology 68, 58-72. doi:10.1080/19012276.2015.1071203

Hjeltnes, A., Moltu, C., Schanche, E., Binder, P. E (2015). What Brings You Here? Exploring Why Young Adults Seek Help for Social Anxiety. Qualitative Health Research. 26: 1705-1720. doi:10.1177/1049732315596151 


Sørensen, L., Osnes, B., Binder, P.E., & Schanche, E. (2015). Attentional lapses as a transdiagnostic factor to target treatment in mental health disorders: The role of mindfulness training. In Stoyanov, D., and Stieglitz, R.-D. (Eds). New developments in Clinical Psychology Research. Nova Science Publishers, INC.

Schanche, E. (2013). The trans diagnostic phenomenon of self-criticism. Psychotherapy (50) 3, s. 316-321. doi:10.1037/a0032163

Schanche, E., Hjeltnes, A., Berggraf, L., & Ulvenes, P. (2013). Affektfobi-terapi:Prinsipper for å nærme seg følelser gjennom gradvis eksponering i psykoterapi. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 8 , s. 781-789

Binder, P. E., Nielsen, G. H., Hjeltnes, A., Schanche, E., & Holgersen, H. (2013). Medfølelsene i sentrum – utviklingstrekk innenfor dynamiske og humanistiske terapiformer. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 8, s. 790-794

Binder, P. E., Hjeltnes, Nielsen, G. H., & Schanche, E. (2013).  Å kjenne mønstrene innenfra: Forskjeller og møtepunkter mellom relasjonell og emosjonsfokusert psykoterapi. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 8, s. 765-771

Schanche E., Stiles, T. C., McCullough, L., Svartberg, M., & Nielsen, G. H. (2011). The relationship between activating affects, inhibitory affects, and self-compassion in psychotherapy patients with Cluster C personality disorders. Psychotherapy Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 48, 293-303.

Schanche E., Nielsen, G.H., McCullough, L., Valen, J., & Mykletun, A. (2010). Training graduate students as raters in psychotherapy process research: Reliability of ratings with the Achievement of Therapeutic Objectives Scale (ATOS). Nordic Psychology, 3, 4-20.

Nielsen, G. H., Vøllestad, J., Schanche, E., & Nielsen, M. B. (2009). Får jeg det til? En kartlegging av studentterapeuters bekymringer. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 3, s. 240-245.

Binder, P. E., Nielsen, G. H., Vøllestad, J., Holgersen, H., & Schanche, E. (2006). Hva er relasjonell psykoanalyse? Nye psykoanalytiske perspektiver på samhandling, det ubevisste og selvet. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 43, s. 899-908.




Transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders (Unified Protocol):

Mental disorders often revolve around emotions. The Unified Protocol (UP) is a transdiagnostic treatment designed to help individuals understand and relate more adaptively to their emotions. Developed by David Barlow and colleagues, this approach targets underlying emotion regulation difficulties common across various mental disorders. UP integrates principles from cognitive-behavioral therapy, modern emotion theories, and third-wave strategies such as acceptance, non-judgmental awareness, and cognitive flexibility. This project consists of several parts, including a feasibility study of UP in a Norwegian setting. The project also aims to examine potential changes in interoceptive ability (awareness of internal bodily functions like heart and respiration) and heart rate variability (linked to emotion regulation capacity) in individuals undergoing treatment within the UP framework. Associate Professors Jon Vøllestad and Berge Osnes lead this project. There are plans for a larger European multicenter study (RCT) involving nodes from Spain, Portugal, Romania, Germany, Denmark, and Norway. In this part of the project, new digital solutions and technological tools like smartphone apps will be utilized and tested.

Effective change processes in various psychotherapeutic models:

No single psychotherapeutic approach works for everyone. There is a need to understand the change processes different approaches facilitate and for whom each approach is beneficial. This project compares how patients with depression experience change after undergoing either cognitive-behavioral therapy or emotion-focused therapy. The study also investigates which aspects of the approaches participants found helpful. All sessions are recorded on video, allowing for both qualitative and quantitative analyses of change processes.

Mindfulness-based treatment of recurrent depression:

I have previously been involved in a study on mindfulness training, specifically focusing on preventing recurrent depression. I participated as a group therapist in a now-completed research project at the University of Bergen. This collaboration between the Institute of Clinical Psychology and the Institute of Biological and Medical Psychology aimed to understand the processes contributing to the successful treatment of recurrent depression within the eight-week program of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). We examined the effects of MBCT on attention and emotional control functions in patients with recurrent Major Depressive Disorder (rMDD) through cognitive measures, patterns of brain activation (functional magnetic resonance imaging; fMRI), heart rate variability (HRV), and self-reporting of emotion regulation difficulties, attention, rumination, attachment, personality traits, self-criticism, and self-compassion. Here is a link to the project and the research group involved: mindfulness.b.uib.no


2023-2024      Instruktør i Unified Protocol - nivå 3

2021-2023      Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program

2016-2017      National Program for Young Research Leaders

2015-2017      Program in University Pedagogy, at the University of Bergen, Norway

2011               PhD: From self-criticism to self-compassion. Supervised by Professor Geir Høstmark Nielsen. Defended at The Faculty of Psychology 30.03.2011:  https://www.uib.no/info/dr_grad/2011/Schanche_Elisabeth.html

2009              Specialist in clinical psychology, with focus on psychotherapy with adults

2001              Cand. Psychol from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Bergen

1996              Fundamental thesis (grunnfag) in The Science of Religion, Faculty of Humanities, Bergen, Norway

1994              Batchelor thesis (mellomfag) in Pedagogy, Norsk Lærerhøyskole, Bergen, Norway