Espen Gamlund


Professor, Philosophy


Research groups


I am a professor of philosophy. My work is primarily in ethics and philosophy. I am particularly interested in applied ethics. 

I have previously worked on the badness of death, and have published work on the implications of how we think about the badness of death for distributive questions in health priority settings.

I have just finished a book on the philosophy of gratitude in Norwegian.

Currently I am working on a book on moralism, investigating whether we have a right to moralize, and how we should understand the scope and appropriateness of moralism. The book is tentatively called Minding Other People's Business - A defence of the right to moralize, and is under contract with Oxford University Press.


Examen Philosophicum 

Moral Philosophy (FIL128/228/328)

Political Theory (FIL116/216/316)

Environmental Ethics (FIL106/236/336)

Introductory course to ethics (FIL227)

Tolerance and pluralism


Publications in English:

Gamlund, E., Mathias Barra, Ole F. Norheim, Preben Sørheim, Carl Tollef Solberg. "Premature Death as a Normative Concept" Health Care Analysis, 2024,

Gamlund, E., Solberg, C. T., Norheim, O. F., Müller, K. E., Sørheim, P., & Barra, Mathias. «The Devils in the DALY: Prevailing Evaluative Assumptions» Public Health Ethics, Vol 13, Issue 3, November: 259–274.

Gamlund, E., Müller, K. E., Paquet, K. K., & Solberg, C. T. «Mandatory Vaccination: Should Norway follow?» Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics, 14.1: 7-27.

Gamlund, E. Age, «Death and the allocation of life-saving resources», i E. Gamlund & C. T. Solberg (red) Saving People from the Harm of Death, Oxford University Press.

Gamlund, E. & Solberg, C. T. «Introduction: Perspectives on death and its relevance for summary measures of population health», i E. Gamlund & C.T. Solberg (red) Saving People from the Harm of Death, Oxford University Press.

Gamlund, E., Dahl, S. D., Vaksdal, R., Barra, M., & Solberg, C. T. «Abort og fosterreduksjon: En etisk sammenligning», Etikk i Praksis, 13.1: 89-111.

Gamlund, E., Millum, J., Ngamasana, E., & Solberg, C. T. «The valuation of deaths at different ages», i O. F. Norheim et al. (red) Global Health Priority-Setting: Beyond Cost-Effectiveness, Oxford University Press.

Gamlund, E., «What is so important about completing lives? A critique of the modified youngest first principle of scarce resource allocation», Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37.2 (April): 113-128.

  Gamlund, E. & Solberg, C. T. «The badness of death and priorities in health», BMC Medical Ethics 17/21.

  Gamlund, Espen «Ethical aspects of self-forgiveness», SATS Northern European Journal of Philosophy 15.2: 237-256.

Gamlund, E. & Ekeli, K. S. «Reconsidering Approaches to Moral Status», Ethics, Policy & Environment 14.3: 361-375.

  Gamlund, Espen «Introduction to Confronting Environmental Values», Ethics, Policy & Environment 14.3: 307-312.

  Gamlund, Espen «Living under the Guidance of Reason: Arne Naess’s interpretation of Spinoza», Inquiry 54.1: 2-17.

  Gamlund, E., «Forgiveness without Blame», i C. Fricke (red), The Ethics of Forgiveness. Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory, London & New York: Routledge: 107-129.

Gamlund, Espen «Supererogatory Forgiveness», Inquiry 53.6: 540-564.

  Gamlund, Espen «The Duty to Forgive Repentant Wrongdoers», International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18.5: 651-671.

  Gamlund, Espen «Who Has Moral Status in the Environment? A Spinozistic Answer», The Trumpeter vol 23, nr 1: 3-27.

  Gamlund, Espen «Arne Naess’s Humanistic Ethic», The Trumpeter vol 22, nr 1: 104-117. 


Publications in Norwegian:

Gamlund, E. "Er forskjellene mellom behandlingsbegrensning og dødshjelp etisk relevante?" Omsorg: Nordisk Tidsskrift for Palliativ Medisin, 2023, nr. 3: 33-39.

Gamlund, E. Takknemlighetens filosofi. Oslo: Dreyers forlag, 2023.

Gamlund, E. Kunsten å moralisere. Oslo: Dreyers forlag, 2021.

Gamlund, E. «Hva legitimerer filosofi i Norge?», Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 1-2: 6-14.

  Gamlund, E., Solberg, C. T., & Sørheim, P. «En tapt fremtid – Den filosofiske debatten om døden som et onde», Arr-Idéhistorisk Tidsskrift nr. 2: 3-15.

Gamlund, E. & Solberg, C. T. «Når er det verst å miste sitt liv? Relevansen av filosofiske grunnlagsteorier for helseprioriteringer», Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift nr. 3-4: 205-217.

  Gamlund, Espen «Hva er galt med dypøkologien? Noen kommentarer til Arne Næss’ Økosofi T», Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift47.4: 229-244.

Gamlund, Espen «Spinoza og Konfliktløsning. Et Frigjøringsperspektiv», Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 40.1: 38-56.

  Gamlund, Espen «Hvem har Moralsk Status i Naturen? Et Spinozistisk Argument», Parabel – tidsskrift for filosofi- og vitenskapsteori, 7.2: 41-68.

  Gamlund, Espen «Kan Spinozas etikk forstås som interpersonlig og holistisk?» Agora journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 2-3: 149-174.



I'm working on a book tentatively entitled Minding Other People's Business - A Defence of the right to moralize, under contract with Oxford University Press.