Research groups
My research focuses upon landscape- and environmental change in time and space and how these changes are influenced of both social and natural factors. Human interference and in particular our use of natural resources is central. I’m interested in how traditional land use has shaped our cultural landscapes and how abandonment of this use interacts with concurrent environmental and climate effects.
I'm responsible for teaching within GIS, Remote sensing and cartography. We offer the following courses:
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2017). Gammel kultur møter moderne teknologi – dronekartlegging og GIS-analyser av den ukjente Blemmy hovedstaden Nubt. (external link)
- Bastesen, Eivind; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2023). Geologi, jordsmonn og botaniske undersøkelser på Lisle Lyngøy (delrapport 1). (external link)
- Bødtker, Gunhild; Haave, Marte; Velle, Gaute et al. (2023). Hvordan plast og rydding av plast påvirker økosystemet på Lisle Lyngøy (Hovedrapport). (external link)
- Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Pierce, Richard et al. (2017). The Ancient Blemmy Capital of Nubt Photogrammetry Survey of Sudanese Cultural Heritage on the initiative of Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Wildlife, Red Sea State, Sudan.. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Gabrielsen, Sven Erik (2013). Hydromorfologiske endringer i Vikja som følge av regulering. LFI-rapport nr. 209. (external link)
- Velle, Gaute; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Haave, Marte et al. (2013). LFI-212. Biologiske og kjemiske undersøkelser i vassdrag ved Bergen Lufthavn Flesland. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut (2008). Forprosjekt: Restaurering etter utbygging av Kløvtveitvassdraget. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut (2023). Setting up MjS stations in a remote area - adaptations, challenges and experiences. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2020). Optical properties of vegetation and VIs. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Pierce, Richard (2018). The Ancient Beja/Blemmy Center of Nubt.. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2015). A desert forest - a regional resource base in the Red Sea Hills of Egypt and Sudan. (external link)
- Andersen, Heidi Lie; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut (2015). The difference in genetic population structure of Acacia tortilis ssp. raddiana (Savi) Brenan between the continuous populations East of the Nile and the isolated populations in the West.. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Haflidason, Haflidi (2015). Combining XRF data and Scanning Electro Microscopy (SEM) of Acacia tortilis ssp raddiana wood samples for high resolution dendroecological history of Wadi Semna, Eastern Desert, Egypt. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Gjessing, H. K. et al. (2015). Viability and germination of Acacia tortilis seeds. Effects of land use and aridity in the Eastern Sahara. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Winters, Gidon (2015). Modeling age and growth rate of an Acacia tortilis population in Arava using a free-shape age-depth model of AMS radiocarbon dates. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; talib, Mohamed et al. (2013). Traditional nomadic tending of trees in the Red Sea Hills. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; talib, Mohamed et al. (2013). Traditional tending and the use of Acacia tortilis: Long-term effects upon population viability. (external link)
- Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Goslar, Tomasz et al. (2013). A methodological approach to determine age and growth rate of ringless trees. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2013). ACACIA Woodcores. (external link)
- Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; talib, Mohamed et al. (2013). Use, tending and shaping desert trees. (external link)
- Goslar, T.; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut et al. (2012). Radiocarbon determination of past growth rates of living Acacia tortilis trees from two arid sites in Eastern Sahara. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2012). Determining age and growth rate of Acacia trees in the Eastern Sahara by radiocarbon dating. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Ebaid, Ahmed; Hobbs, Joseph et al. (2011). Acacia Trees on the Cultural Landscape of Pastoral Nomads in the Eastern Sahara. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2011). Preliminary results of ACACIA. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2010). The importance of traditional management for the maintenance of contracted Acacia tortilis populations in the Eastern Sahara – Erkowit and Khor Oko localities. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2010). Interaction among human interference, climate and the viability and dynamics of contracted acacia populations in the Eastern Sahara. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2008). Unity and diversity in European Cultural Landscapes. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut (2008). Land-use transformation in a hyper-arid cultural landscape. (external link)
- Hjelle, Kari Loe; Halvorsen, Lene Synnøve; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2008). Landscape and agricultural development in Sogndal, Western Norway, revealed through pollen and macrofossil analysis, modern analogues and modelling approaches. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2008). Vegetation and management regime continuity in the Eastern Desert. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2007). Relict species, do they exist and what can they tell us about past and future ecosystem dynamics?. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2005). “CORONA – spy photos for change detection of arboreal vegetation in an arid cultural landscape”. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2005). GIS, spy photos and radiocarbon dating – tools to uncover the secrets of desert trees. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2004). Can a combination of tree-rings and radiocarbon dating teach us more about age and growth conditions of Acacia tortillis?. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2004). Vegetasjons-dynamikk og -endringer i ørkenens kultulandsap - bruk av gamle spionatellittdata & GIS i miljø- og utviklingsforskning. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske L. (2003). Population structure and dynamics of wadi trees a contribution to future strategies for development and management of arid cultural landscapes. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske L. (2003). Population structure and dynamics of wadi trees a contribution to future strategies for development and management of arid cultural landscapes. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske L. (2003). Vegetasjons-dynamikk og -endringer i ørkenens kulturlandskap - bruk av gamle spionsatellittdata & GIS i miljø- og utviklingsforskning. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske L. (2002). Population structure and dynamics of wadi trees a contribution to future strategies for development and management of arid cultural landscapes. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske L. (2002). Population structure and dynamics of wadi trees a contribution to future strategies for development and management of arid cultural landscapes. (external link)
- Gjengedal, Kjerstin; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2023). Vanlege folks tur. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut (2015). GPS-geiter skal redde gjengrodde byfjell (NRK Vestlandsrevyen og NRK Norge i dag). (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut (2015). GPS-geiter skal redde gjengrodde byfjell. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut (2015). GPS-geiter skal redde gjengrodde byfjell. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut (2015). Geite-BigBrother på Storøya. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2015). Romlige data avgjørende for å nå bærekraftsmålene. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2008). Et glemt miljøproblem. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2007). Ørkenen dør - (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2007). Ørkenen dør - På høyden. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2007). Doktorgradert. (external link)
Academic article
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Talib, Mohammed et al. (2022). Endangered Dracaena ombet Population in the Red Sea Hills, Sudan, Recovers After Abrupt Change. (external link)
- Bastesen, Eivind; Haave, Marte; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs et al. (2021). Rapid landscape changes in plastic bays along the Norwegian coastline. (external link)
- Quincey, Duncan J; Jackson, Miriam; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2017). Robson, Benjamin Aubrey, 2016. The Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for the Quantification and Change Assessment of Debris-covered Glaciers. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Gjessing, Håkon K. et al. (2016). Seed viability and germination success of Acacia tortilis along land-use and aridity gradients in the Eastern Sahara. (external link)
- Hjelle, Kari Loe; Mehl, Ingvild Kristine; Sugita, Shinya et al. (2015). From pollen percentage to vegetation cover – evaluation of the Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm in western Norway. (external link)
- Hobbs, Joseph J.; Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs et al. (2014). Acacia Trees on the Cultural Landscapes of the Red Sea Hills. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Talib, Mohamed et al. (2014). Traditional nomadic tending of trees in the Red Sea Hills. (external link)
- Goslar, Tomasz; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut et al. (2013). Radiocarbon determination of past growth rates of living acacia tortilis trees from two arid sites in the eastern Sahara. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut (2007). Mortality, recruitment and change of desert tree populations in a hyper-arid environment. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut (2007). Longevity and growth of Acacia tortilis; insights from 14C content and anatomy of wood. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2006). How to detect desert trees using CORONA images: Discovering historical ecological data. (external link)
Masters thesis
- Eriksen, Kari Elida; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2017). “I Need Some Space!”. Combining Digital and Traditional Methods in the Planning of Public Open Space.. (external link)
- Ribe, Anne Kathrine Wenaas; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2017). ‘WE DIDN’T START THE FIRE’. A geographic approach to study pre-wildfire conditions in a coastal heathland landscape by the use of GIS and remote sensing techniques.. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Pierce, Richard (2020). At the crossroads of kingdoms and empires: RPAS mapping of Nubt in the land of the Beja. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2018). Brann, bruk og beredskap: Kulturlandskapets rolle i et omstillingsperspektiv. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2012). Vegetation and Management Regime Continuity in the Cultural Landscape of the Eastern Desert. (external link)
- Salem, B. B.; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; zahran, Mahmoud (2009). Remote Sensing and Vegetation Map of Egypt. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Talib, Mohamed et al. (2020). Can the storage effect save the endangered Nubian dragon blood tree?. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut (2017). The tales of Akerateheils - can RPAS based mapping of ancient graves improve our understanding of the Blemmy culture?. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2016). Rainfall Maps from Medium Resolution Satellite Data – A Key to Understand Long-term Dynamics in Hyper-Arid Environments. (external link)
- Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Hobbs, Joseph J. et al. (2015). ACACIA TORTILIS AND REVIVAL OF TRADITIONAL NOMADIC RESOURCE MANAGEMENT UNDER NEW SOCIO-ECONOMIC REALITIES.. (external link)
- Gagen, Mary H.; Young, Giles H.F.; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs et al. (2013). Palaeoclimatic potential of Acacia tortilis in the Eastern Sahara. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2005). CORONA – spy photos for identification of multipurpose trees in arid cultural landscapes. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske L. (2003). Detection of vegetation and characteristics of spectral vegetation signatures in a hyper-arid environment across different resolutions. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Pierce, Richard (2018). Et knutepunkt for karavaneveier mellom fortidens store imperier. - Dronekartlegging og GIS-analyser av den ukjente Blemmy hovedstad Nubt i den østlige ørken. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2016). Tid for serier - reality (sett) fra rommet. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2016). "When the last tree is gone, it is the end of the world" . (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2016). Prinsen og udyret - en reise mot det grønne Sahara. (external link)
- Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2013). In the footsteps of Prof. Mohamed Kassas. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut (2013). Care for Trees. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Pierce, Richard (2011). Mellom Nilen og Rødehavet et kulturlandskap i endring. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2011). Previous work on Acacia tortilis wood samples. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut (2010). Continuity and change in vegetation resources. (external link)
- Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2010). Desert cultural landscape the role of tribal management. (external link)
- Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2013). Care for trees (English version). (external link)
- Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2013). Care for trees (Norsk versjon). (external link)
- Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2013). Care for trees (Arabic version). (external link)
- Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2013). Care for trees (Bedja version). (external link)
Popular scientific article
Programme participation
Other product
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2007). Nuestro patrimonio común Europeo de paisajes culturales. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2007). Paisagem Cultural Europeia - A nossa herança comum. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2007). Vår Felles Europeiske Kulturlandskapsarv. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2007). Our Common European Cultural Landscape Heritage. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2007). Vårt Europeiska Kulturlandskap – et gemensamt arv. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2007). Unser gemeinsames Europäisches Kulturlandschaftserbe. (external link)
- Andersen, Gidske Leknæs (2007). Il Nostro Comune Patrimonio del Paesaggio Culturale Europeo. (external link)