Guy Louis Alice Notelaers
Professor, Work and Organizational Psychology
Research groups
Guy Notelaers his research is predominantly in the domain of workplace bullying, well-being at work, psychosocial factors , risk control and leadership. Guy Notelaers is also strongly interested in scale development and latent class modelling.
Guy Notelaers teaches in personnal psychology, work and organizational psychology, leadership, research methods and statistics, organizational - and leader development and the development of the work environment.
Academic article
- Verlinden, Alice; Baillien, Elfi Jozefa; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice et al. (2024). Always on? Development and validation of the Employee Digital Disconnection Scale (EDDS). (external link)
- Pap, Zselyke; Vîrgă, Delia; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice (2024). From Workaholism to Exhaustion: The Weekly Manifestation of a Personal Demand in a Supportive Organizational Context. (external link)
- Zahlquist, Lena Aadnevik; Hetland, Jørn; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice et al. (2023). When the going gets tough and the environment Is rough: The role of departmental level hostile work climate in the relationships between job stressors and workplace bullying. (external link)
- Hamre, Kristina Vaktskjold; Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice (2023). Psychosocial safety climate as a moderator in role stressor- bullying relationships: A multilevel approach. (external link)
- Hoel, Helge; Lewis, Duncan; Einarsdottir, Anna et al. (2022). Openness about Sexual Orientation and Exposure to Workplace Bullying. (external link)
- Salin, Denise; Baillien, Elfi Jozefa; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice (2022). High-Performance Work Practices and Interpersonal Relationships: Laissez-Faire Leadership as a Risk Factor. (external link)
- Trépanier, Sarah-Geneviève; Peterson, Clayton; Ménard, Julie et al. (2022). When does exposure to daily negative acts frustrate employees’ psychological needs? A within-person approach. (external link)
- Baillien, Elfi Jozefa; Salin, Denise; Bastiaensen, Caroline V. M. et al. (2022). High Performance Work Systems, Justice, and Engagement: Does Bullying Throw a Spanner in the Works?. (external link)
- Ng, Kara; Niven, Karen; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice (2022). Does Bystander Behavior Make a Difference? How Passive and Active Bystanders in the Group Moderate the Effects of Bullying Exposure. (external link)
- Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Hetland, Jørn; Harris, Anette Kristoffersen et al. (2022). The impact of follower leadership position on transformational leadership as moderator of the association between work-related ambiguity and job satisfaction. (external link)
- Pap, Zselyke; Vîrgă, Delia; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice (2021). Perceptions of Customer Incivility, Job Satisfaction, Supervisor Support, and Participative Climate: A Multi-Level Approach. (external link)
- Chegeni, Razieh; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice; Pallesen, Ståle et al. (2021). Aggression and psychological distress in male and female anabolic-androgenic steroid users: A multigroup latent class analysis. (external link)
- Vranjes, Ivana; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice; Salin, Denise (2021). Putting Workplace Bullying in Context: The Role of High-Involvement Work Practices in the Relationship Between Job Demands, Job Resources, and Bullying Exposure. (external link)
- Reknes, Iselin; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice; Illiescu, Dragos et al. (2021). The influence of target personality in the development of workplace bullying. (external link)
- Pap, Zselyke; Vîrgă, Delia; Notelaers, Guy et al. (2020). A multilevel model of job insecurity and engagement. (external link)
- Vandevelde, Katrien; Baillien, Elfi Jozefa; Notelaers, Guy (2020). Person-environment fit as a parsimonious framework to explain workplace bullying. (external link)
- Salin, Denise; Notelaers, Guy (2020). Friend or foe? The impact of high‐performance work practices on workplace bullying. (external link)
- Van der Heijden, Beatrice I. J. M.; Kruyen, Peter M; Notelaers, Guy (2020). The Importance of Intra-Organizational Networking for Younger Versus Older Workers: Examining a Multi-Group Mediation Model of Individual Task Performance Enhancement. (external link)
- Glambek, Mats; Einarsen, Ståle; Notelaers, Guy (2020). Workplace bullying as predicted by non-prototypicality, group identification and norms: a self-categorisation perspective. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Tornroos, Maria; Salin, Denise (2019). Effort-reward imbalance: A risk factor for exposure to workplace bullying. (external link)
- Nikolova, Irina; Schaufeli, Wilmar B.; Notelaers, Guy (2019). Engaging leader – Engaged employees? A cross-lagged study on employee engagement. (external link)
- Bal, Matthijs; Dóci, Edina; Lub, Xander et al. (2019). Manifesto for the future of work and organizational psychology. (external link)
- Nikolova, Irina; Schaufeli, Wilmar B.; Notelaers, Guy (2019). Engaging leader – Engaged employees? A cross-lagged study on employee engagement. (external link)
- León-Pérez, José María; Sánchez Iglesias, Iván; Rodríguez Muñoz, Alfredo et al. (2019). Cutoff scores for workplace bullying: The Spanish Short-Negative Acts Questionnaire (S-NAQ). (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Van der Heijden, Beatrice; Guenter, Hannes et al. (2018). Do interpersonal conflict, aggression and bullying at the workplace overlap? A latent class modeling approach. (external link)
- Salin, Denise; Notelaers, Guy (2018). The effects of workplace bullying on witnesses: violation of the psychological contract as an explanatory mechanism?. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Van der Heijden, Beatrice I. J. M.; Hoel, Helge et al. (2018). Measuring bullying at work with the short-negative acts questionnaire: identification of targets and criterion validity. (external link)
- Nikolova, Irina; Heijden, Beatrice; Låstad, Lena et al. (2018). The “silent assassin” in your organization? Can job insecurity climate erode the beneficial effect of a high-quality leader-member exchange?. (external link)
- Myrseth, Helga; Notelaers, Guy (2018). A Latent Class Approach for Classifying the Problem and Disordered Gamers in a Group of Adolescence. (external link)
- Van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M.; Notelaers, Guy; Peters, Pascale et al. (2018). Development and validation of the short-form employability five-factor instrument. (external link)
- Nikolova, Irina; Van der Heijden, Beatrice; Låstad, Lena et al. (2018). The ‘Silent Assassin’ in your organization: Can job insecurity climate erode the beneficial effects of a high-quality leader-member exchange?. (external link)
- Glasø, Lars; Skogstad, Anders; Notelaers, Guy et al. (2017). Leadership, affect and outcomes: symmetrical and asymmetrical relationships. (external link)
- Myrseth, Helga; Notelaers, Guy; Strand, Leif Åge et al. (2017). Introduction of a new instrument to measure motivation for gaming: the electronic gaming motives questionnaire. (external link)
- Reknes, Iselin; Notelaers, Guy; Magerøy, Nils et al. (2017). Aggression from Patients or Next of Kin and Exposure to Bullying Behaviors: A Conglomerate Experience?. (external link)
- Salin, Denise; Notelaers, Guy (2017). The effect of exposure to bullying on turnover intentions: The role of perceived psychological contract violation and benevolent behaviour. (external link)
- Vander Elst, Tinne; Notelaers, Guy; Skogstad, Anders (2017). The reciprocal relationship between job insecurity and depressive symptoms: A latent transition analysis. (external link)
- Günter, Hannes; Van Emmerik, Hetty; Schreurs, Bert et al. (2016). When task conflict becomes personal: the impact of perceived team performance. (external link)
- Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Einarsen, Ståle; Notelaers, Guy et al. (2016). Does exposure to bullying behaviors at the workplace contribute to later suicidal ideation? A three-wave longitudinal study. (external link)
- Myrseth, Helga; Notelaers, Guy (2016). Is the Gambling Motives Questionnaire really three-dimensional? A proposition of a four-dimensional Gambling Motives Questionnaire–Revised. (external link)
- León-Pérez, José María; Notelaers, Guy; Léon-Rubio, José María (2016). Assessing the effectiveness of conflict management training in a health sector organization: evidence from subjective and objective indicators. (external link)
- Myrseth, Helga; Pallesen, Ståle; Molde, Helge et al. (2016). Psychopathology and personality characteristics in pathological gamblers: Identifying subgroups of gamblers. (external link)
- Poilpot-Rocaboy, G; Notelaers, Guy; Hauge, Lars Johan (2015). Exposition au harcèlement psychologique au travail: Impact sur la satisfaction au travail, l’implication organisationnelle et l’intention de départ.. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Notelaers, Guy; Medisauskaite, Asta et al. (2015). Workplace harassment: Deterring role of transformational leadership and core job characteristics. (external link)
- Schreurs, Bert; Guenter, Hannes; Van Emmerik, Hetty et al. (2015). Pay level satisfaction and employee outcomes: the moderating effect of autonomy and support climates. (external link)
- Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Nielsen, Geir Høstmark; Notelaers, Guy et al. (2015). Workplace bullying and suicidal ideation: A 3-wave longitudinal Norwegian study. (external link)
- Bammens, Yannick; Notelaers, Guy; van Gils, Anita (2014). Implications of family busines employment for employees’ innovative work involvement. (external link)
- Stoffers, Jol M.M.; Van der Heijden, Beatrice I. J. M.; Notelaers, Guy (2014). Toward a moderated mediation model of innovative work behavior enhancement: a study of leader-member exchange and organizational citizenship behavior by firm performance. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Kern, Roy; Notelaers, Guy (2014). An Individual Psychology Approach toward Underlying Factors of Workplace Bullying. (external link)
- Leon-Perez, Jose M.; Notelaers, Guy; Arenas, Alicia et al. (2014). Identifying Victims of Workplace Bullying by Integrating Traditional Estimation Approaches Into a Latent Class Cluster Model. (external link)
- Leon-Perez, Jose M.; Notelaers, Guy; Arenas, Alicia et al. (2013). Identifying victims of workplace bullying by integrating traditional estimation approaches into a latent class cluster model. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Einarsen, Ståle (2013). The world turns at 33 and 45: Defining simple cutoff scores for the Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised in a representative sample. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Baillien, Elfi; De Witte, Hans et al. (2013). Testing the strain hypothesis of the Demand Control Model to explain severe bullying at work. (external link)
- Schreurs, Bert; Guenter, Hannes; Schumacher, Désirée et al. (2013). Pay-level satisfaction and employee outcomes: the moderating effect of employee-involvement climate. (external link)
- Glasø, Lars; Notelaers, Guy (2012). Workplace Bullying, Emotions, and Outcomes. (external link)
- Germeijs, Veerle; Luyckx, Koen; Notelaers, Guy et al. (2012). Choosing a major in higher education: Profiles of students' decision-making process. (external link)
- Schreurs, Bert; Van Emmerik, Hetty; De Cuyper, Nele et al. (2011). Job demands-resources and early retirement intention: Differences between blue-and white-collar workers. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Vermunt, Jeroen; Baillien, Elfi et al. (2011). Exploring risk groups workplace bullying with categorical data. (external link)
- Rodríguez-Muñoz, Alfredo; Notelaers, Guy; Moreno-Jiménez, Bernardo (2011). Workplace bullying and sleep quality: the mediating role of worry and need for recovery. (external link)
- Hauge, Lars Johan; Einarsen, Ståle; Knardahl, Stein et al. (2011). Leadership and role stressors as departmental level predictors of workplace bullying. (external link)
- Glasø, Lars; Notelaers, Guy; Skogstad, Anders (2011). The importance of followers’ emotions in effective leadership. (external link)
- Hetland, Hilde; Hetland, Jørn; Andreassen, Cecilie Schou et al. (2011). Leadership and fulfillment of the three basic psychological needs at work. (external link)
- Baillien, Elfi; Rodríguez-Muñoz, Alfredo; De Witte, Hans et al. (2011). The Demand-Control model and target's reports of bullying at work: A test within Spanish and Belgian blue-collar workers. (external link)
- Baillien, Elfi; Notelaers, Guy; De Witte, Hans et al. (2011). The relationship between the work unit's conflict management styles and bullying at work: Moderation by conflict frequency. (external link)
- Aasland, Merethe Schanke; Skogstad, Anders; Notelaers, Guy et al. (2010). The prevalence of destructive leadership behaviour. (external link)
- Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Bjørkelo, Brita; Notelaers, Guy et al. (2010). Sexual harassment: Prevalence, outcomes, and gender differences assessed by three different estimation methods. (external link)
- balducci, cristian; Spagnoli, Paola; Alfano, Vincenzo et al. (2010). Valutar il rischio mobbing nelle organizzazioni. Contributo alla validazione italiana delo Short Negative Acts Questionnaire (S-NAQ). (external link)
- Schreurs, Bert; van Emmerik, Hettty; Notelaers, Guy et al. (2010). Job insecurity and employee health: The buffering potential of job control and job self-efficacy. (external link)
- Baillien, Elfi; Rodríguez-Muñoz, Alfredo; De Witte, Hans et al. (2010). The Demand-Control model and target's reports of bullying at work: A test within Spanish and Belgian blue-collar workers. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; De Witte, Hans; Einarsen, Ståle (2010). A job characteristics approach to explain workplace bullying. (external link)
- Einarsen, Ståle; Hoel, Helge; Notelaers, Guy (2009). Measuring exposure to bullying and harassment at work: Validity, factor structure and psychometric properties of the Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised. (external link)
- De Cuyper, Nele; Notelaers, Guy; De Witte, Hans (2009). Transitioning between temporary and permanent employment: A two-wave study on the entrapment, the stepping stone and the selection hypothesis. (external link)
- Schreurs, Bert; Derous, Eva; Proost, Karin et al. (2009). Validation of a Questionnaire on Applicants' Expectations about Selection Procedures. (external link)
- Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Skogstad, Anders; Matthiesen, Stig Berge et al. (2009). Prevalence of workplace bullying in Norway: Comparisons across time and estimation methods. (external link)
- Skogstad, Anders; Notelaers, Guy (2009). Unnasluntring på jobben - et problem i norsk arbeidsliv? om kontroproduktiv atferd på jobben og tilbaketrekking fra arbeidsrollen. (external link)
- De Cuyper, Nele; Notelaers, Guy; De Witte, Hans (2009). Job Insecurity and Employability in Fixed-Term Contractors, Agency Workers, and Permanent Workers: Associations With Job Satisfaction and Affective Organizational Commitment. (external link)
- de Lange, Annet H; De Witte, Hans; Notelaers, Guy (2008). Should I stay or should I go? Examining longitudinal relations among job resources and work engagement for stayers versus movers. (external link)
- Baillien, Elfi; De Witte, Hans; Notelaers, Guy et al. (2008). Construction of a risk assessment tool to prevent workplace bullying. (external link)
- Baillien, Elfi; Neyens, Inge; De Witte, Hans et al. (2008). From conflict escalation to workplace bullying: an analysis with the conflict management styles of the Dual Concern Theory. (external link)
- Schreurs, Bert; Derous, Eva; Proost, Karin et al. (2008). Applicant selection expectations: Validating a multidimensional measure in the military. (external link)
- Neyens, Inge; Baillien, Elfi; De Witte, Hans et al. (2007). Pesten op het werk: risicofactoren in werk en organisatie. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; De Witte, Hans; Demets, Lieven (2007). Hangt een parallelle hiearchie in ziekenhuizen samen met de prevalentie van pesten bij verpleegkundigen?. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice (2022). Keynote: Workplace Bullying 2.0 - Unravelling the Process of WB. Methodological and Statistical Considerations.. (external link)
- Baillien, Elfi; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice; Azzarouali, Chahida et al. (2022). Hear Evil Yet See No Evil: Is Telework a Mental Shield Between Exposure to and Perception of Workplace Bullying?. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice; Hamre, Kristina Vaktskjold; Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne (2022). Psychosocial Safety Climate as Moderator in the Role Stressor- Bullying Relationship: A Multilevel Approach. (external link)
- Scheppa-Lahyani, Miriam; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice; Baillien, Elfi Jozefa et al. (2022). Escalation and De-Escalation of Conflicts and Bullying at Work: A Latent Class Analysis. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice (2021). Keynote : Construct validity in workplace bullying research: A methodological challenge for researchers and interventionists. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy (2020). From risk factors to risk constellations : adopting a person centered approach to psychosocial risk analysis.. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Van Nieuwenhove, Katrien (2020). Identification and analyses of psychosocial risks in the Belgian legal framework: the Short Inventory to Monitor Psychosocial Hazards (5A).. (external link)
- de Lange, Annet H.; Notelaers, Guy; Van Dam, Karen (2020). Successful aging at work: A psychometric analysis of a new scale. (external link)
- Ågotnes, Kari Wik; Kant, Leo; Bøe, Bjørn Eirik Roaldstveit et al. (2019). Individual experiences of group conflict as a predictor of workplace bullying: The moderating role of laissez-faire leadership climate . (external link)
- Vandevelde, Katrien; Baillien, Elfi; Vranjes, Ivana et al. (2018). Person-job fit and workplace bullying: the impact of perceived job insecurity. (external link)
- Glambek, Mats; Einarsen, Ståle; Notelaers, Guy (2018). Black sheep welcome: A multilevel study of anti-bullying norms as a buffer against ill treatment of prototypically peripheral work group members. (external link)
- Vandevelde, Katrien; Baillien, Elfi; Notelaers, Guy (2016). The chicken or the egg: cross-lagged relationships between person-environment misfit and workplace bullying. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Baillien, Elfi (2016). Perpetrators and targets mistreatment. What´ s in the name… a matter of content validity. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Vander Elst, Tinne; Baillien, Elfi et al. (2016). Workplace bullying: A gradual process?. (external link)
- Vandevelde, Katrien; Baillien, Elfi; Notelaers, Guy (2016). Who (doesn’t) fit the shoe: Introduction of the Person-Environment misfit theory in explaining workplace bullying. (external link)
- Hoel, Helge; Lewis, Duncan; Notelaers, Guy (2015). The moderating effect of work discrimination on workplace bullying: social group categorization and the impact of socially stigmatized identities. (external link)
- Perminiene, Milda; Notelaers, Guy (2015). Measuring workplace bullying in Lithuania: Psychometric properties of the Negative Acts Questionnaire- Revised. (external link)
- Vander Elst, Tinne; Notelaers, Guy; Skogstad, Anders (2015). The reciprocal relationship between job insecurity and depressive symptoms: A latent transition analysis. (external link)
- Vandevelde, Katrien; Baillien, Elfi; Notelaers, Guy (2015). Sitting in the wrong chair: The relation between person-environment misfit and workplace bullying. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Escartín, Jordi (2015). Bullying, an escalated conflict?. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Escartín, Jordi (2015). Deepening and broadening our understanding of workplace bullying. (external link)
- Escartín, Jordi; Notelaers, Guy; Ullrich, Johannes (2015). When do “targets” perceive themselves as “victims” of workplace bullying?. (external link)
- Salin, Denise; Notelaers, Guy (2015). The effect of exposure to negative social behaviour on turnover intentions: the role of perceived psychological contract violation and prosocial behaviours. (external link)
- Skogstad, Anders; Notelaers, Guy (2015). How and when may laissez-faire leadership have negative consequences?. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Van der Heijden, Beatrice I. J. M.; Einarsen, Ståle (2014). The Michigan model of stress for studying the effects of changes in the job on workplace bullying. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Kern, Roy; Notelaers, Guy (2014). Dreikurs’ ideas on cooperative conflict solving: testing deterring effect on workplace bullying. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Kern, Roy; Notelaers, Guy (2014). An indirect effect of lifestyle on perceived exposure to workplace bullying via problem solving. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Kern, Roy; Notelaers, Guy (2014). Workplace bullying: the role of transformational leadership, two principles of industrial democracy, and Lifestyle. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Kern, Roy; Notelaers, Guy (2014). Bendradarbiaujantis konfliktų sprendimo stilius kaip subjektyviai suvokiamų patyčių darbe saugos veiksnys. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Kern, Roy; Notelaers, Guy (2014). Patyčios darbe: transformacinio vadovavimo, dviejų organizacinės demokratijos principų ir gyvenimo stiliaus vaidmuo. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy (2014). Measuring worplace bullying. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Poilpot-Robacay, Gwenaelle (2014). Exposure to bullying at work: Impact of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and intention to leave. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Kern, Roy; Notelaers, Guy (2014). Individual and situational factors as risks and deterrents of perceived exposure to workplace bullying. (external link)
- Skogstad, Anders; Notelaers, Guy (2014). Patterns of ‘good' and ‘bad' leadership behaviours, and their relationships with individual outcomes. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Kern, Roy; Notelaers, Guy (2014). Lifestyle, problem solving, workplace bullying and strenuous working conditions: a moderated mediation model. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Einarsen, Ståle (2014). Development of workplace bullying. (external link)
- Bammens, Yannick; Notelaers, Guy; van Gils, Anita (2013). Employees as a Source of Innovation: The Role of Perceived Organizational Support in Family Firms. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Kern, Roy; Notelaers, Guy (2013). Antecedents of Workplace Bullying: an Individual Pyschology Approach. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Paas, Leo; Vermunt, Jeroen et al. (2013). Workplace Bullying, a proces?. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Medisauskaite, Asta; Kern, Roy et al. (2013). Transformacines lyderystes ir esminiu darbo charakteristiku sasajos su priekabiavimu darbe. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Kern, Roy; Notelaers, Guy (2013). Transformational leadership, conflict handling and workplace bullying: Testing two models of mediation. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Rodriguez, Alfredo (2013). Symposium: New trends in Research on Workplace bullying: Latest Results from Longitudinal Studies: State of the art. (external link)
- Peters, Pascale; Van der Heijden, Beatrice; Notelaers, Guy et al. (2013). Benefits of Employees’ Actual Use of HR-Practices Associated with New Ways to Work and Boundary Management Strategies: Towards a Conceptualization of New Ways to Work. (external link)
- Hoel, Helge; Lewis, Duncan; Notelaers, Guy et al. (2013). Openess about sexuality and exposure to workplace bullying. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Paas, Leo; Vermunt, Jeroen et al. (2013). Bullying, an escalated conflict? A linked Latent ClassMarkov approach to workplace bullying and conflicts. (external link)
- Glasø, Lars; Notelaers, Guy; Skogstad, Anders (2011). Leadership behaviour, emotional reactions, and outcomes. (external link)
- Magerøy, Nils; Notelaers, Guy; Bjorvatn, Bjørn et al. (2010). Aggression from clients was not perceived as bullying among Norwegian nurses. (external link)
- Poilpot-Rocaboy, G; Notelaers, Guy; Hauge, Lars Johan (2009). Exposition au harcelement psychologique au travail: Impact sur la satisfaction au travail, l’implication organisationelle et l’intention de depart. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Einarsen, Ståle (2009). A job characteristics approach to explain workplace bullying. (external link)
- Baillien, Elfi; Rodriguez, Alfredo; De Witte, Hans et al. (2009). Extension of Karaseks job demand control model to bullying at work: A test within Spanish and Belgian blue-collar workers. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy (2009). Use and validation of the short inventory to monitor psychosocial hazards at the workplace. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Einarsen, Ståle (2009). The construction and validity of the Short-Negative Acts Questionnaire. (external link)
- Hauge, Lars Johan; Notelaers, Guy; Skogstad, Anders et al. (2009). Organisational climate, role stressors and workplace bullying: Some thoughts about causal relationships. (external link)
- Schreurs, Bert; van Emmerik, H; De Cuyper, Nele et al. (2009). Job Demands-Resources and their Associations with Early Retirement. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Einarsen, Ståle (2009). Distinguishing between targets and non targets of bullying: Applying a roc-analysis to the Negative Acts Questionnaire. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Baillien, Elfi (2009). Job stress as an underlying mechanism to explain the occurrence and effects of workplace bullying. (external link)
- Skogstad, Anders; Notelaers, Guy; Einarsen, Ståle (2009). Exposure to destructive leadership: Relationships with job satisfaction, work-withdrawal, intentions to leave. (external link)
- Rodriguez, Alfredo; Notelaers, Guy; Moreno-Jiminez, B (2008). Does Worry and Need for Recovery Mediate the Relationship between Bullying and Sleep Quality. (external link)
- Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Notelaers, Guy; Einarsen, Ståle (2008). Assessing risk groups of workplace bullying in survey research. (external link)
- Sølland, Vibeke; Matthiesen, Stig Berge; Notelaers, Guy (2007). Workplace bullying on the continental shelf. (external link)
- Adiele, Magnus; Notelaers, Guy; De Witte, Hans et al. (2007). Bullying at work, a matter of a culture of bullying?. (external link)
- Baillien, Elfi; Notelaers, Guy; Neyens, Inge et al. (2007). Risk Groups and Risk Sectors for Workplace Bullying among Flemish Employees. (external link)
- van den Broeck, Anja; Notelaers, Guy; De Witte, Hans (2007). Work characteristics and work related well-being of older employees: A Job Demands Resources Model perspective. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; De Witte, Hans; van Veldhoven, Marc et al. (2007). The Short Inventory to Monitor Psychosocial Hazards: combining Latent Class modelling and Structural Equation Modelling to monitor and evaluate intervention programs. (external link)
Popular scientific article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice; Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne (2020). Methodological issues in the measurement of workplace bullying. (external link)
- Escartín, Jordi; Vranjes, Ivana; Baillien, Elfi et al. (2019). Workplace Bullying and Cyberbullying Scales: An Overview. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M. (2019). Construct Validity in Workplace Bullying and Harassment Research. (external link)
- Glasø, Lars; Notelaers, Guy (2015). Workplace bullying, emotions and outcomes. (external link)
- Skogstad, Anders; Notelaers, Guy (2013). Passiv ledelse - en trussel mot effektivitet i norske virksomheter?. (external link)
- Rodriguez, Alfredo; Baillien, Elfi; Notelaers, Guy et al. (2013). Acoso psicológico en el trabajo. (external link)
- Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Notelaers, Guy; Einarsen, Ståle (2011). Measuring exposure to workplace bullying. (external link)
Non-fiction book
- D'Cruz, Premilla; Noronha, Ernesto; Notelaers, Guy et al. (2019). Concepts, Approaches and Methods. (external link)
- De Witte, Hans; Vets, Carissa; Notelaers, Guy (2010). Werken in Vlaanderen: vermoeiend of plezierig? : resultaten van 10 jaar onderzoek naar de beleving en beoordeling van arbeid. (external link)
- Essers, Caroline; Van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M.; Notelaers, Guy (2015). De in/exclusie van de 'Ander' op de arbeidsmarkt in het algemeen en werknemers bij ATOS en SNS Reaal in het bijzonder. (external link)
- Essers, Caroline; Notelaers, Guy; Van der Heijden, Beatrice (2013). De in/exclusie van 'Anderen' in de arbeidsorganisatie. (external link)
- Notelaers, Guy; Baillien, Elfi; De Witte, Hans (2013). Pesten op het werk. (external link)
- Reknes, Iselin; Notelaers, Guy; Pallesen, Ståle et al. (2015). Bullying from colleagues and aggression from patients – are there two sides to the story?. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Notelaers, Guy; Kern, Roy (2014). NAQ-R in Lithuania: psychometric properties of the workplace bullying instrument. (external link)
- Astrauskaite, Milda; Kern, Roy; Notelaers, Guy (2014). Workplace bullying: deterring role of problem solving. (external link)
- Flo, Elisabeth; Notelaers, Guy; Bjorvatn, Bjørn et al. (2010). Shift work disorder and its relation to reduced Health-related quality of life. (external link)
- Myrseth, Helga; Molde, Helge; Havik, Odd E. et al. (2009). Pathological Gamblers - Psychopathology and Personality Characteristics. (external link)
- Matthiesen, Stig Berge; Notelaers, Guy; Indredavik, IK et al. (2009). The association between leadership, job resources/ job demands, and work engagement. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
- Notelaers, Guy (2008). Towards a job characteristics approach to explain workplace bullying. (external link)
- Baillien, Elfi; Notelaers, Guy; De Witte, Hans (2008). From conflict escalation to workplace bullying: a Dual Concern Theory oriented approach. (external link)
- Victoir, An; Notelaers, Guy; De Cuyper, Nele et al. (2007). Health behaviour patterns are related to adolecents' well-being. (external link)
Toppforsk : Bullying in the workplace: From mechanisms and moderators to problem treatment.
- Group dynamics to explain the occurence of workplace bullying : a SIT perspective
- Workplace bullying unravels in a context. The context as a contingent factor
- The development of workplace bullying : processes and contingencies
Employability and job insecurity
Leadership and employee well-being
Context matters? Contextualizing occupational stress and motivation theories.
Scale development
LGTB research