Henriette Christie Ertsås


Guest Researcher


Other product
Other presentation
Academic lecture
Popular scientific lecture
Programme management
Museum exhibition
Doctoral dissertation
Academic article

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


Previous experience:

PhD fellow in the Cellnet group, Institutt for biomedisin, UiB, Norge                    

Cand. Scient in Virology from MolekylærBiologisk Institutt, UiB, Norge    

Masters of Fine Arts in Acting Actor’s Studio Dramaschool, New School University, USA              

Research Assistant at Unifob, Helse Vest og Innovest, Bergen, Norge

Guest researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA

I produce and act popular science theatre at Vil Vite, Den Kulturelle Skolesekken/Bæremeisen, Barnelørdager hos Bergen Kommune. For Forskningsdagene, CCBIO, Forskningstrådet, Vestland Fylkeskommune and Neuro-SysMed


Molecular Expertise:

Multiparametric Phospho flow cytometry

Flow cytometry

Confocal microscopy

Processing of human reduction mammoplasty tissues for cell culture

Processing of human mammary organoids

3D culture models of normal and malignant breast epithelial cells (Matrigel)

Image J and Imaris for 3D image analysis

Cytobank incl. viSNE, FlowJo, Prism

Mammosphere assay

Anchorage independence assay

Retroviral and lentiviral transfection of human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) and various immortal cell lines

xCelligence for measuring proliferation, migration and invasionq of cells

Transwell assay using Boyden Chamber


Senescence associated B-Galactosidase Activity staining

Preparation and staining for Matrigel smears for immunofluorescence Lymphoprep lymphocyte and peripheral monocyte (PBMC) isolation

Transformation by plasmid into bacteria using heat shock in order to clone DNA.

DNA extraction 

Cell Viability assay with resazurin

Extracellular matrix protein coating of 2D and bead surfaces

Detaching of adherent cells using Citric Saline

Detaching of adherent cells using cold trypsination

Western blot

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA

Collagen gel contraction

Cell proliferation assay using EdU incorporation

Cell motility assay: scratch assay


Courses I've taken:

«Fra Idé til Marked» Innovasjon Norge,  

Course in Lean Design at UiB innovasjonhub, September, 2018

Performed Pitching at Impact Hub Bergen, September 2018

Have had meetings with VIS about establishing my business            

International actors symposium, La Mama Umbria, Italia, 2013, 2015

Writers course in science outreach, Aftenposten, 2013

Theatreimprovisation - End Games Improv,  San Francisco, 2012

Graduate seminar, Cancer and Immunology (MCB290)Høst, 2012

Balinese dance course, 3 weeks, Cudamani Summer Institute, Bali, 2010

FELASA C researcher, Laboratory Animal Science, UiB,2011

Indian dance course (Baratynayam and Kata Kali), 3 weeks, Vijnana Kala Vedi Centre, India, 2009

Course in Confocal Microscopy at Molecular Imaging Center (MIC)  UiB  April 2-4  2008

Hands-on course (14,5 hours) in Flow Cytometry, Phospho-Flow Cytometry and Barcoding, FUGE BIOMARK, UiB, 2008

Indonesian dance course (Jaipongan), 2 weeks, University of Bandung, Indonesia, 2002