Howaida Faisal Abdelrahman


Adviser, Administrative Coordinator Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS)



Administrative Coordinator

Bergen Summer Research School:

Academic article

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.



 Ecotypes or Genotypes? The Status of the Currently Recognized Infraspecific Taxa of

Acacia tortilis Growing in the Red Sea Hills, Sudan and Egypt.


 In vitro Antimicrobial Effects and Preliminary Chemical Composition of Different Salvadora persica Crude Extracts – with Specific Reference to Miswak and Oral Microbes

BSc (honours)

 Glucose Isomerase from Local Bacterial Isolates, Isolation and Some Properties.


Publications (chronologically)

 Meeting abstract (Poland 2000): AbdElRahman HF, Skaug N, Francis G, Lofthus B. In vitro antimicrobial effects of miswak on oral pathogens. J Dent Res 2001; 80(4): 1303 (abstract 264.1).

Scientific article: AbdElRahman HF, Skaug N, Francis GW. In vitro antimicrobial effects of crude miswak extracts on oral pathogens. Saudi Dent J 2002, 14(1);26-32.

Scientific article: AbdElRahman HF, Skaug N, Ann Margot Whyatt, Francis GW. Volatile com-pounds in crude Salvadora persica L. extracts. Pharma Bio 2003, 41; 399-404.

Manuscript: AbdElRahman HF, Almas K, Skaug N, Ann Margot Whyatt, Francis GW. Re-gional and age related effects on the volatile composition of miswak, Salvadora Persica.

Scientific meeting (poster presentation) (Egypt 2006): AbdElRahman HF, Krzywinski K. Morphological versus Molecular Taxonomy of Acacia tortilis along the Red Sea Hills, Sudan and Egypt. BioVisionAlexandria 2006: New Life Sciences: Changing Lives (26-29 April 2006).

Scientific meeting (oral presentation) (Dubai-Sharjah: UAE): AbdElRahman HF. Distribu-tion of Hair among Acacia tortilis Forssk (Hayne) Complex Growing in the Red Sea Hills, South Eastern Egypt and North Eastern Sudan. International Symposium on Drylands Ecology and Hu-man Security (ISDEHS). Perspectives, Policy Responses and Sustainable Development in the Arab Region -Challenges and Opportunities. Dubai, December 4-7, 2006

Scientific article:

 AbdElRahman HF, Krzywinski K. Environmental effects on morphology of Acacia tortilis group in the Red Sea Hills, North Eastern-Sudan and South-Eastern Egypt. Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 254–263.


AbdElRahman HF, Krzywinski K. Heterogeneity in group clustering of Acacia tor-tilis of the Red Sea Hills in Sudan and Egypt using morphological and molecular data. (Submitted to BMC Ecology).

AbdElRahman HF,Knut Krzywinski and Stefan Ekman. Genetic Di-versity and Population Differentiation in the Acacia tortilis Group of the Red Sea Hills, Southeast Egypt and Northeast Sudan.

Knut Krzywinski, Gidske L. Andersen, Howaida AbdElRahman. The Acacia tor-tilis complex – are subspecies genotypes or eco- and management- types?

Mohamed Elnour Yassen; Howaida Faisal AbdElRahman; Asgeir Sorteberg; Torleif Markussen Lunde; Ahmed Hamed ElFaig. Effects of Meteorological Factors on Malaria Cases in Kassala and Gadaref States, Sudan. (Revision with editor)


 Final reports Bergen Summer Reseach School: 2008; 2009; 2013;and 2014


Bergen Summer Research School