Ingunn Marie Stadskleiv Engebretsen


Professor, Centre for International Health


Research groups

  • ORCID: N-5692-2017
  • Researher ID: 0000-0001-5852-3611
  • Global mental health, leader of the research group: "Global Mental Health research group"  
  • Global nutrition, focusing on infant feeding and breastfeeding, member of "Center for Nutrition"
  • Child nutrition, focusing on infant feeding and breastfeeding
  • HIV, focusing on prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT)
  • Child health

I am a Professor at the Centre for International Health (CIH), Dept of Global Public Health and Primary Care (IGS), University of Bergen. I am a Norwegian medical doctor (MD) holding a PhD from Faculty of Medicine and Odontology, University of Bergen (UiB), 2009. My Cand. Mag. (eqvivalent BchH of Arts) from 1997 from University of Oslo (UiO) gave me a primary introduction to work in Africa and made me determined to devote my career to child survival and thriving. I have been active in global health research with a particular focus on child health: more specifically child nutrition, substance use among children, child growth, HIV prevention, implementation research and child mental health and development. 

My main methodological focus has been quantitative research involving trials, surveys and cohorts, and qualitative research. I have been affiliated to Centre for International Health (CIH), University of Bergen as a PhD candidate, a post-doc, as an externally funded researcher and was appointed Professor in Global Health Nutrition in February 2016.
I worked in Helse Bergen as a clinician in child psychiatry (full time: 2011-2013 and part time 2021-2024). I had parts of my post-doc period in Cape Town, South Africa, and was affiliated to University of Western Cape.

I participate extensively in teaching, have supervised and co-supervised numerous Master and PhD-candidates and have broad research project experience.

I am responsible for the Global mental health research group at CIH and also in the working group for  Centre for Nutrition.

I have worked in larger trials promoting infant health and improved feeding, prevention of HIV transmission, and promotion of mental child health.

I am/have been involved in projects in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zambia, Burkina Faso, Uganda, DR Congo, South Africa and in the Philippines.



Most of the teaching is centered around nutrition, anthropometry, research methodology and mental health.
I teach all levels from bachelor to PhD with a particular focus on nutrition students (bachelor and master), medical students and master of Global health students. I contribute to teaching, seminars and supervision and have more responsibility and tasks for the given courses:

  • Global nutrition, 5sp, course coordinator INTH360
  • Research methods bachelor level, 10sp, nutrition, corse coordinator NUTR230
  • Research methods master level, 9sp, nutrition, course teacher NUTR333
  • Research methods, global health, 5sp, course teacher master level INTH321A and PhD-level INTH921A
  • Elective course on Migration and health, 3sp, master level/medical students INTH344
Academic lecture
Doctoral dissertation
Reader opinion piece
Academic article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic literature review
Feature article
Short communication
Website (informational material)
Popular scientific lecture
Non-fiction book
Masters thesis

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.




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