Academic article
Kuťák, David; Langlois, Danielle; Rozič, Roman
et al. (2024). Design and evaluation of alphabetic and numeric input methods for virtual reality. (external link)
Opálený, Filip; Ulbrich, Pavol; Planas-Iglesias, Joan
et al. (2024). Visual Support for the Loop Grafting Workflow on Proteins. (external link)
Lang, Matěj; Mráz, Radoslav; Trtík, Marek
et al. (2024). Antarstick: Extracting Snow Height From Time-Lapse Photography. (external link)
Schäfer, Marco; Brich, Nicolas; Byska, Jan
et al. (2023). InVADo: Interactive Visual Analysis of Molecular Docking Data. (external link)
Ulbrich, Pavol; Waldner, Manuela; Furmanová, Katarína
et al. (2023). sMolBoxes: Dataflow Model for Molecular Dynamics Exploration. (external link)
Kuťák, David; Vázquez, Pere-Pau; Isenberg, Tobias
et al. (2023). State of the Art of Molecular Visualization in Immersive Virtual Environments. (external link)
Horák, J.; Furmanová, K.; Kozlíková, B.
et al. (2023). xOpat: eXplainable Open Pathology Analysis Tool. (external link)
Brůža, Vojtěch; Byska, Jan; Mičan, Jan
et al. (2021). VRdeo: Creating engaging educational material for asynchronous student-teacher exchange using virtual reality. (external link)
Furmanová, Katarína; Jurčík, Adam; Kozlíková, Barbora
et al. (2020). Multiscale Visual Drilldown for the Analysis of Large Ensembles of Multi-Body Protein Complexes. (external link)
Orémuš, Z.; Hassan, K.A.; Chmelík, Jiří
et al. (2020). PINGU Principles of Interactive Navigation for Geospatial Understanding.. (external link)
Furmanova, Katarina; Vavra, Ondrej; Kozlíková, Barbora
et al. (2020). DockVis: Visual Analysis of Molecular Docking Trajectories.. (external link)
Bedoucha, Pierre; Reuter, Nathalie; Hauser, Helwig
et al. (2020). Visual exploration of large normal mode spaces to study protein flexibility. (external link)
Abboud, Angèle; Bedoucha, Pierre; Byska, Jan
et al. (2020). Dynamics-function relationship in the catalytic domains of N-terminal acetyltransferases. (external link)
Jurcik, Adam; Furmanova, Katarina; Byska, Jan
et al. (2019). Visual Analysis of Ligand Trajectories in Molecular Dynamics . (external link)
Byska, Jan; Trautner, Thomas Bernhard; Marques, S. M.
et al. (2019). Analysis of Long Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Interactive Focus+Context Visualization. (external link)
Palenik, Juraj; Byska, Jan; Bruckner, Stefan
et al. (2019). Scale-Space Splatting: Reforming Spacetime for Cross-Scale Exploration of Integral Measures in Molecular Dynamics. (external link)
Berland, Siren; Toft-Bertelsen, Trine; Aukrust, Ingvild
et al. (2018). A de novo Ser111Thr variant in aquaporin-4 in a patient with intellectual disability, transient signs of brain ischemia, transient cardiac hypertrophy, and progressive gait disturbance. (external link)
Jurcik, Adam; David, Bednar; Byska, Jan
et al. (2018). CAVER Analyst 2.0: analysis and visualization of channels and tunnels in protein structures and molecular dynamics trajectories. (external link)
Furmanova, Katarina; Byska, Jan; Gröller, Eduard
et al. (2018). COZOID: contact zone identifier for visual analysis of protein-protein interactions. (external link)
Furmanova, Katarina; Jaresova, Miroslava; Byska, Jan
et al. (2017). Interactive Exploration of Ligand Transportation
through Protein Tunnels. (external link)
Kocincova, Lucia; Jaresova, Miroslava; Byska, Jan
et al. (2017). Comparative Visualization of Protein Secondary Structures. (external link)
Kolesar, Ivan; Byska, Jan; Parulek, Julius
et al. (2016). Unfolding and Interactive Exploration of Protein Tunnels and their Dynamics. (external link)
Byska, Jan; Le Muzic, Mathieu; Gröller, Eduard
et al. (2016). AnimoAminoMiner: exploration of protein tunnels and their properties in molecular dynamics. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic lecture
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.