Jana Birke Belschner
Researcher, TMF Starting Grant Fellow
Jana Belschner is a Researcher at the Institute of Comparative Politics. Her research is positioned at the intersection of political behavior, political representation, and political economy. She researches how demography affects elections and policy, with a focus on youth's political participation and the political representation of young and future generations' interests. Jana has expertise in the empirical analysis of the causes and effects of electoral reforms, such as electoral quotas and youth enfranchisement, and has researched these topics across Western Europe and North Africa.
In 2023, Jana was awarded a Trond Mohn Starting Grant for the project "Representing the Future in an Aging Europe. The Politics of Demographic Change". The project will run from June 2024 to May 2028.
Recent Publications:
Belschner, Jana, Raimondas Ibenskas, and Florian Weiler (2024): When do voters reveal candidate gender preferences? Evidence from individual-level ballot data. European Journal of Political Research. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-6765.12679
Belschner, Jana (2024): Too Young to Win? Exploring the sources of age-related electoral disadvantage. Electoral Studies. Vol. 88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electstud.2024.102748.
Sipinen Josefina, Jana Belschner, and Brit Anlar (2024): Age gaps in political representation: Comparing local and national elections. Electoral Studies. Vol.88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electstud.2024.102763.
Belschner, Jana (2023) Youth Advantage Versus Gender Penalty: Selecting and Electing Young Candidates. Political Research Quarterly, 76(1), 90-106. https://doi.org/10.1177/10659129211072559.
Belschner, Jana. (2022) Electoral Engineering in New Democracies. Strong Quotas and Weak Parties in Tunisia. Government & Opposition,57(1), 108-125. https://doi.org/10.1017/gov.2020.34
Academic article
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2024). Too young to win? Exploring the sources of age-related electoral disadvantage. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke; Ibenskas, Raimondas; Weiler, Florian (2024). When do voters reveal candidate gender preferences? Evidence from individual-level ballot data. (external link)
- Sipinen, Josefina; Belschner, Jana Birke; Anlar, Brittany (2024). Age gaps in political representation: Comparing local and national elections. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2022). Youth Advantage Versus Gender Penalty: Selecting and Electing Young Candidates. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2021). Electoral Engineering in New Democracies: Strong Quotas and Weak Parties in Tunisia. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke; Marta Garcia, de Paredes (2020). Hierarchies of Representation: The Re-distributive Effects of Gender and Youth Quotas. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2018). The adoption of youth quotas after the Arab uprisings. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Belschner, Jana Birke; Aars, Jacob; Saglie, Jo (2023). Does suffrage increase representation? Voting age reforms and the recruitment of young politicians. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2023). The Cost of Doing Politics Online: Sources, Types, and Consequences of Online Political Violence. (external link)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Belschner, Jana Birke; Bjånesøy, Lise Lund et al. (2023). Violence within Parties: Why young men and women react differently . (external link)
- Wang, Vibeke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Belschner, Jana Birke et al. (2023). Project workshop Cost of Politics. (external link)
- Wang, Vibeke; Belschner, Jana Birke; Bjånesøy, Lise Lund et al. (2023). Who cares? The acceptability of aggressive behavior in politics. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2023). Critique or Exclusion? Exploring Group Inequality in Exposure to Online Political Toxicity. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2022). The Cost of Doing Politics Online: Gender Aspects of Political Toxicity. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2022). The Cost of Doing Politics Online: Gender Aspects of Political Violence. (external link)
- Wang, Vibeke; Belschner, Jana Birke; Bjarnegård, Elin et al. (2022). Project workshop Cost of Politics. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2018). "The adoption of electoral quotas after the Arab uprisings" (paper presentation). (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2018). “Political recruitment of young men and women. The importance of resources”. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2018). “Political recruitment of young people. The importance of resources”. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2017). The adoption of electoral quotas after the Arab spring. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2017). Les quotas des jeunes en Afrique. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2017). Barriers to political recruitment at the intersection of age and gender. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2017). The intersectional impact of gender and youth quotas. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2021). Junge Frauen in die Politik - Barrieren und Chancen für generations- und geschlechtergerechte politische Repräsentation. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2021). Politiker*innen als Ziel von Online Hate Speech. Umfang, Folgen, mögliche Gegenmassnahmen. (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2018). "The effect of quotas enforced by financial sanctioning mechanisms". (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2018). "Gender quota regulations in Europe". (external link)
- Belschner, Jana Birke (2018). the determinants for youth’s participation in politics. (external link)