Janne Bjørgan
PhD candidate, CET & InfoMedia
Research groups
Janne Bjørgan started her PhD degree in July 2023, and is conducting interdisciplinary research on how media use and other channels of climate communication forms public and private stakeholders perception of climate urgency and their willingness to take action. Her supervisor is Associate Professor Silje Kristiansen.
Janne is also working together with professor Hallvard Moe on the Norwegian results in the Reuters Digital News Report, the largest news use survey in the world.
- Latest publication: Moe, H. & Bjørgan, J. (2023) Nordmenns digitale nyhetsbruk: Rapport 2023
- In the news: - Norske lesere styrer ikke unna nyheter om politikk (24.08.23)
Former experience includes two years of communication and administration at the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET), research assistant for the Bergen Media Use Research Group, and working as a journalist in newspapers. Educational background from UiB, with a Master's degree in Media Science and two bachelor's degrees in Media Science and Journalism respectively.
In her MA, Janne surveyed young adults, their book-reading habits, and how the digitalization has changed the literary public and the use of arenas for literature in this age group. You can read the thesis, Structural changes in the Norwegian literary public - A study of young adults reading habits and use of literary arenas, here.