Johs. Hjellbrekke





Social mobility

Class analysis

Sociology of elites


Social inequality

Industrial sociology

Historical sociology

Statistical analysis of categorical data



MET102 Social Science Methodology

SOS116 Class, Stratification and Social Mobility 

SOS322 Work, Knowledge, Education and Economy

Phd-courses: Multiple Correspondence Analysis.

Phd-courses: New Directions in Class Analysis.

Phd-courses: Sociology of Elites.

Invited lectures/courses (selection):

UC Berkeley, EHESS/Paris, European University Institute (EUI), Florence, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of Manchester, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, New York University, Norwegian University of Science and Technology-Trondheim, Oslo and Akershus University College, University of Oslo, University of Stavanger, University of Tromsø, University of York, Uppsala University.

Academic article
Short communication
Academic lecture
Popular scientific lecture
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Encyclopedia article
Feature article
Academic monograph
Programme participation
Book review
Masters thesis
Thesis at a second degree level
Reader opinion piece

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Selected publications:

"Field Analysis, MCA and Class Specific Analysis: Analyzing Structural Homologies Between, and Variety Within Subfields in the Norwegian Field of Power." (With Olav Korsnes), (2019) in Blasius, Lebaron, Le Roux & Schmitz (eds.) Empirical Investigations of Social Space. Springer Verlag, pp. 43-60.

Multiple Correspondence Analysis for the Social Sciences. London: Routledge, 2018. (

"On the reception of Bourdieu’s sociology in the world’s most equal societies". The Oxford Handbook of Pierre Bourdieu. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. 68-87. (Medvetz, T. & Sallaz, J. eds.) (Med Prieur, Annick) ( 

Savage, Mike; Hanquinet, Laurie; Cunningham, Niall; Hjellbrekke, Johs. (2018):  "Emerging Cultural Capital in the City: Profiling London and Brussels." In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 42(1): pp. 138-149. DOI 10.1111/1468-2427.12531 (

New Directions in Elite Studies. Korsnes, Olav; Heilbron, Johan; Hjellbrekke, Johannes; Bühlmann, Felix; Savage, Mike. (Eds.) Routledge 2018 (ISBN 978-1138059191) 322 pp.

Hjellbrekke, Johannes & Korsnes, Olav. A place at what table? An analysis of symbolic capital hierarchies at the annual dinner of Norges Bank (the Norwegian central bank). In: New Directions in Elite Studies. Routledge 2018 ISBN 978-1138059191. pp. 93-112

Savage, Mike; Hecht, Katarina; Hjellbrekke, Johannes; Cunningham, Niall & Laurison, Daniel. The anatomy of the British economic "elite". In: New Directions in Elite Studies. Routledge 2018 ISBN 978-1138059191. pp. 150-174

Flemmen, Magne, Hjellbrekke, Johs. & Jarness, Vegard (2017) "Class, Culture and Culinary Tastes: Cultural Distinctions and Social Class Divisions in Contemporary Norway". Sociology.

Hjellbrekke, Johs. & Korsnes, Olav (2016). "Women in the Field of Power". Sociologica. Italian Journal of Sociology Online, Vol. 10, nr.2. (

Flemmen, Magne & Hjellbrekke, Johs. (2016) "Response: Not so fast: a comment on Atkinson and Deeming's ‘Class and cuisine in contemporary Britain: the social space, the space of food and their homology’". I Sociological Review · February 2016 DOI: 10.1111/1467-954X.12350 (

Hjellbrekke, Johannes; Jarness, Vegard; Korsnes, Olav (2015). "Distinctions egalitaristes: le cas de la Norvege". In Lebaron & Le Roux (eds.) La Methodologie de Pierre Bourdieu en action. Espace Culturel, espace social et analyse des donnees. Paris: Dunod, pp. 131-150. (

Mike Savage, Brigitte Le Roux, Johs. Hjellbrekke, Daniel Laurison (2015)La methodologie de Pierre Bourdieu en action. Espace culturel, espace social et analyse des donnees, Edited by Frederic Lebaron, Brigitte Le Roux, 05/2015: chapter Espace culturel britannique et classes sociales: pages 183-2010; Dunod., ISBN: 978-2-10-070384-5   


Hjellbrekke, Johannes; Jarness, Vegard; Korsnes, Olav. 2014. Cultural Distinctions in an 'Egalitarian' Society. In Coulangeon, Philippe; Duval, Julien. 2014. The Routledge Companion to Bourdieu's 'Distinction'. Routledge. pp. 187-206. ISBN: 978-0-415-72727-3. (


«Geometrien i det sosiale rommet.» In Korsnes, Hansen & Hjellbrekke (red). Elite og klasse i et egalitært samfunn,Oslo, Universitetsforlaget. Pp. 77-92. With Olav Korsnes. (

«Intergenerasjonell mobilitet og sirkulasjon i norske elitar og profesjonar» In Korsnes, Hansen & Hjellbrekke (red). Elite og klasse i et egalitært samfunn,Oslo, Universitetsforlaget. Pp. 54-76. With Olav Korsnes.(

“Héritiers et outsiders”. In Actes de la recherché en sciences sociales, #200, December 2013, pp. 85-103. With Olav Korsnes.

Savage, Mike, Fiona Devine, Niall Cunningham, Mark Taylor, Yaojun Li, Johs. Hjellbrekke, Brigitte Le Roux, Sam Friedman, Andrew Miles:"A New Model of Social Class: Findings from the BBC's Great British Class Survey Experiment. Sociology 2013 ;Volume 47 (2), pp.219-250. (

Hjellbrekke. Johs. & Korsnes, Olav. Sosial mobilitet. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget (2012). ( (Social Mobility)

FrançoisDenord, Johs. Hjellbrekke, Olav Korsnes, Frédéric Lebaron and Brigitte Le Roux: "Social capital in the field of power: the case of Norway". In The Sociological Review, 59:1 (2011), pp.86-108.

Hjellbrekke, Johs. & Olav Korsnes: "Nedturar. Deklassering i det seinmoderne Noreg." I Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, nr. 1-2, 2010 (årg. 27) , s. 46-59. ( ("Downward Mobility in Late-Modern Norway)

Hjellbrekke, Johs. & Oddgeir Osland: "Pierre Bourdieu - maktkritikk som sysifosarbeid". I Pedersen, Jørgen (red.) Moderne politisk teori. Oslo: Pax forlag,(2010), s. 273-293. ( ("Pierre Bourdieu - Critique of Power as Sisyphus Work"

Hjellbrekke, Johs. & Olav Korsnes: "At studere magtfeltet". I Hammerslev, Hansen & Willig (red.), Refleksiv sociologi i praksis, København: Hans Reitzels forlag, s.147-170. ( ("To Study the Field of Power")

Hjellbrekke, Johs. & Olav Korsnes: "Quantifying the Field of Power in Norway". I Robson & Sanders (eds.) Quantifying Theory: Pierre Bourdieu. Springer Netherlands (2009), pp. 31-46 (

Hjellbrekke Johs. & Korsnes, Olav. "Kjønn, familie og mobilitet". I Christensen & Syltevik (red.) Kvinners arbeid, Oslo: Unipub (2009), s. 119-140. ("Sex, Family and Social Mobility")

Hjellbrekke, J. B. Le Roux, O. Korsnes, F. Lebaron, H. Rouanet and L. Rosenlund. (2007): ”The Norwegian Field of Power anno 2000”. In: European Societies 9 (2), May, p. 245-273. (

”Velgjarrommets geometri – ein multippel korrespondanseanalyse av valundersøkinga 2001.” I Gåsdal, Løyning, Hjellbrekke & Brusdal (red.). Makt, mening og struktur: Festskrift til Sigmund Grønmo. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget (2007). S. 47-66. ("The Geometry of the Electoral Space - A Multiple Correspondence Analysis")

”Maurice Halbwachs”, I Scott, John (ed.) 50 Key Sociologists. The Formative Theorists. London: Routledge (2007). S. 61-64.

Hjellbrekke, Johs. & Olav Korsnes: “Sosial kapital-strukturar i norske elitar”. I Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 4/2005, årgang 46. s. 467-502. ("Social Capital Structures in the Norwegian Elites")

Hjellbrekke, Johs. & Olav Korsnes: “Educational Mobility Trajectories and Mobility Barriers in the Norwegian Social Space.” International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, vol. 41, 2/2004, s. 163-189.

Hjellbrekke, Johs. & Olav Korsnes:Det norske maktfeltet: Interne strukturar, homogamitendensar, mobilitetsbaner og –barrierar i norske elitar. Rapport nr. 71, Makt- og demokratiutgreiinga sin rapportserie. Oslo: Unipub forlag. (2003).

("The Norwegian Field of Power: Internal Structures, Homogamy Tendences, Mobility Trajectories and Barriers in the Norwegian Elites")

”Ulike tilnærmingar til 'sosial kapital' i sosiologi og statsvitskap.” Sosiologisk tidsskrift, 3(2000),209-228. ("On 'social capital' in Sociology and Political Science")

Johs. Hjellbrekke & Oddgeir Osland "Den symbolske dominansen og «det kommunikative mistaket»: Om Bourdieu sin praksisteori i studiar av det politiske feltet." I Statsvitenskapelig tidskrift nr. 1, 2000, s. 3-32. ("Symbolic Dominance and the "Communicative Fallacy.")

Innføring i korrespondanseanalyse, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 1999. ("Introduction to Correspondence Analysis.")

Yard Work and Worker Memories. An Analysis of Fields and Practices of Remembering from a Relationist' Standpoint. Skriftserien, Sosiologisk Institutt, UiB, 2000. (Dr.polit.-avhandling)

Verftet og byen. Ein studie i sosial strukturering av historisk medvit. (Hovudoppgåve).Skriftserien, Sosiologisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen.(1993).


Edited Books:

Makt, mening og struktur. Festskrift til Sigmund Grønmo. Gåsdal, Odd, Trond Løyning, Johs. Hjellbrekke og Ragnhild Brusdal (red.): Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 295 sider (Power, Meaning and Structure. Essays in Honour of Sigmund Grønmo)


Arbeid, kunnskap og sosial ulikhet. Festskrift til Olav Korsnes. Hjellbrekke, Johs., Ole Johnny Olsen og Rune Sakslind (red.). Oslo: Unipub. 375 sider. (Work, Knowledge and Social Inequality. Essays in Honour of Olav Korsnes)


Selected papers at conferences and workshops:

"Begrepet og sosiologien om det kollektive minne." Invitert foredrag, Sommerskole om Det kollektive minne, Roskilde Universitetscenter, august 1996.

"On 'Social Capital': A Comparison of the Notion of Social Capital in the Works of Pierre Bourdieu and James C. Coleman." Invitert paper til "Workshop on Investigating Social Capital", organisert av Makt- og demokratiutgreiinga, Solstrand, 19-21 mai, 2000.

"Studying Mobility Trajectories in the Norwegian Social Space." Paper presentert på "RC-33. The Fifth International Conference on Social Science Methodology", Köln,3.-6.oktober, 2000.

"Le champ de pouvoir norvégien." Foredrag på Colloque franco-norvégienne autour de l’oeuvre de Pierre Bourdieu, Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris, 3. juni 2002.

"Investigating Capital Structures in the Field of Power: The Case of Norway" Invitert foredrag til Workshop on social capital, British Sociological Association, University of Manchester, 2. november, 2002.

"Capital Structures, Mobility Barriers and Mobility Trajectories in the Elites: The Case of Norway." Presentert på vårkonferanse i Research Committee 28 (RC28), Neuchâtel Meeting, 7.-9 May, 2004. Social Stratification, Mobility and Exclusion. Med Olav Korsnes.

“The Critique Against the Mobility Table. An Empirical Assessment of Variations in Relative Mobility Rates.” Presentert på vårkonferanse i Research Committee 28 (RC28) Brno Meeting, 23.-25.May, 2007. Med Olav Korsnes.

”How MCA Relates to Other Statistical Techniques.” Invited Paper på BJS-konferansen Methodological Challenges for the Twenty First Century; Manchester, UK, 22.-23.11. 2007.

“Social Capital in the Field of Power” Invited Paper til konferansen “Putting Bourdieu to Work IV; Manchester, UK, 29.-30.5, 2008, Organisert av Loïc Wacquant og Mike Savage. Med Olav Korsnes.





 "ProTrust. Professions:Trust and Status", Center for the Study of Professions, HiOA ( 

New directions in studies of social differentiation, power, class, status and elite (Research institution-based strategic project - ISPSAM) (2012-2016)

Elites in an Egalitarian Society. NFR-FRISAM. Recruitment, circulation and reproduction in the Norwegian elites  

2009-2012. Network for the Studies of Cultural Distinctions and Social Differentiation(SCUD).

"Comparative Investigations of French and Norwegian Social Space."  AURORA/NFR, 2003-2004

Capital, Power and Mobility: An Analysis of Mobility Trajectories in the Norwegian Social Space.” Norwegian Research Council 2001-2004.