Julia Fleischer
Academic interests
My key research interests are in the areas of studying politics and government, also from a comparative perspective. My current research is focused on three key themes:
- the study of the structure and organisation of governments and their implications for decision-making in different contexts;
I am principal investigator in a research project comparing Germany, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom (SOG-PRO, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the ORA plus scheme). - the study of policy and organisational changes accomplished by political parties and governments;
I am involved in a comparative project analysing such dynamics for the areas of climate change, migration, and the police (COCAL, funded by the Norwegian Research Council) and affiliated to a comparative project on organizing for societal security and crisis management (GOVCAP, funded by the Norwegian Research Council). - the study of executive-legislative relations and their effects for executive and legislative behaviour.
I am an Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, I hold a master's degree (Diplom-Verwaltungswissenschaftlerin) from the University of Potsdam and a PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) from the same institution. I have previously worked as an Assistant Professor of Political Science (tenure track) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), as a Senior Research Fellow at the German Research Institute of Public Administration (FÖV Speyer) and as a Research Fellow at the University of Potsdam.
I was a visiting researcher at the the University of Bergen and the Public Governance Institute in Leuven (Belgium), among others.
Courses taught (selection)
AORG 107 / EU and International Organisations
AORG 210 / Organisation Theory
AORG324 / Comparative Public Administration
Introduction into Public Administration
Public Administration in Policy Areas
The Governance of Risk
Institutions and Preferences in Western European Governments
Reforming German Federalism
Since August 2015, I am the coordinator of the PhD-programme at our institute.
Publications (selection)
Fleischer, Julia (2012): Policy Advice and Institutional Politics: A Comparative Analysis of Britain and Germany, Potsdam: Universitätsverlag.
Bach, Tobias/Fleischer, Julia/Hustedt, Thurid (2010): Bilanz eines Reformtrends: Agenturen und Verwaltungssteuerung im westeuropäischen Vergleich, Berlin: edition sigma.
Refereed journal articles and book chapters
Fleischer, Julia (2016): Patronage versus Political Control: Predictors of Bureaucratic Tenure in Germany. In: Acta Politica. (forthcoming)
Fleischer, Julia (2016): Accountability under Inquiry: Inquiry Committees After Internal Security Crises. In: Christensen, Tom/Lægreid, Per (Hrsg.): The Ashgate Research Companion to Accountability and Welfare State Reforms in Europe, Surrey: Ashgate.
Fleischer, Julia/Seyfried, Markus (2015): Drawing From the Bargaining Pool: Determinants of Ministerial Selection in Germany. In: Party Politics. 21(4), 503-514. doi: 10.1177/1354068813487108
Fleischer, Julia (2015): Organisierte Expertise und die Legitimation der Verwaltung: Sektorale und strukturpolitische Dynamiken der Gremienlandschaft auf Bundesebene. In: dms – der moderne staat, 8(2), 315-336.
Fleischer, Julia (2014): Coordination of Internal Security in Germany. In: Lægreid, Per/ Randma-Liiv, Tiina/Rykkja, Lise H./Sarapuu, Külli (eds.): Organizing for Coordination in the Public Sector. Practices and Lessons from 12 European Countries, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 163-172.
Fleischer, Julia (2013): Time and Crisis. In: Public Management Review, 15(3), 313-329. doi: 10.1080/14719037.2013.769852
Bach, Tobias/Fleischer, Julia (2012): Agency Governance and Parliamentary Accountability at EU Level. In: Busuioc, Madalina/Groenleer, Martijn/Trondal, Jarle (eds.): The Agency Phenomenon in the European Union: Emergence, Institutionalisation and Everyday Decision-Making, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 152-171.
Fleischer, Julia/Hustedt, Thurid (2012): Sectoral Dynamics in Executive Politics: Co-ordinating Climate Policy in Germany. In: Lodge, Martin/Wegrich, Kai (Hrsg.): Executive Politics in Times of Crisis, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 267-283.
Fleischer, Julia (2011): Steering From the German Centre: More Policy Coordination and Less Policy Initiatives. In: Dahlström, Carl/Peters, B. Guy/Pierre, Jon (Hrsg.): Steering From the Centre: Strengthening Political Control in Western Democracies, Toronto: Toronto University Press, 54-79.
Fleischer, Julia (2010): A Dual Centre? Executive Politics Under the Second Grand Coalition in Germany. In: German Politics, 19(3), 353-368. doi: 10.1080/09644008.2010.515779
Fleischer, Julia/Parrado, Salvador (2010): Power Distribution in Ambiguous Times: The Effects of the Financial Crisis on Executive Decision-making in Germany and Spain. In: dms – der moderne staat, 3(2), 361-376.
Fleischer, Julia (2009): Power Resources of Parliamentary Executives: Policy Advice in the UK and Germany. In: West European Politics, 32(1), 196-214. doi: 10.1080/01402380802509941
Non-refereed journal articles and book reviews
Hustedt, Thurid/Veit, Sylvia/Fleischer, Julia (2013): Politikberatung in Deutschland – zwischen Unabhängigkeit und politischer Steuerung. In: PSCA – Political Science Applied, 2, 15-18.
Fleischer, Julia (2013): Book review. Comparative Political Leadership by Ludger Helms, West European Politics, 36(4), 888-889.
Hustedt, Thurid/Veit, Sylvia/Fleischer, Julia (2010): Wissen ist Macht? Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung der Bundesregierung. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 60(19), 15-21.
Non-refereed book chapters and working papers
Fleischer, Julia (2015): Der Bundestag als bürokratische Organisation. In: Döhler, Marian/ Franzke, Jochen/Wegrich, Kai (Hrsg.): Der gut organisierte Staat, Der gut organisierte Staat. Festschrift für Werner Jann zum 65. Geburtstag, Baden-Baden: edition sigma, 231-250.
Fleischer, Julia (2013): The Institutional and Human Capabilities of the German Federal Ministry of Finance, London: Overseas Development Institute.
Fleischer, Julia (2011): Das Bundeskanzleramt als Protagonist einer Institutionenpolitik? Institutionelle Strategien und exekutive Entscheidungsfindung. In: Bröchler, Stephan/von Blumental, Julia (eds.): Regierungszentralen im politischen Prozess, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 133-151.
Fleischer, Julia (2011): Das Primat der Richtlinienkompetenz in politischen Prozessen: Zur Bedeutung der Organisation des Bundeskanzleramtes. In: Florack, Martin/Grunden, Timo (eds.): Regierungszentralen: Führung, Steuerung und Koordination zwischen Formalität und Informalität, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 201-224.
Bach, Tobias/Fleischer, Julia/Hustedt, Thurid/Jann, Werner/Jantz, Bastian (2009): Opportunity and Feasibility of Establishing Common Support Services for EU Agencies, Brussels: European Parliament.
Bach, Tobias/Fleischer, Julia/Hustedt, Thurid/Jann, Werner (2008): Best Practice in Governance of Agencies – A Comparative Study in View of Identifying Best Practice for Governing Agencies Carrying out Activities on Behalf of the European Union, Brussels: European Parliament.
Fleischer, Julia (2007): Die europäischen Agenturen als Diener vieler Herren? Zur Steuerung und Rolle von EU-Agenturen. In: Jann, Werner/Döhler, Marian (eds.): Agencies in Westeuropa, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 212-252.