Juliane Marie-Thérèse Raukki (Tiemann)
Senior Academic Librarian, Academic Director of Digital Development
Research groups
Short info
At the University Library, I lead the digital development group and am also the leader of the CLARINO Bergen Centre.
Research fields: Historical linguistics, Old Norse Philology, Diplomatics
PhD: Syntactic Variation and Information Structure in Old Norwegian: An Investigation of Konungs skuggsjá in AM 243 bα fol.
Project leader for several projects related to the work on the Old Norwegian charter material housed at the Manuscripts' and Rare Books' Collection/UBB, in collaboration with Alexandros Tsakos (Scientific Director of Manuscripts' and Rare Books' Collection).
Earlier positions at the University of Bergen Library: Subject Specialist for Linguistics, Nordic Languages, and Literature (academic librarian) and Coordinator for the Digital Lab
An overview of presentations, posters, other media (informational videos; TV contributions), and publications can be found here:
Other publications: Annotation in Menota
The file can be downloaded here:
Here you find a little bit more information about the annotational work for Menota (in Norwegian):
https://menota.org/ML_2019-09-20.xml (older version: https://menota.org/ML_2018-09-19.xml)
University courses:
University of Bergen Library, Norway
2022. Introduction to Research Methodology. Course Language:English/Norwegian.
2022. Nordic Literature: Literary Analysis and Theory (with Bachelor’s Thesis). Course Language: Norwegian.
2022. Literature search and references in linguistics. Course Language: English.
2021. Research data in your field. Workshop. Course Language: English.
2021. References, literature search and citation. Course Language: Norwegian.
2021. Literature search, source criticism and databases. Course Language: Norwegian.
2021. Literature search and source criticism for linguists. Course Language: Norwegian.
2021. Sourcing your sources: Searching, evaluation and managing your sources. Course Language: English.
Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, University of Bergen, Norway.
2022. Digital Access to Old Norse Material. (ARQUS Twinning exchange ‘Depicting the Other: Representations of Anglo-Scandinavian Contacts in the Middle Ages.). Language: English.
2020. Old Norse Literary Culture. Language: Norwegian.
2020. Diplomatics. Language: Norwegian.
2019. Introduction to Scandinavian Studies. Language: Norwegian.
2019. Old Norse textual history. Language: Norwegian.
2019. Old Norse Manuscript Texts. Language: Norwegian.
2018. Old Norse Poetry. Language: Norwegian.
2018. Medieval Nordic Texts. Course Language: Norwegian.
2017. Old Norse Poetry. Language: Norwegian.
Department of Scandinavian Studies, Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany.
2015. Scientific Writing: Linguistics. Course Language: German.
2015. Introduction to Scandinavian Languages and Linguistics (incl. Colloquium). Course Language: German.
2015. Language Contact from the Viking age until today (incl. Colloquium). Course Language: German.
2014. Introduction to Scandinavian Languages and Linguistics (incl. Colloquium). Course Language: German.
2014. Historical Linguistics and Language history of the Scandinavian Languages. Course Language: German.
2014. Language Contact from the Viking age until today (incl. Colloquium). Course Language: German.
2013. Introduction to Scandinavian Languages and Linguistics (incl. Colloquium). Course Language: German.
Department of Linguistic Foreign Languages, E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, Kazakhstan.
2014. Language History of German. Course Language: German.
2014. German as a Second Language. Course Language: German.
2014. German in a socio-political context. Course Language: German.
2014. Scientific Writing. Content and Form. From Research to Publication. Course Language: German.
Language Schools:
Sprachlernzentrum Karaganda, Goethe-Institute Almaty, Kazakhstan.
2014. German as a foreign language (B1). Course Language: German.
Volkshochschule Cottbus, Germany.
2009-2012. Several courses: Norsk for nybegynnere (A1-A2). Course Language: German/Norwegian.
Berlinek Sprachschule in Berlin, Germany.
2016, 2015. Several courses: German as a foreign language (A1-C1). Course Language: English/German.
2016. Summer courses for children and teenagers (A2-B2). Course Language: German.
State Europe Schools German-Polish (Primary and Secondary School) in Berlin, Germany.
2016, 2015. Several courses: German as a Second Language (A1-B1). Course Language: German.
Guest Lectures:
Department of Languages and Literature, University of Basel, Switzerland
Fokus auf Altnorwegisch und Altisländisch. Wie Satzstrukturen linguistische Systeme definieren. Graduate level. Course Language: German.
Department of Scandinavian Studies, University of Verona, Italy.
2017. Old Norwegian Syntax and Information Structure. Course Language: English.
Department of Scandinavian Studies, Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany.
2014. Swedish morphology and syntax. Course Language: Swedish.
Embassy of Norway in Berlin, Germany.
2011, 2009. Information and Language Course for beginners in Norwegian. Course Language: German.
Popular scientific article
- Tiemann, Juliane (2024). Old Norse in Digital Humanities. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2024). Digitized Manuscripts as Sources for Research: Balancing Access and Restriction. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2024). Understanding the data, providing the code. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2024). Insights: Teaching DH in Old Norse using medieval charters. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2023). Det gammelnorske diplommaterialet: mer enn historier om kjøp, salg, bud og drap. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane; Ugulen Kristiansen, Jo Rune (2022). Underskrift i biter: Norske segl fra middelalderen. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane; Ostrop, Jenny (2022). Teaching data literacy - Data competency for subject librarians. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2020). Seddelarkiv som forskningsressurs: Grunnlag for en ny korpusanalyse til den gammelnorske Konungs skuggsjá.. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike; Tiemann, Juliane (2020). Fortid former framtid: Hvorfor bruke tid på norrønt i norskfaget?. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2020). Reduce, reuse, recycle: En analyse av det norrøne diplomet på verso-sida av UB, Lat. Fr. 1550.5. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2019). Ragnarsdrápa: Bildebeskrivelser i diktform.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2018). Working with a Corpus Language. Methodological challenges and a way to overcome those.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2018). Gammelnorsk: Fra manuskript til XML.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2018). Working with Old Norwegian.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2017). Old Norwegian Syntax and Information Structure. . (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2014). Teaching practice on German as a foreign language at the KarGU – an evaluation.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2012). (Mittel)Niederdeutsch im Norwegischen. Eine nachhaltige sprachliche Beeinflussung.. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Tiemann, Juliane (2024). Charting a Path: An Experiential Course Design Exploring Medieval Charters. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2023). Digital Access to the Old Norwegian Charter Material. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike; Tiemann, Juliane (2021). What's in a Recipe? Forskingsperspektiv på austnordiske matoppskrifter. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane; Schnall, Jens Eike (2021). What’s in a recipe? Perspectives on the East Norse culinary recipe. (external link)
- Pouls, Nick; Tiemann, Juliane (2021). Editing: A Never Ending Story. The Case of Konungs skuggsjá, AM 243bα fol.. (external link)
- Pouls, Nick; Tiemann, Juliane (2021). If Neumes Could Sing: Musical Scripts from France in Norwegian’ Liturgical Manuscript Fragments. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2020). Modifying Variation: About the Adjective Position in Old Norwegian.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2020). On the interplay of Information Structure and Prosody: The case of Old Norwegian.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2019). About the object position in Old Norwegian. Examining information structural influence on word order variation in the KoNoKs-Corpus.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2019). Information-structural driven word order variation in Old Norwegian.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2019). Med fokus på adverb(ial)er. Syntaks og diskurs i gammelnorsk ordstilling.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2019). Syntactic variation in Old Norwegian and the role of information structure and prosodic weight.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane; Piotrowska, Alicja (2019). Being more specific: About the adjective position in definite contexts. A comparison between East and West Norse.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2019). Historical punctuation. A linguistic analysis.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2017). Information Structure in Old Norwegian.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2017). Informationsstruktur im Altnorwegischen.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2014). New ways of studying and teaching. German as a foreign language in Germany and Norway. Usage of information technologies, methodology and materials.. (external link)
Popular scientific chapter/article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tiemann, Juliane (2024). Modifying variation: Adjective position in Old Norwegian. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2024). Technical Services in Research Libraries – The Backdoor Discussions of Collection Development. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2022). Historical Punctuation in Old Norse: Visual Reflexes of Information Structure.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2022). The object position in Old Norwegian. An interplay between syntax, prosody, and information structure. (external link)
Website (informational material)
Academic article
- Rockenberger, Annika; Tiemann, Juliane; Pierfederici, Maria Elisa et al. (2023). Editorial. Sustainability: Environment - Community - Data. The 7th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2022). Fra gammelt seddelarkiv til nye forskningsresultater: Nytt lys på gammelnorsk. (external link)
- Aae, Embla; Pouls, Nick; Tiemann, Juliane (2021). 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Das Schicksal der Handschrift Bergen, UB, MS 1550.5'. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Popular scientific lecture
Programme management
- Tiemann, Juliane (2019). The Main Manuscript of Konungs skuggsjá: What a discussion about the world tells us about communication strategies.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2018). Syntactic Variation in Old Norwegian.. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane (2018). Loghic, Logri and Loghærne. The description of three lakes in Ireland in Konungs skuggsjá. On the structure behind the wonders: Interaction of linguistic devices and manuscript composition.. (external link)
Programme participation
Current projects
2024. Digitization of printing plates depicting Old Norwegian manuscripts and charters. (project lead).
2020-present. Digitization of medieval seals and further work on the Old Norwegian charter material: About Old Norwegian charters and seals | University of Bergen Library | UiB (project lead).
2020-present. XML-transcriptions of Old Norwegian charters (project lead).
2017-2021. Annotation work (syntax and information structure). (Konungs skuggsjá, AM243bα fol.). University of Bergen.
Project-related work
2017-2018. Annotation work for Menota (Konungs skuggsjá, AM243bα fol.)
2012-2014. Annotation work within the project “Old German Reference Corpus”.
Humboldt-University in Berlin.
2012. Annotation work within the project “Ridges”. Humboldt-University in Berlin.