Justin E A Kroesen


Professor, Material Culture of Christianity



Research topics:

- Medieval and early modern church architecture

- Church furnishings & Christian imagery of the Middle Ages and the early modern period

- The Reformation and its impact in the arts

- The problems and chances of religious heritage  


Topics in teaching:

- Christian Cultural Heritage

- Liturgy and the Arts

- Iconography

- Cultural History of Christianity

- Religious heritage in the norhern Netherlands

- The Bible and the arts

- Religion and material culture 

In 2013 Kroesen was elected as University of Groningen Teacher of the Year


Selection of publications

(2016) Romanesque Cathedrals in Mediterranean Europe. Architecture, Ritual and Urban Context, Turnhout: Brepols, 320 pp. (ed. volume, with Gerardo Boto)

(2016) Ultimate Ambiguities. Investigating Death and Liminality, NewYork: Berghahn Books, 278 pp. (ed. volume, with Peter Berger)

(2015) ‘Accommodating Calvinism. The Appropriation of Medieval Church Interiors for Protestant Worship in the Netherlands after the Reformation’ (chapter in Protestantischer Kirchenbau der frühen Neuzeit in Europa. Grundlagen und neue Forschungskonzepte, ed. volume by Jan Harasimowicz, Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner)

(2014) Die mittelalterliche Sakramentsnische auf Gotland (Schweden). Kunst und Liturgie, Petersberg: Michael Imhof, 240 pp. (book, with Peter Tångeberg)

(2014) ‘The Altar and its Decorations in Medieval Churches. A Functionalist Approach’ (article in Medievalia. Revista d’Estudis Medievals 17)

(2014) ‘The longue duree of Romanesque Altar Decorations: Frontals, Canopies and Altar Sculptures’ (article, in Paint and Piety. Collected Essays on Medieval Painting and Polychrome Sculpture, ed. volume by Noelle Streeton and Kaja Kollandsrud, London: Archetype)

(2012) The Interior of the Medieval Village Church, Louvain etc.: Peeters Publishers, 392 pp. (book, with Regnerus Steensma, 1st ed. 2004)

(2011) Kirchen in Ostfriesland und ihre mittelalterliche Ausstattung, Petersberg: Michael Imhof, 272 pp.(book, with Regnerus Steensma)

(2011) Sacred Places in Modern Western Culture, Louvain etc.: Peeters Publishers, 355 pp. (ed. volume, with Paul Post and Arie Molendijk)

(2010) Myths, Martyrs, and Modernity. Studies in the History of Religions in Honour of Jan N. Bremmer, Leiden/Boston: Brill, LVI + 701 pp. (ed. volume, with Jitse Dijkstra and Yme Kuiper)

(2010) Seitenaltäre in mittelalterlichen Kirchen. Standort-Raum-Liturgie, Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner, 160 pp. (book)

(2009) Staging the Liturgy. The Medieval Altarpiece in the Iberian Peninsula, Louvain etc.: Peeters Publishers, XIV + 607 pp. (book, expanded doctoral thesis)   

(2009) The Altar and its Environment, 1150-1400, Turnhout: Brepols, 314 pp. (ed. volume, with Victor Schmidt)

(2008) De Groninger cultuurschat. Kerken van 1000 tot 1800, Assen: Van Gorcum, 160 pp. (ed. volume, with Regnerus Steensma)

(2000) The Sepulchrum Domini through the Ages. Its Form and Function, Louvain etc.: Peeters Publishers, VIII + 230 pp. (book)

Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Book review
Other product
Academic lecture
Academic monograph
Feature article
Website (informational material)
Popular scientific article
Academic article
Academic literature review
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Exhibition catalogue
Non-fiction book
Popular scientific book
Popular scientific lecture
Popular scientific chapter/article

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


- Analyzing the medieval church art collection of the University Museum of Bergen 

- The 'tabernacle shrine' as medieval altar decoration

- Medieval furnishings in Lutheran churches in Germany and the reasons for their survival


Public outreach

Website www.protestantsecultuurschatten.nl on religious heritage of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands

Cooperation with the Cultural Heritage Agency (Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed) and Museum Catharijneconvent on the preservation of historic church interiors in the Netherlands 

Cooperation with Stichting Oude Groninger Kerken and Stichting Alde Fryske Tsjerken on religious heritage in the northern Netherlands