Kari Anne Klovholt Drangsland



Research groups


Drangsland is a human geographer and a postdoctoral fellow on the TemPro project - led by Jessica Schultz at CMI - of which SKOK is one of the partners. TemPro is an interdisciplinary project gathering legal scholars, anthropologists and geographers. Drangsland is the work package leader for the ethnographic work of TemPro. Drangsland defended her PhD thesis at the Centre for Women's and Gender Research (SKOK) in January 2021. Her PhD project was a part of the umbrella project "Waiting for an uncertain future: the temporalities of irregular migration" (Research Council of Norway). Her empirical focus was on temporality related to irregular migration in the German migration hub of Hamburg. Read her doctoral thesis here. Time and temporality are still central dimensions of her research.

Before embarking on her PhD work Drangsland worked as a researcher, consultant and university lecturer within the field of migration and urban studies. Her professional career has been guided by a profound interest in matters of migration, bordering, difference, labour and temporality.  Her work has focused on Norwegian asylum and integration policies and on questions concerning diversity and migration within urban spatial and social planning. These are also core issues in 'Planning and society', a masters course that Drangsland intiated ran together with colleagues between 2012-2016, at the Department of Geography at UiB. Drangsland has also thaught at the Bergen School of Architecture, with a thematic focus on architecture and temporality, architecture and power, and feminist perspectives.

In 2007, Drangsland co-founded the Centre of Urban Ecology (CUE) in Bergen. She works with issues related to migration and urban development and conducts projects at the intersection of art, architecture and research. CUE worked with questions related to urban development in the face of climate change and with projects within the field of migration. In 2011, the Center of Urban Ecology received "Anette Tommesens Minnepris" (Norwegian Association for Asylum Seekers) for their work with the relation between asylum reception centres and the local community. In 2011, the Center was one of three nominees to the national design prize "Young Designer of the Year" by "Norsk Form".

Drangsland leads the research group Gender, migration and inequality at SKOK, and she is also a member of the research group Foundational Questions in Gender and Sexuality Research.

She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Hamburg (2018) and at the Centre for Global Migration Studies at the University of Göttingen (2021). In 2023 she held a 20 percent position as Assistant Professor in Human Geography at the Western University of Applied Sciences, teaching sustainability, urbanism, migration, political geography and geographical didactical methods.

Drangsland is a board member of the Centre for Women's and Gender Research, the Norwegian Network for Migration Research (NNMF) and of Nordic Migration Research (NMR). Previously, she was a board member of IMER Bergen (International Migration and Ethnic Relation) (2017-2020).



Refugee Law and Refugee Lives

Panel conversations and other public conversations (selected) 

Invited presentation in panel Antropologiske tilnærminger til arbeid og prekært arbeid, Norsk antropologikonferanse, 30.11.2023

Organising and moderating book launch and panel conversations Paradigmeskifte i dansk asylpolitikk - og norske erfaringer at Litteraturhuset i Bergen, 28.11.2023

Invited presentation, Fagdag Bergen Læringssenter, Den nye midlertidigheten i flyktningepolitikken. 03.11.2023

Invited presentation "temporary protection in Europe post 2015", Ideas2evidence, Bergen, 20 January 2023.

Workshop participant in the project Speculative Urban Futures's two-day workshop in Berlin, Speculative Urban Futures Part 2, 18-19 January 2023.

Invited lecture, Evangelische Hochschule Freiburg. Presentation title: ‘Migration and waiting. European migration governance after 2015 – perspectives from Norway’. 20.01.2022.

Invited peaker at the conference ‘Migration in a Multilateral World’ (digital). Annual conference of the European Migration Network National Contact Point for the Slovak Republic. 26.08.2021

Global School Film & Reflections: Migration, Film screening of Mediterranea followed by conversation. 28.04.2021. Bergen School of Global Studies, University of Bergen

"Nattens lys". Kulturkirken Jacob, Oslo, 9.11.2020

Social Acoustics: Sound, Hearing, Movement, Performativity. Seminar, 10 April 2019

Nattens Lys" Vår Frues Kirke, Trondheim, 11.11.2018

Med livet på vent, Litteraturhuset i Bergen, 20.11.2018

Blog posts, articles and opinion pieces

Listening to Papenreye. Article in the newspaper Free Berlin, Issue No. 10/June 2023. Part of exhibition in Akademie der Künste.

Retten til familieliv er en menneskerettighet. Norge nekter flyktninger denne rettigheten (The right to a family life is a human right. Norway is denying refugees this right) Opinion piece in Norwegian daily Vårt Land, 20.04.2023 (behind paywall, the piece was also published in the paper version 21.04.23)

Hva skjer hvis flyktningene ikke kan reise hjem raskt? (What happens if the refugees cannot return quickly?) Opinion piece in Norwegian daily Bergens Tidende (in Norwegian). 12.03.2022

Collective protection as a short-term solution: European responses to the protection needs of refugees from the war in Ukraine. Blog post on EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy blog. 08.03.2022

Regjeringen åpner for å innskrenke retten til flyktningstatus. Det er urovekkende. (aftenposten.no) Opinion Piece in Norwegian daily newspaper Aftenposten. 27.12.2021.

Drangsland, Kari Anne, Jacobsen, Christine M., Karlsen, Marry-Anne og Schultz, Jessica. How is the Covid-19 pandemic affecting migrants with precarious legal status? Blog post at the WAIT project website, 15.04.2020.

Drangsland, Kari Anne, Jacobsen, Christine M. og Karlsen, Marry-Anne. Waiting for uncertain futures in pandemic times. Blog post at the WAIT project website, 15.04.2020.

Research blog at Forskning.no. "Venterommet Europa" 

Drangsland, Kari Anne. Places of silence at the edge of comfort. Blog post at SKOK website 05.01.2018

Exhibitions (collaborative art projects).

"Now is our time to imagine," photo exhibition. Together with Roma Youth and Youth from Bergen. Co-produced with textile designer and artist Heidi W. Strom (2014)

"There is no place like here," textile design and photo exhibition, explorative research project. Collaborative project together with asylum seekers/women from Bergen. Co-produced with textile designer and artist Heidi W. Strom(2010). Awarded the "Anette Tommesens Minnepris" (Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers - NOAS)

"In place out of place," photo exhibition and exhibition of objects. Collaborative project with children living in Norwegian asylum reception centres. Together with artist Elida Brenna Linge (2010)


Drangsland welcomes requests from MA students and PhD candidates regarding supervision on topics such as migration, gender, post-colonialism, exclusion, temporality, planning (e.g. planning theory, participatory planning, area-based programmes), place and space.

Since January 2023 Drangsland teaches geography and sustainability at Western University of Applied Sciences. 

2023: "Writing a room, writing about a room", Leading and lecturer at crosscourse at Bergen School of Architecture, 22 - 24 February. 

2022 - : Supervision of PhD.candidate (Hamburg University).

2017-2021: "Tid og temporalitet i planleggingen." Master seminar, Department of Geography, University of Bergen.

2018: "Limits of Control". Leading and teaching a master course at the Bergen School of Architecture.

2018: "Sexuality and migration". Lecture. Centre for Women's and Gender Studies at the University of Bergen

2017: "Temporary Architecture. Material Politics." Leading and teaching the master workshop at the Bergen School of Architecture.

2012-2016: "Planning and Society". University lecturer and responsible for the master's course. Department of Geography, University of Bergen.


See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Thesis PhD

Drangsland, Kari Anne (2021) Working to ‘Wait Well’ : Exploring the temporalities of irregular migration in Germany. Centre for Women's and Gender Research. University of Bergen

Journal articles (per-reviewed)

Drangsland, Kari Anne (2024 Speaking Racism - Racionlinguistic Frontiers, Worth and Belonging in the Governing of Refugees in NorwayGeopolitics.

Drangsland, Kari Anne (2020). Bordering through recalibration: Exploring the temporality of the German “Ausbildungsduldung." Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38(6) 1128–1145.

Drangsland, Kari Anne (2020). Waiting as a redemptive state: The ‘Lampedusa in Hamburg’ and the offer from the Hamburg government. Time & Society 2020, Vol. 29 (2) 318–339.

Drangsland, Kari Anne K. and Haarstad, Håvard (2009). Urban Planning and the Delimitation of Diversity: Roma as ‘in place’ and ‘out of place’ in Jungbusch, Mannheim. International Planning Studies 14 (2): 125-140.

Drangsland, Kari Anne K. and Holgersen, Ståle (2008). The Production of Bergen. International Planning Studies 13 (2): 161-169.

Book chapters (peer-reviewed)

Drangsland, Kari Anne Klovholt (2020) Mo’s challenge. Waiting and the question of methodological nationalism, in Jacobsen, Karlsen and Khosravi (eds), Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration. Routledge.

Karlsen, Marry-Anne, Drangsland, Kari Anne K. and Hidle, Knut (2014). ‘The conditions for hospitality in the Norwegian asylum reception system’. in Nordic Work with Traumatised refugeees: Do we really care. Overland, Gwynyth, Guribye, Eugene and Lie, Birgit (Eds.) Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 


Other publications (selected)

Drangsland, KA (2024). Opphold på ubestemt tid. Documentary poetry, based on fieldwork. 

Drangsland, KA (2024). Bevismaterialer. Utstillingstekst til utstillingen Bevismaterialer av Borghild Rudjord Unneland, Centre of Contemporary Art, Trondheim.

Drangsland, KA (2023). Listnening to Papenrey - the soundscape of an urban asylum camp. Speculative Urban Futures: Inequality and Migration Miniseries. Available at: Listening to Papenreye – the soundscape of an urban asylum camp - GRIP (gripinequality.org)

Drangsland, KA (2023). Listnening to Papenreye. Free Berlin, No. 1. 2023. Errant Bodies Press. Available at: ResearchGate

Drangsland, KA., og Karlsen M-A. (2023). Retten til familieliv er en menneskerettighet. Norge nekter flyktninger denne rettigheten. Kronikk. Vårt Land. 21. april 

Drangsland, KA., Karlsen M-A. and Schultz J. (2022) Hva skjer hvis flyktningene ikke kan reise hjem raskt? Kronikk. Bergens Tidende. 12.mars.
Drangsland, KA. and Schultz, J. (2021) Regjeringen åpner for å innskrenke retten til flyktningstatus. Det er urovekkende. Kronikk. Aftenposten. 27.desember.
Drangsland, KA. and Strøm, H. (2015) Now is our time to imagine. Exhibition catalogue.
Drangsland, KA., Vabø, A-K and Strøm, H. (2010) There is no place like here. Exhibition catalogue.
Drangsland, KA. and Vabø, A-K. (2010) There is no place like here. Arkitektur N 3, 56-59.
Drangsland, KA., Fuglseth B.B. and Linge, E. (2008). In Place, Out of Place. Exhibition catalogue.
Drangsland, KA. and Fuglseth B.B. (2008) Et stedsperspektiv på asylmottak. Plan 4, 43-44.
Drangsland, KA. and Holgersen, S. (2008) Produksjon av Bergen. Tidsskriftet Demo 1.
Full publication list Drangsland. 4 pages.
Drangsland, KA., Fuglseth, B.B. and Vabø, A. (2006) Kampen om gullkysten. Kronikk. Bergens Tidende. 8. juli.
Drangsland, KA. and Vabø, A-K. (2005) Byrom til salgs. Kronikk. Bergens Tidende. 12. april.
Drangsland, KA., Forras P. and Holgersen S. (ed) (2003) Håndbok om (og til bruk i) det offentlige rom. (Handbook for (and to be used in) the public space). Bergen: Bamse forlag.

Reports and evaluations

Drangsland, Kari Anne K., Karlsen Marry-Anne og Dahle Malin (2016). Norskopplæring for personer i asylmottak. Uni Research Rokkansenteret rapport 2-2016. Bergen: Uni Research Rokkansenteret.

Sinclair, Tina og Drangsland, Kari Anne K. (2016). Eksempelsamling og inspirasjonshefte livskraftige urbane bomiljø. Bergen: CUBUS-rapport 1/2016.

Drangsland, Kari Anne K. og Nordhagen, Inger (2015). Evaluering av Mangfoldsrådet i Trondheim. ideas2evidence rapport 03/2015. Bergen: ideas2evidence.

Drangsland, Kari Anne K. (2015). Konsekvensutredning av barn og unge sine oppvekstvilkår. Områdereguleringsplan for Bømoen. ideas2evidence rapport 11/2015. Bergen: ideas2evidence.

Skutlaberg, Linn-Synnøve, Drangsland, Kari Anne K. og Høgestøl, Asle (2014). Evaluering av introduksjonsprogrammet i storbyene. ideas2evidence rapport 09/2014. Bergen: ideas2evidence.

Drangsland, Kari Anne K., Ellingsen, Winfred, Hidle, Knut og Karlsen, Marry-Anne (2010). Asylmottak og lokalsamfunn. BYØK-rapport 02/10. Bergen: Senter for byøkologi.

Drangsland, Kari Anne K. (2010). Den sosiale byen – en eksempelstudie av deltagende stedsutvikling i seks tyske bydeler. BYØK-rapport 01/10. Bergen: Senter for byøkologi.

Drangsland, Kari Anne K., Fuglseth, Bente B. og Hidle, Knut (2009). Sosiokulturell stedsanalyse av Haugenstua. FoU-rapport nr. 11/2009. Kristiansand: Agderforskning.

Drangsland, Kari Anne K. og Fuglseth, Bente B. (2009). Asylmottak som nærmiljø. BYØK-rapport 01/09. Bergen: Senter for byøkologi. Reference no: 16/7769.

Drangsland, Kari Anne K. og Jakobsen Stig-Erik (2009). Sluttevaluering av omstillingsprogrammet i Ål Kommune. SNF-rapport 08/09. Bergen: Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning AS.

Drangsland, Kari Anne K. og Jakobsen Stig-Erik (2009). Kritiske suksessfaktorer for omstillingsarbeidet. Erfaringer fra gjennomførte omstillingsprogram. SNF-rapport 01/09. Bergen: Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning AS.

Pettersen, Inger Beate, Drangsland, Kari Anne K. og Jakobsen, Stig-Erik (2008). Sluttevaluering av omstillingsprogrammet i Evje og Hornnes kommune. SNF-rapport 08/08. Bergen: Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning AS.

Drangsland, Kari Anne K. og Kjerstad, Egil (2008). Evaluering av tilskuddsordning for helse- og rehabiliteringstjenester. Delrapport. 1. SNF-rapport 18/08. Bergen: Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning AS.

Drangsland, Kari Anne K. og Jakobsen, Stig-Erik (2008). Sluttevaluering av MåltidsArena. SNF-rapport 07/08. Bergen: Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning AS.

Jakobsen, Stig-Erik, Kristiansen, Frode, Drangsland, Kari Anne K. og Nesheim, Torstein (2007). Indikatorer for lokal sårbarhet. Utredning av et analyseverktøy. SNF-rapport 22/07. Bergen: Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning AS.


Current project: 

Temporary protection as a durable solution? The 'return turn' in asylum policies in Europe (TemPro) [2019 - 2024] - funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Previous project:

WAIT - Waiting for an uncertain future: the temporalities of irregular migration [2016-2020] - funded by the Research Council of Norway.