Kjell Arne Johansson
Professor, Deputy Director BCEPS
Kjell Arne Johansson is a professor of medical ethics and the philosophy of science at Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting (BCEPS) at the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care. He also has a clinical background as a physician in the field of drug addiction and obstetrics and gynaecology at Haukeland University Hospital.
Kjell Arne is principal investigator for two BCEPS work packages ("Fair Choices: Disease Control Priorities Analytic Tool" and "Universal Health Care Zanzibar") and is project leader for a 5-year project on "Equity and financial household impact in randomised controlled trials, implementation research and cohort studies in India" (EQUIFINANCE) starting in 2021. He is also the co-leader of the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Zanzibar project.
Johansson has extensive experience in population ethics research, where he has been engaged in developing innovative methods for fair priority setting in global health and applying them to low and high-income country settings. His key areas of expertise include population ethics and distributive implications of health care, including economic evaluations, equality of health outcomes and financial risk protection. Much of his research focuses on applied equity impact modelling, seeking to understand the broader implications of improved health care coverage by using mathematical population models. In particular, he has contributed to three equity impact methods: Extended Cost Effectiveness Analysis (ECEA), severity of disease analysis and Distributional Cost Effectiveness Analysis (DCEA). He is currently president of the International Society for Priority Setting in Health (ISPH).
Teaching activities
2005-current Responsible, together with Ingrid Miljeteig, for teaching at courses in medical ethics for medical students at University of Bergen.
2007-current The ethics of global health and priority setting (part of general course in Global Health, 30 ECTS). Responsibility in establishment of this course, and now teaching.
2007-current Responsible for teaching in ethics of priority setting in global health in various courses for graduate students at Master level, Centre for International Health, University of Bergen
2005-current Several 1-2 hour lectures on medical ethics and priority setting at different courses arranged at the Faculty of Medicine and elsewhere (e.g. Human Rights, International Health, Refugees, Autonomy, Priority Setting, Reproductive Health, Social Determinant of Health, Specialist courses for Medical Doctors)
Supervision of graduate students:
Completed supervision: 3 PhDs (main supervisor), 3 Master's (main and co-supervisor), 2 PhD tracks (main supervisor), 9 research theses for medical students
Supervision in progress: 1 PhD (main supervisor), 7 PhDs (co-supervisor), 4 Master’s (co-supervisor
- Johansson, Kjell Arne; Watkins, David; Norheim, Ole Frithjof et al. (2024). "Advancing Equity in Healthcare: Innovations, Research and Applications" Plenary Session Centre of Excellence Innovative Methods Workstream. (external link)
- Johansson, Kjell Arne (2024). "Priority Setting in Health — An Introduction by Prof. Kjell Arne Johansson (University of Bergen)" - YouTube video and course material. (external link)
- Johansson, Kjell Arne (2024). "Priority Setting in Health — Process, Fairness, and Legitimacy by Prof. Kjell Arne Johansson" - YouTube video and course material. (external link)
- Johansson, Kjell Arne (2024). "Ethical Theories—In Health Priorities by Prof. Kjell Arne Johansson (University of Bergen)" - YouTube video and course material. (external link)
- Johansson, Kjell Arne (2024). "Priority Setting in Health — Principles and Criteria by Prof. Kjell Arne Johansson (Univ. of Bergen)" - YouTube video and course material. (external link)
- Johansson, Kjell Arne (2024). "Distributive & Extended Cost Effectiveness Analyses—DCEA & ECEA by Prof. Kjell Arne Johansson (UiB)" - YouTube video and course material. (external link)
- Johansson, Kjell Arne; Haaland, Øystein Ariansen; Tuladhar, Prasanna et al. (2024). FairChoices DCP Analytics Tool - website. (external link)
- Bagenal, Jessamy; Sandøy, Ingvild Fossgard; Johansson, Kjell Arne (2024). "What now for global health?" - Keynote Lecture and Presentation - Centre of Excellence Equity Impact and Innovative Methods Workstreams. (external link)
- Fadnes, Lars T.; Javadi Arjmand, Elaheh; Økland, Jan-Magnus et al. (2024). Corrigendum to “Life expectancy gains from dietary modifications: a comparative modeling study in 7 countries” [Am J Clin Nutr 120 (2024) 170–177, (S0002916524004544), (10.1016/j.ajcnut.2024.04.028)]. (external link)
- Aas, Christer Frode; Vold, Jørn Henrik; Chalabianloo, Fatemeh et al. (2024). Effect of integrated hepatitis C virus treatment on psychological distress in people with substance use disorders. (external link)
- Chalabianloo, Fatemeh; Fadnes, Lars T.; Johansson, Kjell Arne et al. (2024). Methadone pharmacokinetics in opioid agonist treatment: Influencing factors and clinical implications. (external link)
- Mori, Amani Thomas; Mudenda, Mweetwa; Robberstad, Bjarne et al. (2024). Impact of cash transfer programs on healthcare utilization and catastrophic health expenditures in rural Zambia: a cluster randomized controlled trial. (external link)
- Chaudhary, Prayash; Fadnes, Lars T.; Fosse, Steinar et al. (2024). Universal Health Coverage of Opioid Agonist Treatment in Norway: An Equity-Adjusted Economic Evaluation. (external link)
- Islam, Muhammad Kamrul; Fadnes, Lars Thore; Johansson, Kjell Arne et al. (2024). Medically assisted integrated rehabilitation program for people with opioid dependence: a quasi-experimental evaluation using multi-criteria decision analysis. (external link)
- Fadnes, Lars T.; Javadi Arjmand, Elaheh; Økland, Jan-Magnus et al. (2024). Life expectancy gains from dietary modifications: a comparative modeling study in 7 countries. (external link)
- Fadnes, Lars T.; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Økland, Jan-Magnus et al. (2023). Life expectancy can increase by up to 10 years following sustained shifts towards healthier diets in the United Kingdom. (external link)
- Bolongaita, Sarah Ann; Lee, Yeeun; Johansson, Kjell Arne et al. (2023). Financial hardship associated with catastrophic out-of-pocket spending tied to primary care services in low- and lower-middle-income countries: findings from a modeling study. (external link)
- Maharjan, Jasmine; Pandit, Sagar; Johansson, Kjell Arne et al. (2023). Effectiveness of interventions for emergency care of hypoglycaemia and diabetic ketoacidosis: A systematic review. (external link)
- Vold, Jørn Henrik; Halmøy, Anne; Chalabianloo, Fatemeh et al. (2023). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and their relation to diagnosed ADHD, sociodemographic characteristics, and substance use among patients receiving opioid agonist therapy: a Norwegian cohort study. (external link)
- Lim, Aaron Guanliang; Aas, Christer Frode; Caglar, Ege Su et al. (2023). Cost-effectiveness of integrated treatment for hepatitis C virus (HCV) among people who inject drugs in Norway: An economic evaluation of the INTRO-HCV trial. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
20 latest peer-reviewed publications
At Bergen Center for Ethics and Priority Setting (BCEPS), Kjell Arne Johansson is leading two of the five work packages the center is organized around the next five years; a) priority decision support tools; and b) essential health care package for NCDI in Zanzibar.
- Providing efficient, effective and equitable health care in Ethiopis
This Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded project will involve capacity-building at Ethiopia’s Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH). Entitled Disease Control Priorities-Ethiopia (DCP-E), the project will train Ethiopian researchers and policymakers in health economics, decision sciences and priority setting. The training will enable them to generate an evidence base for designing, developing and implementing essential health services for FMOH, and may be used, in particular, to help revise Ethiopia’s current essential health services package.
Poverty and Equity cKMC
- Community initiated Kangaroo Mother Care for low birth weight infants: a poverty and equity impact evaluation
Embedded in the ongoing main CISMAC trial, which estimates the survival benefits of promoting Kangaroo Mother Care at home (cKMC) to low birth weight (LBW) babies, this study will use the concentration index to estimate whether socioeconomic inequality in neonatal and early infant survival is more pronounced in the intervention or in the control groups. Further, this extension of the trial will estimate the household out-of-pocket expenses for illnesses that may be prevented by cKMC. It will also assess the extent to which out-of-pocket expenses for health care contribute to household impoverishment. Should cKMC prove effective in enhancing equity in child survival and in substantially reducing family expenditures, possibly even preventing catastrophic health expenditures, the findings of this added study could be of critical importance for scaling up Kangaroo Mother Care in India, as well as in other countries where many babies are born with LBW. Together with Sarmila Mazumder, Society for Applied Studies, India, Kjell Arne Johansson is the principal investigator.
- Integrated treatment of hepatitis C virus infection: a randomised controlled trial
This is a randomised controlled trial that estimates the effect of providing integrated hepatitis C treatment to patients with injecting opioid addiction. Those receiving medically assisted rehabilitation (MAR) often have poorer access to health care than the general population, and between 50-70% of all injectiong drug users in Bergen are estimated to be infected with hepatitis C virus. To end the hepatitis C epidemic, finding the best delivery platforms to provide the new and expensive antiviral heaptitis C drugs is crucial. Therefore, this study will provide new knowledge about how to improve patient care, MAR healthcare and to help access more of those in need of hepatitis C treatment. We want to test if integrated treatment is more effective than today's model.