Knut Sigurdson Vikør
Emeriti, History
- Shari'a
- Sufism
- Saharan history
- Islam in Africa
I work on Islamic history, in particular in North and West Africa in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but also with earlier interests. My first area was the history of central Sahara, I later studied the history of Sufi brotherhoods, in particular the Sanusiyya, and have also written on the history of Islamic law. In all these field, the focus has been on the social impact and relevance of these aspects of Islamic practice.
Introduction to the History of the Middle East
Islam and politics
Themes in the history of the Middle East
(all in Norwegian)
Encyclopedia article
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). Rābiḥ b. Faḍlallāh. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2020). Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Karīm Sammān. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2020). Maghreb from 1830. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2020). Majdhūb, Muḥammad. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2020). Muḥammad al-Mukhtār al-Shinqīṭī. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2020). Māʾ al-ʿAynayn. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2020). Idrīsiyya. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2020). Ibrāhīm al-Rashīd. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2019). Al-Fāshir. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2018). Askiyā Muḥammad. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2018). Kawār. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2017). Bourguiba, Habib, Gaddafi, Colonel Muammar al-, Libya, Sanusiyah, Tunisia. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2016). Morocco. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2015). Bornu. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2015). Darb al-Araba'in. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2013). Bilma. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2013). Dandarawiyya. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2011). Chad. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2011). Bagirmi. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2010). Ahmadiyya-Idrisiyya. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2009). Den arabiske våren. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2008). Sanusi, Muhammad ibn Ali al-. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2008). Islam: Sufi orders. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2007). Jihad. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2007). Fatwa. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Sudan. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2005). Kalifatet. (external link)
Non-fiction book
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). The Maghreb Since 1800. A Short History. Second edition. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2012). The Maghreb Since 1800. A Short History. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2011). Maghreb: Nordafrika etter 1800 (2. utg.). (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2007). Maghreb: Nordafrika etter 1800. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2005). Between God and the Sultan: A History of Islamic Law. (external link)
- Bjørnson, Øyvind; Vikør, Knut S.; Steen, Kristel Skorge et al. (1998). Til debatt. Innlegg ved norske historiedagar 1996. (external link)
- Uthaug, Arve Kjell; Vikør, Knut S.; Steen, Kristel Skorge et al. (1998). Til debatt. Innlegg ved norske historiedagar 1996. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S.; Sabour, Mhammed (1997). Ethnic encounter and culture change: Papers from the Third Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies, Joensuu, 1995. (external link)
- Bang, Anne Kathrine; Vikør, Knut S. (1996). The Idri state in Asir 1906-1934. Politics, religion and personal prestige as statebuilding factors in early twentieth-century Arabia. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1996). Sources for Sanusi Studies. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1995). Sufi and Scholar on the Desert Edge. Muhammad b. 'Ali al-Sanusi and his brotherhood. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1993). Ei verd bygd på islam. Oversikt over Midtaustens historie. (external link)
Popular scientific article
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). Islamforsking og historieforsking. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). Umayyadane. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). Sharia. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). Fiqh. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). Abbasidane. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). Ibadiane. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2019). Kronosentrisme. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2019). Libya: Frå Qadhafi til Khalifa Haftar. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2016). Landprofil 2014-2015: Libya. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2015). Boko Harams brutale historie. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2014). Fredelig val i Tunisia. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2013). Kvar går Syria. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2011). Hjartet i den arabiske verda. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2007). 'Den rette praksisen'–Sunnismen i islam. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Fortolking i islamsk lov. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Europeisk lov og islamsk lov. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1998). Algerie: kvifor valden?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1995). Islamsk lov og reform i Afrika. (external link)
Academic article
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). What has Islam got to do with it?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). What is a country? History and the creation of the Maghreb. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). Religious Minorities in Islamic Legal Traditions. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). Jihadismens barn: Historia til Den libyske islamske kampgruppa LIFG. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2020). Ibadism and Law in Historical Contexts. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2018). Er Libya eit land?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2004). The truth about cats and dogs: The historicity of early Islamic law. (external link)
- OFahey, Rex Sean; Vikør, Knut S. (1997). A Zanzibari Waqf of Books: the library of the Mundhiri family. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1996). Shi'ismen - historias lim. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S.; OFahey, Rex Sean (1996). A Zanzibari waqf of books: the library of the Mundhiri family. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1992). The Sanusi Letters: a checklist. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1991). The Man Who Believed in the Mahdi. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1990). Modernitet og tradisjon i islam. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1987). Al-Sanusi and Qadhafi - Continuity of Thought?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1987). Ibn Idris and al-Sanusi - The Teacher and his Student. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). ’There is no sin in it, unless ...’: Legal reform among the Maghreb Ibāḍīs. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2024). Fatwās on Aspects of Modern Life. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut Sigurdson (2022). Pathways and Formations of ‘African Sufism’. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2022). When does a Ṭarīqa Become a Ṭarīqa? The Story of a Break-up. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2022). Legal Authority and Interpretation in Islamic Law. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2020). Sufi Sultanates and Imamates. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2019). Islamisme i Libyas opprør. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2019). The Islamic Tradition: A History. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2019). Islamic Law: The Sources. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2018). Trade and Religion in the Central Sahara: The Ibāḍīs and Kawar. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2018). Tripoli: Hovudstad for landet som braut sammen. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2017). Muslim Subjects and the Rights of God. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2017). What's in a name? The third branch of Islam and its naming. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2016). Libya: The Failures of Success. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2016). Islamic Law in the Modern World: States, Laws and Constitutions. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2015). Sufism and colonialism. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2015). Inscrutable Divinity or Social Welfare? The Basis of Islamic Law. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2014). Religious Revolts in Colonial North Africa. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2014). The Origins of the Sharia. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2014). Shari'a. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2010). Sudan, Somalia and the Maghreb to the end of the First World War. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). The shaykh as mujtahid: A Sufi conception of ijtihād? (El šayḫ en el papel de muǧtahid: ¿una concepción sufí del iǧtihād?). (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2004). Sufism and foreign rule in Africa: politics and piety. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2004). Ahmad b. Idris. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1999). Jihad i Vestafrika: et globalt tema i en regional tilstand. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1998). Politisk islam - fundament eller utvekst?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1997). Sahara Desert. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1996). Muhammad b. Ali al-Sanusi A Fasi graduate in the Central Sahara. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1995). Sanusiyah. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1995). Umar al-Mukthar. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1994). The Sanusiyya Tradition. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1993). Mystics in the Desert: The Sanusiya and the Sahara. (external link)
Book review
- Vikør, Knut S. (2023). Review of Carrying on the Tradition: A Social and Intellectual History of Hadith Transmission across a Thousand Years. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2023). Hilde Henriksen Waage: Spillet om Syria. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2022). Review of : Zachary V. Wright: Realizing Islam: The Tijaniyya in North Africa and the Eighteenth-Century Muslim World. (Chapel Hill 2020). (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2021). Melding av: Cecilie Hellestveit: Ulykkelige Arabia. Verden etter Jemen. (Oslo 2021). (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2021). Review of: Francesco Piraino & Mark Sedgwick (eds.): Global Sufism: Boundaries, Structures and Politics. (London: Hurst & Company, 2019). (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2020). Review of Anver M. Emon & Rumee Ahmed (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Law (Oxford 2018). (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2019). Review of: Ayman S. Ibrahim, The Stated Motivations for the Early Islamic Expansion (622-641). A Critical Revision of Muslims’ Traditional Portrayal of the Arab Raids and Conquests. New York: Peter Lang, 2018. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2019). Review of: Ismail Warscheid, Droit musulman et société au Sahara prémoderne. La justice islamique dans les oasis du Grand Touat (Algérie) aux XVIIe – XIXe siècles. Leiden, Brill 2017.. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2018). Review of: Ousmane Oumar Kane, Beyond Timbuktu. An intellectual history of Muslim West Africa, Cambridge MA, 2016. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2018). Melding av: Bendik Sørvig, Syria: Den tapte revolusjonen. Oslo 2017.. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2017). Review of: Charles C. Stewart, Arabic Literature of Africa. 5: The Writings of Mauritania and the Western Sahara. Leiden, Brill 2016.. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2017). Melding av: Cecilie Hellestveit, Syria: En stor krig i en liten verden. Oslo: Pax 2017. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2017). Review of: David S. Powers, Zayd. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2014. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2016). Melding av: Øystein Sørensen, Bernt Hagtvet, Nik. Brandal (red.), Islamisme. Ideologi og Trussel. Oslo: Dreyer 2016. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2016). Review of: Christian Müller, Der Kadi und seine Zeugen: Studie der mamlukischen Ḥaram-Dokumente aus Jerusalem. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2013. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2015). Melding av: Oddbjørn Leirvik, Islam og kristendom: Konflikt og dialog (Oslo 2014). (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2014). Melding av Hilde Henriksen Waage, "Konflikt og stormaktspolitikk i Midtøsten", Oslo 2013. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2013). Review of: Nigel Green, Sufism: A Global History, Chichester 2012. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2013). Review of: Jan Michiel Otto (ed.), Sharia Incorporated: A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present. Leiden 2010. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2013). Sufism: A Global History. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2012). Review of: Shamil Jeppie, Ebrahim Moosa and Richard Roberts (eds.), Muslim Family Law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonial Legacies and Post-colonial Challenges. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 2010. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2011). Review of Rachel M. Scott, The Challenge of Political Islam: Non-Muslims and the Egyptian State. Stanford 2010. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2011). Review of: Mathieu Tillier, Les cadis d’Iraq et l’état abbasside (132/750–334/945). Damas 2009. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2011). The Islamic judge of Iraq and the Abbasid state (132/750-334/945). (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2011). The challenge of political Islam: non-Muslims and the Egyptian state. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2009). Rebel between Spirit and Law: Ahmad Zarruq, Sainthood and Authority in Islam, av Scott Kugle. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2009). The Trans-Saharan Slave Trade. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2009). L’aventure ibāḍite dans le Sud tunisien (VIIIe–XIIIe siècle). Effervescence d'une région méconnue, av Virginie Prevost. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2008). A history of modern Libya. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2007). Melding av: Alessandra Vianello & Mohamed M. Kassim, eds., Servants of the Sharia: The Civil Register of the Qadis' Court of Brava 1893-1900. Leiden: Brill 2006. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Melding av David Robinson, Muslim Societies in African History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2002). Melding av Youssef M. Choueiri, Arab Nationalism: A history. Oxford 2000. (external link)
Website (informational material)
Academic lecture
- Vikør, Knut S. (2021). New tariqas in the nineteenth century: What was “new” in their activities? The case of the Sanusiya. (external link)
- Pepe, Teresa; Vikør, Knut S.; Abou-Hodeib, Toufoul et al. (2021). Reflections on the 2011 Arab Uprisings from Norway: Ten Years After. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2020). Contemporary Debates on Islamic Law. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut Sigurdson (2019). Matrilineality among the Tuareg. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut Sigurdson (2019). Ibrāhīm Bayyūḍ’s legal opinions. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut Sigurdson (2019). The Ibāḍī nahḍa and the integration into Sunni Algeria. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2019). Libya, Maghreb and the transition to statehood. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2018). Ibrāhīm Bayyūḍ and the Ibāḍī Nahḍa. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2018). Ibadism in Law and Historical Contexts. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2010). Issues of ijtihad in contemporary usul studies. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2008). Forskning på islam i Norge, i internasjonalt perspektiv. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2008). An Islamic enlightenment in the 19th century? Sufism, law and a German debate. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2007). Liberal or conservative? Two Syrian views on “the woman between Shari'a and society". (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2007). Neo-Sufism or anti-madhhabism: How to describe the views of Muhammad b. 'Ali al-Sanusi. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1999). Sufi reform or takfir: Ahmad b. Idris and the Wahhabi debate. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1999). Sufism and social welfare in the Sahara. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1999). Mellom Gud og stat: Shari'a frå dogme til lov. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1999). Mystikk og politikk: Sufismen som revolusjonært potensiale. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1999). "The only madhhab is the Qur'an and Sunna": A nineteenth-century attack on legal method. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1998). The Shari'a and the nation state: who can codify the divine law?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1998). Muhammadan piety and Islamic enlightenment: Survey of a historiographical debate. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1991). A Sanusi treatise on jihad. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Halsnes, Magnus; Vikør, Knut S.; Bang, Anne Katrine (2018). Panelsamtale: Kva er det med Saudi Arabia?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut Sigurdson; Selvik, Kjetil; Halsnes, Magnus (2018). Panelsamtale: KRIG: Hvorfor Midtøsten. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2008). Islamsk lov i moderne stater i Midtøsten. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2007). Politisk islamisme. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2007). The genesis of the Palestine problem and the creation of the State of Israel. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2007). Milits, velferdsorganisasjon og parti: Historia til Hizballah. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Kurdistans historie. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Kulturkonflikt i middelalderen: Kva samfunn var det korstoga møtte i Midtausten?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Folkereligiøsitet i Islam. Kva trur og tenker vanlige sunnier, shiaer og sufier?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Jihad og velferd: Hamas og Hizballah. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Clash of civilizations? Islam i vesten og den nye terrortrusselen. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Eventyret om eventyra: 1001 natts historie. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1998). Politcal language, action and religion. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1998). Islamsk lov: Historia om slavinnas son. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1997). Jihad, ilm and tasawwuf�two justifications of action from the Idrisi tradition. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1997). Islamsk lov i eit ikkje-islamsk samfunn: kva er det?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1996). Sufism and revolt. Tijanis, Sanusis and Safavids. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1995). The New Sufi Brotherhoods of the 19th Century. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1995). The development of ijtihad and Islamic reform, 1750-1850. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1995). An attack on the freedom of interpretation: Hasan al-'Attar's Risala fi 'l-ijtihad. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1993). Muhammad b. Ali al-Sanusi- A Fasi graduate in the Central Sahara. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1992). Jihads in West Africa: A global theme in a regional setting. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1991). The Sanusiya, the Beduin and Sufi identity. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1990). Muhammad b. Ali al-Sanusi and three opponents of ijtihad. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Feature article
- Vikør, Knut S. (2016). Alle mot alle. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2016). Saudisk maktspråk. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2016). Maktkampen mellom sunni- og sjia. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2015). “Islam og kristendom mykje det samme”. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2015). Ikkje akkurat ein stat. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2014). Kan ikkje stoppast med bomber. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2013). Lov og rett i Dubai. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2011). Libya: eit splitta land. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2011). Dei kristne i Midtausten. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2011). Libya etter Gaddafi. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Kva skal reformeras?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Eit pragmatisk parti. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2005). Når blir islamisme til jihad?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2004). Korleis "modernisera" islam?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1999). Review of Eva Evers Rosander and David Westerlund (eds.), African Islam and Islam in Africa: Encounters between Sufis and Islamists, London 1997. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1999). Algerie: veg ut av tunnelen?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1999). Er fatwaer farlige?. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1998). Melding av: Jean-Louis Triaud, "La Légende noire de la Sanûsiyya. Une Confrérie musulmane Saharienne sous le regard français (1840-1930)", Paris 19. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1998). Melding av: Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen, "Defining Islam for the Egyptian State: Muftis and fatwas of the Dar al-Ifta". Leiden 1997. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1998). Review of Samuel Decalo, "Historical Dictionary of Chad" (3rd edn), Lanham, MD 1997. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1997). The 'Islamophile' Italians before Libya. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1997). Melding av: Sidi Amar Ould Ely / Julian Johansen, "Handlist of manuscripts in the Centre de Documentation et de Recheches Historiques Ahmed Baba, Timbuktu", i. London, 1995. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1997). Melding av: Astrid Meier, "Hunger und Herrschaft. Vorkoloniale und frühe kolonale Hungerkrisen im Nordtschad", Stuttgart 1995. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1996). Melding av Lars Erslev Andersen (ed.), Middle East Studies in Denmark,. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1996). Melding av: Muhammad Khalid Masud, "Shatibi's Philosophy of Islamic Law", Islamabad 1995. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1994). Melding av: Robert B. Charlick, Niger: Personal Rule and Survival in the Sahel. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1994). Melding av Albert Hourani, De arabiske folks historie. (external link)
Reader opinion piece
- Haaland, Gunnar; Myrtveit, Aase Cathrine; Vikør, Knut S. (2015). Jødehatets religiøse røtter. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2011). Stoda i Libya. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S (2011). Stoda i Libya. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2007). –Totalt feilslått analyse. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2007). Ein kaotisk stat. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Om 11. september. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Om Israels tilbaketrekking. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Om shi’a og sunni i Irak. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Om avrettinga av Saddam. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Kan ikke knekke Hamas. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Om profetbilda. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2006). Frykter hardere klima for muslimer. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2005). Om folkerøystinga i Algerie. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2005). Intet nytt fra Østfronten. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2005). Om korsfarartida. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2005). Om valga i Irak. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2004). Om muslimar i Europa. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (2004). Om Sharia. (external link)
Popular scientific chapter/article
Masters thesis
- Halsnes, Magnus; Vikør, Knut Sigurdson (2009). Grenser i det grenselause. Opprettinga av Transjordan sine ørkengrenser. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S.; Finne, Kristin (2007). An Islamists Notion of Development? A History of Lebanese Shi'i Development Policies between 1969 and 1992. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S.; Roald, Solfrid (2007). "The way of self-giving" - Biskop Dehqani-Tafti om en iransk kristen identitet. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S.; Reme, Maria Aano (2007). The Frozen Case: Civil rights of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon - perceptions and realities. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S.; Tjosevik, Knut (2007). Utviklingen av det sivile samfunnet i Egypt. Forhold mellom private organisasjoner, internasjonale NGOer og myndighetene i Egypt. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S.; Gentékos, Ruben Andreas (2006). Muslimer i Storbritannia: "The Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006". (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S.; Pedersen, Henrik Bjørge (2006). Fra provins til naboland. Jordans rolle på Vestbredden 1967-1994. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S.; Nedrelid, Erlend (2005). Adamawa-emiratets politiske, økonomiske og handelsmessige posisjon i Sokotoriket - med hovedvekt på perioden 1850-1900. (external link)
Popular scientific book
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Academic monograph
- Vikør, Knut S.; OFahey, Rex Sean; Radtke, Bernd et al. (2000). The Exoteric Ahmad Ibn Idris. A Sufi's Critique of the Madhahib and the Wahhabis: Four Arabic texts with translation and commentary. (external link)
- Vikør, Knut S. (1999). The Oasis of Salt. The History of Kawar, a Saharan Centre of Salt Production. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Sufi and Scholar on the Desert Edge. Muhammad b. 'Ali al-Sanusi and his Brotherhood. London og Evanston 1995
The Oasis of Salt. The History of Kawar, a Saharan Centre of Salt Production. Bergen/London 1999
“Jihad, ‘ilm and tasawwuf - two justifications of action from the Idrisi tradition”, Studia Islamica, xc, 2000, 153-76
“Sufi Brotherhoods in Africa”, i N. Levtzion and R. Pouwels (eds.), The History of Islam in Africa, Athens, OH 2000, 441-76.
Between God and the Sultan: A history of Islamic law. London and New York 2005.
“The shaykh as mujtahid: A Sufi conception of ijtihad?” in A. Carmona (ed.), El Sufismo y las normas del Islam, Murcia 2006, 129-56 og 351-75.
The Maghreb since 1800: A Short History. London 2012
- The conception of ijtihad (legal formulation) in debates over method in the 18th and 19th centuries
- ”The Shari’a in the modern world: Faith, norms and state power”.