Kristin Strømsnes





Kristin Strømsnes is a Professor and Deputy Head of Department at the Department of Comparative Politics. Her most important research interests are political participation and mobilization, voluntary organizations and social capital, environmentalism, as well as Sámi citizenship. Currently she serves as the Director of Research at the department. She has authored or co-authored/co-edited 8 books and around 50 journal articles and book chapters. In 2012-2015 and 2019-2021 she was coordinator of the CORE Research group (Citizens, Opinion, Representation, and Elections), which achieved the highest score and was rated Excellent in the evaluation of the social sciences in Norway in 2018. The group was also rewarded network funds from the Norwegian Research Council for the period 2020-2024. Among the groups' activities are the CORE Lecture Series and the Rokkan Symposium 

Kristin Strømsnes is currently teaching courses in Political Mobilization at the Bachelor level (sampol107) and is responsible for for the Master’s seminar in Comparative Politics (sampol306). For eight years Strømsnes was director of the PhD program at the Department of Comparative Politics (2013-2021), and she has also served as faculty at the PhD-seminar arranged by the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR, 2022) and been a part of the Arctur Online Mentoring Programme (2021-2022). 

During the 2018-19 academic year, Kristin Strømsnes was a Visiting Democracy Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, Ash center for Democratic Governance and Innovation. She has also had shorter research stays at Uppsala University, Aalborg University and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Kristin Strømsnes has held a full-time position at the University of Bergen since 2008. In addition, she has long experience from various research institutes (LOS Centre, Stein Rokkan Centre, Uni Research, Norce).

Strømsnes is a co-founder of the Centre for Research on Civil Society and Voluntary Sector in cooperation with the Institute for Social Research in Oslo, and she headed the Bergen branch of the center during the first five years (2008-2013). She was involved in the establishment of the Citizen Panel in Bergen and has been a member of the scientific committee of Panel of Elected Representatives. She was also one of the research leaders in the proposed Visions of the Arctic Centre of Excellence, and she is part of the research project Indigenous people and governance in the Arctic. In 2023 she was a member of the programme committee for the annual SDG Conferense in Bergen, and she has also been a member of the Management Committee for the European Non-Territorial Autonomy Network (ENTAN, 2019-2023).

In 2013, Strømsnes was the leader of the Women’s suffrage centenary at the University of Bergen, and she has also led the gender equality committee (2021) and the womens network (2022-2023) at the Department of Comparative Politics. She was the 1st deputy to the Board at the Faculty of Social Sciences for two periods (2013-2021), and is currently a representative on the Department Council at the Department of Comparative Politics, a representative for the local branch of The Norwegian Association of Researchers in Bergen, member of the Stein Rokkan Prize jury, and deputy representative to the board of the Norwegian University Center in Paris.



Masters seminar in comparartive politics (Sampol306) - course director (fall).

Politisk mobilisering (Sampol107) - course director (spring).


Former teaching responsibillities:

Masterseminar i samanliknande politikk (Sampol306) (2020-)

Masteroppgaven (Sampol350) (2019-2021)

Politisk mobilisering (Sampol107) (2014-)

Arctic Politics (Sampol371) (2022) 

Politisk engasjement: Praktisk, empirisk forsking (Sampol324) (2017-2020)

Bacheloroppgave i sammenliknende politikk (Sampol260) (2016)

Politisk engasjement: Endringer og utfordringer (Sampol324) (2015-2016)

Samfunnsvitenskapelig metode (Met102) (2008-2014)

Changes and Challenges in Political Engagement (Sampol341) (2013)

Velferd og demokrati: Sametinget og den nye samiske offentligheten (Sampol345) (2012)

Velferd og demokrati: Sivilsamfunnets rolle (Sampol322) (2009-2010)

Rettigheter og representasjon i den skandinaviske velferdsmodellen (Sampol322) (2008)

Prosjektarbeid (Sampol303) (2006)

Forprøven i samfunnsvitenskapelig metode (Mesaf) (1993-1996)


Single lectures:

"Norsk og skandinavisk frivillighet i et internasjonalt perspektiv" - Politikk, styring og endring i helse- og velferdssektoren (SA6-409), Politikk, styring og endring i utdanningssektoren (SA6-410), Politikk, styring og endring i offentlig sektor (SA6-411)

"Politikk i Norden" - Examen facultatum: Innføring i sammenliknende politikk (Sampol100)

"Alternative forms of civil society participation" - Political Mobilization: Social Movements, Organizations and Political Parties (Sampol212)

"Social Capital in Scandinavia", "Ethnic minorities", "Social capital and gender equality" - Scandinavian Politics and Government (Sampol120)

"Sosial kapital og regional utvikling" - Region og regionalisering (GEO327)

"Universelt demokrati: Likestilling" - Stats- og nasjonsbygging: Institusjoner og aktører (Sampol110)


PhD-disertations supervised:

Diaspora Mobilization for Justice During Conflict. The Case of Syria - Espen Ringkjøb Stokke, 2021

Consistent Citizens? Exploring and Explaining Mechanisms of Opinion Change - Åsta Dyrnes Nordø, 2019

Creating Democratic Citizens? An analysis of Mock Elections as Political Education in School - Julie Ane Ødegaard Borge, 2016

Climate Change: Challenging democracies, challenging parties - Sondre Båtstrand, 2015

Non-governmental participation within authoritarian constraints. Twenty years of organizational growth and institutional development around AIDS in China - Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr, 2015


PhD-coordinator (2014-2021)


Master-theses supervised:

Maktfordeling og beslutningsprosesser i flernivåstyringssystem. En analyse av kommunesammenslåingsprosessen mellom Ballangen, Hamarøy, Narvik og Tysfjord - Kristine Amalie Fagerli Torbergsen, 2024

Between local needs and geopolitics in Longyearbyen: how a unique political context affects adaptation to climate change and increased tourism - Erlend Bjerke Otterå, 2023

Makt og innflytelse eller resultat av symbolpolitikk? En studie av kommunale ungdomsråd og deres følelse av innflytelse - Benjamin Jakobsen, 2022

The Norwegian labour market, a gender equality paradox? A qualitative case study of Norway from the 1970s until today - Kaja Eriksrød, 2021

Bompengeopprøret i Rogaland. Hets, truslar og bompengar - Agnes Hoshovde Bernes, 2020

Skandalepolitikk og medienes rolle. En emnemodellering av mediedekningen av metoo-kampanjen - Vilde Smedsvik, 2020

Climate and Conflict: A logistic multilevel analysis of the relationship between climate variability and violent conflict - Ola Nestvold Grendal, 2020

Kjønnsperspektiv i norsk asylforvaltning. En casestudie av UDIs tolkning av kjønnsperspektivet i asylvurderingen - Lena Aastrøm, 2019

Mange politiske mål på få mål jord – ein analyse av partipolitikkens rolle i forvaltninga av norske jordressursar - Lina Hamre, 2017

Bosetting av flyktninger: Kommunene i et krysspress? - Hege Gotteberg Eide, 2017

Changing narratives? An analysis of the Effects of the European Debt Crisis on the European Integration Narratives of the SPD and the CDU/CSU - Marte Utgård Malones, 2016

Miljøpartiet de Grønne på Stortinget: En studie av et partipolitisk gjennomslag - Bjørn Siem Knudsen, 2016

"Balansekunstnerne" - Utforskende casestudie av ideologiske tankesmier i Norge - Maria Dyrhol Sandvik, 2015

Veien til økt kvalitet. Internasjonalisering av norsk høyere utdanning - Belinda Gloppen Helle, 2015

Motiv for fiskeribistand. En kvalitativ analyse av to norske bistandsprosjekt til fiskerisektoren - Amalie Statland Fantoft, 2015

Hva skyldes forskjellene? – En vekstkurveanalyse av politisk representasjon av kvinner i 20 demokratier over tidsperioden 1970-2013 - John Martin Roaldset, 2014

To sider av same sak. Ein kvantitativ casestudie av kommunesamanslåingar og politisk legitimitet - Marius Myklebust, 2013

Det regionale nivåets framtid. En komparativ studie av holdninger til forvaltningsordningen blant fylkestingspolitikere på Vestlandet - Torben Tøsse Blindheim, 2013

The Development of Political trust. A multilevel analysis of cross-curtain differences in State-citizen relationships - Fredrik Herdlevær Sagafos, 2011

The Norwegian Voluntary Sector in Change. The Impact of Changes in Organizational Type, Structure, and Membership on Local Voluntary Associations' Political Involvement - Karoline Garshol, 2011

Explaining Compliance: What makes the polluter turn green? An event history analysis of member state compliance with the Montreal Protocol - Åsta Dyrnes Nordø, 2010

Norske nasjonale ekspertar – ein kanal for innverknad eller gratis arbeidskraft til Brussel? - Marte Nes, 2009 

”Om ikke akkurat grasrot, så nesten litt” Miljøverndepartementets bruk av ’sivilsamfunnsinitiativer’ som virkemidler for økt folkelig miljøengasjement - Ingrid Sælensminde, 2008

Sivilsamfunns demokratiske rolle. Er Norge og Danmark så ulike? - Marit Jacobsen, 2007

Grøn politisk ideologi og den norske miljøvernrørsla - Heidi Kristin Reppen, 1998



See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Most recent book: 

Civic Engagement in Scandinavia. Volunteering, Informal Help and Giving in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. (Henriksen, Strømsnes & Svedberg (Eds.), Springer 2019)

About Civic Engagement in Scandinavia:

  • "Civic Engagement in Scandinavia offers a solid, data-driven, fascinating, and valuable discussion of the commonly applied theories of volunteering and civic engagement by emphasizing the need to contextualize our knowledge." Liv Egholm in Acta Sociologica.
  • "To those with a keen interest in the interaction between voluntarism and social democratic governance, this is essential reading." Lawrence Cumming in Voluntas. 




Protesting Controversial Climate Policies: Avenues of Opposition, 2025-2028, The Research Council of Norway

Network-CORE, 2020-2024, The Research Council of Norway

Sametingsvalgundersøkelsen 2021, 2021-2025, The Sami Parliament

Centre for research on civil society and voluntary sector, 2020-2025, Ministry of Culture