Academic article
Blichner, Lars Christian (2015). Epistemic dependence and the EU seal ban debate. (external link)
Blichner, Lars Christian (2011). Juridification from below: the dynamics of MacCormick's institutional theory of law. (external link)
Blichner, Lars Chr (2008). Fem mulige grunner til å akseptere EØS-avtalen. (external link)
Molander, Anders; Blichner, Lars (2008). Mapping Juridification. (external link)
Molander, Anders; Blichner, Lars (2006). Maktutredningens rettsliggjøringsbegrep. (external link)
Blichner, Lars Christian; Molander, Anders (2006). "Maktutredningens rettsliggjøringsbegrep". (external link)
Molander, Anders; Blichner, Lars (2005). What is juridification?. (external link)
Blichner, Lars Chr; Sangolt, Linda (1994). The Concept of Subsidiarity and the Debate on European Cooperation: Pitfalls and Possibilities. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic lecture
Thesis at a second degree level
Popular scientific lecture
Doctoral dissertation
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.