Lilya Budaghyan





Prof. Lilya Budaghyan is the leader of Boolean functions research team at the Selmer Center of the University of Bergen.

Her main research interests are in the field of Boolean functions and their applications.

She obtained her PhD degree from the University of Magdeburg (Germany, 2005) and habilitation degree from the University of Paris VIII (France, 2013).

She is the author of the book "Construction and Analysis of Cryptographic Functions", and has been awarded a few prestigious fellowships and awards among which are TMS starting grant award (2016), “Young Research Talent Grant” from Norwegian Research Council (2014), postdoctoral fellowship award from Foundation of Mathematical Sciences of Paris (2012) and Emil Artin Junior Prize in Mathematics (2011). Since 2019 she is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences.

Since 2007 she has been with the University of Bergen (Norway), and as head of the Selmer Center during 2017-2024. Previously, she also conducted her research at the Yerevan State University (Armenia, 1998-2003), University of Magdeburg (Germany, 2003-2005), University of Trento (Italy, 2005-2007), Telecom ParisTech (2011), Universities of Paris VIII and Paris XIII (2012-2013).

Academic article
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lecture
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic monograph
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

  • BoolTI: Cryptographic Boolean Functions for Threshold Implementations (10.5 MNOK), 2021-2025 (Principal Investigator: Lilya Budaghyan; other key members: Claude Carlet, George Petrides and Vincent Rijmen)
  • Project of Russia Program at Norwegian Center for International Cooperation in Education “Development of a new joint educational program in Information Security and Cryptography at the UiB and Novosibirsk State University” with N.Tokareva for period 02.2019 - 02.2021 (0.3M NOK).
  • Eurasia 2017 Project Development Funding Grant for “Development of Education in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in Armenia” with Yu.Movsisyan and G.Khachatrian for period 10.2017 - 12.2017 (50K NOK).
  • Trond Mohn Foundation Recruitment Program Grant for “Optimal Boolean Functions” project for period 05.2017 - 04.2021 (23.5M NOK).
  • "Young research talent grant" from Norwegian Research Council for “Discrete Functions and There Applications in Cryptography and Mathematics” for period 09.2014 - 09.2018 (7 M NOK)