Liv Johanne Syltevik





Family practices and relations, lone motherhood, street level buraucracy, digitalization and the development of the Norwegian welfare state.

Academic article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic lecture
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Popular scientific article
Feature article
Popular scientific lecture
Book review
Masters thesis
Thesis at a second degree level
Non-fiction book
Doctoral dissertation

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Lundberg, K.G og Liv Johanne Syltevik (2024) Welfare stigma in a social democratic welfare regime during a decade of national public debate: Production, contestation and continuities. European Societies.

Lorentzen, Thomas og Syltevik, Liv Johanne (2023) 'If Unpartnered at the Birth of a Child, How Would You Fare? A Life-Course Perspective on Contemporary Single Motherhood' Community, Work & Family. DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2023.2207719

Hansen, Hans-Tore, Lundberg, Kjetil G. og Syltevik, Liv Johanne (2018): Digitalization, Street-Level Bureaucracy and Welfare Users’s Experiences. Social Policy & Administration, early view online publication. DOI: 10.1111/spol.12283.

Syltevik, Liv Johanne (2017): A sociological perspective on changes in family in Norway. I: Tilden, Terje and Wampold, Bruce (red.):  Routine Outcome Monitoring in Couple and Family Theraphy. The Empirically Informed Therapist.  Springer.

Lundberg, Kjetil G. og Syltevik, Liv Johanne (2016): Everyday interaction at the front-line- the case of the Norwegian all-in- one bureaucray, Journal of Organizational Ethnography,  5 (2):152-166.

Syltevik, Liv Johanne (2015): Paid and Unpaid Work in the Norwegian Welfare State – The Case of the Lone mother Allowance. Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, 17 (1): 5-18.

Syltevik, Liv Johanne (2014) Cohabitation from illegal to institutionalized practice: the case of Norway 1972-2010. The History of the Family. Published online 10 october 2014 DOI: 10-1080/1081602X.2014.963639

Syltevik, Liv Johanne (2010) Sense and sensibility. Cohabitation in 'cohabitation-land'. The Sociological Review 58 (3): 444-462.

Syltevik, Liv Johanne (2007) Taking control of one’s own life? Norwegian lone mothers experiencing the new employment strategy. Community, work & Family 9 (1):75-94.

Syltevik, Liv Johanne (2003) "Norway: Creating a work/welfare divide. Lone parents experiencing the new employment strategy", pp 65-86 in Millar, Jane (ed): Lone parents and employment: International comparisons of what works. London: Centre for the Analysis of Social Policy.