Lotta Schultz


PhD Candidate, PPF-Alpine Worldwide


Research groups


I am an ecologist with great research interests in global change ecology, biogeography and conservation biology. I am particularly interested in large-scale patterns of biodiversity and how they are affected by environmental change.

In January 2023, I joined the PPF-Alpine project (Past, Present and Future of Alpine Biomes Worldwide), funded by Trond Mohn Stiftelse and the Department of Biological Science at UiB. Our cross-disciplinary group investigates how past geological and biogeographical processes shaped present-day alpine biomes and their diversity. We thereby aim to gain insights for the fate of alpine biodiversity under future climate change. My role in our project is to analyse global patterns of alpine diversity and the legacy effects of the drivers that determine them.

See here our website for more information on the project and the team:

