Magnus Svendsen Nerheim


Senior Adviser, Project- and programme leader UiB learning lab


Research groups


Project Manager DigUiB/UiB Learning lab

(Digital) Tools and Services (for learning) (2018-2021)

Aiming to develop, implement and utilize EdTech at UiB. A long term goal is to bridge the gap between digital tools and good pedagogical practice, acting as an innovator together with teachers, students, administration and technical staff.

Some highlights: 

Digital Assessment (2016-2018)

Provide Digital Assessment for current, in development and future summative and formative assessment forms. Developing a Digital Assessment ecosystem. Digitalize relevant academic and administrative procedures related to examinations and assessment, a prerequisite to which is the establishment of best practices for digital support at all levels, before, during and after examination and assessment. The project's achivements were highlighted at the Gartner Symposium IT-Expo in 2018 by Jan-Martin Lowendahl (Gartner VP) as being an example to follow for how implementation of digital solutions can be done successfully in Higher education. 

Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age (TALIDA) (2016-2019)

Develop and implement a redesigning strategy for 20+ courses (34) with focus on constructive alignment for teaching and learning, and utilization of digital tools where pedagogically sound. Collaboration with University Pedagog Robert Grey. Experiences and achivements being taken further in the ongoing development in UiB Learning lab, project Learning design.



  • Utilizing digital tools for teaching and learning
  • Course and program (re)design for learning
  • Digital assessment/examination
  • Educational development
  • New forms of assessment 
  • LMS - MittUiB (Canvas)
  • Inspera Assessment
  • Project management
Academic lecture
Academic article
Popular scientific lecture

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.