Marte E. S. Haaland


Postdoctoral Fellow



Marte E. S. Haaland is a medical anthropologist working with maternal health and sexual and reproductive health and rights.  She has research experience from Norway as well as from sub-Saharan Africa.

In Norway, Haaland has led a commissioned study on women's experiences with abortion boards for second trimester abortions. She has also examined  maternal health care for immigrants with a special focus on antenatal care, addressing an existing health equity gap.

In her Phd-research, she explored the politics of abortion in Zambia with a special interest in abortion policies as an element of reproductive governance. 

Haaland has extensive experience in research administration. She has served as administrative coordinator for the Centre for Intervention Science in Maternal and Child health (CISMAC).

Member of The Young Academy of Norway (2023-2027)

Report on Women's experiences with abortion boards can be accessed here.


Vi må verne om det norske helsevesenet - Bergens Tidende 27.9.2019

Kvinnekroppen som forhandlingskort - Bergens Tidende 8.3.2019

When abortions become public - a case from rural Zambia - Presentation at anniverisy seminar for Centre for International Health 10.12.2018

Mange millioner jenter blir uønsket gravide - Bergens Tidene 02.12.2018

Kvinnekropper i politisk spill, igjen (Female bodies in politics, again) - guest blogpost at, October 31, 2018

Law, politics and adolescent sexual and reproductive health: evidence of impact - panelist in panel during Bergen Exchanges 21.8.2018

La oss snakke litt om abort (Let's talk about abortion) - guest blogpost at, June 14, 2018



Culture and health, medical anthropology, qualitative research methods, sexual and reporductive health and rights, ethnography

Academic article
Feature article
Academic lecture
Popular scientific lecture
Doctoral dissertation
Book review
Masters thesis

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


SAFEZT - Competing discourses impacting girls’ and women’s rights: Fertility control and safe abortion in Ethiopia, Zambia and Tanzania

CISMAC - Centre for Intervention Science in Maternal and Child Health

Women’s experiences with abortion boards in Norway (WAB)