Marthe Sleire Engedahl


PhD Candidate



The topic of my doctoral project is military assistance in armed conflict. More specifically, I look at which legal obligations a state providing military assistance has in relation to the actions of aparty receiving the military assistance. For example: What obligations does Norway have in connection with Ukraine's use of weapons received from Norway? What obligations does Norway have when it comes to the actions of Iraqi soldiers who receive advice from the Norwegian Armed Forces? I look at duties arising from international law, including international humanitarian law (law of armed conflict), international human rights law, rules on state complicity and arms trade treaties.

In addition to the law of armed conflict, my interests include human rights law in general, children's rights, immigration and refugee law and criminal law.

I am a member of the research group for the rule of law and legal theory, and am affiliated with the Center on Law & Social Transformation.


University of Bergen:


University of Oslo: 


University of Tromsø:
