Monica Patrascu
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research groups
Monica Patrascu, Eng, received a PhD in Systems Engineering and a MSc in Intelligent Systems from University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania. They are the coordinator of the Complex Systems Laboratory (xLab) at University Politehnica of Bucharest, working with complex and intelligent systems, a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Elderly and Nursing Home Medicine (SEFAS) at University of Bergen, Norway, working with modeling complex biosystems and, as part of Neuro-SysMed, developing digital biomarkers for symptom tracking in real-world everyday life for older adults, persons with dementia including the end of life, and Parkinson’s disease.
Dr. Patrascu's main contributions are in the fields of intelligent systems and control engineering, particularly in evolutionary computing, fuzzy controllers and intelligent agents & multi-agent systems with applications in a wide variety of domains. Starting with the educational years, they have specialized in research that is at the intersection between intelligent systems and control engineering. This multi-disciplinary area is well rooted under the larger umbrella of systems engineering, requiring out-of-the-box thinking when it comes to combining the inherent heuristics of artificial intelligence with the rigorous requirements of control and systems theory, especially when dealing with real world applications. In this regard, one of the most interesting challenges they had to face has been to transfer knowledge between areas of research, in the face of heterogenous terminology when dealing with inter-and cross-disciplinary research. In medical research, Dr. Patrascu is applying techniques derived from systems dynamics and artificial intelligence in the advanced signal processing of sensor data and to model nonlinear and biological processes associated with the human body and complex chronic conditions.
Invited talks and presentations
2024 Invited talk, CC.AGE Project Structure, CC.AGE Opening, University of Bergen Aula, Bergen, Norway
2024 Invited talk, Can We Turn the Machines Off? (as Ava Kelly), Glasgow 2024: A Worldcon for Our Futures, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
2024 Invited talk, Digital Necromancy: Ethical Implications of Virtual Life after Death (as Ava Kelly / Monica Patrascu), Digital Afterlives Session, Academic Track, Glasgow 2024: A Worldcon for Our Futures, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
2024 Invited talk, Learning from COVID - an International Perspective (as Ava Kelly), Glasgow 2024: A Worldcon for Our Futures, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
2024 Invited talk, Engineering Solutions to People Problems (as Ava Kelly), Glasgow 2024: A Worldcon for Our Futures, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
2024 Invited talk, Exciting Possibilities of Trustworthy AI (as Ava Kelly), Gen Con Writers' Symposium 2024, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
2024 Invited talk, Queer Characters of Nonbinary Flavor: The Battle of the Pronouns (as Ava Kelly), Gen Con Writers' Symposium 2024, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
2024 Invited talk, Ask an AI Scientist (as Ava Kelly), Gen Con Writers' Symposium 2024, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
2024 Invited lecture/workshop, Romanian Folklore: How to Write in Threes (as Ava Kelly), Gen Con Writers' Symposium 2024, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
2024 Invited talk, Ageism in SFF: Broadening the Ages of Protagonists (as Ava Kelly), Gen Con Writers' Symposium 2024, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
2024 Presentation, Circadian Rhythm Stability Analysis from Actigraphy Data in Persons with Dementia, ECC 2024: European Control Conference, Stockholm, Sweden
2024 Invited talk, Older Heroes and Protagonists (as Ava Kelly), 2024 SFWA Nebula Conference, Anaheim, Canada
2024 Invited lecture/workshop, The Feminism of Old Folklore (as Ava Kelly), Feminist Storytelling, Litteraturhuset, Bergen, Norway
2024 Invited talk, A dynamic systems approach to digital phenotyping in dementia and Parkinson’s disease, Neuro-SysMed Junior Symposium, Bergen, Norway
2024 Invited talk, CC.AGE: Complex Conditions and Ageing, Neuro-SysMed Seminar, Bergen, Norway
2023 Invited talk, Pandemi Frokost, Alrek Healthcare Cluster,Bergen, Norway, "How can we use knowledge-based artificial intelligence to model infodemics?"
2023 Invited talk, Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics, Vest Norge, Bergen, Norway, "AI in healthcare: the ethical perspective"
2023 Invited talk, Yale University, New Haven, Conneticutt, USA, "Digital phenotyping in dementia and Parkinson's disease"
2023 Invited talk, MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, "Digital phenotyping in dementia and Parkinson's disease"
2023 Invited talk, Harvard McLean Hospital, Boston,Massachusetts, USA, "Digital phenotyping in dementia and Parkinson's disease"
2023 Presentation, Long-Term Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Society, Bergen, Norway, "Can Predictive Agent-Based Models Offer a Glimpse into the Long-Term Pandemic-Infodemic Co-evolution?"
2023 Invited lecture, Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, "AI in Healthcare"
2023 Invited talk, SFWA Nebula Conference, Anaheim, Canada, Panel on "Writing a Moving Target: AI for the Bewildered" (as A. Kelly)
2023 Invited talk, Seminar in Engineering Computing, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway, "Position control with evolutionary learning for wheeled vehicles"
2022 Invited talk, UiB AI Seminar #4 Examples of Medical AI, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, "AI in Dementia Research"
2022 Invited talk, Logic & AI Seminar, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, "How we made a crowd with a brain - creating behaviors at MAS system level by specifying only local agent behaviors"
2022 Invited talk, Indo-Norway Webinar on Digital Ethics: Ethical Issues of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, "Developing Accountable and Sustainable AI Systems"
2021 Presentation, CDC 2021: Conference on Decision and Control, Austin, Texas, USA, "Robust Position Control for High Slip Risk TricycleRobots with Real-coded Genetic Algorithms"
2021 Invited talk, InnoRes: Innovation Seminar at IGS, University of Bergen, Norway, "Ageing-in-the-loop"
2021 Presentation, ECC 2021: European Control Conference, Delft, Netherlands, "Design of Stabilizing Predictor-based Controller for Closed Loop Traffic Control with Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms"
2011 Presentation, ICAPAI 2021: International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence, Halden, Norway, "Smith Predictor Approximation for Industrial Control Applications with Genetic Algorithms"
2019 Invited Talk, FNSSPRI 2019, Forum on Smart State, Romanian Senate, Bucharest, Romania, The Future of (Smart) Work Panel, "Smart Intelligence sau Inteligenta Desteapta"
2018 Presentation, 17th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, "Plug-and-play Self-configuration and Integration in Swarm Robotics"
2017 Presentation, 16th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, Targu Mures, Romania, "Encoder-based Path Tracking with Adaptive Cascaded Control for a Three Omni-wheel Robot"
2017 Presentation, EAIS 2017: IEEE Conf. on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems, Ljubljana, Slovenia, "An Immune Evolution Mechanism for the Study of Stress Factors in Supervised and Controlled Systems"
2017 Presentation, ITST 2017: 15th International Conference on ITS Telecomunications, Warsaw, Poland, "Route Encoding in Evolutionary Control Systems for Emergency Vehicles"
2016 Presentation, EUROSIM 2016: 9th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Oulu, Finland, "Controlling Emergency Vehicles in Urban Traffic with Genetic Algorithms"
2014 Presentation, ICSTCC 2014: 18th Intl. Conf. on Systems Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, Romania, "Emergent Intelligence in Agents: a Scalable Architecture for Smart Cities"
2014 Presentation, ICSTCC 2014: 18th Intl. Conf. on Systems Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, Romania, "Real Time Agent Based Simulation for Smart City Emergency Protocols"
2012 Presentation, UNITE 2nd Doctoral Symposium, Sofia, Bulgaria, "Service Orientation for Intelligent Building Management: an IoT and IoS Perspective"
2011 Presentation, 2012 UKACC International Conference on Control, Cardiff, UK, "Hybrid Geno-Fuzzy Controller For Seismic Vibration Control"
2009 Presentation, 17th Intl. Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, "Fuzzy control strategies for magnetorheological dampers"
Awards and recognition of research and professional activities
2022 Session chair, EUMAS 2022: 19th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, Dusseldorf, Germany
2021 Session chair, MoA17 Control Applications I, CDC 2021: Conference on Decision and Control, Austin, Texas, USA
2021 Session chair, WeA01 Transportation and Traffic Control, ECC 2021: European Control Conference, Delft, Netherlands
2020 Five-Year Merit Award for professional excellence at the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania (UPB)
2017 Award for Research Results (scientific articles) offered by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
2017 Elevation to the grade of IEEE Senior Member
2015 Five-Year Merit Award for professional excellence at the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania (UPB)
2015 Two Awards for Research Results (scientific articles) offered by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
2011 Session co-chair, ThC09 Evolutionary Algorithms, IFAC 2011: 18th World Congress, Milano, Italy
2007 Award, 3rd place at the Student Scientific Communications Session, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania (UPB)
2006 Award, 1st place at the Student Scientific Communications Session, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania (UPB)
Outreach, organisation and management
2018-2019 Coordinator of the Workshop series "InGear for the Future" (Complex Systems Laboratory, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania) bringing together alumni and students for professional advice and guidance.
2016-2021 Development and organization of a master program in Complex Systems (in English) at the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania (UPB).
2012-2021 Coordinator of two education awareness advertising campaigns at the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, for bachelor and master studies, which include conceptual planning, live presentations, graphics and other materials (posters, banners, brochures, flyers); the campaigns are ongoing and have been designed to popularize the field of Systems Engineering among students.
2012-2021 Implementing department and faculty recognition through branding techniques (posters, flyers, photoshoots, brochures, business cards, tags and personalized department paraphernalia, book covers).
2008-2015 Organization/committee member for various conferences and workshops: CSCS-20 (20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science), CSCS-19, IWoCPS (International Workshop on Cyber Physical Systems), IFAC Workshop SWIIS (Supplementary Ways for Improving International Stability), CSCS-17, IESS 1.6 (International Conference on Exploring Service Science).
Supervision: 9 PhD candidates (3 finalized), 21 Master students, 39 Bachelor dissertations
Lectures (bachelor and master): Artificial Intelligence, Control Systems Engineering, Complex Systems Automation, Introduction to Complex Systems (in English), Control Systems in Robotics.
Individualized Lectures (doctoral studies): Self-organizing systems, Multi-agent systems, Complex Systems.
Laboratory Practice and Seminars: Control Systems Engineering, Complex Systems Automation, Control Systems in Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, Intelligent Control Systems, Basics of Automated Systems.
Founder of the Master Program in Complex Systems, University Politehnica of Bucharest (in English); Administrator and Member of the Research Advisory Committees.
Institutional Responsibilities (selected): Member of Research Advisory Committees for Doctoral Studies, Graduate Student Advisor (Masters dissertation) and Member of the Master Dissertation Examination Committee; Member of the Bachelor Thesis Examination Committee; Undergraduate Student Advisor (Bachelor dissertation); Laboratory manager (LIRA); Coordinator of summer practice stages for 3rd years.
- Berceanu, Cristian; Patrascu, Monica (2024). Correction to: Engineering Emergence: A Survey on Control in the World of Complex Networks (Automation, (2022), 3, 1, (176-196), 10.3390/automation3010009). (external link)
- Berge, Line Iden; tone elise gjøtterud, henriksen; Fæø, Stein Erik et al. (2024). Kronoterapi ved adferdsmessige og psykiatriske symptomer ved demens: Fra innovasjonsprosjektet BrighterAge til forskningsprosjektet DARK.DEM. (external link)
- Berge, Line Iden; Skagen, Sunniva Vibe; Casadei, Valentina et al. (2024). Teknologibua:Fremtidens besteforeldre. . (external link)
- Vislapuu, Maarja; Patrascu, Monica; Allore, Heather et al. (2024). Feedback System Analysis of a Multicomponent Intervention on Dyads of Home-Dwelling Persons With Dementia and Their Caregivers: Results From the LIVE@ Home.Path Trial. (external link)
- Førsund, Elise; Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos; Fæø, Stein Erik et al. (2024). Exploring active ageing in a community-based living environment: an ethnographic study in the Western Norway context. (external link)
- Collins, Jemima T.; Walsh, David A.; Gladman, John R. F. et al. (2024). The Difficulties of Managing Pain in People Living with Frailty: The Potential for Digital Phenotyping. (external link)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin Norheim Myhre; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Selbæk, Geir et al. (2024). Oral symptoms in dying nursing home patients. Results from the prospective REDIC study. (external link)
- Berceanu, Cristian; Banu, Ionut; Husebø, Bettina S. et al. (2023). Crowd Simulation with Deliberative-Reactive Agents. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2023). Digital phenotyping in dementia and Parkinson's disease. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2023). Position control with evolutionary learning for wheeled vehicles. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Reithe, Haakon; Marty, Brice Sylvain Daniel et al. (2023). Tremor Detection with Wavelets from Acceleration Measurements in Parkinson's Disease. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2023). AI in Healthcare. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2023). Digital phenotyping in dementia and Parkinson's disease. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2023). AI in healthcare: the ethical perspective. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2023). How can we use knowledge-based artificial intelligence to model infodemics?. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2023). Writing a Moving Target: AI for the Bewildered (as Ava Kelly). (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2023). Digital phenotyping in dementia and Parkinson's disease. (external link)
- Berceanu, Cristian; Arshad, Nadia; Patrascu, Monica (2023). Contagion Propagation with Rule-Based Reasoning and Decentralized Control in an Agent-Based Susceptible-Infected-Recovered-Susceptible Infodemic Model. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Constantinescu, Vlad (2023). Stability Analysis for Single-Lane Traffic with a Relay Controller in a Closed Loop. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2022). AI in Dementia Research. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2022). Developing Accountable and Sustainable AI Systems. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2022). How we made a crowd with a brain - creating behaviors at MAS system level by specifying only local agent behaviors. (external link)
- Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Vislapuu, Maarja; Cyndecka, Malgorzata Agnieszka et al. (2022). Understanding pain and agitation through system analysis algorithms in people with dementia. A novel explorative approach by the DIGI.PAIN study. (external link)
- Berceanu, Cristian; Banu, Ionut; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska et al. (2022). Predictive Agent-Based Crowd Model Design Using Decentralized Control Systems. (external link)
- Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Allore, Heather G. et al. (2022). Digital phenotyping by wearable-driven artificial intelligence in older adults and people with Parkinson's disease: Protocol of the mixed method, cyclic ActiveAgeing study. (external link)
- Berceanu, Cristian; Patrascu, Monica (2022). Initial Conditions Sensitivity Analysis of a Two-Species Butterfly-Effect Agent-Based Model. (external link)
- Berceanu, Cristian; Patrascu, Monica (2022). Engineering Emergence: A Survey on Control in the World of Complex Networks. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2021). Ageing-in-the-loop. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2021). Smith Predictor Approximation for Industrial Control Applications with Genetic Algorithms. (external link)
- Viscotel, Anca Laura; Patrascu, Monica (2021). Design of Stabilizing Predictor-based Controller for Closed Loop Traffic Control with Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Gheorghe, Viorel (2021). Robust Position Control for High Slip Risk Tricycle Robots with Real-coded Genetic Algorithms. (external link)
- Baracu, Tudor; Patrascu, Monica; Teodosiu, Catalin et al. (2021). Deterministic matrix-based radiative design using a new general formulation of exergy and exergy efficiency for hybrid solar collectors. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2019). Smart Intelligence sau Inteligența Deșteaptă. (external link)
- Patrascu, Adrian; Patrascu, Monica (2019). AI and Individualized Education in Phys Ed and Sport. (external link)
- Banu, Ionut; Patrascu, Monica (2019). Control System Design for Unicycle Robots Using Genetic Algorithms with Pareto Immunization. (external link)
- Ion, Andreea; Patrascu, Monica (2019). A Scalable Algorithm for Self-Organization in Event-Triggered Networked Control Systems. (external link)
- Ionescu, Tudor C.; Patrascu, Monica (2018). Sisteme de conducere a proceselor cu timp mort (Control systems for time delay processes). (external link)
- Badescu, Viorel; Baracu, Tudor; Avram, Elena Rita et al. (2018). On the design and optimization of constructal networks of heat exchangers by considering entropy generation minimization and thermoeconomics. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2018). Design of Semi-Active Seismic Vibration Controllers Using Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Optimization. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Ionescu, Tudor C.; Stoican, Florin (2018). Mobile Robot Control Systems (Sisteme de Conducere pentru Roboti Mobili). (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Constantinescu, Vlad; Ion, Andreea (2018). Controlling Emergency Vehicles in Urban Traffic with Genetic Algorithms. (external link)
- Marica, Ioan; Popescu, Dragos C.; Patrascu, Monica (2018). Plug-and-play Self-configuration and Integration in Swarm Robotics. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Baracu, Tudor; Badescu, Viorel et al. (2018). Modeling air leakage in buildings caused by the cyclic variation of the atmospheric pressure. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Patrascu, Adrian; Beres, Iuliana (2017). An immune evolution mechanism for the study of stress factors in supervised and controlled systems. (external link)
- Baracu, Tudor; Badescu, Viorel; Teodosiu, Catalin et al. (2017). Consideration of a new extended power law of air infiltration through the building’s envelope providing estimations of the leakage area. (external link)
- Constantinescu, Vlad; Patrascu, Monica (2017). Route encoding in evolutionary control systems for emergency vehicles. (external link)
- Ion, Andreea; Patrascu, Monica (2017). Agent Based Modelling of Smart Structures: The Challenges of a New Research Domain. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Ion, Andreea (2017). Self-Adaptation in Genetic Algorithms for Control Engineering: The Case of Time Delay Systems. (external link)
- Marica, Ioan; Patrascu, Monica (2017). A geno-neural approach to data fusion for fixed infrared sensor arrays. (external link)
- Barbulescu, Vlad; Marica, Ioan; Gheorghe, Viorel et al. (2017). Encoder-based path tracking with adaptive cascaded control for a three omni-wheel robot. (external link)
- Stoican, Cristian; Popescu, Dragos C.; Patrascu, Monica (2016). Development of a data acquisition and command board for the control of a didactic 3D crane system. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Ion, Andreea (2016). Evolutionary Modeling of Industrial Plants and Design of PID Controllers. (external link)
- Patrascu, Adrian; Ungureanu, Adrian; Patrascu, Monica et al. (2016). MOTION-AE: an Intelligent Mobile Application for Aerobic Endurance Training. (external link)
- Ion, Andreea; Berceanu, Cristian; Patrascu, Monica (2016). Applying Agent Based Simulation to the Design of Traffic Control Systems with Respect to Real-World Urban Complexity. (external link)
- Ion, Andreea; Constantinescu, Vlad; Patrascu, Monica et al. (2016). A Scalable Agent Based Model for Building Security Simulation. (external link)
- Calciu, Iulian; Vasilescu, Laura Mihaela; Draghici, Adriana et al. (2015). Three omni-wheel ballbot optimum implementation. (external link)
- Dragoicea, Monica; Falcao e Cunha, Joao; Patrascu, Monica (2015). Self-organising socio-technical description in service systems for supporting smart user decisions in public transport. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Ion, Andreea (2015). Controlul vibratiilor seismice cu amortizoare semi-active (Seismic Vibration Control with Semi-Active Dampers). (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Ion, Andreea; Constantinescu, Vlad (2015). Agent based simulation applied to the design of control systems for emergency vehicles access. (external link)
- Ion, Andreea; Patrascu, Monica; Constantinescu, Vlad (2015). Genetic decision mechanism for reasoning and behaviour generation in adaptive intelligent agents. (external link)
- Ion, Andreea; Constantinescu, Vlad; Patrascu, Monica (2015). An Agent Based Simulation Model Applied to Emergency Vehicles in High Traffic Urban Environments. (external link)
- Dragoicea, Monica; Chera, Catalin; Patrascu, Monica (2015). Value Co-Creation In A Virtual Smart Building Service Enterprise For Energy Efficiency And Economic Sustainability. (external link)
- Patrascu, Adrian; Patrascu, Monica; Hantiu, Iacob et al. (2015). Intelligent decision making tool for aiding the setting of optimal intensity in aerobic endurance training. (external link)
- Dragoicea, Monica; Patrascu, Monica; Serea, George Alexandru (2014). Real time agent based simulation for smart city emergency protocols. (external link)
- Patrascu, Adrian; Patrascu, Monica; Hantiu, Iacob (2014). Nonlinear fuzzy control of human heart rate during aerobic endurance training with respect to significant model variations. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Dragoicea, Monica; Ion, Andreea (2014). Emergent intelligence in agents: A scalable architecture for smart cities. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Dragoicea, Monica (2014). Integrating Agents and Services for Control and Monitoring: Managing Emergencies in Smart Buildings. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica (2014). Genetically enhanced modal controller design for seismic vibration in nonlinear multi-damper configuration . (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Stancu, Alexandra Florentina; Pop, Florin (2014). HELGA: a heterogeneous encoding lifelike genetic algorithm for population evolution modeling and simulation. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Dumitrache, Ioan (2012). Hybrid geno-fuzzy controller for seismic vibration control. (external link)
- Hanchevici, Adrian-Bogdan; Patrascu, Monica; Dumitrache, Ioan (2012). A hybrid PID-fuzzy control for linear SISO systems with variant communication delays. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Dumitrache, Ioan; Patrut, Petre (2012). A comparative study for advanced seismic vibration control algorithms. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Voinescu, Monica (2011). Control Engineering: Laboratory Practice (Ingineria Reglării Automate: Îndrumar de laborator). (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Hanchevici, Adrian-Bogdan; Dumitrache, Ioan (2011). Tuning of PID Controllers for Non-Linear MIMO Systems Using Genetic Algorithms. (external link)
- Buiu, Catalin; Arsene, Octavian; Cipu, Corina et al. (2011). A software tool for modeling and simulation of numerical P systems. (external link)
- Patrascu, Monica; Hanchevici, Adrian-Bogdan (2011). Advanced Control Systems: Laboratory Practice (Sisteme Avansate de Conducere: Îndrumar de laborator). (external link)
Current projects (PI)
2024- Emotion-Intelligent Robot System for people with impaired cognition (EI ROBOT), Eureka Eurostars
2024- (co-PI) Center on Complex Conditions and Ageing (CC.AGE), Trond Mohn Research Foundation & University of Bergen, Norway
2023- Digital phenotyping for changes in activity at the end of life in people with dementia: an observational trial based on sensing technology (DIPH.DEM), HelseVest, Norway
2014- Evolutionary Computing in Control Engineering (ECCE), Complex Systems Laboratory (xLab), University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
2012- Smart Training Systems (RunCoSy & Motion-AE), Complex Systems Laboratory (xLab), University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, in collaboration with University Babes-Bolyai, Cluj, Romania
Current projects (team)
2024- Decoding Death and Dying in people with Dementia by Digital thanotyping (5-D), European Research Council & University of Bergen, Norway
2024- Oral care at the end of life in people with dementia (ORAL.DEM), HelseVest, Norway
2023- Virtual darkness and digital phenotyping in specialized and municipal dementia care (DARK.DEM), Reasearch Council of Norway (RCN), Norway
2022- ActiveAgeing (branches Helgetun and DIGI.PARK), University of Bergen, GC Rieber Foundation, Reasearch Council of Norway (RCN), Norway
Past projects (PI)
2016-2017 Evolutionary Algorithms for Intelligent Route Generation for Emergency Vehicles in Urban Traffic (EvoIR) – "Excellence Research Grants", University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
2011-2024 CitySCAPE: Citywide Synergic Control Architecture for Protection during Emergencies, Complex Systems Laboratory (xLab), University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
2013-2021 Ballbots by xLab in collaboration with the Department of Mechatronics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
2016-2018 Cylindrical Robots In a Swarm (CRIS), Complex Systems Laboratory, University Politehnica of Bucharest
2017-2018 Motor Velocity and Torque Control (MoVe), Complex Systems Laboratory, University Politehnica of Bucharest
2016-2017 Genetic Algorithms with Immune Adaptation (GAIA), Complex Systems Laboratory, University Politehnica of Bucharest
2013-2014 A Heterogenous Encoding Lifelike Genetic Algorithm (HELGA), Complex Systems Laboratory, University Politehnica of Bucharest
2006-2017 Structural Seismic Vibration Control (ViCo), Complex Systems Laboratory, University Politehnica of Bucharest
Past projects (team)
2020-2023 Robust trajectory planning for nonlinar incert systems (REPLAN), Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), Romania
2018-2019 Control of Complex Systems using Dimension Reduction (RSCTRD), ARUT, Romania
2010-2013 Strategic program to promote innovation in services through open, continuous education (INSEED), European Social Fund for Romania
2008-2011 Development of bio-inspired cognitive architectures, Exploratory Research Grants, Romania
2005-2006 Autonomous advanced systems for the control of structural oscillations, with University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania.