Nils Anfinset


Professor, Vice-dean




  • Neolithic - Late Neolithic, Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age in the Near East
  • Metallurgy, in particular copper, mining, smelting, casting
  • Late Neolithic and Bronze Age in Skandinavia
  • Pastoral nomads and nomadism
  • Development of political economy and complex socieites
  • Research ethics




Research ethics for masterstudents, course given at AHKR, UiB

ARK 301

ARK 201

ARK 102


Popular scientific book
Programme participation
Popular scientific lecture
Academic lecture
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Feature article
Academic article
Book review
Popular scientific article
Website (informational material)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Doctoral dissertation
Multimedia product
Museum exhibition
Academic monograph
Academic literature review
Reader opinion piece

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

In press:

In press Crafts and resources - Western Norway in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age, proceedings from the 13th Nordic Bronze Age symposium, Gothenburg.

In press Ethnoarchaeology, experimental archaeology and tacit knowledge, in Riss. Et arkeologisk tidsskrift. Universitetet i Bergen.

In press Settlement pattern in Jericho during prehistory, in Portal science for archaeology - approaches from the Mediterranean, ed. T. E. Levy. Equinox Publishing Ltd.In press Crafts and resources - Western Norway in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age, proceedings from the 13th Nordic Bronze Age symposium, Gothenburg.In press Etnoarkeologi, eksperimentell arkeologi og taus kunnskap, i Riss. Et arkeologisk tidsskrift. Universitetet i Bergen.



2011 Social and technological aspects of mining, smelting and casting copper. An ethnoarchaeological study from Nepal. Der Anschnitt. Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum.

2010 Anfinset, N. Metal, Nomads and Culture Contact, Equinox Publishing Ltd., London.


Edited books/anthologies

2016 Meyer, J. C., Heldaas Seland, E. & N. Anfinset (eds.). Palmyrena: City, Hinterland and Caravan Trade between the Orient and the Occident. Archaeopress. Oxford.

2012 Anfinset, N. & Wrigglesworth, M. (eds.) Local Societies in Bronze Age Northern Europe. Equinox Publishing Ltd., London.

2004 Combining the Past and the Present. Archaeological perspectives on society, eds. Oestigaard, T. & Anfinset, N. & Saetersdal, T., BAR International Series 1210.


Reviews, chronicles and comments

2012 Book review: El Kharafish. The archaeology of Sheikh Muftah Patoral Nomads in the desert around Dakhla Oasis (Egypt). By H. Reimer, Africa Praehistorica 25. Heinrich Barth-Institut, Köln, 2011, in Journal of African Archaeology, Vol. 10 (1), 125-127.

2009 The ethics of ethics, or same but different?, in Norwegian Archaeological Review, comments to G. Moshenska, Vol. 42, no. 2, 177-180.

2003 Bosettere i dillemma. Kronikk i Klassekampen 7. juli 2003. (Settlers in dilemma)


Articles in books and journals

2016 Snegler, skjell og fjæresand - fragmenter av bronsealderens gravrituale? Årbok for Universitetsmuseet i Bergen, pp. 15-25. Universitetet i Bergen.

2016 Eksperimentet som feilet: Metallurgi, etnografi og taus kunnskap. Årbok for Universitetsmuseet i Bergen, pp. 127-134. Universitetet i Bergen.

2016 Sven Nilsson - teolog, zoolog og arkeolog, i Riss. Et arkeologisk tidsskrift. pp. 4-13. Universitetet i Bergen.

2016 Palmyrena. The Northern Hinterland of Palmyra (Homs), Meyer, C., Anfinset, N. & T. P. Schou, in A History of Syria in One Hundred Sites, eds. Kanjou. Y & A. Tsuneki. Archaeopress Publishing, Oxford. pp. 355-358.

2016 Bronze casting and cultural connections: Bronze Age workshop at Hunn, Norway Melheim, L., Prescott. C. & N. Anfinset, in Praehistorische Zeitschrift, vol. 91, no. 1, 42-66.

2015 Metal, institutions and economic structures in southern Norway during the Early Bronze Age, in Suchowska-Ducke, P., Scott Reiter, S. & H. Vandkilde (eds.). Forging Identities. The Mobility of Culture in Bronze Age Europe. Report from a Marie Curie Project 2009-2012 with concluding conference at Aarhus University, Moesgaard 2012: volume 2. British Archaeological Reports, S2772, pp. 145-153.

2015 Documenting copper mining and smelting technology, in Metals and Civilzations. Proceedings from BUMA VII, Beginnings of the use of metals and alloys, Bangalore, National Institute of Advanced Studies, eds S. Srinivasan, R. Ranganathan & A. Giumlia-Mair, pp. 223-232.


2012 Bronsealdersverdet fra Rimsvarden: Fortid møter nåtid, i Riss. Et arkeologisk tidsskrift, Nr. 2, 4-11. Universitetet i Bergen. (The bronze sword from Rimsvarden: Past meets present)

2012 Social response or resistance to the introduction of metal? Western Norway at the edge of the "globalised world", in Anfinset, N. & Wrigglesworth, M. (eds.)Local Societies in Bronze Age Northern EuropeEquinox Publishing Ltd., London. 232-250.

2012 Anfinset, N. & Wrigglesworth, M., Introduction: local societies, regions and processes of cultural interaction in the Bronze Age, in Anfinset, N. & Wrigglesworth, M. (eds.)Local Societies in Bronze Age Northern EuropeEquinox Publishing Ltd., London. 1-9.

2011 Formation of economic systems and social institutions: the 5th and 4th milennia in the southern Levant, in Interweaving worlds: systemic interaction in Eurasia, 7th to 1st millennium BC, eds. Wilkinson, T., Sherratt, S. and Bennet, J., Oxbow Publishing. 145-157.

2011 Goldenberg, G., Anfinset, N., Slivestri, E., Belgrado, E., Hanning, E., Klaunzer, M., Schneider, P., Staudt, M. & Töchterle, U. Das Nepal-Experiment - experimentelle Archäometallurgie mit ethnoarchäologischem Ansatz, in Die Geschichte des Bargbaus in Tirol un seinen angrenzenden Gebieten. Proceedings zum 5. Milstone-Meeting des SFB-HiMAT vom 7.-10.10 in Mühlbach, eds. K. Oeggl, G. Goldenberg, T. Stöllner & M. Prast. Innsbruck University Press. 83-90.

2011 Anfinset, N., Taha, H., al-Zawahra, M. & J. Yasine Societies in transition; contextualising Tell el-Mafjar, Jericho, in Culture, Chronology and the Chalcolithic, eds. J. Lowie & Y. Rowan. Oxbow Books, Levant Supplementary Series. 97-113.

2010 Forskningsetiske utfordringer i arkeologien, i Riss - et arkeologisk tidsskrift, nr. 1, 13-20. Universitetet i Bergen.

2010 Anfinset, N. & Meyer, J. C., The hinterland of Palmyra, in Antiquity, Vol. 84, no. 324, June issue,

2009 To eat or not to eat: the social and economic role of the pig in Western Asia during prehistory, in Food and Foodways in the Middle East, ed. Naguib, N., 37-55, Birzeit Univeristy. Ramallah.

2009 The ethics of ethics, or same but different?, in Norwegian Archaeological Review, comments to G. Moshenska, Vol. 42, no. 2, 177-180.

2008 Anfinset, N. Towards specialised food production – a look to Jebel Bishri, Syria, in Jebel Bishri in context. Introduction to the archaeological studies  and te neighbourhood of Jebel Bishri in Central Syria, ed. Lönnqvist, M. BAR International Series 1817, 1-13, Oxford.

2006 Anfinset, Nils Aspects of Excavation, Cooperation and Management; The Joint Palestinian-Norwegian Excavation at Tell el-Mafjar, Jericho, i Tell es-Sultan / Jericho in the context of the Jordan Valley. Site Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development, red. L. Nigro & H. Taha, ”La Sapienza” Expedition to Palestine & Jordan, ROSAPAT 02, Rome, pp. 61-82.

2006 Anfinset, Nils Midtfeltet på Hunn: Impulser og kulturkontakt? i Randi Barndon, Sonja M. Innselset, Kari K. Kristoffersen & Trond K. Lødøen (red.) Festskrift til Gro Mandt på 70-årsdagen, UBAS - Universitetet i Bergen Arkeologiske Skrifter. Nordisk 3, pp. 27-41.

2005 Anfinset, Nils Bosetninger på Vestbredden i fortid og nåtid, i Babylon. Tidsskrift om Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika. Vol. 3, No. 2, 106-115.

2004 Anfinset, N., Meltheim, L. & Prescott, C.: Hunnundersøkelsen: Landskap, kosmologi, riter og metallurgi.

2004 Anfinset, Nils Metallurgy and pastoral nomads in the Chalcolithic of the Southern Levant, i Combining the Past and the Present. Archaeological perspectives on society, reds. Oestigaard, T. & Anfinset, N. & Saetersdal, T., BAR International Series 1210. 61-73.

2003 Anfinset, N. A Passion for Cultural Difference. Archaeology and Ethnicity in the Southern Levant, i Norwegian Archaeological Review, Vol. 36, No. 1, 45-63.

2000 Anfinset, Nils Mining and Smelting Copper in Contemporary Nepal. A Discussion of its Form, Function and Context, i H. Vankilde & D. Olausson (eds.) Form, Function and Context. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia. Lund. Sweden, 203-212.

  • Urban transformation in the southern Levant, a NORHED-project, in collaboration with Birzeit University
  • Trade and landuse in Palmyra and the surrounding territory. Joint Syrian-Norwegian survey between Palmyra and Isriyé (Seriane). Ansvar for tiden ned til og med bronsealder (2009-2012)
  • Global Moments in the Levant; Processes towards political economies in the Levant in the 5th and 4th millennia bc - a comparative approach (2006-2009)
  • Hunn prosjektet (med Christopher Prescott og Anne Lene Melheim) (1998-2003)
  • The joint Palestinian-Norwegian excavation at Tell el-Mafjar, Jericho
  • VikingAR; the use of Augumented Reality in Archaeology and exhibitions (2005)
  • Lower Jordan River Basin Programme, NUFU project (1998-2007)