- Neolithic - Late Neolithic, Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age in the Near East
- Metallurgy, in particular copper, mining, smelting, casting
- Late Neolithic and Bronze Age in Skandinavia
- Pastoral nomads and nomadism
- Development of political economy and complex socieites
- Research ethics
- Anfinset, Nils (2024). The University Museum and Global Research. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2023). Gullringen fra Sveio – kulturarv er gull. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2023). Bronsealderen og gullringen fra Vikse. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2023). Kulturhistorie – funn, samfunn og identitet. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2023). Arbeid med Kulturmiljølov. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2023). Ny kulturmiljølov - arbeidet og utfordringer. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2023). Arbeidet med ny kulturmiljølov. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2022). vordan forholde seg til kolonial arv knyttet til museumssamlinger?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2021). Forskning på skjeletter fra Rapa Nui (Påskeøya) - urbefolkning, prøvetaking og ansvar. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2020). Er arkeologiutdanningen for akademisk?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2018). Veileder ved funn av menneskelige levninger. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2016). Skjelettutvalget og forskningsetiske perspektiver. (external link)
- Storaas, Frode; Anfinset, Nils (2015). Presentation of the film Tama Gaun - the Copper Village. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2014). Forskningsetikk i teori og praksis. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Storås, Frode; Kharel, Dipesh (2014). Urpremiere: Tama Gaun. The copper village. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2014). Erfaringer med forskningsplaner og forskningssamarbeid. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Storås, Frode; Kharel, Dipesh (2014). Tama Gaun. The copper village. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2014). Noen erfaringer om forskningsplaner og forskningssamarbeid. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2014). For mange arkeologer. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2013). Arkeologi sett fra undervisningen. (external link)
Popular scientific book
Programme participation
- Anfinset, Nils (2024). Å stille ut døde. (external link)
- Hjelle, Kari Loe; Anfinset, Nils (2023). Stengingen av Universitetsmuseet var helt nødvendig. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). Kommentarer til at Norge gav 500.000 til kulturminnene i Irak. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). Kommentarer til plyndringen av Bagdad Museum og andre kulturminner i Irak. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). Nye kommentarer til de siste plyndringene i Irak. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Anfinset, Nils (2024). Hæ! Er bronsealderen viktig?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2024). Hva er bronsealderen. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2024). Bronsealderen. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2017). Kultur i konflikt. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2010). Arkeologi og historie. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2009). Arkeologi i Midtøsten i teori og praksis. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2009). BETYDNINGEN AV ETNISITET FRA FORTID TIL NÅTID. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2009). Arkeologi på okkupert jord. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2007). Steinalderen. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Identitet, kulturminner og politikk. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Kulturminner og politikk- Innledning til filmen "Guyabo - et fredet kuturminne i Peru". (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Egypt - En sivilisasjon blir til. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Hvordan arkeologer jobber i Midtøsten. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Archaeology in theory and practice; implications of working in the Middle East. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Et bronsestøpeprosjekt i Nepal. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Når arkeologiske objekter blir antikviteter - kjøp og salg av fortiden. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Bosettinger og kulturhistorie: Arkeologi i det hellige land. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2004). Jeriko før og nå: et arkeologisk utgravnings prosjekt. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2000). Midtøsten - fortid og nåtid. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2024). Museene og Gaza. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2023). Elise (8) gjorde oppsiktsvekkende funn i skolegården. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2023). Denne boken burde aldri vært utgitt. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2022). Her ser du tre samiske menn. Burde disse maskene bli stilt ut?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2022). Får stadig nye problemstillinger knyttet til forskning på menneskelige levninger. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2021). Fikk nei til forskningsprosjekt fordi det kunne spre fordommer mot samene. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2019). Skjelettutvalget: Setter forskningen i et rart lys. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2019). Skal vi la døde mennesker ligge, eller skal vi forske på dem?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2018). - En veileder for forvaltning av menneskelige levninger. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2018). Skjeletter: Hva finner vi ? Hvor finner vi det ?Hva kan vi lese ut av det ?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2018). Fikk kjeft for å ha vasket hodeskalle. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2018). Når er det ok å beholde en hodeskalle?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2018). Getting to the source of ancient Egypt’s copper. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2018). Fann fleire tusen år gammal sigd. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2018). Det er lett å trå feil når du forsker på gamle skjeletter. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2018). Har du skjelett i skapet? Høyr kva du må gjere om du skulle kome over eit skjelett!. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2017). Fikk kjeft for å vaske hodeskalle. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2017). Bynjar fant unik gjenstand fra bronsealderen. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2017). Hodebry i Bergen. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2015). Hvordan Palmyra var, og hvorfor viktig i forskningen. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2014). Utanna til uvisse. Høg utdanning er alltid eit god for samfunnet. Men har vi eigentleg bruk for all denne utdanniga?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2014). Urbanisation out of control. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2014). Utdanna til uvisse. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2013). Spurveugle til etikk-kurs. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2013). Kudos to ethics committee. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2013). 1000 år gamle jødiske skrifter oppdaga i hole i Afghanistan. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2013). Hva med kulturminnene i Irak - 10 år etter invasjonen. (external link)
- Amundsen, Bård; Meyer, Jørgen Christian; Seland, Eivind Heldaas et al. (2012). Mysteriet Palmyra. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Fortid-Nåtid-Framtid. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Leirebit skal vere første bevis for byen Betlehem. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Om religion i tidlige jordbrukssamfunn. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Europas første by funnet i Spania. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Kort sagt: om ødeleggelsene i Aleppo. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Ødeleggelser av kulturminner i Aleppo, Syria. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Kan ha hentet kopper fra norske fjell i 3500 år. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2011). Eldste kjente vinpresse funnet i Armenia; vindyrking og drikkekultur. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2010). Vergessene Technologien. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2010). Sporer bibelske bier. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2010). Sporer bibelske bier. Bier fra bibelsk tid kan vise handelssamkvem over store avstander i Midtøsten for 3000 år siden. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2010). Storslått skilpaddemåltid kan endre historieskrivningen. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2009). Skader på Gazas kulturarv. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2007). Nasjonalmuseet i Baghdad skadet, NRK P2, Kulturnytt, 6. august. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Kulturminner i fare. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Kulturminner i fare. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Ulovlig utgraving på Vestbredden. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Å grave i en krigssituasjon. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Ødeleggelser av kulturminner i Irak. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Ny samfunnsstruktur for 6000 år siden. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2004). Jeg fant Atlantis. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Anfinset, Nils (2024). Framing the Late Neolithic in Western Norway. Were they all settled farmers. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2023). Har de døde rettigheter? Etiske utfordringer til forskning på menneskelige levninger?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2022). The Entageled History of the Levant. (external link)
- Austvoll, Knut Ivar; Horn, Christian; Anfinset, Nils (2022). Scaling Bronze Age Societies. Between the Micro and Macro. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Rio, Knut (2021). What happened in Bergen? The museum that became university. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2021). Introduction to the seminar on return of human remains? Practices, implications and ethical issues. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2020). Introduction: Return of human remains? Practices, implications and ethical issues. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Goldenberg, Gert; Hanning, Erica (2019). COPPER SMELTING - TO SUCCEED OR NOT TO SUCCEED; THE QUESTION IS WHY?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Goldenberg, Gert; Hanning, Erica (2019). Knoweldge Transfer in Alpine Bronze Age Copper Smelting Process. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2019). Skjelettutvalget - hvem er vi og hva gjør vi. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2019). Lanscape and Urbanization in the southern Levant - past and present. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2019). Changing politics, conflict, urban development and the role of culture heritage in Palestine. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Johannessen, Lene Os (2019). Rapport fra Norge. Skjelettutvalget og arbeidet vi gjør. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2019). Kulturarv i Palestina. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2019). Graver fra sein steinalder og bronsealder med littisk materiale. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2018). Humans, things and places. Heritage in conflict. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Salem, Hamed (2018). Understanding et-Tell as heritage in a past and present urban landscape. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2018). Culture in Crisis. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2018). The Urban Transformation in the Southern Levant; project and introduction. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2017). Stone Dead! Lithic in material in Late Neolithic and Bronze Age burials. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2016). Dynamics and transformation during the Bronze Age of coastal Norway. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2016). Ethnoarchaeological studies on copper production in Nepal. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2016). Ethnoarchaeology as Means for Archaeological Interpretation. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2015). Introduksjon til krig, konflikt og truet kulturarv - å utvide arkeologiens anvendelsesområde. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2015). The Syrian steppe in the context of Göbliki Tepe and its wider implications of the Neolithic. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2015). Crossing the Red Sea? Contacts between the Nile Valley and the Arabian Peninsula in the late 4th and early 3rd millennium BCE. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2015). Archaeological examples and reflections on ethical dilemmas working in conflict regions. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2015). Crafts, Materials and Power - a view from western Norway in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2015). Archaeology and the natural sciences: a look at the use of natural sciences in archaeology from the 18th century until today. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2013). Globalarkeologi. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Storås, Frode; Kharel, Dipesh (2013). Vanishing technologies. Revisting copper mining and smelting in Nepal. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Cairns and stone structures of the Syrian Steppe. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Palmyrena prosjektet: arkeologi i teori og praksis. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Metal, institutions and economic structures in south Norway during the Early Bronze Age. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Arkeologi, politikk og religion. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Cairns, stone structures and nomads. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Palmyrena in the prehistoric period: cycles of change and adaptation. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2011). Interaction and use of the Syrian dry steppe from Pre-Pottery Neolithic to Bronze Age. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2011). Fra Syria via Nepal til Alpene. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Goldenberg, Gert; Silvestri, Elena (2011). The Nepal-process. When ethnoarchaeology meets experimental archaeology. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2010). Steppen som arena for handel, interaksjon og innovasjon. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2010). Preliminary results from the PPNB and Early Bronze Age. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2010). Social and technological aspects of mining, smelting and casting copper - an ethnoarchaeological study from Nepal. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2009). Palmyra og territoriet utenfor. (external link)
- Seland, Eivind Heldaas; Meyer, Jørgen Christian; Anfinset, Nils (2009). Palmyra: Brudd og kontinuitet i senantikken. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Meyer, Jørgen Christian; Seland, Eivind Heldaas (2009). Palmyrena: City, Hinterland and Caravan Trade between the Occident and the Orient. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2009). Jericho; Kulturminner, konflikt og globalisering. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2009). Seminar and workshop on the landscape and interaction of the Levant. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Meyer, Jørgen Christian; Seland, Eivind Heldaas (2009). The First Two Seasons of Survey Palmyra-Issariah. The Joint Syrian-Norwegian project. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2009). Some preliminary results of the 1st season – Palmyra and the hinterland. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2008). Social response or resistance to the introduction of metal? at the edge of the “globalised world”. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Kristoffersen, Kari Klæboe; Breien, Fredrik sundt (2008). Augumented Reality og formidling: et pilotprosjekt ved Bergen Museum. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2008). The Global Moments Project. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2008). Economic systems in formation; the southern Levant and Northeast Africa during the 5th and 4th millennia BC. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2008). From equality to inequalty; a major shift in social transformation of the Near East. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2008). The oasis's of Jericho and Palmyra; their surroundings and potential for digitalized culture heritage. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2008). Tokens, specialised production and religion; towards complexity; travel in past and present. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2008). Settlement pattern in Jericho and the central hills of Palestine. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2008). Beginnings of Cultural Complexity in the Levant. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2008). Levantine and Western Desert Pastoral Traditions of Northeast Africa, implications for culture contact. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2007). Arkeologi i "ondskapensakse" - Syria. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2007). THE ROLE OF PASTORAL NOMADS IN THE 5TH AND 4TH MILLENNIA BC. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2007). Det politiske landskapet i Levanten i 5-4. årtusen i Levanten: prosesser på veg mot økt kompleksitet. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2007). Settlements in a political and culture-historical framework. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2007). På veg motkomplekse samfunn; sosial og økonomiske endringer med utgangspunkt i utgravningene i Jericho. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2007). Processess of political economies of the 5th and 4th millennia BC. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2007). Towards political economies and empires. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2007). Claiming historical rights in a nation building process; the case of Israel and Palestine. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2007). Copper in pre-urban societies. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2007). Pigs of the Jordan Valley and beyond; a social and economic perspective. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Towards political economy of the late prehistory of the Levant. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Societies without a state: Pastoral nomads and villagers in the Levant. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Levantine and Western Desert pastoral traditions of northeast Africa?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). The Chalcolithic Period of the southern Levant. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Border Archaeology: The Nubian A-Group and its relations. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Contextualising Tell el-Mafjar, Jericho. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). The joint Palestinian-Norwegian excabation at Tell el-Mafjar: the 5th and the 4th millenia of the Lowe Jordan valley: results and future prospects. The Tell es - Sultan in the context of the Jordan Valley: Site management, conservation and sustainable development. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Norsk arkeologi - et spørsmål om grenser?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Tell el-Mafjar in a broader contemporary perspective: The Jordan Valley and beyond. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Cultivation & Pastoralism in late Neolithic & Charcolithic period. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Kulturarv i Irak: Omfang og implikasjoner. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2004). Neolithic Societies in Northern Mesopotamia � a look towards Jebel Bishri. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2004). Copper Awls and Pastoral Nomads in the 4th millennium BC � a link between the Levant and NE-Africa?�. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2004). Identitet, Etnisitet og Modernitet: Konstruksjonen av etniske grupper og kulturer i Midtøsten i fortid og nåtid. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2004). The Joint Palestinian-Norwegian Excavation at Tell el-Mafjar, Jericho 2002. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2004). Culture heritage under pressure, and the recent excavations at Tell el-Mafjar, Jericho�. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2004). Å grave i en krigssone: Arkeologiske funn i striden mellom Israel og Palestina. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2004). Results from the 2003 season at Tell el-Mafjar, Jericho: The lithics and the small finds some preliminary results. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). Copper in pre-urban societies of the Southern Levant and Northeast Africa. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). Seminar on Lithic Technology: Technology, Function and Typology of the Southern Levant. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). Arkeologi og krig: Midtøsten. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). Archaeology in a sacred and contested region: Jericho 2002. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). Jericho: en arkeologisk utgravning. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). Krigen om Kulturminnene. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2002). The Nubian A-Group - Copper artefacts and cultural implications. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2002). Connections and impulses of the Middle East and Norheast Africa in the 4th Millenium BC. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2002). Kulturelle endringsprosesser i den chalcolittiske perioden i Midtøsten. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2002). Societies on the fringes: Trade and contacts in the ¤th millenium BC. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2000). Kulturelle endringsprosesser i den chalcolittiske perioden i Midtøsten. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2000). Hunnundersøkelsen: Landskap, kosmologi, riter og metallurgi. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2000). Results from last year research and the potential of the Chalcolithic period. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (1997). Mining and Smelting Copper in Contemporary Nepal. A Discussion of its form, Function and Context. (external link)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Feature article
- Anfinset, Nils; Denham, Sean Dexter; Johannessen, Lene Os (2022). Ikke forskningssensur, men forskningsetikk. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Denham, Sean Dexter; Johannessen, Lene Os (2022). Akademisk frihet, etnisitet og forskningsetikk. (external link)
- Rio, Knut; Anfinset, Nils; Bergsvik, Knut Andreas (2020). Forskningen ut med badevannet. (external link)
- Ingierd, Helene; Aarli, Ragna; Staksrud, Elisabeth et al. (2020). Hvor ble det av forskningsetikken?. (external link)
- Bergsvik, Knut Andreas; Hansen, Gitte; Anfinset, Nils et al. (2017). Ingen pengesum vil kunne erstatte det tapte. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). Bosettere i dilemma. (external link)
Academic article
- Anfinset, Nils; Manger, Leif Ole; Shunnaq, Mohammed Suleiman et al. (2022). Can a Local Descent Group Become an Interna4onal Network? Research on the Rashāyidah in Five Countries. (external link)
- Melheim, Anne Lene; Prescott, Christopher; Anfinset, Nils (2016). Bronze casting and cultural connections: Bronze Age workshops at Hunn, Norway. (external link)
- Meyer, Jørgen Christian; Anfinset, Nils (2010). The Hinterland of Palmyra. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Bosetninger på Vestbredden i fortid og nåtid. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2004). Preliminary Report on the First Excavation of the Palestinian - Norwegian Excavation at Tell el-Mafjar, 2002, Jericho. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). A Passion for Cultural Difference. Ethnicithy and Archaeology in the Southern Levant. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2000). Teknologi og Etnoarkeologi. (external link)
Book review
- Anfinset, Nils (2021). Joakim Goldhahn: Birds in the Bronze Age. A North European Perspective. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2019. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2020). Review: Kristin Armstrong Oma. 2018. The sheep people: the ontology of making lives, building homes and forging herds in Early Bronze Age Norway. Sheffield: Equinox. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2019). Bender Jørgensen, Lise, Soafer Joanna og Marie Louise Stig Sørensen (eds.) 2018 Creativity in the Bronze Age. Understanding Innovation in Pottery, Textile, and Metalwork Production. Cambridge University Press. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Book review: El Kharafish. The archaeology of Sheikh Muftah Patoral Nomads in the desert around Dakhla Oasis (Egypt). By H. Reimer, Africa Praehistorica 25. Heinrich Barth-Institut, Köln, 2011. (external link)
Popular scientific article
- Anfinset, Nils (2020). Fragmenter av historier - et bronsefunn fra Veum. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Bergsvik, Knut Andreas; Dommasnes, Liv Helga et al. (2017). Svart natt på Universitetsmuseet. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2017). Etnoarkeologi, eksperimentell arkeologi og taus kunnskap. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2016). Sven Nilsson - teolog, zoolog og arkeolog. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2016). Snegler, skjell og fjæresanf - fragmenter av bronsealderens gravritualer?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2016). Eksperimentet som feilet: Metallurgi, etnografi og taus kunnskap. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Bronsealdersverdet fra Rimsvarden: Fortid møter nåtid. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2010). Fra tidlige jordbrukere til pastoralnomader. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2010). Forskningsetiske utfordringer i arkeologien. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2004). En arkeologisk utgravning i Jeriko på Vestbredden. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). Irak - Hva skjer?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). Er Unesco partisk?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2003). Museumsdirektør uten museer. (external link)
Website (informational material)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Anfinset, Nils (2017). Craft and resources - western Norway in the Late Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2017). Craft and materials in the Bronze Age. (external link)
- Meyer, Jørgen Christian; Anfinset, Nils; Schou, Torbjørn Preus (2016). Palmyrena. The Northern Hinterland of Palmyra (Homs). (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2015). Metal, Institutions and Economic Structures in Southern Norway during the Early Bronze Age. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2015). Documenting copper Mining and Smelting Technology. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2012). Social response or resistance to the introduction of metal? Western Norway at the edge of the "globalized world". (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Wrigglesworth, Melanie (2012). Introduction: local societies, regions and processes of cultural interaction in the Bronze Age. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2011). Formation of Economic systems and social institutions during the fifth and fourth millennia BC in the southern Levant. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Taha, H.; al-Zawahra, M. et al. (2011). Societies in Transition: Contextualizing Tell el-Mafjar, Jericho. (external link)
- Goldenberg, Gert; Anfinset, Nils; Silvestri, Elena et al. (2011). Das Nepal-Experiment - experimentelle Archäometallurgie mit ethnoarchäologischem Ansatz. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2009). From village to city?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2009). To eat or not to eat: the social and economic role of the pig in western Asia during prehistory. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2008). Towards specialised food production - a look at Jebel Bishri. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Midtfeltet på Hunn: impulser og kulturkontakt?. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2006). Aspects of Excavation, Cooperation and Management; The Joint Palestinian-Norwegian Excavation at Tell el-Mafjar, Jericho. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2004). Metallurgy and pastoral nomads in the Chalcolithic of the Southern Levant. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Melheim, Anne Lene (2002). En begravet støpeplass fra bronsealderen. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2000). Environmental Impact of Copper Mining and Smelting - Past and Present: A Case study from Okharbot Village Myagdi District. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Meyer, Jørgen Christian; Seland, Eivind Heldaas; Anfinset, Nils (2016). Palmyrena: City, Hinterland and Caravan Trade Between Orient and Occident: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Athens, December 1-3, 2012. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils; Wrigglesworth, Melanie (2012). Local Societies in Bronze Age Northern Europe. (external link)
- Oestigaard, Terje; Anfinset, Nils; Saetersdal, Tore (2004). Combining the Past and the Present: Archaeological perspectives on society. (external link)
- Østigård, Terje; Anfinset, Nils; Saetersdal, Tore (2004). Combining the Past and the Present: Archaeological perspectives on society. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
- Schou, Torbjørn Preus; Anfinset, Nils; Meyer, Jørgen Christian (2015). Mobile pastoralist groups and the Palmyrene in the late Early to Middle Bronze Age (c. 2400-1700 BCE). An archaeological synthesis based on a multidisciplinary approach focusing on satellite imagery studies, environmental data, and textual sources. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Secondary Products, Pastoral Nomads and the Introduction of Metal: The 5th and 4th Millenia BC in the Southern Levant and Nort-East Africa. (external link)
Multimedia product
Museum exhibition
Academic monograph
- Anfinset, Nils (2010). Pamyrena: The Early Bronze Age. (external link)
- Meyer, Jørgen Christian; Seland, Eivind Heldaas; Anfinset, Nils (2010). Palmyrena. City, Hinterland and Caravan Trade between Occident and Orient. 6 posters. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2010). Pre-Pottery Neolithic Hunters. (external link)
Academic literature review
- Anfinset, Nils (2009). Palmyrena. Palmyra and the surrounding territory. Joint Syrian-Norwegian Project surface survey north of Palmyra April and May 2009. Preliminary Report. Prehistoric Periods. (external link)
- Anfinset, Nils (2005). Report to the UNESCO on the International training Workshop "Tell es- Sultan in the context of the Jordan Valeey: site management, conservation ans sustainable development. (external link)
Reader opinion piece
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
In press:
In press Crafts and resources - Western Norway in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age, proceedings from the 13th Nordic Bronze Age symposium, Gothenburg.
In press Ethnoarchaeology, experimental archaeology and tacit knowledge, in Riss. Et arkeologisk tidsskrift. Universitetet i Bergen.
In press Settlement pattern in Jericho during prehistory, in Portal science for archaeology - approaches from the Mediterranean, ed. T. E. Levy. Equinox Publishing Ltd.In press Crafts and resources - Western Norway in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age, proceedings from the 13th Nordic Bronze Age symposium, Gothenburg.In press Etnoarkeologi, eksperimentell arkeologi og taus kunnskap, i Riss. Et arkeologisk tidsskrift. Universitetet i Bergen.
2011 Social and technological aspects of mining, smelting and casting copper. An ethnoarchaeological study from Nepal. Der Anschnitt. Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum.
2010 Anfinset, N. Metal, Nomads and Culture Contact, Equinox Publishing Ltd., London.
Edited books/anthologies
2016 Meyer, J. C., Heldaas Seland, E. & N. Anfinset (eds.). Palmyrena: City, Hinterland and Caravan Trade between the Orient and the Occident. Archaeopress. Oxford.
2012 Anfinset, N. & Wrigglesworth, M. (eds.) Local Societies in Bronze Age Northern Europe. Equinox Publishing Ltd., London.
2004 Combining the Past and the Present. Archaeological perspectives on society, eds. Oestigaard, T. & Anfinset, N. & Saetersdal, T., BAR International Series 1210.
Reviews, chronicles and comments
2012 Book review: El Kharafish. The archaeology of Sheikh Muftah Patoral Nomads in the desert around Dakhla Oasis (Egypt). By H. Reimer, Africa Praehistorica 25. Heinrich Barth-Institut, Köln, 2011, in Journal of African Archaeology, Vol. 10 (1), 125-127.
2009 The ethics of ethics, or same but different?, in Norwegian Archaeological Review, comments to G. Moshenska, Vol. 42, no. 2, 177-180.
2003 Bosettere i dillemma. Kronikk i Klassekampen 7. juli 2003. (Settlers in dilemma)
Articles in books and journals
2016 Snegler, skjell og fjæresand - fragmenter av bronsealderens gravrituale? Årbok for Universitetsmuseet i Bergen, pp. 15-25. Universitetet i Bergen.
2016 Eksperimentet som feilet: Metallurgi, etnografi og taus kunnskap. Årbok for Universitetsmuseet i Bergen, pp. 127-134. Universitetet i Bergen.
2016 Sven Nilsson - teolog, zoolog og arkeolog, i Riss. Et arkeologisk tidsskrift. pp. 4-13. Universitetet i Bergen.
2016 Palmyrena. The Northern Hinterland of Palmyra (Homs), Meyer, C., Anfinset, N. & T. P. Schou, in A History of Syria in One Hundred Sites, eds. Kanjou. Y & A. Tsuneki. Archaeopress Publishing, Oxford. pp. 355-358.
2016 Bronze casting and cultural connections: Bronze Age workshop at Hunn, Norway Melheim, L., Prescott. C. & N. Anfinset, in Praehistorische Zeitschrift, vol. 91, no. 1, 42-66.
2015 Metal, institutions and economic structures in southern Norway during the Early Bronze Age, in Suchowska-Ducke, P., Scott Reiter, S. & H. Vandkilde (eds.). Forging Identities. The Mobility of Culture in Bronze Age Europe. Report from a Marie Curie Project 2009-2012 with concluding conference at Aarhus University, Moesgaard 2012: volume 2. British Archaeological Reports, S2772, pp. 145-153.
2015 Documenting copper mining and smelting technology, in Metals and Civilzations. Proceedings from BUMA VII, Beginnings of the use of metals and alloys, Bangalore, National Institute of Advanced Studies, eds S. Srinivasan, R. Ranganathan & A. Giumlia-Mair, pp. 223-232.
2012 Bronsealdersverdet fra Rimsvarden: Fortid møter nåtid, i Riss. Et arkeologisk tidsskrift, Nr. 2, 4-11. Universitetet i Bergen. (The bronze sword from Rimsvarden: Past meets present)
2012 Social response or resistance to the introduction of metal? Western Norway at the edge of the "globalised world", in Anfinset, N. & Wrigglesworth, M. (eds.)Local Societies in Bronze Age Northern Europe. Equinox Publishing Ltd., London. 232-250.
2012 Anfinset, N. & Wrigglesworth, M., Introduction: local societies, regions and processes of cultural interaction in the Bronze Age, in Anfinset, N. & Wrigglesworth, M. (eds.)Local Societies in Bronze Age Northern Europe. Equinox Publishing Ltd., London. 1-9.
2011 Formation of economic systems and social institutions: the 5th and 4th milennia in the southern Levant, in Interweaving worlds: systemic interaction in Eurasia, 7th to 1st millennium BC, eds. Wilkinson, T., Sherratt, S. and Bennet, J., Oxbow Publishing. 145-157.
2011 Goldenberg, G., Anfinset, N., Slivestri, E., Belgrado, E., Hanning, E., Klaunzer, M., Schneider, P., Staudt, M. & Töchterle, U. Das Nepal-Experiment - experimentelle Archäometallurgie mit ethnoarchäologischem Ansatz, in Die Geschichte des Bargbaus in Tirol un seinen angrenzenden Gebieten. Proceedings zum 5. Milstone-Meeting des SFB-HiMAT vom 7.-10.10 in Mühlbach, eds. K. Oeggl, G. Goldenberg, T. Stöllner & M. Prast. Innsbruck University Press. 83-90.
2011 Anfinset, N., Taha, H., al-Zawahra, M. & J. Yasine Societies in transition; contextualising Tell el-Mafjar, Jericho, in Culture, Chronology and the Chalcolithic, eds. J. Lowie & Y. Rowan. Oxbow Books, Levant Supplementary Series. 97-113.
2010 Forskningsetiske utfordringer i arkeologien, i Riss - et arkeologisk tidsskrift, nr. 1, 13-20. Universitetet i Bergen.
2010 Anfinset, N. & Meyer, J. C., The hinterland of Palmyra, in Antiquity, Vol. 84, no. 324, June issue,
2009 To eat or not to eat: the social and economic role of the pig in Western Asia during prehistory, in Food and Foodways in the Middle East, ed. Naguib, N., 37-55, Birzeit Univeristy. Ramallah.
2009 The ethics of ethics, or same but different?, in Norwegian Archaeological Review, comments to G. Moshenska, Vol. 42, no. 2, 177-180.
2008 Anfinset, N. Towards specialised food production – a look to Jebel Bishri, Syria, in Jebel Bishri in context. Introduction to the archaeological studies and te neighbourhood of Jebel Bishri in Central Syria, ed. Lönnqvist, M. BAR International Series 1817, 1-13, Oxford.
2006 Anfinset, Nils Aspects of Excavation, Cooperation and Management; The Joint Palestinian-Norwegian Excavation at Tell el-Mafjar, Jericho, i Tell es-Sultan / Jericho in the context of the Jordan Valley. Site Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development, red. L. Nigro & H. Taha, ”La Sapienza” Expedition to Palestine & Jordan, ROSAPAT 02, Rome, pp. 61-82.
2006 Anfinset, Nils Midtfeltet på Hunn: Impulser og kulturkontakt? i Randi Barndon, Sonja M. Innselset, Kari K. Kristoffersen & Trond K. Lødøen (red.) Festskrift til Gro Mandt på 70-årsdagen, UBAS - Universitetet i Bergen Arkeologiske Skrifter. Nordisk 3, pp. 27-41.
2005 Anfinset, Nils Bosetninger på Vestbredden i fortid og nåtid, i Babylon. Tidsskrift om Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika. Vol. 3, No. 2, 106-115.
2004 Anfinset, N., Meltheim, L. & Prescott, C.: Hunnundersøkelsen: Landskap, kosmologi, riter og metallurgi.
2004 Anfinset, Nils Metallurgy and pastoral nomads in the Chalcolithic of the Southern Levant, i Combining the Past and the Present. Archaeological perspectives on society, reds. Oestigaard, T. & Anfinset, N. & Saetersdal, T., BAR International Series 1210. 61-73.
2003 Anfinset, N. A Passion for Cultural Difference. Archaeology and Ethnicity in the Southern Levant, i Norwegian Archaeological Review, Vol. 36, No. 1, 45-63.
2000 Anfinset, Nils Mining and Smelting Copper in Contemporary Nepal. A Discussion of its Form, Function and Context, i H. Vankilde & D. Olausson (eds.) Form, Function and Context. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia. Lund. Sweden, 203-212.
- Urban transformation in the southern Levant, a NORHED-project, in collaboration with Birzeit University
- Trade and landuse in Palmyra and the surrounding territory. Joint Syrian-Norwegian survey between Palmyra and Isriyé (Seriane). Ansvar for tiden ned til og med bronsealder (2009-2012)
- Global Moments in the Levant; Processes towards political economies in the Levant in the 5th and 4th millennia bc - a comparative approach (2006-2009)
- Hunn prosjektet (med Christopher Prescott og Anne Lene Melheim) (1998-2003)
- The joint Palestinian-Norwegian excavation at Tell el-Mafjar, Jericho
- VikingAR; the use of Augumented Reality in Archaeology and exhibitions (2005)
- Lower Jordan River Basin Programme, NUFU project (1998-2007)