Nivedita Gangopadhyay


Senior Academic Librarian, Philosophy



I work in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science. My areas of specialisation are social cognition, perception, action, embodied cognition and theories of consciousness. Previously I have been a Marie Curie Fellow (Intra-European Fellowship for Experienced Researcher) at the Center for Mind, Brain and Cognitive Evolution, Institut für Philosophie II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany) and have held postdoctoral fellowships at Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), and at the Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol (UK). I am also currently exploring philosophical research into Digital Humanities. 

Academic article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Journal Articles:

2023: Knappik, F. & Gangopadhyay, N. “Introduction to the Phenomenology of Joint Action”, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. 

2021: Gangopadhyay, N. and Pichler, A. “Texts: A Case Study of Joint Action”, SATS: Northern European Journal of Philosophy

2018: Hadersbeck, M., Pichler, A., Ullrich, S., Röhrer, I., and Gangopadhyay, N. “The FinderApp WiTTFind for Wittgenstein’s Nachlass”, Archives of Data Science, Series A 5(1) 

2017: Gangopadhyay, N. and Pichler, A.“Understanding the Immediacy of Other Minds”, European Journal of Philosophy, 25(4): 1305-1326 

2017: Gangopadhyay, N. “Introduction - The Future of Social Cognition: Paradigms, Concepts and Experiments”, Synthese, 194(3): 655-672

2014: “Perception and the Problem of Access to Other Minds”, (co-authored with K. Miyahara), Philosophical Psychology, 28(5): 695-714

2014: “Introduction - Embodiment and Empathy: Current Debates in Social Cognition” Topoi , 33(1): 117- 127

2013: “Sensorimotor Intentionality: A binding factor for perception, cognition and action?” (co-authored with. J. Delafield-Butt), Developmental Review, 33: 399-425

2013: “Theory of mind and the unobservability of other minds” (co-authored with V.Bohl), Philosophical Explorations 17(2): 203-222

2013: “The dialogically extended mind: language as skillful intersubjective engagement” (co-authored with R. Fusaroli and K.Tylén), Cognitive Systems Research 29: 31-39

2011: “Extended Mind: Born to be Wild? A lesson from action-understanding”, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 10 (3): 377-397.

2011: “Seeing minds: A neurophilosophical investigation of the role of perception-action coupling in social perception” (co-authored with L. Schilbach), Social Neuroscience, 7(4): 410-423

2010: "Experiential Blindness Revisited: In Defence of a Case of Embodied Cognition", Cognitive Systems Research, 1(4): 396-407

2008: "Enactivism and the Unity of Perception and Action" (co-authored with J. Kiverstein). Topoi, 28 (1), 63-73.

2006: "The Embodied Machine: Autonomy, Imagination and Artificial Agents" In T. Kovacs & J.A.R. Marshall (Eds.) Proceedings of the AISB'06 Convention: Adaptation in Artificial and Biological Systems, (I), 136-143, Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour, Bristol, UK.

Edited Volumes:

Forthcoming: First editor of Frontiers in Psychology Research Topic “Varieties of Agency: Exploring New Avenues” (co-edited with F. Knappik and V. Puusepp 

2023: Special Issue “Phenomenology of Joint Action” (co-edited with F. Knappik), Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. 

2017: Editor, Special issue “The Future of Social Cognition: Paradigms, Concepts and Experiments”, Synthese, 194(3)

2014: Editor, Special issue “Embodiment and Empathy: Current debates in social cognition”, Topoi, 33(1)

2010: First editor of the volume Perception, Action and Consciousness: Sensorimotor Dynamics and Two Visual Systems, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (second and third editors are Dr. Michael Madary and Dr. Finn Spicer respectively).

Book Chapters:

Forthcoming: Gangopadhyay, N., Grève, S.S. and Pichler, N. “A Complex Philosophical Oeuvre and its Complex User Community: The Case of the Wittgenstein Archives Bergen”. In A. Rockenberger, S. Gilbert, and J. Tiemann (eds.) Proceedings of the DHNB2023: 7th Conference of Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. Oslo: University of Oslo Press. 

2021: Pichler,A., Fielding, J.M., Gangopadhyay, N. and Opdahl, A.L. “Crisscross ontology: Mapping concept dynamics, competing argument and multiperspectival knowledge in philosophy”, In F. Ciracì, R. Fedriga, C. Marras (eds.), Quaderni di «Filosofia» Filosofia Digitale, pp. 59-73. Mimesis Edizioni, Milano-Udine.

2012: "The Extended Mind and the Boundaries of Perception and Action". In F. Paglieri (ed.), Consciousness in Interaction: The role of the natural and social context in shaping consciousness, pp. 41-58. Amsterdam: John Benjamins

2010: “Introduction: Perception, action and consciousness” In N. Gangopadhyay, M. Madary & F. Spicer, (eds.) Perception, Action and Consciousness: Sensorimotor Dynamics and Two Visual Systems, pp. 1-18. Oxford: Oxford University Press


Book Reviews:

2011: Review of Simulating Minds: The Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience of Mindreading by Alvin I. Goldman, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 62: 437-441